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Author Topic: COVEN: Gulled Goldsmiths and Lost Locomotives  (Read 153957 times)

Dustan Hache

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Re: COVEN: Cannibalism and Nostalgia
« Reply #255 on: April 01, 2017, 07:17:29 am »

Failure on my part there; didn't write the weapon list correctly. Staffs should be at least a metre in length, staff-sized, if you will. Sorry.
Darn. Hang on while I think of something else then.
Edit: turn adjusted.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2017, 07:21:58 am by Dustan Hache »
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: COVEN: Cannibalism and Nostalgia
« Reply #256 on: April 02, 2017, 07:33:56 am »

I Write his thing on his Whats a ma call it.

Next I Head down to the dump and look for the following: a Broom, some bike handles, and a bit of rope, Tie the handles to the broom top in such a way as I could hold on while riding it like a bike, make it into a vehicle, and head back.

You help out Goethe.

You manage to find what you want and invest one puissant clot to turn it into a flying broom.

It immediately floats a few metres into the air, coming to rest at waist height and hovering for a bit before floating to the ground.

Carrying it is weird, like its weight keeps changing.

Test my new toy.

On a full highway.

There is no way this can go wrong.

You stride onto an overpass, walk out in front of an oncoming stream of cars, and slam the staff right into the ground.

Brakes squeal and horns blare as a squat oak tree flares up into being before you, roots curling around you protectively, branches twisting round streetlights and fences. The tree blocks two lanes, cars that don't swerve fast enough to avoid it bouncing off the groaning wood, flying aside and even off the overpass in a horrific symphony of screeching metal.The wreckage piles up, several cars thick, before the oncoming vehicles start to break in time.

Then the staff shrinks back into a cane again, branches and roots embedded in concrete and metal pulling back into it, and you are left standing in front of a ten-car pile up. You can't tell what the mortals watching you think they saw, but judging by the expressions of the people climbing from the wreckage and the jam of hastily stopped vehicles, it doesn't look great.

A couple of people have called the police. In fact, you can already hear sirens. And there are half a dozen phones pointing in your direction. Fantastic. You suspect you might also have been on CCTV.

Buy some tape with my remaining 1 pound. Go for a walk around the park, looking for any flowers I could pick that would be long enough for a wand. Specifically a thorny rose would be perfect. While I'm at it, keep an eye out for edible herbs; picking those is a witchy thing to do.

Go to the the dump and find some sharp bits to tape to the front of my roomba, and anything symbolically helpful to tape to my wand.
Once sharp stuff is attached, go ahead and clot up the roomba as a broom.

Question: can brooms be controlled without physically touching them? As in, could I control one to come to me?

Brooms can be controlled. With a tier 1 broom, you will only be able to get it to move a bit when within a few metres of it, but higher tier brooms could go pretty much anywhere ridden or not. A level 4 broom is basically a NPC.

Tape accquired.

You get a nice, thorn-covered rose. And a lot of scratches.

Edible plants, eh? Nettle soup is a thing. And you're pretty sure crocuses are edible. Then the people who look after the park kick you out.

You wrap a bunch of really rusty barbed wire round the sides of the Roomba, and attach a few of the more jagged bits of scrap metal as well. Might not kill someone, but could certainly give them tetanus.

Your hands are a mess of blood and swelling by this point, but perhaps that's just a side-product of physical labour.

...the fang could work, though I'd hoped to use it for a pendant of some sort if someone obtained a good rune for it. Anyway, past me adds one clot to the chalice. Present me sees if the fang will fit reasonably well at the end of either one, and if so, uses that bone for a staff, or wand if it's too short. Apply some blood to the top half to third of the bone and the very tip of the fang, and apply some fur to the middle part, for comfort (upper middle for staff, lower middle for wand). Add a tad bit of my own fur to the part close to the fang, and add the clot.
The chalice: the ice-cream pint of blood and sugar implode, vanishing.
The demon that emerges is weak, requiring little effort on your part to keep in the world. You could probably summon two at once and only drain 1 total puissance every 30 secs or so.

