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Author Topic: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!  (Read 220922 times)


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1155 on: November 03, 2016, 09:27:42 pm »

Was there a rule to avoid excessive use of traps in murderflood? I am surprised we don't have a service entrance with serrated disks, spikes, dodge traps... to deal with intruders without admitting them in the depot.
Someone began making atrocious amounts of traps but I'm unsure how well they were set up. They are in one of the cavern layers. Undead slaying is the main purpose for them.


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1156 on: November 04, 2016, 06:04:31 am »

Sign me up for a turn, I have some free time for the rest of the year. I'm going in blind having NEVER read the Ardentdikes Saga. I might read up on this thread to get an idea for how this fortress works, but wheres the fun in that?
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1157 on: November 04, 2016, 06:43:27 am »

The mighty death buzzsaws work just fine. The other things, I'm not so sure about. (10 Serrated Green glass discs. Kneeling will NOT help.)


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1158 on: November 04, 2016, 08:08:06 am »

I was the one who set up the magma dodgeme trap in the cavern. It didn't work very well.

Fleeting Frames

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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1159 on: November 04, 2016, 09:41:28 am »

That's an impressive amount of above-average narrative. For images, you'd upload them to an image sharing website, and then post the direct image link (ends in .png) between [img] [/img] tags. I use imgur for automatic uploading script, myself, so that all I have to do is select an area (and I've decided to also add a name, at cost for myself, to archive things into folders as appropriate - but this wouldn't be necessary if I didn't want to do that). 

A gravekeeper for the dead mother, to survive in the short life....How very suitable, and how endemic of the rotten life on this world.

A hard job, given the waters, but I suppose the military and  the groundblood helps.

No dwarf cleans the outside, for that's what the desert rain is for. Rare it may be.

I hope the panda was promptly eaten. The poor thing wouldn't have any bamboo here.

I half thought the m would be a mule, to take revenge for the crown. Alas, one more dino. How boring.

Yay, the titan AI has decided the lake is good place to idle. Fun.

Does everyone have corpse and refuse hauling enabled?

As for the traps, the last time there was a depot trap-bridge Blind Mr. Bison killed the military by webbing the traps. I think that scared off further attempts.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2016, 09:44:22 am by Fleeting Frames »


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1160 on: November 05, 2016, 12:08:42 pm »

Just added images and corrected some mistakes in spring report. I used a graphic pack since Ascii was giving me headache, but I verified twice LNP correctly reverted saves to ASCII, so shouldn't be a problem.
I am in the last summer month, quite boring. No siege, no forgotten beasts, not even a crundle, the fort is too peaceful. I will be able to drain cavern lakes by autumn, but I don't think I will manage to raise the dyke by the end of my turn, as there are multiple holes to fill if we want to avoid premature magma flood. Except for deconstruction, dwarves aren't cooperative: I have difficulties to make more than two miners willing to work, and architects are the laziest I ever saw (1 month to deconstruct a bridge, seriously?)
« Last Edit: November 09, 2016, 02:20:30 am by Taetrius »


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1161 on: November 09, 2016, 04:19:56 am »

And here comes the summer update, wonderful for its uneventfulness.

Summer holidays in Murderflood

1st Hematite, 218
Summer has arrived. I felt I didn't get much exercise with the Cobalt Charms lately, and I found the cause: the squad was ordered to train only two at a time, and the axelords tend to monopolize training sessions to maintain their skills. I changed the orders to have 3/5 of the squad working at a time, so as to be at least competent in axewielding before the end of the year.
As I was going trough military rosters, I also gave orders to our crossbowmen to resume training. 'Collin', the militia captain of The Order of Cactus, observed it was probably useless as we don't have convenient archery towers to defend the entrance. Another thing to work on...

7th Hematite, 218
One of the teamsters, Stukosh Dodokidash, decided during a sparring session to name his axe "Ninurkudar", The Escorted Immortal. Strange indeed... To be fair, it's a beautiful piece of craftdawrfship, forged by the noble vice-captain 'Asmoth', and it took no less than fifteen lives, among which seven trolls and the forgotten beast Oxut Echoedmaze. Worthy of a name I guess, but how did Stukosh choose this one?

10th Hematite, 218
I ordered to start stripping the inner wall of its fortifications. Since the raise of the dyke, they weren't even that useful, and I think we might need more magma in the future...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I'll have them replaced by walls: a little more work will be necessary to deal with various lava pools in the courtyard, and with those green glass pumps sitting on the inner walls for no obvious reason. A shame the engineers did not label the mechanisms to know how they are controlled...

