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Author Topic: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!  (Read 225961 times)


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1170 on: November 11, 2016, 02:10:52 am »

Is there any other players wanting a go? If not, I'll probably return to this after I finish the other one. I sorta got involved in that first, so I should do it first...
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1171 on: November 11, 2016, 08:02:56 am »

Here is the autumn update.

Autumn 218 - no falling leaves in the desert, all that red is blood

2nd Limestone, 218
Autumn had just started when a dwarf ran into me, panicked. He was working on the new green glass tower when he spotted a plume of smoke from the south:

Goblins! Curse them! I ordered all squad to equip and gather at the doors. Meanwhile, I ran to the tower to have a better look, taking with me the head executionner for is military insight.
We looked at the horde, which I thought quite impressive in numbers...
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But veterans told me most goblins were raw recruits, bearing no mark of distinction and poor equipment. Moreover, they had few range weapons. They would be no match for our seasoned warriors.
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I pondered our options: we could wait them in courtyard and decimate them there, but I feared the battle could move back to the outer bridge, and my squadmate Solon Unibalath had warned me of the dangers of fighting next to the magma dyke. In the heat of battle, it is quite easy to stumble, and risk a fiery death. I could not take this risk, so I decided we will fight under our walls. I grabbed my axe and prepared to discover what war means first hand.

4th Limestone, 218
We are victorious.
We ran past our bridge, dispatched in a wirlwind of blades trolls sent as forefront, and plunged deeply in goblins'ranks! The flood on murder had truly possessed us.
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A few moments later, the ground was covered by goblis corpse: we had won and dispatched every single one of them, without any casualty in our ranks!
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Half a dozen soldiers were wounded, and our war grizzly held to life by a thread after engaging a couple of goblin spearmen, but none died afterward thanks to our medical teams.
I made my axe swing, and hit one or two of them, but our hardened warriors were so effective I could not score a kill. Their martial prowess bolster my dream of mastering fighting skills one day. I feel humbled as an experienceless overseer to be trusted by such dwarves.

8th Limestone, 218
After that violent episode, return to daily overseer tasks was soothing. I was told minted coins were piled in a corner of our forges, so I put in place a small vault deep into our catacombs. The room is well hidden, can easily be sealed and adds to the symetry of that level.
I also ordered to recover some goblins and troll junk: we might need the metal, and at worst we could use some goblin clothes for the more ragged of our dwarves. After all, half wore stolen dwarven clothes, we can take them back. To victors the spoils.

9th Limestone, 218

Victory party yesterday in the dining room. The soldiers made toast after toast, and I gladly joined them, which might have been a mistake. Next morning was horrible, I felt like a gong was ringing in my head and my mouth had been used as a cat litter. What sort of elf piss did they gave me to drink?

11th Limestone, 218

Today at sunset, a dark, boiling mist raised from the Ungodly waters  and crept to our walls, thinning as it reached the shore.
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It was as if the lake tried to reach the battleground, hungered by the numerous corpses lying on burning sands. But it failed: Murderflood stands in the way, and will not let the curse spread further.
I am tempted to dry the lake, or to encase it into obsidian, to put an end to the husk threat and perhaps to the mist. But we don't really know if the husks are 'birthed' by the water, or by the mud in the lake, or by more sinister things: draining the lake or covering it could have unfortunate consequences. The best thing to do is to keep any dying creature from falling into the water, and to avoid any contact with the mist.

15th Limestone, 218

News from the mountainhomes, at last. We will trade them our craft and most famous food, as we can't sell stinking rags to fellow dwarves. We need metal, especially iron, and leather. I told the mayor to insist on the subject with the liaison.

17th Limestone, 218
'Duck' Lekmomuz, who was in first cavern to dig the second lake drain, reported he noticed several holes in the ground in areas cleared of trees, which appear to communicate with deeper passages. I went to inspect the cave and discovered a serious hole in our defenses: not only did the deepest part of the cavern communicate with the dangerous second layer, but similar holes give direct access to our main stair from the caverns. I don't dare to imagin what would have happened if that grat lizard had found the breach.
I tried to have the bridge communicating with dangerous tunnels closed, but a whole tour of fortress lever rooms left me perplexed: the bridge is equipped with mechanisms, but no lever appears to command it. I thus ordered the holes to be plugged using fungiwood and spare stones: It might not hold the most powerful beasts, but it will make difficult for them to go through it and they may chose an easier path.
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18th Limestone, 218

Another beast was heard in the second cavern lake: its loud droning echoes clearly through our deepest tunnels, and undeads we know roam these caves are silent. I am glad I noticed the breaches in time. For the moment we may be safe from that horror.