The size of a child or dog, the thing is vaguely humanoid, with a humped back and massive, elongated jaw. Its legs are lost in the sticky, opaque envelope of ice cream that surrounds it, sliding down it in layers. Long white hairs trail out of the goo that masks its features, and the air around it is extremely cold. It crawls towards you, opening its mouth to expel a torrent of freezing air and briefly reveal teeth so long they're almost tusks.

It's small and slow, but might have a nasty bite.

As for the wand... at the first upgrade tier, it has three spells.

The first spell is a projectile, costing two puissance. It fires a hunk of raw flesh and bone shards, trailing blood and culminating in a canine the length of your hand.

The purpose of the second is unclear, but it seems to target humans, with negative mental effects.

The third costs six puissance. It allows you, slowly, to view, understand, and even communicate with the mind of an animal.

"Ey, anyone want some war bacon?  Tastes just like normal bacon, but it's a thicker cut 'cause I ain't some pussy hippy who can't chew!"

Ben'll offer the bacon to his comrades again, then store any leftovers (including the raw meat, if it wasn't all cooked) in the fridge.  Or just wherever if Vince doesn't have a fridge.  Then back out into the streets--it's time to find a real gun, perhaps in some surely-euclidean twist in space near the centre of the city.
The losers around you refuse any long pork. No wonder they aren't built up. Who the hell refuses free protein?

You go to the market. The eternal question: who the fuck is selling guns here?

The gunfarmers have a big circle of tents, covered in pristine automatics, pistols, SMGs, rifles, sniper gear, semis, everything you could dream of. There are some seriously weird weapons on display: who on earth would make a double-barreled magnum? A few of the pieces of bigger kit just make your mouth water: something that looks like a Bernelli M4 but firing 200mm shells, for example. The one disadvantage here is that the guns are alive. They twitch, shiver, and occasionally whinny softly. Hooded gunfarmers tiptoe about calming the machines and talking brusquely to customers. Those guys look hard.

A procurer has a row of rather scrappy looking pistols and one glock, available in exchange for magical artifacts. According to the sign, they're only any use at getting nonmagical stuff, so probably a very normal bet.

Finally, some idiot has some kind of portal connected to weird machinery, and is inviting people nearby to "try their luck". A poorly-typed sign nearby implies that one magic gem, or other dubious goods, will net you a gun, sword, or for that matter, large quantity of drugs. Nobody seems to go near the stall, except for people looking exceedingly down on their luck or very shady.

ignoring bacon-boy, he would decide to check the dumps for anything worth salvaging.
This is... very vague. Would several empty crates, two metres of copper wire, the ruins of a grandfather clock, a mostly empty lighter, a box of rusted nails, a sheet of metal from a car door that is now mostly rust, two tyres, a bicycle crushed in half, a jagged spike of iron, or the shell of a laptop be worth salvaging?

Spoiler: sheets (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: April 02, 2017, 07:35:53 am by NJW2000 »
One wheel short of a wagon


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Re: COVEN: Cannibalism and Nostalgia
« Reply #257 on: April 02, 2017, 08:01:26 am »

Looks like I got some good stuff here. Wand has a better damaging attack than my other wand and two kinds of utility. I guess that more magical materials make better wands (take note, everybody). The chalice can summon a small horde of demons easily, and I'd though 1 chalice equated to 1 demon. Should cover a different niche than other summons, though I wonder why they're all so weak. Did the bethel rune make it easier to summon, in exchange fir making them weaker? Or is the blood not too magical, due to just being a transformed human? I wonder what would happen if I used the collar on one of the demons...though that probably wouldn't be good.
NJ, how much puissance do I recover relative to my puissant fettle? Also, how long is a turn in combat usually? And how much puissance does the wand's second spell cost? Test bone wand on a hobo, if necessary.

