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Author Topic: Robot destroys British pound  (Read 8710 times)

Loud Whispers

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Re: Robot destroys British pound
« Reply #60 on: October 19, 2016, 05:25:11 am »

Actually from my knowledge it wasn't as clear cut as people suppose.
Sure more Students voted Remain then naught... But there wasn't that big a divide between those who did and those who didn't.
In my knowledge it's a very big gap between Uni students who voted Remain and Uni students who voted Leave

I haven't seen any stats on it, but pre-referendum polls showed Uni students were a key demographic for Remain to mobilize in order to attain victory, it is very unlikely Uni students had a sudden change of heart to Brexit


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Re: Robot destroys British pound
« Reply #61 on: October 19, 2016, 08:02:39 am »

Funny how the elderly and the uneducated voted to leave, while the young and educated voted to stay. It's almost like people who actually know what they're doing in a ballot box and who are going to have to deal with the consequences thought that the Brexit was a bad idea.
It's funny how the elderly and working class voted to leave, while the wealthy elite voted to remain and Uni students didn't bother to vote. It's almost like people who were actually alive when the UK joined the single market and saw it become the EU dealt with the consequences, knowing both the UK before and after the EU. This is at odds with Uni students who know only of the EU as per their professors' instructions and erasmus, of students who know more of Paris than Birmingham, who would much rather their predecessors and poor fellows disenfranchise themselves than dare put effort in themselves, who have everything financially provided for themselves above the uneducated plebians.

How accurate do you think this article is btw:

Brexit was a rejection of British multiculturalism. That is the real take-home message of the Ashcroft polls. Of those who see themselves as "English not British", 80 per cent voted to Leave, irrespective of social class. Those who see themselves as "British not English" voted 60 per cent for Remain. Similar patterns (and similar press involvement) can be found in the Quebec referendum of 1995, which failed by a narrower margin than Brexit succeeded.

Basically the defining line was not age or class, but whether you viewed your primary identity as "English" which basically exclude people who are "not English", or as "British" which presumably means "one of the people who inhabits the British Isles". Older people and white working class church-of-England people voted Brexit because they tended to fall into groups holding those identities.

Scottish and non-white working class people voted overwhelmingly for "Remain" because they saw "Brexit" as meaning "UK for the English, screw the rest of you". A working-class Scot is no less nationalistic than a working-class Englishman, but they didn't see Brexit through the same lens.

Another key link is probably college education. It's not that college education makes you more informed, or propagandizes you into multiculturalism. It's that college forces you to co-mingle as equals with people of many backgrounds. That makes it much harder to maintain an "in-group/out-group" identity as your marker. Whereas older people grew up before they could co-mingle, college or not, and white working-class protestant people are able to live in a local bubble where everyone you normally interact with is also white and working class and protestant, therefore forming a strong us-vs-them identity.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 09:01:08 am by Reelya »


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Re: Robot destroys British pound
« Reply #62 on: October 19, 2016, 07:21:37 pm »

For what it's worth, all my parents friends talked about this and noted that nearly all the independent contractors and corporate employees were pro-brexit (and generally high-incone), while every single government-employed (generally low-level or clerical jobs, with the expection of the rocket scientist ) was against it.

Thought that was interesting, as it's a marked contrast to the average
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Re: Robot destroys British pound
« Reply #63 on: October 22, 2016, 03:11:28 am »

I find this ASTOUNDING pushback at any hint that Brexit was in anyway linked to any sort of racial tension.

Even though... The Leave party didn't exactly hide this fact, the increase in racial tension on the break, the rising racial tension prior to Brexit...

Even so far as to suggest that the UK is an incredibly multicultural society that is entirely devoid of it.

Which when you get this level of denial (it is one thing to say racial tension wasn't the cause... And then there is saying Racial tension doesn't exist)... It actually suggests the exact opposite... A reflexive defense.

Which is why the immediate reaction was, of course, ageism and classism (seriously will the UK ever patch their serious Classism problems?)