13th Hematite, 218
A human diplomat from Usmenbehal arrived. Let's see what he wants.

14th Hematite, 218
And here comes the human caravan! I had a 'discussion' with the mayor yesterday, hope this time he will barter with merchants without interruptions, as such a lack of respect could have political consequences. As far as he only infuriates the elves it is not really a problem, but we rely on humans and the mountainhome for leather and iron, and we need to keep good relations with our trading partners.

15th Hematite, 218
I was told 'Vuolipartha' got attached to his steel shield, and started a fistfight when one of his squad mates picked it up by mistake. I can understand that if that particular shield have saved his life before, he knows it is effective and wants to keep it. But when other soldiers said he got "attached" to it, they hinted it was not only the wish to have the best equipment that drove him, but a more dubious attitude, bordering fetichism. It was clear it disgust them, and I find it quite disturbing myself.

21st Hematite, 218
The mayor came to tell me he just finished trading with the humans. He acquired all their metal bars, most of their cloth and food and a few horses, using worn cloth and bone crafts as trade goods.
I asked him to buy horses so we could breed livestock, to cope with our lack of leather. The human had none to trade, and each time we need it for tantruming dwarves I have to reduce further our dwindling herd.

I asked a human what they do with our old rags, to be so glad to buy them: paper, he says. What a stange idea...

1st Malachite, 218
We are digging a water cistern to recieve water from first cavern lakes, and act as a buffer between the sink and water tunnels we will use to cast the spires into obsidian.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I also ordered a wall to be built above magma sea, to act as a "template" and limit water spreading. With luck no magma crab or fire imp will disturb the work.

5th Malachite, 218
We got two more migrants, bringing our population to 108. They are useful people, one working as a Metalcrafter/weaver/glassmaker, and the other as Engraver/mason/mechanic.
I was frightened the titan would attack them, as they came next to the Ungodly Waters, but they did not see him (OOC: they came by south border, next to the lake, with the titan only 2-3 tiles away. Either the water is opaque or the titan is really lazy)

6th Malachite, 218
The summer rain came. The weather was already really hot, but falling rain turns into steam in the dyke, making the courtyard an open sky sauna.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
We are hall boiling alive, and our engineeers fear the pebbles produced by water drops falling into lava might one day fill some parts of the dyke, or jam mechanisms. THey say a solution might be to raise the dyke, or to introduce current in the lava. At least the former appears achievable: raising the dyke is our new priority. Among many others. And we already lack dwarfpower.

14th Malachite, 218

Another party. I think they are celebrating the end of the rain, but I don't have time to attend. I just realized I made a huge mistake designing our future magma delivery system.
Foolishly, I thought the most obvious way to fill minecarts was pouring magma from above. When limited tests proved that they needed to be submerged I designed an airlock of a sort using iron gates, but I realized afterward that device could not be fully automated. So back to the drawing board, now trying to work with a magma trench. The wasted dwarven labor makes me shameful.

16th Malachite, 218

The dwarf claimed a magma glass furnace, and is now gathering materials to obey the voices in his head, he says. I try to avoid him, as he makes me nervous with his wild eyes and his drooling gibberish. The worst thing are the quacks that randomly erupt in his mouth; I don't know why but they give me goosebumps.

20th Malachite, 218
Ral Zunthirrash, one of our best miners, appears to suffer a great deal of stress lately. I discharged her of all works except mining, as she seemed quite suceptible to break.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

26th Malachite, 218
From his mad rantings, workers in the furnace deduced the possessed dwarf needs leather to finish his work. Why in Armok's name did the human bring none?
Another reindeer must be slaughtered. If the autumn caravan brings no leather it might get difficult to satisfy dwarven moods, or even basic needs in the fortress.

3rd Galena, 218

A party again. I hate how they delay the work - the necropolis is only half-finished- but at least the populations seems happy.

6th Galena, 218

I fear the lack of exercise brings strange thoughts and desires into our military. That disproportionate attachment to their gear becomes distubing...

7th Galena, 218

Oops! I totally forgot I bought that beast from the elves. As it looks like a bear, I assumed it could survive in the pen. I was wrong. On the plus side, its skin will make a nice leather piece.