20th Limestone, 218
I just had a weird moment at the training room today: I was practicing a swing our captain taught me a week ago when the axelord Bomrek Misrakurt started what looked like a demonstration on how to properly bite an enemy to death!
He used dried plump helmets to illustrate his point, and it is true he displayed quite a powerful jaw, leaving deep bite marks in hard as wood mushrooms. But to use it in actual fight, to tear a stinky troll nose or a goblin's throat? It appears messy, undignified and less effective than an axe swing or even a punch. I thought he was kidding, but as hardened squad members listened religiously without even a smile, I must admit the tactic is real. Fighting might be quite dirtier and messier than I thought...
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22nd Limestone, 218
We started draining our first cavern lake into the cistern today. Between discussions with engineers about the flow, filling time and pressure control, hearing reports from scouts monitoring the forgotten beast movements and scaffholding building for inner walls, I totally missed the new migrant who arrived today, and I am to busy to greet him. I asked the manager to deal with him, hopefully the guy won't mind.

26th Limestone, 218

'Duck' decided to throw a party, I don't even know why. I was busy supervising work on our magma delivery system: rollers are being put into place, and soon we will try it with an empty minecart. If only engravers could work quicker on tracks!

28th Limestone, 218

A terrible sound, like a huge chalk on a blackboard, echoed through the caverns this evening: Another forgotten beast! I ordered everyone to stay inside, at least until we locate the creature and assess the threat.
Problem is, someone just told me 'Duck', slightly inebriated, decided to go recover a caged giant cave swallow in the caverns to roast it: I had the gongs rung to alert everyone, Ihope he will hear it and manage to reach our door in time.

1st Sandstone, 218
Unfortunately, the beast found 'Duck' before he could reach the door: obstinate as always, he refused to let go the cage, even if it slowed him. A gigantik, winged blob apparently ade of salt crashed into him, releasing a huge cloud of dust which burned vegetation in the whole tunnel, as a severe frost could. We could see noting of the fight through the dust, but we heard suddenly heard a loud droning: the second beast, which we thought locked in second caverns, had joined the fight!
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We heard a liquid noise, then screams, and all of a sudden the huge lacewing stormed through our gate! Fortunately, someone shut it down quickly enough to pin the beast to the ground, and our crossbowmen rushed to the fight. They were in an instant covered by sticky webs the beast hurled in prodigious quantities, impeding movement and nearly forbidding anyone to take a shot.
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6th Sandstone, 218
It was a painful attrition fight, betwean the beast spitting webs and our crossbowmen trying to reach it through the storm, most bolts being caught mid-air or deflected into a wall. Our soldiers hold their ground despite hunger, thirst and exhaustion, always struggling with sticky webs to stand, load their crossbow and fire. I organized a chain to bring them waterskins and ammo, throwing them in the stairs to avoid being caught. The third day, reports came that the beast was rotting alive; a terrible stench moved up through main stairs, carried by hot, damp air from the caves sucked by the half-closed door. We supposed that rotting was caused by the dust the other beast spread, and felt fortunate we did not have to fight it and risk contamination - except poor 'Duck', of course, but I think he died before the horrible plague stroke him.
The fourth day, I nearly came to blows with Sigun Geshudetas, because of this:

Our soldiers were risking their life to protect the fortress, and that stupid dwarf wanted to party! I had to repress the urge to give him an 'accident-prone' task: like deconstruction a wall holding magma, or fishing in the lake. Father told me to let him be, as a party would at least boast morale in the fortress: he was true of course, but I felt bad for our heroic soldiers.
At least on the sixth day the beast died. We don't know if it was a bolt or the plague that put an endto its life. Soldiers went to sleep at last, execept one recruit we had to carry to his bed: he had spent the fight in the frontline, with the creature flaying its antennas and horrible mandibles at arms length, and was left deeply traumatized by the experience.

Last victim of the fight was one of our giant peregrine war falcons: he tried to fly through the gate, got caught in the webs and set up the dagger trap behind the door.
We recovered the corpses and gave a decent burial to 'Duck', whose mangled corpse we found less than ten steps from the entrance. Sometimes death take us with salute at hand.
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18th Sandstone, 218

Again, the cursed lake plagues us with its mist. I begin to think the mist might be an omen that death and horror are to come: in spring, the mist raised above the fortress less than ten days before a woodcutter drowned. We had no mist in summer, and nobody died. A month ago the mist raised again ,and three days later the feathered lace worm came. I thought it reacted to death, but it is as though there is something under this lake that KNOWS when death and suffering will come, and the mist raises in anticipation.
Are the beasts pushed toward us by the same curse that creates the mist? Is there an intelligence behind these events, toying with us and plotting our demise? I fear so, and old stories heard in my youth, about fortresses lost to a monster that could see through the veil of times, now bring terrifying prospects...