Anyway, let's do a little sightseeing, for the runes. Then return home, and ask Vince
a) Would it be possible to use a magical weapon (like a pendant) in another weapon (like a staff)?
b) What would/cold happen if I used my collar on an ice cream demon?
c) Is there magical television or news or something I cold watch/read to learn more about the magical society here?

Also, you forgot to take the fang and a bone off my inventory.
Edit: Also, buy a pack of sharpies before I return to home base, give Jimmy 2 later. Wash the molasses jar, and ask Vince if knives are available to us. If not, buy a knife if I have enough money.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 06:23:23 am by OceanSoul »
Work on a potential forum game for my return to Bay12. Figure out parts that puzzled me before. Find more things to figure out that I can't. Work on another game instead of solving them. Get distracted and stop working. Remember it a week or two later. Remember I'm still on hiatus. Illogically, Be too ashamed to return yet. Repeat ad nauseam.

Finally have a game completely ready. Wait a week before posting it out of laziness.


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Re: COVEN: Cannibalism and Nostalgia
« Reply #258 on: April 02, 2017, 08:27:23 am »

Unless you're asking what the exact formula for puissance regen, you recover about 1 puissance every twenty five seconds. People with no puissance get one a minute. People with two would get one puissance back every thirteen seconds, so twice as fast, and people with three puissant fettle get 1 puissance back every 9 seconds.
One wheel short of a wagon

Dustan Hache

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Re: COVEN: Cannibalism and Nostalgia
« Reply #259 on: April 02, 2017, 10:43:07 am »

The sheet metal, wire, spike and nails definitely are. The crates are probably handy too.
attempt to make a shield using the wire, sheet metal, and nails.

I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: COVEN: Cannibalism and Nostalgia
« Reply #260 on: April 02, 2017, 11:36:34 am »

er I meant Ride it back, But Carrying it works as well, I guess...
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: COVEN: Cannibalism and Nostalgia
« Reply #261 on: April 02, 2017, 11:40:31 am »

What happened when I clotted the roomba?
Cut the thorns off of the rose and clot it. Keep the thorns for some other project.


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Re: COVEN: Cannibalism and Nostalgia
« Reply #262 on: April 02, 2017, 01:02:48 pm »

Sry, forgot to mention. Basically its a broom now.
One wheel short of a wagon


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Re: COVEN: Cannibalism and Nostalgia
« Reply #263 on: April 02, 2017, 02:56:05 pm »

Run away and hide.
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: COVEN: Cannibalism and Nostalgia
« Reply #265 on: April 04, 2017, 01:18:32 am »

"Speaking of which, as you wander around blinking in disbelief at the arcane sights hidden from mortal eyes, you see:
Glass insects the size of buses with bloated abdomens cooking people, a red and toothy toad wearing a suit in the largest financial building in the city, a dark-scaled and horrendous thing of teeth and claws melt into bushes, two shifty men pulling at strands of brick wall and tying them over a closing rent, and a wrinkled, flowing spirit with a wise and wizened face swooping through alleys and leaving trails of soiled newspapers behind him."
Sir Worthington the Fourth's Thought Process:
Glass Insects: While quite pretty, they ARE modeled upon creatures of filth. Next!
Teeth-Thing: Well, if he isn't going to make himself presentable, he isn't worth speaking to. Next!
Shifty Dudes: They're defiling public property! I'd report them to the police, but they probably couldn't see them. Next!
Spirit: Ghosts know lots of things, right? I should go talk to- oh wait, he's a litterer. Next!
Toad: Ooh, he's wearing a suit and looks like he has money. I'll go redeem my slip with him.

