(OOC: One thing that's always true, is that you can't do one thing while doing another at the same time. )
Your continued dedication of nearly all resources to mining has proved very productive but also somewhat tiring. You now have a set of private hospital rooms and have increased the number of rooms at the INN to 30, providing everyone with a small room. Furnishings are another matter, and while now in progress, are slow in coming.
There are currently, as of this time, 38 small bedrooms. 30 INN; 8 Hospital. Ketha's Carpentry skills have managed to produce 6 beds this day, which have no padding/mattress, etc. They are all immediately given to the injured under the doctor's care and to the doctor himself, who has been working rather hard lately. His labors are paying off rather well though, especially considering the immense task he finds himself presented with. If nothing else, you have the raw number of rooms required for everyone. Additionally, it takes some masonry work to establish a foundation, but you manage to get the beginning of a sea wall (other masonry labor was used elsewhere) and you will shortly have a wall there greatly helping keep the sea breeze out of what will become your future farming area. Combined with your walled courtyard area, this gives you at least some defensive structures.
Olabv escorts Thevma into the woods immediately west of you. Thevma is quite pleased to see two separate crops immediately available to her for capture and cultivation.
I.) Immediate Actions for tomorrow: (Pick 3)A.) Stay in Starting Area and build up your infrastructure (specify?).
B.) Stay in Starting Area and Craft (With what materials, results desired etc).
C.) Stay in Starting Area and Fish
D.) Hunt for Food in the immediate area
E.) Continue creation of the new (smaller) boat.
F.) Investigate the cave or other area in your immediate surroundings
G.) travel to a different location (presumably leaving the wounded where they are).
H.) Create item out of metal (specify item etc)
I.) Focus on aiding the miners and mason (removing rubble and speeding the construction by making it easier for them).
J.) Cut down wood (or have someone else do it.
K.) Other (specify?)
II.) How would you suggest Vaubv and Quivan mine/construct buildings (Pick Three ranked more and less important):A.) Focus on Defense first
B.) Focus on establishing a hospital or other safe interior space to place the wounded first. (would expand to private or semi private hospital rooms and physician's office)
C.) Focus on Religious and Burial accommodations for the dead, etc.
D.) Focus on establishing industry and infrastructure (specify)
E.) Focus on expanding space that is flexible and not specialized at present.
F.) Focus on Mercantile and trading with commerce
G.) Focus on creating transportation (Stables, docks, etc)
H.) Focus on justice and administration areas
I.) Focus on long term growth and infrastructure (Hallways, with areas to mine out/build later).
J.) Focus on establishing private rooms perhaps later use as an inn (Expansion of current INN)
K.) Focus on establishing private residence(s) (Create a house or essentially a condo/apartment)
L.) Focus on ascetics and cultural concerns
M.) Focus on recreation.
III.) Mumblings and perhaps grumblings:It's been a couple days since your shipwreck, and most of the people have put in an incredible amount of work. In less than a week, they have managed to construct a small INN, small hospital, walled courtyard, and some hallways for expansion. Additionally, they are coming along nicely with a small boat. You had some worry from the survivors before, and it seems here those mumblings are again. No one has said anything expressly or taken any kind of stand, but you can feel somewhat of a tension in the air. It's been 4 days of frankly quite hard work, and people aren't in the happiest of moods right now, generally speaking.
a.) Actively consider the problem by asking for any speakers to come forward.
b.) Listen if any speaker does come forward.
c.) Do nothing.
d.) Actively hint that dissent isn't helpful.
e.) Actively quash any disagreement.
IV.) Humans and underground spaces:You do have a small population of humans from the ship that survived living among you. They seem unaccustomed to living underground and somewhat lost in the darker areas. Neither of you can see perfectly in the dark, but clearly humans aren't nearly as good at it as you are. With that said, it's a sad affair really that they can't seem to see. The humans seem to oddly spend most of their time above ground, not unusual for their kind but somewhat strange to yours. Perhaps in creating this place you did not seem to take this into account. The humans grumble somewhat like everyone else, but they seem to have a specific complaint about not having any above ground accommodations. You can't help but see that as more difficult to defend.
a.) Work towards building the humans an aboveground accommodation, temporary or otherwise (crop wall/courtyard)
b.) Ignore the problem for now.
c.) Assign the problem as something for later.
d.) Tell them it's not going to happen ever.
V.) Should I stay or should I go? It seems some odd division has arisen among the survivors. Most, want to be rescued and resume whatever lives they left behind, but a small few actually want to stay. This seems unbelievable to you, but they seem to think they can have a better life here than whatever they left behind. They don't seem to want to elaborate on what they left behind that could have possibly been so bad, and in fact it is difficult getting an exact count or name(s) of who seems keen on staying. What you can seem to tell is that it is at most 4 people. Perhaps 5 but you seriously doubt it.
Olabv seems to offer some insight here and his bald headed, leather overcoated words convey a strange sort of seriousness when he speaks:
"Thing about it is, I don't necessarily blame them. I said it when I first dragged out of the sea here and before, I wanted to get away from people, all people. There's a certain call out of the city to places you don't breath fumes or have to listen to bullshit. Now I'm not sayin' I wouldn't get on a boat if one game to rescue us tomorrow, but I got on the last boat to get the hell away from everyone. It isn't completely insane to do that. If you ask me that is."
a.) You personally want to be rescued no matter what.
b.) You might consider staying, if things improved quite a bit.
c.) undecided.
d.) You don't care what happens, you want the hell out of here. Somewhere else.
VI.) All work and no playIt seems everyone has been basically working rather nonstop for all intents and purposes under a general idea that their survival depending upon it. You've been utilizing all the labor and time you possibly could to make sure things got done rather quickly. This has been deteriorating morale.
a.) Keep working, we're going to die if we don't. What's wrong with you? We need to at least establish a steady source of survival. I'm working as hard as I can.
b.) We're working ourselves too much. If we become exhausted then how will we survive?