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Author Topic: You are a Monster RTD - Epilogues  (Read 295741 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [9/9]
« Reply #420 on: February 20, 2016, 02:58:15 am »

Turn 24

ZoomochScoomtarto the Three-Eyed Beholder
Hmm... Looks Like I could find Good eating that way... Whelp, Id best see what Is down there.
[6] You follow the path from where your last meal came. The vegetation thickens, and you marvel here and there at some unknown plant and weird bird. Some time later, you feel a creature not too far. It is big and lively according to your senses, you are getting increasingly curious.
Carefully glancing through a leafy bush, you can see the creature you sensed. It is standing passively at the base of a huge tree, like guarding it. The tree itself is strange, you can feel power coursing through it, and its branches move slowly despite there being no wind.

The creature is made of vegetal materials, like the Sylvarian. But this creature is huge, maybe 4 meter high. It sports four thick "arms" with the shoulder on the same heigh, forming some kind of square. The four arms end in a huge hand with three digits.
It also has two strong legs, and is resting cross-legged, like if it was meditating. In place of its head is a network of vines with a glowing golden tip moving gracefully.

It doesn't seem to have noticed you, and there are no other creature in sight.

Ulkas the Lesser Osyluth
Ulkas bids farewell to Dovarus and heads into human lands...

((Poor humans, really. Sooner or later, all players would rampage there.))
[6] You leave the throne room and the large iron doors close with a strong sound behind you. You levitate slowly toward the exit,  and passes by the Metal Guardian. It doesn't even glance at you, and continue patrolling relentlessly with heavy steps.

Once in the exterior of the ruined castle, you take flight and head toward the West, to the human lands.

The sun is still high, and it's past noon. Feeling the warm air stroking your skin is refreshing. You spot an abandoned village on your way, a flash of light is seen there. Curious, you head toward it and see a group of humans fighting a skeleton and a strange black entity. No one spotted you, and you muse on what to do next.

Shiny the Earth Mana Shard
Fling some mana sparks at the Forar Crystalloid before running BACK the other direction, towards the humans, all the while making the same beeping noises.

((Fucking rock and a hard place, anyone? I have to trust in humanity's sympathy. In other words, I'm fucked.))
[Shiny battle for survival]
[6] ((crystal field+angry crystaloid+shiny+desperate 6=deja vu intensifies))
There is no escape. And you know it. You focus your mana to prepare a mana spark. You know what you are going to do is gonna suck a lot.
Discharging all the mana you can in this sole attack, you unleash an incredibly powerful mana spark on the Crystaloid. It is like this time, against the younger one. But this time you were weaker, and you grew stronger since then.

You lose all your remaining mana

A large blinding cyan bolt of pure energized mana strikes the Crystaloid in the body. The monster is shaken by the force of the spark, and energized mana arcs begin to form wildly between the Crystaloid body and the various mana crystals of the field.

First, the familiar sound of resonating crystals. Second, the familiar echo of isolated detonations.
Forar Crystaloid roll : [1]
Shiny roll : [6]
Human roll : [1]
((holy shit))

Third, the intense cyan light engulfing everything. The Forar, the puzzled humans, everything.

You manage to get a cover just in time before the incredible explosion.
If you had ears, you would have lost your hearing forever because of the sound blast. If you had eyes, you would have lost your eyesight because of the intense light. If you hadn't hidden in time, you would have vanished without a trace.

You finally get out of your hideout. Everything is gone, only blue mana flames burning the ground and the melted carcass of the Crystaloid.
You gain 5 essences (humans) and 10 essences (Forar)
You have enough essence to reach the next level


? the Aradian Mirage Beetle Lord
This is a dangerous, yet precious opportunity. I crawl inside of it's guts, and begin shredding anything I touch to pieces as fast as I can. The more internal damage I do to it, the faster it will die and the less of a threat it will pose to the remaining kin. I also attempt to find the heart, because striking that will bleed it out very quickly.
[? the unnamed hero]
[3] You manage to get barely into the Ravager inside. You rip and shred everything you can, damaging the monster even further. You can hear it roaring in pain.

