Disc with a water cycle
+9 from Iram, Ne'tharil, Khava Baras, Pisces, Vimbr, Panzer, Ruusukaija, Gowler, Lazan
0 from Muda, Mavnon
-1 from Organech
Four cog islands in a pyramid with a black hole and a white hole and oceans or an adamantium orb
+1 from Organech
0 from Mavnon
-10 from Muda, Pisces, Ne'tharil!, Vimbr, Panzer, Ruusukaija, Khava Baras, Gowler, Iram, Lazan
Oceans and seas
+5 from Pisces, Panzer, Ruusukaija, Iram, Lazan
0 from Ne'tharil, Mavnon
GodSea +7 from Pharact, Khava Baras, Iram, Ruusukaija, Vimbr, Gowler, Mavnon
0 from Lazan
-4 from Organech, Panzer, Iram, Ne'tharil
Disc-shaped GodSea with water oceans
+9 from Iram, Panzer, Ne'tharil, Vimbr, Lazan, Pisces, Khava Baras, Gowler, Iram
0 from Ruusukaija, Mavnon
-1 from Organech
Disc-world with a Gear-amid landmass
+3 from Lazan, Pisces, Organech
0 from Ruusukaija, Mavnon
-8 from Ne'tharil, Vimbr, Pharact, Panzer, Khava Baras, Gowler, Iram, Lazan
Has rain/weather
+10 from Khava Baras, Muda, Pharact, Panzer, Ruusukaija, Ne'tharil, Iram, Morgon, Gowler, Lazan
0 from Mavnon
Have Lazan be the sun
+1 from Cliche
0 from Khava Baras, Mavnon
-6 from Panzer, Ruusukaija, Ne'tharil, Iram, Ne'tharil, Lazan?
Disc turtles
+2 from Pisces, Cliche
0 from Ruusukaija, Mavnon
-5 from Muda, Vimbr, Pharact, Gowler, Panzer
Turtle islands
+1 from Pharact
0 from Ruusukaija, Mavnon
-3 from Vimbr, Gowler, Panzer
Giant statue of Muda and gods. Muda is crushing the other gods. Muda is laughing heartily.
+1 from Muda
0 from Ruusukaija, Mavnon
-4 from Vimbr, Gowler, Panzer, Ne'tharil
Giant statue of Muda and gods. Muda is crushing the other gods. Muda is laughing heartily. This will effectively permakill Muda.
+1 from Pisces
0 from Mavnon
-5 from Vimbr, Gowler, Panzer, Ruusukaija. Ne'tharil
Giant statue of Muda and gods. Muda is crushing the other gods. Muda is laughing heartily. Inscribed is "My name is Muda, God of Gods: Look on my works ye Mighty and despair!"
+2 from Muda, Pharact
0 from Ruusukaija, Mavnon
-3 from Vimbr, Gowler, Panzer
Sun orbiting the world
+4 from Vimbr, Gowler, Panzer, Ruusukaija
0 from Mavnon
Celestial souls: Mortals show up as stars regardless of where they go
+6 from Pharact, Ruusukaija, Ne'tharil, Vimbr, Gowler, Panzer
0 from Mavnon
-2 from Muda, Cliche
Celestial souls: Mortals show up as stars regardless of where they go unless their god forbids it
+6 from Pharact, Khava Baras, Ruusukaija, Ne'tharil, Vimbr, Gowler
0 from Mavnon
-3 from Muda, Cliche, Panzer
Gowler as the sandbed of the oceans
+1 from Gowler
0 from Ne'tharil, Mavnon
-2 from Panzer, Ruusukaija
Disc continents (3-5)
+2? from Pisces?, Panzer
0 from Ruusukaija, Mavnon
Turn Muda into a world
+1 from Organech
0 from Mavnon
-2 from Panzer, RUusukaija
Seas of red water
+4 from Iram, Lazan, Vimbr, Gowler
0 from Ruusukaija, Mavnon
-1 from Panzer
Seas of color changing water
+4 from Iram, Vimbr, Gowler, Mavnon
0 from Ruusukaija, Mavnon
-1 from Panzer