Titus just shrugs his shoulders and walks out the door.
"Now then. Move it you two. We're leaving. Be aware Daemon that attempts at interference will end with holes in your Existance. The sooner we leave, the less likely a hole is made in your Realm. You are advised to cooporate." Koi heads for the door, pausing to wait for Espada and Titus.
"Alrighty, good luck!" As the three walk out the door, the grinning boy makes eye contact with Koi.
"Y'all have a nice day"They emerge into golden sunlight, in the center dirt square of a tiny village, in the exact center of which stands a simple wooden signpost. The building they emerged from is a big communal lodge of some kind, across from a barn. There's a couple dozen small cabins scattered about, everything made of wood. Straight roads head to the woods surrounding the square plot of land in all four directions, dividing the fields around the buildings into four quadrants. One seems to be full of sunflowers, another alfalfa, and two some kind of grain.
The door of the lodge's detached kitchen swings open, and someone walks out, carrying a big, steaming cast iron pot of porridge in his bare hands. The Draconian.
"Pyre, as is my birthright. It has made me very useful around here."
"Interesting. Do you mean Fire? Or is it a variant?"
Immediately after said question, No frowns slightly. "I'm curious-why would somebody skilled in the art of aether manipulation devote himself to manual labor of all things?"
"Well, 'Fire' is the word an unrefined person would..." Resalth looks befuddled for a moment.
"Apologies, that was rude of me. Anyways, I find this simple life has rather charmed me. It is peaceful and pleasant enough, and one has time to think."