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Re: Robot destroys British pound
« Reply #64 on: October 22, 2016, 06:19:44 am »

Will this thread expand to include the recent botnet DDoS?

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Re: Robot destroys British pound
« Reply #65 on: October 22, 2016, 11:26:24 am »

It hit all the way over here in the US so I'd say that would be a pretty broad expansion.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Robot destroys British pound
« Reply #66 on: October 22, 2016, 02:37:28 pm »

I find this ASTOUNDING pushback at any hint that Brexit was in anyway linked to any sort of racial tension.
Even though... The Leave party didn't exactly hide this fact, the increase in racial tension on the break, the rising racial tension prior to Brexit...
Even so far as to suggest that the UK is an incredibly multicultural society that is entirely devoid of it.
Which when you get this level of denial (it is one thing to say racial tension wasn't the cause... And then there is saying Racial tension doesn't exist)... It actually suggests the exact opposite... A reflexive defense.
Which is why the immediate reaction was, of course, ageism and classism (seriously will the UK ever patch their serious Classism problems?)
Neonivek this is how you got in trouble last time, just unleashing unlimited bait ;P

How accurate do you think this article is btw:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Completely disagree with the primary argument and completely disagree with your interpretation of NS, but the rest of the NS article I agree with - it is factually correct. My thoughts:
Spoiler: Wall of text (click to show/hide)
It really is not surprising. On the one hand you have someone complaining that they're going to lose access to Slovakian maids and will have to actually clean their own house for once, on the other hand you have Dafydd Bloggs down the street who just wants his own leaders to do their job and represent Britain

The former are always going to look like clueless bellends

For what it's worth, all my parents friends talked about this and noted that nearly all the independent contractors and corporate employees were pro-brexit (and generally high-incone), while every single government-employed (generally low-level or clerical jobs, with the expection of the rocket scientist ) was against it.

Thought that was interesting, as it's a marked contrast to the average
In my experience it's the opposite, both those on the state and corporate payroll are pro-EU. One has their loyalty bought by the EU, the other buys the EU's loyalty
Also when you look at the numbers they aren't pretty either for Remain
Britain’s ruling classes were the only group who voted overwhelmingly to stay in the European Union, a new report has found.
The report from the Centre for Social Justice and Legatum Institute found that people in the “AB” class – the middle and upper classes - were the only group which had a majority voting to Remain at the June 23 referendum.
The majority of people in all the other income groups - described as C1, C2, D and E - all voted to leave, the report said. While 57 per cent of voters in the more affluent AB group voted to remain, the proportion in the other four groups was 36 per cent.
It said: "At every level of earning there is a direct correlation between household income and your likelihood to vote for leaving the EU — 62 per cent of those with income of less than £20,000 voted to leave, but that percentage falls in steady increments until, by an income of £60,000, that percentage was just 35 per cent."
'The peasants are revolting!'

'Yes, yes they are revolting,'
ayyyy lmao, it's telling that all the financial and political elite were pro-EU
Normal people ftw

Also I should say my personal experience is going to be anomalous a/f, as I was born abroad, young, Uni-educated, my name's origins are of India, Malaya, China and England, my whole family was composed entirely of British citizens only 4 days ago, I've lived in London all my life, still voted to leave. Breaks pretty much all the statistics, and good too - I hate people who assume they know how I think just based off of my race, who assume I'll support them just because they think they're leading my presumed ingroup :P
That and I live a very unique life where I meet many people who hail from all corners of the world and hold all sorts of beliefs. Haha, for example today I tried teaching some students who struggle with English, and one of the words is a very famous phrase in the UK to do with Halloween: 'Trick or treat!' Cue half the class saying they didn't do Halloween, with the most energetic kids shouting 'Halloween is haram!'
To put it shortly, beware swpls who claim enrichment is their ally. They merely adopted enrichment; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see British culture until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BANTER! The enrichment betrays you, because it belongs to me!