Ravager roll :
[6] vs [3] The Ravager attempts to coil to crush you in its body. It coils on itself, tightening further and further. You don't manage to get out of it fast enough, and slowly get crushed to your death.
You lose 7 HP

You are going to die if it keeps going. You attempt to struggle, but its no use. You feel the pressure increasing, you are going to break soon.

Then the pressure stops increasing. The Ravager stops moving. It is dead, it ended up crushing its own injured organs.

You gain 12 essences. You can transform.

Glint the Unstable Elemental Calcivore
Well, rest and recover, I guess. Not like I can do much else.

If I wake up with some MP, and HP over 12, keep walking.

[Glint the Unconscious]
[1] You don't recover consciousness. Instead, it feels like you are diving deeper and deeper into the the abyss.
You lose 4 HP
[5] Finally your eyes open. You inhale deeply. You are alive. Your memory feel hazy, what just happened ?
You tried to unleash your elemental breath, but your energy went awry. And then you lost consciousness.

The frozen and electrified carcass of the scorpion is lying in front of you. It must have died on the shock.
Fortunately, you manage to salvage some meat. You decide to rest and tend to your wounds.
You recover 6 HP
You recover 4 MP


Robobert the Green Sylvan Clay Giant
"Yes, I help Leaf-Friend with Tree-Thing. Me follow, and fight."
Go which way the Life-Tree is
[Yay ! Robobert and friends !]
You follow Ako through the Sylvarian territory. Around a hour later, you arrive at the life-tree.
There are around twenty Sylvarians there, clearly used to combat. You also notice a strange creature at the base of the tree.
A four armed huge plant being, a bit taller than you. It sit cross-legged, like meditating.

"This is what we call the Sylv Guardian. An entity created by the lifetree to protect itself. It is an ally, don't worry.

"The humans will arrive shortly, we have some time left. Everyone to your positions !" orders Ako around.

[4] Everyone fall silent. Steps of people coming are heard. You all lie in ambush, camouflaged by your natural body. You can finally see the enemy, a whole battalion of human soldiers : knights, magi and archers. They number at least thirty.

"NOW !" shouts Ako, and pointy roots suddenly impale the advancing humans. There are around five casualties among the enemy, not counting the injured.

The Sylvarians come out of hiding and use the terrain to their full advantage. As of you, you rush into the melee, and are facing three armored knights.

Dahak the Spooky really Scary Skeleton
(wut, this village is literally hell :v, or Dahak's lack of luck turned it into literal hell)


Dahak isn't sure of how to react. Its like he just witnessed his bad luck suddenly gain sentience and decide it wants to punch everyone in the face.
For a moment, he thinks out there, somewhere, some sort of deity must either really like him or hate him, maybe both!
He's not sure how to feel about this.

I repeat my previous statement regarding the fact I would certainly prefer a loli vampire to this

Dahak then realizes this is no time to distill jokes out of the humans' misfortune. But he can't help but to wonder for a few seconds, still partially paralysed by the sudden influx of holy magic into the core of his being.

(Just what the hell is wrong with this place? Did they build this village over a sewer system linked directly to a Demon Lord's bathroom? A landfill filled with cursed rings of suck? The official embassy of the negative energy plane? Is this village's name boatmurdered or something?)

Regardless, he recovers his full motor functions a split second later, meaning this is time to get the hell out!

Proceed to get the hell out of this bermuda triangle analogy of a village, AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, doesn't matter where, as long its not filled to the brim with angry not dead or alive monsters or angry human zealots. Hopefuly you won't run into Cthulhu or Stephen Fry along the way, but considering your luck, take nothing for granted. Make sure to give a middle finger to anything and anyone around while you run.
[Dahak, Unluck Catalyst]
[2] ((at least it's not a one))
You get up and try run away from this accursed place, swearing and shouting to yourself. But your leg still hurt a lot and refuse to move. You are forced to crawl to get to safety. Behind you, the fighting is intense as the humans try to shake off this unknown enemy.