23rd Sandstone, 218

Another vile mist was spotted on the lake. I read again the previous entry and I think I may have erred, as nothing hinted at a threat those last days. Work is going smoothly: the green glass tower is raising quickly and scaffholding are nearly done, allowing us to raise the inner wall. Ewerything appears to be calm, and our crossbowmen, motivated by the fight with the beast, are training diligently.

Thrice cursed be this damned lake! Another creature was spotted in the deepest cavern. This time it is a snail with curly hair (a grotesque sight indeed), which appears to kill everything that comes near, as bats, rats and cave toads fall to the ground in its vicinity. I personally closed the cavern door, and decided to wait the beast in first cavern guard room.

26th Sandstone, 218

I was told 'Quasar' organized a party to celebrate his last work. I didn't join, waiting for the beast to come to our doors. Even the good news about lake draining, going well enough to allow us to recover our deads by winter, could not bring me to move: I wait for the last threat to Murderflood, and I will not move till I see it dead!

27th Sandstone, 218

I don't even care about his stupid fetichism, the beast is near, I feel it! I will go to the lever. Whatever entity sends it, it will be disappointed.
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28th Sandstone, 218
The beast is dead, a steel spike through the heart: we will let its body rot, as a reminder of the fate deep dwellers will receive. Apparently the beast managed to bypass the walls we built in those caves: further work will be needed to perfect that, but not during my term. I have enough to do.

1st Timber, 218

He claimed a mason's workshop: he behave quite differently than the last mooding dwarves, acting in a less sinister way. I hope he will build something useful.

6th Timber, 218

And another one. I think the horrors under our feet and the permanent threat of the lake bring us to cherish anything that bring us the slightest feeling of safety.
We are besieged by evil, and we try to use whatever we can to remain sane. For them, it is attachment to weapons; for me, my duty to the deads and as an overseer. Hope it will be enough to endure, and resist the malevolent entity from the lake.

8th Timber, 218
We finished necessary scaffholding on the walls, and built a new iron bridge as a fllodgate to control future dyke filling. I ordered the bridge linked to the lever which already commands the bridge under this one. We also had to move the wall of that room a few meters back, to ensure we will have a full four steps wide dyke.
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9th Timber, 218

I was glad to see 'Collin' was noot capricious about the materials to build his work of art. I have enough to do to be bothered with this kind of things.
I had to dismantle gear assemblies powering a pump group on southern wall, as we could not build the wall with it in the way. I wonder what is the purpose of those pumps. They are built to draw magma from the dyke and pour it in the courtyard. Previous overseers documents are not clear about that, but I found mentions to a "doom lever", probably the copper one in the dungeon. I think it commands the crucible, and is designed to flood the fortress in magma should the worst occur. This suicidal device tells a lot about our fortress mentality. I will have the pump linked to this lever.

11th Timber, 218
The minecart system is online! First try sent the cart bumping in the cave wall, as the track was not completed, but it speed indicates it will work nicely even when full of magma. I will add a switch of a sort to control the release of the carts, then try the device with the trench filled.
Note for self: clearly indicate to dwarves they don't have to touch the carts once in the system, one of them kept trying to take the test cart back to the stockpile...

13th Timber, 218

The artefact is completed - a rhyolite table. Will do nicely in our dining room.

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I am quite overburdened these days, work must be done quicker if we want to finish before spring. I will probably leave fewer notes for the next weeks, as I must be ready before mid-winter to prepare the next overseer term.

16th Timber, 218
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A glimpse of poetry tonight; fireflies came to dance above the fortress, surrounding the glass tower. Their reflects on glass walls made it appear that lignts were dancing into and through the glass, illuminating night as dancing stars. A soothing sight for weary dwarves, working all day long to endure one more year in this doomed place.


This closes the autumn report, nothing worthy of note occured before winter. I will post winter report separately.
I have an issue with DFFD: I signed in, but did'nt receive activation email.

I know from bay12 forum experience that it can take some time, any idea how long until I can dump the save there? Or another file deposit solution to suggest?

« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 03:43:57 pm by Taetrius »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1172 on: November 11, 2016, 06:52:20 pm »

And finally winter.

Winter 218 - To escape cold, magma bath is the new killing

1st Moonstone, 218
The last days of autumn have been busy, but productive. We managed to reach important steps in several projects, and other works are going quite well.
First, preparation for the raise of the dyke is going well: we will have finished the inner wall before spring, replacing old fortifications with walls and putting new bridges to control magma flow.
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Four of the five magma gates were doubled, and we started work to make depot island magma proof: the goal is to flank outer entrance with raising bridges, to be able in case of emergency to empty the dyke through our main entrance (without burning our trade depot, of course!).