Invest a clot into my glass eye (I lost my real one in an unfortunate pool (the game)-related accident).
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


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Re: COVEN: Cannibalism and Nostalgia
« Reply #266 on: April 05, 2017, 07:10:20 am »

Looks like I got some good stuff here. Wand has a better damaging attack than my other wand and two kinds of utility. I guess that more magical materials make better wands (take note, everybody). The chalice can summon a small horde of demons easily, and I'd though 1 chalice equated to 1 demon. Should cover a different niche than other summons, though I wonder why they're all so weak. Did the bethel rune make it easier to summon, in exchange fir making them weaker? Or is the blood not too magical, due to just being a transformed human? I wonder what would happen if I used the collar on one of the demons...though that probably wouldn't be good.
NJ, how much puissance do I recover relative to my puissant fettle? Also, how long is a turn in combat usually? And how much puissance does the wand's second spell cost? Test bone wand on a hobo, if necessary.

Anyway, let's do a little sightseeing, for the runes. Then return home, and ask Vince
a) Would it be possible to use a magical weapon (like a pendant) in another weapon (like a staff)?
b) What would/cold happen if I used my collar on an ice cream demon?
c) Is there magical television or news or something I cold watch/read to learn more about the magical society here?

Also, you forgot to take the fang and a bone off my inventory.
Edit: Also, buy a pack of sharpies before I return to home base, give Jimmy 2 later. Wash the molasses jar, and ask Vince if knives are available to us. If not, buy a knife if I have enough money.
Some of what you have said there is correct. Using materials key to the city will result in more elemental, unsubtle weapons. You can't make wands out of very magical things. And yes, the chalice materials were weak and unreactive, so produced a rather tame demon.

The second spell costs four puissance.

You see... a creature like a glowing ring of molten steel dangling from a lamppost... a chainmailed dwarf striding through the underground with an assortment of outsize maces, mauls and axes... a puddle stinking of ritual energy and reflecting a tangled, unlikely geometry outside the Houses of Parliament... a nondescript man trying to exchange magical items for large amounts of cash... an unattended car, keys left in it, with a slight glow of magical energy... and a member of the undead, skin peeling, running a chip stand on the South bank of the river.

You find Vince covering an ancient Osmec idol in honey and watching the ants crawl over it.

a)Combine the two? Not really, they use different forms of energy. You could stick one on the end of the other, he supposes.
b)It probably wouldn't do much. The demon is only a temporary manifestation anyway, and isn't really an animal. But you might make it stand a bit taller or something.
c)Vince gives you a long look.

"Magical society is built by two kinds of people. One kind is very powerful, and the other doesn't kill people for money. If you're in the Coven, you won't have the time to build up relations, and people won't be interested in you until you're a deadly force. And there isn't a newsletter for magical beings or whatever. You could try joining an order or religion or something, as long as you keep your mind on the job here."

You get the pens and the knives.

The sheet metal, wire, spike and nails definitely are. The crates are probably handy too.
attempt to make a shield using the wire, sheet metal, and nails.


You make the shield out of junk and scrap metal. You also keep the metal spike and a crate.

What happened when I clotted the roomba?
Cut the thorns off of the rose and clot it. Keep the thorns for some other project.

You make the rose into a wand.

Two spells. The first, a two-puissance one, sends lengths of thorny growth flying out of the wand, entangling anyone they hit.

The second, for five puissance, makes an object... thornier. More menacing. Spikes on it become spikier, shadows dark, scars and nicks deeper, edges sharper. Stuff gets more gothic, basically. More pointy bits.

Run away and hide.
Hm... you're on top of an overpass surrounded by a crowd of angry people, parked cars, wreckage, and trucks on the other side moving at high speed.


You hop, nimble as a monkey, onto the wall running alongside the overpass, and run along it past the furious mob of mortals. Then a car engine explodes behind you, and you tumble off the side of the overpass and onto the concrete twenty metres beneath.

It's a long way down, but you get there almost at once.

Crawling along the pavement where you landed, you hear sirens. You're having trouble thinking straight with the pain from the leg you just broke, and can barely move at all. You pass out and come to every few seconds.