Corruptor roll : [6]
Priest roll : [4]
You still glance at the fight, and see the priest totally engulfed in the ichor. The knights slash at it, but it doesn't seem so effective.

Ferratus the Corrupted Armor
Ferratus simply laughs, both due to the rush of power from the knight and at the reaction of his fellows.

"Kill me? Good luck."

Throw the lance at the priest and rush him. Kill him before he can use his tricks. Should the knight intercept me, disable him and return to priest killing.

((Funfact: Ferratus was originally intended to be honorable, willing to take sacrifices for the sake of vengeance, but ultimately a pretty okay guy. The corruption changed him into morally-bankrupt, power-hungry and slowly moving into omnicide territory. And now he ended up being kinda tragic. I think the archetype for what he's now is called a byronic hero or something like that.))
[Ferratus the Tragic Knight]
[3] vs [5] You firmly grab your lance firmly and throw it at the priest. But the knight skillfully deflect it with its shield. You rush toward the priest, but the knight prevents you from passing.
Knight roll : [3] vs [5]
The knight then attempt a vertical slash, but you parry it with your axe and counterattack with your sword. The sword cut the knight in the left shoulder, and he loses hold of its shield.

Priest roll : [6] vs [2]
At the same time, the priest shouts "Holy Binding !". Gold tethers suddenly grab you and hold you down, you are unable to move !
But in the process, the priest accidentally bind the sword of his comrade, to his own horror. Furthermore, you can feel the tethers burning at your undead energy.
You lose 6 HP


Monsters :

Spoiler: Snehk the Stalker (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: September 09, 2016, 12:24:30 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [9/9]
« Reply #421 on: February 20, 2016, 03:02:09 am »

Search the area for Meat creatures, I've had enough salad for one day...
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [9/9]
« Reply #422 on: February 20, 2016, 03:03:54 am »

Search the area for Meat creatures, I've had enough salad for one day...
(I'm actually positively surprised. I thought you would savagely rush at it ! :O
tips: you made the wise choice)

EDIT: (Once more, Shiny makes everything explode)
« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 03:06:16 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [9/9]
« Reply #423 on: February 20, 2016, 03:05:32 am »

(Since 6="Ambushing something that is Lvl Y+3", I thought That might have been a good idea...)
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.

Dark One

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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [9/9]
« Reply #424 on: February 20, 2016, 03:17:07 am »

(( Rise of the named dragon! ))

I bore before thee, oh mighty dragon! I hath seen yer struggle with forces unseen, and decided to help ye! My horrifying howl scared the threat away! - Snehk says with raspy, metallic voice.

I will guard ye, until ye recover yer strengths!

Initiate dialogue with dragon. See if you can gather some information from him. Remain cautious, he might still try to burn me to ashes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [9/9]
« Reply #425 on: February 20, 2016, 03:19:55 am »

((Holy shit ! You did what I secretly hoped you would do ! I was imagining a situation where the dragon is like "Why does everyone try to kill me ?" Going to write your sub-turn right now, tuning back soon !))

edit :
(Since 6="Ambushing something that is Lvl Y+3", I thought That might have been a good idea...)
(I don't always follow my own rules, but I think you got the global idea of the monster power level with the description :)))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [9/9]
« Reply #426 on: February 20, 2016, 03:28:54 am »

Control ALL of the fighting entities, to test my power. Confront those unaffected.
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [9/9]
« Reply #427 on: February 20, 2016, 03:32:25 am »

Turn 24a

Snehk the Stalker
(( Rise of the named dragon! ))

I bore before thee, oh mighty dragon! I hath seen yer struggle with forces unseen, and decided to help ye! My horrifying howl scared the threat away! - Snehk says with raspy, metallic voice.