The necropolis extension I started when I became overseer is slowly being smoothed: future vaults were built along the west corridor, to recieve our heroes and important characters. Some corridors filled with coffins for our population and pets were added, and a tomb, bedroom and training room were carved in the middle as my future abode as Gravekeeper, and eventually for assistants as well.
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I am proud to know my term will have been useful for posterity, as our deads will now have a place prepared for them to lie with dignity. No more corpses abandonned in our corridors, no more heroes kept under anonymous rock lids, or worse makeshift commemorative slabs. I wonder if I should relocate all burying places of the fortress in the necropolis, as we have room enough, or if I should entomb our late heroes in proper mausoleums, as several rest anonymously among coffin rows.
I don't feel I have the right to choose by myself what to do on such a subject: I'll ask to the Council, and let the final decision to our future overseer. Of course as the Gravekeeper it will be my duty to celebrate the fallen ones, and I will do what I can for them. If the council decides to regroup burial grounds, I will help; for now, my burden as overseer forbid any action in this domain.

Our new magma minecart delivery system has passed brightly its testing phase: tracks are finished and the system was linked to the fortress main power axis using an old shaft.
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It powers three rollers:
- at west, a medium speed roller will recover empty minecarts. It is also used as a drop point for new minecarts entering the system (OOC: affecting a minecart to the hauling route, then forbidding the cart when it leaves the roller to avoid haulers trying to recover it on tracks).
- at south, the trench which will be filled with magma is equipped with iron rollers, to drag filling minecarts trough the magma and push them out of the trench.
- at east, the roller gives the main impulsion to send filled minecarts to their destination.
We will put a gate to switch off the system by blocking filled minecarts on east roller: when the gate will oppen minecarts will automatically be sent to their destination, pour magma there and come back for a refill, cycling until the gate is closed again.
An effective and elegant system, I think. First test with the blood of Armok will soon start, trying to isolate first cavern lake from underground streams in order to drain it and recover our fallen comrades.

People are so proud of our work that the head executionner proposed a party to celebrate winter: I gladly accepted, as we all need relief. Besides, I really need good laugh, as I spent too much of the last month lost in dark thoughts and undefined but growing concerns. The mist, the beasts, possessed dwarves acting madly, the quacks... It becomes harder to admit those are only coincidences, that nothing, or nobody, is covertly playing a cruel game with us. Perhaps wine and songs will chase those ghosts...

3rd Moonstone, 218
The fortress was calm and worked slower last day, possibly because of hangover. I slept quite well, even though I woke up discovering I had confused coffin for bed. But stone is barely harder than wood for a dwarf back after all, and the coffin sides made me feel quite safe, so I guess my good sleep is understandable.

Late in the morning, a soldier came to say me they spotted a kobold: that stupid creature fled as soon as she was spotted. Was she afraid by our steel-clad soldiers, or by rotting corpses littering the sand around our walls?

7th Moonstone, 218
Today is a great day: at last, water level in the cavern lake is low enough to allow us to recover the drowned corps of the woodcutter who disappeared last year. I ordered to open the drain of the second lake, and by the end of the year we should have recovered bodies of neraly all our lost brothers.

12th Moonstone, 218

Whatever entity, be it a god or an ungodly abomination, is playing with our fate, I hate it! Just as I was glad we entombed the woodcutter corpse, an horrible beast reached first cavern right next to the lake, and quickly devoured Thob Lokumbomrek, a woodcutter who had decided to work in the caverns for the first time in months!
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I am sure that aberration will die on our traps, as usual, but it had the time to maim a dwarf again. I am furious, against the monster, fate, my own failure to protect our people, but mainly against the one I am sure now is playing a sadistic, deadly game with us, killing lone dwarves in the caverns, sending waves after waves of abominations, messing with our minds. I hate him, I despise him, I would give everything to kill him - but I don't knowhow to reach him, I don't know if he can be killed, I don't even have a proof he exists!!!

18th Moonstone, 218
The beast was difficult to kil, its square shell hard to pierce for our spike traps, but after numerous strikes it finally fell, and we are able to recover the mutilated body of our friend. He lied in the moss, half-eaten by rats, his hand still holding his axe.
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People say woodcutters are doomed in Murderflood, as none seems to survive long. I have the feeling I could hear an hysterical cackling raising from the depths: fear, hopelessness, are they funny for you monster? I hate you, but I won't give up! We will recover each of our deads, and you will have nothing more to laugh about!

21st Moonstone, 218
We need to drain the second lake to recover Urdim Lolotikon corpse, and the reservoir is nearly full: I guess it is time to release water in the tunnels and prepare to cast obsidian. We will wait the tunnels fill a little to pour water at the level below.
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28th Moonstone, 218

Another party, our booze stockpile is thinning. I ordered to produce some more, and more clothes, some dwarves still wear rags. I blame the dwarves who decided to stock whole bins of clothes in their room, sometimes covering the ground, and for one or two going as far as using their tomb as dressing room. Do they have no shame to keep so much for themselves when others have nothing? Some of them are council members, so I can't really do anything, but disapprove and move on. But this kind of thing shows there is something wrong in our fortress - silliness is common ,lazyness, greed and violence unpunished... I went through the judicial record and found some offenses were committed by one of our captains! I fear the place that was chosen for our home has changed us, corrupted us, its evil influence weakening our morality and sanity. And I don't know how to fight it. I feel lost, dejected, useless. But what part of these feelings are mine, and what is caused by that corruption twisting my thoughts? How can I know? What can I do?