Then someone snatches your staff away, and you're bundled into a police car by several armed officers, hands cuffed behind your back. The police are acting a lot more efficiently than normal, and have larger weapons. In fact, they seem to be some kind of special unit. You don't know it, but this is mostly Syvarris and Sir Lootington's faults.

From their conversation, they seem to be taking you to a high-security holding cell.

So... you going to try and escape from the police with only one puissant clot?

Barge up to the gun farmers and demand an automatic shotgun with tons of ammo.  Ask their price.
Their price, £2000, or several high-quality artifacts, is more than you can afford. The gunfarmer that talks to you, a towering man who is by now more scar than face, looks impressed by your enthusiasm.

But for one gem, £300, and a little blood, they're willing to sell you a semi-automatic.

It's a beautiful weapon, apparently a Benelli-Adkal cross with a smooth, black iron finish. It cooes a little and the safety clicks off as you grasp it. The gunfarmer draws back in surprise; a 4.10 rarely takes to a potential buyer so quickly.

"Speaking of which, as you wander around blinking in disbelief at the arcane sights hidden from mortal eyes, you see:
Glass insects the size of buses with bloated abdomens cooking people, a red and toothy toad wearing a suit in the largest financial building in the city, a dark-scaled and horrendous thing of teeth and claws melt into bushes, two shifty men pulling at strands of brick wall and tying them over a closing rent, and a wrinkled, flowing spirit with a wise and wizened face swooping through alleys and leaving trails of soiled newspapers behind him."
Sir Worthington the Fourth's Thought Process:
Glass Insects: While quite pretty, they ARE modeled upon creatures of filth. Next!
Teeth-Thing: Well, if he isn't going to make himself presentable, he isn't worth speaking to. Next!
Shifty Dudes: They're defiling public property! I'd report them to the police, but they probably couldn't see them. Next!
Spirit: Ghosts know lots of things, right? I should go talk to- oh wait, he's a litterer. Next!
Toad: Ooh, he's wearing a suit and looks like he has money. I'll go redeem my slip with him.

Invest a clot into my glass eye (I lost my real one in an unfortunate pool (the game)-related accident).
Are you trying to make a talisman or a pendant? Pendants are melee, talismans are ranged, both use the ritual strength stat.

The frog demon reads Belial's slip, his outsize eyes scanning the small print unnervingly quickly. After a short lick to ensure verifiability, he stuffs it into a pocket, and scrapes beneath his shirt with one webbed finger. The slime that emerges is golden-red, and glows slightly. He shapes it into a ball and hands it to you: an ideal material for a chalice. Now you just need to work out which container and non-magical medium you want to use.

Vince, using some kind of magical projection, appears in front of everyone in illusory form. His voice booms out a warning to finish collecting tools and weapons sharpish, as he wants you for a mission ASAP.

Spoiler: sheets (click to show/hide)
One wheel short of a wagon

Dustan Hache

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Re: COVEN: Cannibalism and Nostalgia
« Reply #267 on: April 05, 2017, 07:48:13 am »

return and attempt to enchant the shield into a staff. It's the size that matters, not the shape right?
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: COVEN: Cannibalism and Nostalgia
« Reply #268 on: April 05, 2017, 08:14:50 am »

Calling it now, it's a rescue mission.
Return to the base. Check if we have the equipment needed to make coffee. You'll see why if the opportunity ever comes up.
Work on a potential forum game for my return to Bay12. Figure out parts that puzzled me before. Find more things to figure out that I can't. Work on another game instead of solving them. Get distracted and stop working. Remember it a week or two later. Remember I'm still on hiatus. Illogically, Be too ashamed to return yet. Repeat ad nauseam.

Finally have a game completely ready. Wait a week before posting it out of laziness.


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Re: COVEN: Cannibalism and Nostalgia
« Reply #269 on: April 05, 2017, 08:15:18 am »

I'm Already back with my new broom, Ready to go!
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.
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