I will guard ye, until ye recover yer strengths!

Initiate dialogue with dragon. See if you can gather some information from him. Remain cautious, he might still try to burn me to ashes.
[4-1] (Intelligence Malus)
You show up to the angry dragon, an uncommon decision one would say.

The Shegarian moves slowly toward you, its bright yellow eyes gazing at you with intensity.

He stops right in front of you, and move his huge face in front of yours.
"Really ? I'm not such a fool as to believe such an evident lie."

He breathes heavily.
"Is it courage ? Cockiness ? Or foolishness that leads you to come out of hiding ? Let me ask you a question, do you want to kill me ?"

He smirks as he says this.

Spoiler: Snehk the Stalker (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: February 27, 2016, 10:06:43 pm by Nakéen »

Dark One

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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [9/9]
« Reply #428 on: February 20, 2016, 03:48:12 am »

Not courage, maybe a bit foolishness, but not in talking with you, but trying to assault you. I thought that my evil ways led to greater balance, and looking at burnt to ashes ground I thought that my assault was justified. But all it did was cause more destruction. To maintain real balance, I must eliminate threats to you, not you. Do you agree to my vow, in accompanying you in your journeys?.

Tell truth. Vow to dragon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [9/9]
« Reply #429 on: February 20, 2016, 03:53:35 am »

((too tired to make an update, see you tomorrow (in my timezone) !))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [9/9]
« Reply #430 on: February 20, 2016, 05:53:08 am »

dig up a cloud of duty, and attempt to grab a knight or two by the leg, and use them as as a club against the others. If I don't get a grab, just start trying to smash them with large, heavy fists, as usual
Yep, the sig is here
Whoops. Well, shit. Typical salsacookies.
I don't need my cavities checked. I just went to the dentist! Ba-dum-tiss.
I am a Christian


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [9/9]
« Reply #431 on: February 20, 2016, 06:53:30 am »

I can break these cuffs! Then use the priest's mistake and drain/assimilate the now helpless knight (unless I'm close enough to stab him with tendrils without breaking the bindings, in that case do it in reverse). Kill the priest afterwards.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 11:40:07 am by Hawk132 »
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [9/9]
« Reply #432 on: February 20, 2016, 08:27:21 am »

Name : Squishy (Again! Yay!)
Species : Mana Amorphoid
Appearance : The Mana Shard once again becomes amorphous like a slime, but gains the unique ability to mould itself into different shapes. See the trait gained for more information.
HP or MP increase : choose one. Mana up 5, HP up 2. Unless going to stage 3 gets me +8 and +4, in which case, Mana +8, HP +4.
Attributes increased : Power
Traits gained : Transformative: The Mana Amorphoid can take on whatever shape it pleases (Although it will always be the same size). During the transformation phase, its outer layer becomes gelid like a slime's. But when the transformation is complete, it once again crystallizes. (- Constitution while transforming)
Skills gained : Mana Wave: The Mana Amorphoid can now release a large wave of mana which disrupts all mana-using beings in the area. Human mages will be temporarily unable to use mana, and mana crystals underground will probably explode.

((Oh yeah, and it can still float if it wants to. Because levitation for the WIN.))

((Next turn I am SO going up the mine and trying to talk to the humans again. Not sure if they'll listen. If they don't however, I WILL DEVOUR THEM!))
« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 08:30:30 am by Coolrune206 »
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."

Dustan Hache

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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [9/9]
« Reply #433 on: February 20, 2016, 11:49:09 am »

exausted and injured, he would eat some of the flesh of his kill, otherwise remaining immobile. He would then lose conciousness as he embraces what may be his end. Perhaps his kin will find his body when they start salvaging the corpse. He briefly wonders if his guard kin is still alive, or if they too were dead.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a (weak but not for long) Monster RTD [9/9]
« Reply #434 on: February 20, 2016, 12:48:25 pm »

Keep resting. If I have HP over 12 and mana over 5, go for another walk.
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