5th Opale, 218

That horrible mist raised again from the lake: I wish I had never left the underground, where I did not see that terrible omen: I would not have feared another accident as I do now; the Ungodly waters are waiting for someone to die, I know it. I ran through our entire security system, asking guards to be vigilant, controling each trap and lever. People were surprised and thought I was being weird, but they don't know as I do what could happen. I will not tell them to preserve their minds from the awful truth: I must bear this burden alone.

6th Opale, 218

Again! This time it will be serious. Who will die? I ordered the caverns closed, the bridge raised, all dangerous work stopped: I told people I thought a day off was necessary, so they did not complain. I verified each potential vulnerability again and again, while giving construction orders and going through our stocks; I noticed the metalsmiths built fifty iron mechanisms when I asked only fifteen: I suppose we could always melt them. I am exhausted. I'll sleep again in my coffin tonight, hoping it will help me to escape anxiety...

7th Opale, 218
I slept quite well again, and could go to work again without fearing a catastrophe each time someone calls me.
Our project for lake water was a success! We managed to encase into obsidian the first submerged level of sough-eastern adamantine spire without major accident.
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It appears water flow created instable obsidian boulders, sending magma waves through the magma sea and a few chaotic blocks in the mining zone. However, that adamantine is now available for safe mining. I gave orders to do so. It will be possible to reach deeper levels by widening obsidian 'cover', then channeling into it to reveal magma around adamantine for obsidianization. The legendary metal will be ours, to forge weapons and armors of legend! With those, we will hold hell itself at bay, and perhaps find and destroy the source of the lake curse.

To be continued... For worse, of course!

10th Opale, 218

Here comes the readed announce. I knew something bad would occur since that terrible mist rose. I was so busy monitoring everything I did not notice Fikod was missing our squad training. We looked everywhere, I even went to the caverns to find him, but it is as if he vanished in thin air. People are afraid: if one of our mightiest warriors can disappear like that, no one is protected. I feel panic and despair rising in the fortress, and in my heart. I could not find others solution to calm them than urging everyone to work harder - people have less time to think when they are exhausted. But a feww dwarves looked at me weirdly tonight.

11th Opale, 218
I had a strange nightmare tonight: I remembered an old discussion I had with the axelord Solon Unibalath, the lost Fikod being present: Solon taught me that fighting near any kind of pool, but especially a magma moat, was hazardous. "In the heat of battle", he said, "it is quite easy to stumble and risk a fiery death. And I wish this fate to no one". Then entered the nightmare: the two soldiers burst into flames, their copper shields melting to the heat, and a wave of burning blood raised to submerge me. I was woken up by pain, as my elbow hit the coffin side. Had I been in bed, I would have fallen to the ground. That dream had shaken me, and it was far worse when captain 'D' came to warn me:

I felt as caught in a landslide as I realized I already KNEW; after the nightmare, I was somehow sure Solon was dead, and all my efforts to reject that baseless belief had not worked. And now I knew my premonition was true. I had to ensure what other things in this nightmare were true: so I ordered a dike inspection to look for hints of our lost warriors.
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A pool of molten copper was spotted in the eastern dike, right under the Cobalt Charms barracks. It seems Solon and Fikod fell to their death, burnt in the dike. However I don't understand how such a fate was even possible: there is no way to go atop the wall in this part of the dike, and we isnpected carefully the casern wall without even finding place to pass a needle between blocks. As it is impossible to imagin two steel clad warriors climbing the wall during a sparring session, we have no explanation about what happened. I am convinced the occult force bent to our demise is somehow responsible for that, but I did not tell anyone, fearing they would think I lost my mind. Captain 'D' was storngly affected by the loss of two friends, but he ordered to resume training in a stern demonstration fo dwarven resolve. However, he drew a chalk line ten feet from the wall, saying that part was off limits for sparring. I found this cautious, and so did the captain of the Snarling Knives whose barrack is at first floor. I hope this will avoid any other loss, but how can you proect anyone of a power able to push two seasoned, steel-clad fighter through a stone wall without leaving a mark?
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I shut myself in my room to think about the meaning of that dream. After hours pondering if it was inspired by the creature behind the mist, to taunt and torture me, I concluded that as doubt around our soldiers fate would have created more fears than their impossible demise did, the entity would have prefered us not to know. I think, I hope, that the dream was inspired by the dead spirits themselves, acting one last time to protect their fortress as they did countless time while alive. It appears my connection to our deads as the gravekeeper, and perhaps my links to my squadmates, made me the ideal medium for their message. This task I chose when I became overseer might be far more important for our fortress than I thought: besides securing our lost ones repose, I will have to listen to their wills. I was right to have my quarters built in our necropolis: living among the deads will strenghten my links to them.