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Re: Robot destroys British pound
« Reply #67 on: October 22, 2016, 06:12:18 pm »

It's interesting because sometimes you can run the numbers two different ways, get two different answers. Basically it depends on the spin you want to put on it.

e.g. they run the numbers based on regional identity, they get the fact that 80% of people who state "English" instead of "British" vote to leave, 60% of "British" instead of "English" people want to remain. Then you run it by income, and get that higher earning people are more likely to vote "remain" than lower income people. Clearly, that difference in how you define identity correlates with the social class you're born into, and thus into income.

But I think the 80% figure trumps the income disparity. Getting 80% of people who have a particular trait saying the same thing is just an extremely strong correlation. Overall the connection between income and the "Leave" vote was weaker than the identity connection, and could have been primarily because how you identify is connected to the class you're born into.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2016, 06:23:07 pm by Reelya »


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Re: Robot destroys British pound
« Reply #68 on: October 22, 2016, 06:19:53 pm »

It hit all the way over here in the US so I'd say that would be a pretty broad expansion.
I thought the thread was about misbehaving devices, with political associations.

Believe nothing you hear. Or everything. Have fun. Love when?

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Re: Robot destroys British pound
« Reply #69 on: October 23, 2016, 07:04:27 am »

Will this thread expand to include the recent botnet DDoS?
Makes sense to include that I suppose, although there is a distinction between a trading robot making an error (either on it's own, or through human input error), and the DDoS attack, which is clearly no error / anomaly, but a deliberate human act.

What made the attack special, is that the botnet used to DDoS wasn't made of hijacked computers, but instead, it was made from hijacked printers, modems, digital video recorders, security cameras and refridgerators, and similar smart devices with internet access. Most of these devices are easy to hijack, since most product home users never change the password on their fridge.
According to researchers investigating the attack, a large subgroup amongst the devices used were a specific brand of Chinese security camera. This camera does not even have an option for changing the password.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2016, 07:12:04 am by martinuzz »
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Loud Whispers

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Re: Robot destroys British pound
« Reply #70 on: October 23, 2016, 11:06:47 am »

It's interesting because sometimes you can run the numbers two different ways, get two different answers. Basically it depends on the spin you want to put on it.
e.g. they run the numbers based on regional identity, they get the fact that 80% of people who state "English" instead of "British" vote to leave, 60% of "British" instead of "English" people want to remain. Then you run it by income, and get that higher earning people are more likely to vote "remain" than lower income people. Clearly, that difference in how you define identity correlates with the social class you're born into, and thus into income.
But I think the 80% figure trumps the income disparity. Getting 80% of people who have a particular trait saying the same thing is just an extremely strong correlation. Overall the connection between income and the "Leave" vote was weaker than the identity connection, and could have been primarily because how you identify is connected to the class you're born into.
I don't disagree with the notion of identity over economics playing a significant role, as this is one of those landmark cases where if everyone were to base their decision off of economics, then the economy argument would have won. There is however a difference between one characteristic common to all Remain voters vs one characteristic present in one subsection of one region to represent all Leave voters. Ignoring the Welsh, Northern Irish and the Scots that voted Leave in order to focus on the region of England, and to then use that to argue that powerless working class Englishmen need to be crushed further makes me roll my eyes with boredom - it's nothing new, you don't even have to justify your hatred when you have our MPs laughing at poor English families. It's using a subsection of the English to boot, ignoring those who carry varying degrees of dual identity, offering the explanation that conveniently excused their elitism. By contrast when you look at income, doesn't matter where your Remain voter is from in the UK, what their religion is or what their background is - they are likelier richer than everyone else (even by disposable income), and the only class to vote for Remain in the majority are the AB class - composed of managers, administrators and professionals, whilst the lower-middle class, skilled working class, working class and non-workers all voted by majority to Leave. It is obvious why, they want to maintain the privileges afforded to them by the European Union, the privileges exclusive to them - again, everyone else in the UK is not worried about losing access to Slovakian maids and easy access to Italian villas. The Leave vote is composed of a great deal many diverse individuals each with their own motives, so I find it highly distasteful when wealthy elites try to misrepresent things so vilely.
Unsurprisingly too, it tries to misrepresent something normal as insidious
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