18th Galena, 218
The possessed dwarf revealed his creation - a goblin statue, commemorating the fall of Visedmirrors. The artwork is impressive, but the subject depressing. I don't know where we will put that thing, as I don't think we have a historical gallery.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Good news today though: the head executionner managed to pierce the cavern lake bottom and to escape unscathed. We will begin to fill the reservoir as soon as we recover the last boulders from excavation site.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

20th Galena, 218
In order to raise the dyke, we need to plug various holes feeding magma cisterns, as they could overflow when we will pour magma. Here is the first try: a makeshift water pit, filled from above by buckets, will be breached to obsidianize the magma channel.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

25th Galena, 218
The operation was a success!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
We have another inner pool to secure, the wall to complete and a lot of work on the fortress entrances to be able to raise the dike. I don't know if I will be able to see the term of it as overseer.
And that is the end of summer update. As nothing happened, it was difficult to write anything substantial.
I will finish Autumn this evening: for the moment we had a goblin siege and another FB, of the webbing variety this time, which might be dangerous. Expect an autumn update tomorrow evening, and I'll do what I can to have the year finished by Friday (narrative might be late though).


Fleeting Frames

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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1162 on: November 09, 2016, 09:33:07 am »

 • Looking at the spring updates; wow are the caverns bloody.

The passages are a-mazin'.  Easy to get lost, no wonder boat the corpse. Love the network.

 • The reason for the ASCII rule was due TheFlame52 modding the fort to add baby creatures so that turtles could be tamed. (He occassionally does such little mods in succession forts.)

Not sure if there's much trouble from reverting; the baby project was abandoned once already due turtle egg hatching resulting in save corruption.

 • The Escorted Immortal is ...Well, I know a fair few figures from elsewhere who would fit. But in this world, it'd have to be elven diplomat, right?

But the fort is in third dozen of growing attached to equipment.

 • The pumps are meant to flood the fort with magma, iirc.

 • Can't elves bring you FB silk or divine fabric or something?

 • I bet the titan is really lazy. Or looking other way.

 • Hm. It's a shame steam doesn't give happy thoughts.

 • Automating filling of minecarts? Sure is possible, but....

(Stockpile A takes iron/steel/nickel minecarts from anywhere, 1 minecart on track stops dumps them to go through an appropriately-carved magma trench to arrive at stockpile B for filled minecarts set to take from links only. Then have the filled carts set to be carried to dump stations and just remove their routes afterwards.)

But didn't you want to control extremely specifically where the magma would arrive?

 • Half-finished necropolis in the summer? It seems your project size is appropriate.

 • Just FYI, you can't butcher tame animals expect through enabling butchering on them while they're alive and having them dragged into workhop to be killed.

You could still revive the panda, dice it, and get several pieces of leather and lot more meat.

 • Make updates last as long as appropriate accordingly to the content. Some of what I've written previously encompasses less than week while other things go over several seasons.


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1163 on: November 09, 2016, 08:31:14 pm »

The more this goes on, the more convinced I become that the fortress will meet its end when someone inadvertently forgets a tiny part in some mechanism or another and the fort begins flooding with tons of magma before anyone notices the issue.


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1164 on: November 10, 2016, 11:53:28 am »

I'd like a turn, please
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1165 on: November 10, 2016, 03:37:47 pm »

What? With our perfect track record of magma related work? We'll be fine!


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1166 on: November 10, 2016, 06:22:31 pm »

Just finished the year, with several things under way as usual.

I'll post autumn and winter reports tomorrow with the save; for now I fear we lost 'Duck' and two axelords (stupid death for these two). Despite all my tries I did not manage to flood the fort in magma.
Inner wall and main entrance are (nearly) ready for a raise of magma level, and we have a working fully automated magma slavoes magma delivery system.
I didn't have the time or space (for water) to recover all corpses. I'm proud to say all claimable dwarves dead under my watch are duly entombed (for those claimed by magma though...).
Half the fort is still in rags and I forgot to ask the dwarven caravan for clothes.

All in all I had a lot of fun trying to figure what previous overseers intended to build, to make heavy machinery work (dwarven reactors 1, overseer 0 for this point) and to find where various levers were (I didn't find the lever commanding the rough slate bridge in the main stair between two caverns - there was a tree hole issue, but as I couldn't close the bridge I plugged them with wood). Notes helped a lot but unlabelled levers are trickier - even worse are those which apparently do nothing...

I will follow the fate of Murderflood with interest.

PS: I just remember the doom lever is unforbidden, as I had to tweak some wall-related devices. What could possibly go wrong?
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 06:24:49 pm by Taetrius »

Fleeting Frames

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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1167 on: November 10, 2016, 11:30:16 pm »

There's Dfhack's Ctrl-M for unlinked unnamed levers. But if you post the save, gwolfski is up I guess. Unless there's someone else?


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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1168 on: November 10, 2016, 11:47:21 pm »

Yes, since Gwolfsky asked, he is our next player.

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Re: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!
« Reply #1169 on: November 11, 2016, 12:06:24 am »

He'll have to choose between this and that, though.
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