19th Opale, 218

A horse died in our animal pen: I once again forgot to order it released. I really don't have the knack for animal care, I should delegate it to someone more competent. Did not we have someone who called himself the Keamaster?

Apparently, some don't really care about animal and dwarves deaths, partying even during mourning. I don't know if I must cheer it as a proof of strong dwarven spirit, or fear it as a testimony of our loss of any honour or decency, under the influence of that horrible lake and the one hiding below.

26th Opale, 218
First run for our magma delivery system today; we put pressure plates on the track to open and close the hatch securing the chute, and the cart made effortlessly its first delivery.
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The chute nicely brought the magma to target, isolating the lake from underground streams by an impervious obsidian plug.
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However, for more offensive applications of the device, we might need to use several carts to carry magma and raise the delivery rate: for such use, pressure plates will not work, so I ordered them replaced by a lever next to the hatch. It kind of limits the automated part, but it appears a good alternative. In the future it might be appropriate to move all the levers in a dedicated control room, but proximity was needed for conception.

One of our sworddwarves gave a name to his sword today: I suppose it is less disturbing than "growing attached" to it, whatever this implies...

1st Obsidian, 218
 As the last month of the year starts, I got myself out of Cobalt Charms. It is sad to leave the squad after a year of common life and the recent loss of two squadmates, but I must prepare my resignation as overseer and my future life as the gravekeeper. I asked the herbalist Lòr Ibeshkilrud to replace me in the rank: I know he doesn't really like to fight, but he is tough and knows how to wield the axe. Some must make sacrifices for the good of the fortress, I wasn't keen on being overseer myself. I created a new "squad" of a sort, responsible for the necropolis protection and recovery of our fallen ones. For now I am the only member: if I spot someone with deep connexion with deads, I will propose him to take his weapon of choice and  join the Grave Keeepers in the necropolis barrack.

9th Obsidian, 218

A party again, this time to celebrate the clear glass command I ordered - as glassmakers are quite weary of green glass block production. We need it to build our main entrance outer bridges: the sight of magma through the glass will strike visitors in awe, and warn trespassers of their imminent fate. We just need to replace the old granite gridge, as it will not bear magma temperature when submerged.

14th Obsidian, 218
The sand titan attacked! After a year lurking in the Ungodly waters he ran to our main entrance before any sentinel could spot him. Fortunately, we had just disassembled the old granit bridge and were building a stong, magma-safe slate pavement, so the beast couldn't reach the fortress itself. Then it demonstrated the extent of its stupidity, as it destroyed the pump feeding northern magma bunker, and got caught by subsequent magma flood. Our soldiers, who were preparing to fight in depot island, cheered. I guess they were glad that this time the blood of Armok had stricken an ennemy, not a dwarf.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

17th Obsidian, 218

Another guy got attached to his shield, I don't even care.
I ordered northern spire to be obsidianized (OOC: I deemed it NE spire, since I usually find them roughly evenly distributed on the map, so there might be another spire in the hidden north-west corner of the map) The tricky part is that for safety concerns, I did not carve a lateral evacuation to the magma sea, so we must stop the flow before the cavern is filled if we want to recover adamantine.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I am more and more absorbed by the work I started to prepare my future work, a census of all deads in Murderflood, their history and how they met their fate. If we don't properly honnor our deads, would we truly be dwarves?

21st Obsidian, 218

Today I put to rest another drowned corpse. I will finish my term before being able to recover the last one, but everything will be in place to drain the first cavern lake he was drowned in, since the obsidian plug isolate it from water sources. It just need a little digging and time to drain it.

26th Obsdian, 218

Bomrek organized a party to celebrate the end of my term as an overseer. I was moved, and I hope next overseer will be listened, guided and obeyed as well as I was. I will leave hom my notes, charts of the additions my term gave to Murderflood and notes about things that are yet to complete.
However I will keep for myself my conviction about the vile entity behind the forgotten beasts attacks, the loss of our fighters and probably even our woodcutters curse. The one wo creeps deep under the lake, his corruption commanding to the mists, his influence corrupting the water and raising the deads. The one whose mind possessed several dwarves and tried to force them to madness by asking for scarce materials. The one who is the bane of dwarven civilization, a monster born dwarf, who Hell itself could not kill, and who will one day walk again in the surface world, bringing apocalypse. I know you are there, Urist McDuck, and I will do everything I can to twart your devious schemes!

28th Obsidian, 218
Documents left to the future overseer:

Control room for caverns/magma sea
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Necropolis plans (huge)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Main entrance and green glass tower
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Magma delivery system
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Northern entrance: there is work to do there, a dike gate is to build and the entrance is absolutely not magma safe. The bunkers also need a rework.

As a note, it seems we have a magma pool under the courtyard. It is possible this one could spread magma everywhere when we will raise the dyke because of pump-induced pressure ...

And here is the save:
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 05:28:27 am by Taetrius »


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1173 on: November 12, 2016, 12:55:33 am »

This is a ☼Diary☼. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality.
It is encrusted with vomit and studded with blocks of unknown material.
The pages are masterfully penned with narration, flavor and descriptions.
This object menaces with spikes of Forgotten Beast silk.

On the item is an image of Taetrius "Gravekeeper" Alathrigoth and dwarves in obsidian. Taetrius "Gravekeeper" Alathrigoth is surrounded by the dwarves. The artwork relates to the appointment of Taetrius "Gravekeeper" Alathrigoth to the position of overseer of The Stirred Irons in 218.

On the item is an inscription. The inscription reads "Hum, that's a lot of crundles. And blood. And crundle blood. and dead crundles."

On the item is an image of CrAzY UrIsT and cats. CrAzY UrIsT is in a fetal position. The cats are laughing. The artwork refers to the discovery of CrAzY UrIsT's corpse in "the cat vault" in Spring of 218.

On the item is an image of dwarven woodcutters in nethercap wood. The dwarven woodcutters are drowning.

On the item is an image of dwarves and goblins. The dwarves are striking a menacing pose. The goblins are making a plaintive pose. The artwork refers to the routing of the goblins in Autumn of 218.

On the item is an image of forgotten beasts. The forgotten beasts are lurking everywhere. The artwork refers to the arrival of even more freaking forgotten beasts to Murderflood in 218.

On the item is an image of dwarves in limestone. The dwarves are partying. The artwork relates to the completion of the necropolis in Murderflood in 218.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 01:08:45 am by Zuglarkun »


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1174 on: November 12, 2016, 05:37:44 am »

Writing it was quite long (I spent at least four hours on each season), but gratifying. It is amazing how random silliness of dwarves can build a convincing story.

As for craftmanship of this diary, as a non-english speaker I have a question: I used 'dike' or 'dyke' for the magma moat, and I know the two may mean the same and one is ... ambiguous, but is one better/more used than the other?
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 08:37:41 am by Taetrius »


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1175 on: November 12, 2016, 03:03:15 pm »

Hey, I lick my shield if I wish to! Anyway, nice work Taetrius, a yearful of quality updates! A gravekeeper is a nice addition to Murderflood's storyline.

The amount of creepy beasts that appeared throughout the year is indeed quite staggering.. Finally the bunkers proved their usefulness too! In your face, stupid titan! The levers and devices also keep multiplying, and I've already lost track of them ages ago. I've never done anything with minecarts either. But I'm still most worried about that one particular switch, which just happens to be located right next to a high traffic point, waiting for a dwarf to tantrum/go berserk on the most convenient location possible..

I'm tempted to take a turn, but I can't promise I have time for it yet. Maybe after a couple weeks or so. But I'll keep stalking around at least.

Should we try to get the queen, btw?

Fleeting Frames

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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1176 on: November 12, 2016, 05:01:32 pm »

- Glorious magma! Warm magma! OSHA-incompatible magma!

Murderflood's military considers a massive invading army less dangerous than their home. Truly spartan.

- Magma walls are nice. Mist turns to steam in the heat. (jk)

- Yay, community fortress pathfinding. Both overseers and creatures get lost.

That "floor-only thickness" happens sometimes with minimum distances. Brings magma closer, and means that sometimes you can hit a cave in from ceiling of first cavern straight to magma sea.

- When a dwarf bites an enemy, they are considered to have a hold on them. Try to dodge when being held still!

When unarmed civilians fight, biting and scratches are ways they can rip apart neck arteries, even when creature is so large that punches are ineffective.

- Could have cancelled Duck's job from 'j'obs menu, for instance.

And great straight tunnel for ranged attacks. The FB's webs are like ballista arrows, expect effective.

But sounds like the poison of the other beast is somewhat effective. No comparison to dwarven steel, but a few pools for goblin recruits to walk through might be neat.

And a third beast kebab. Eh.

- Would have thought you'd have just walled off the assemblies and pumps and let it flow over them. Guess not.

- Neat, another BD bait. Dunno what's the use, though.

- Had that happen with dffd too, so I've used mega before.

- Are you planning to fully submerge depot in magma?

- Massive nec---Is that turtle? The appearance is incongruous with the rest of the tileset. 

Weird to see access stairs so isolated from each other.

- Neat cart system, though I guess the delivery point has to be reset manually after each filling?

- Heh. Wonder if you could mod coffins to act as beds?

Would dwarves sleep in filled coffins, then?

- My laughter goes out to the woodcutters.

I guess strange mood bait is Nawiri.

- So many parties in DF2014.

- Dodging through walls, I guess. Bad spot for barracks.

I don't think reducing barracks area is enough to avoid this, judging from ConstructIvory.

- Close by lever...Mention of said lever would be neat, I guess.

oh there it is

- One of the necropolis' western rooms is very cluttered.

- You can build a roller on the track/ramp IF the roller would attach to a machine, in which case it is left hanging.

As far as bumping goes, Larix's powerless designs use 1-tile trench.

NSE track crossing acts just like NSEW in most situations. A cart will not turn south on it when coming from east.

- English is third language for me myself and fox spellchecker is no help, but I think dyke is an insult for girls while dike is a pass-forbidding trench.


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1177 on: November 13, 2016, 09:03:36 pm »

Yes, Dyke is an insult. Dike's hold back water or lava in this case.


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1178 on: November 14, 2016, 04:33:22 pm »

I thought dyke could be used as dike - but perhaps uncommonly because of its other meaning. Should I edit the diary? I don't feel the gravekeeper being vulgar, even if 13 years old sure love to swear.

To Fleeting Frames:
- I kew for biting dwarves, it's just it's quite funny first time you stumble on it, and I had never had a biting demo (had fun wondering how to give biting lessons)

- Didn't thought about the 'j' menu cancellation, as I only use it on my way to 'm'anager to find suspended construction works. I tried giving 'Duck' orders in a squad, forbidding the cage, but he wouldn't listen... Sad but usual with dwarves.

- unfortunately the salt blob poison was deadly dust, which did not appear to contaminate bodies or corpses. I was half dissapointed not to have a fun syndrome to deal with, with rotting dwarves everywhere - would have fit the narration and justified the use of a dedicated gravedigger squad.

- Except if someone forgets to raise the steel bridge before releasing glass ones, depot should be safe. With current walls it can only be surrounded with magma, not submerged. If someone feels ready to raise the dike two levels in a go...

- yup, cart system delivers periodically to the same point till you open/close a door, thought it might be handy in case of climbing FB/crundel army to dump several magma salvoes in a row.
For tracks, system try say a SE track makes the cart turns, problem is what does it do on a NSE? Go left, right, bump back?

As for next player, I guess Gwolfski will be busy a moment, he is here too.


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1179 on: November 14, 2016, 08:03:22 pm »

- Removing the stockpile also works.

- I see depot is unsafe, then.

- flat track NSE does same as NSWE or 1-tile bridge or etc. North goes to south, east goes to west, and both vice-versa. Really, it'd be faster to test it out than write your question, and I recommend having a testfort for quick 2-minute idle thoughts.

That designation is more interesting on ramps, though. Few uses:

• Altering EW and NSE, descending to west, makes for bidirectional any-speed checkpoint elevator. My go-to for moving magma-filled minecarts from depths of earth.

• 3-ramp dwarf pits with straight ramps to west and south or north makes for a common multi-pass redirectable system.

• Unlike a corner, it won't force a turn when cart goes over it at below derail speed. Allows you to make single-z two-way speed boost with opposing NSE and NSW ramps, or to give a spot of sideways velocity towards E while still continuing north or south, or be useful for ascending pits diagonally.

- Yes Gwolfski is prolific


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1180 on: November 15, 2016, 06:47:22 am »

Meh, I doubt Dwarves swear the same way.


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1181 on: November 21, 2016, 05:18:01 am »

"Yar, can ye cowards not see the truth? If no overseer be comin' forward, Murderflood be facin' it's final hours! It be time! We must release the magma and live eternal in bright, burning glory!"

"You said Murderflood was facing it's final hours last month, when that Forgotten Beast arrived."

"Aye, but this time be for reals, I be telling ye!"

"And the time before that, when the woodcutters were drowning..."

"The lake be takin' us one by one! Ye cannot tell me that not be a sign the end times be upon us!"

"And the time before that..."

"... it was a terrible beastie fueled by wrath, I tell ye!"

"... it was a honey badger."

« Last Edit: November 21, 2016, 05:19:38 am by QuQuasar »


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1182 on: November 21, 2016, 02:38:22 pm »

Do NOT pull the lever. I gotta make a volcano first.
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1183 on: November 29, 2016, 09:52:03 am »

Anyone got the save? Did I kill the fortress by wall-texting it to oblivion?

Fleeting Frames

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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1184 on: November 29, 2016, 08:37:17 pm »

There's nobody on turn list is all (granted, Taupe is afk :v)
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