Day One: You call out to everyone, somewhat unsure, but sure enough you suppose. Your call is very simple and pretty easily understood.
"If we're to survive here, then we need to save ourselves until anyone comes for us. We need to work together, build shelter, deal with our departed and wounded, find food, and fresh water. Tend to the wounded, be safe and get through this. Let's do that. Any suggestions? Any problems? Anything? No?
We can't afford to not take care of ourselves."
Obalv simply and silently raises an ax when you ask about anyone able to cut down trees and nods. Nothing more seemingly need be said on the matter as far as he is concerned.
Vaubv speaks with you and you both determine that a mined home near where stone is likely to be is preferable given what you know right now.
(NOTE: THIS TAKES A FEW DAYS to do and dig out, but a new map every day would be too much)
Vaubv (A Dwarven Miner) sets to work with sturdy pick, many of the humans seem to aid him in removing what he digs, which at first is lots of sand and perhaps a little soil. He spends all day digging slightly down, until he hears a somewhat satisfying sound from his pick. It struck stone; the dwarf smiled.
From there, digging through and removing stone is heavier, harder, but more rewarding. Quivan Savondev (Stone builder and Mech?) sees stone to work, and worries less. She starts carving blocks to sturdy the tunnel portions in the softer soil layer with sand and soil. Reinforced, the small tunnel can be worked in earnest. Of course, it takes some amount of time, but Vaubv is freer to work his way into the earth.
A small starting hall is created, and though not usefully large at present, may grow to become irreplaceable later. It starts somewhere; it starts here.
Obalv shakes his head and trods off to the trees, ax in hand. He mutters something about, "Tried to get away from everyone. Now I'm stuck with 'em." You can hear a loud falling of trees over the area Vaubv is digging in, and now have a fair deal of lumber
In general, the area is a relative bustle of activity. Many seem intent on helping Vaubv remove what he pulls out of the earth and pile it away from him, so you now have a large pile of (primarily) sand with some soil in it. Much of the
Later that night, you get to talking with the humans around the ample fires from the fair amount of wood you have. you learn their names are
Eren Tomal (Human, Male Crewman, Farmer
John Tomal (Human, Male Crewman)
Don Malavic (Human, Male Crewman)
Harol Conrid (Human, Male Crewman)
Stella Thatchin (Human, Female, Scribe/Book keeper)
They seem somewhat friendly enough given the circumstances, but all things considered.... They're still shaken. Speaking of all things considered.
There are other fires nearby enough but clearly downwind. You recall the doctor mentioning before that there were 48 dead.... It seems the number has risen to about 56.... He makes it a point to gather the ashes, and Quivan makes fairly crude urns for them. The doctor explains, rather coldly, clinically, that if you did not burn these bodies, you would all be dead of disease in a matter of days, perhaps weeks, as we have no place to otherwise deal with them with burial.
The Humans give you the following list of supplies from various cargo crates: *400 Excellently Prepared Meals
1/3 Sautéed Cave Beef, Shallots, Crisped Greens, pan fried tomatoes.
1/3 Grilled Duck, Kelp, Roasted Seed Salad.
1/3 Cave Eel Pie with Dwarven Tubers, Cave Wisp Reeds, and Dwarven Mushrooms
*About a quarter of a ship worth of salvageable finished wood
*40 Steel Ingot Bars
*12 Standard Spears
*30 Buckets Wooden (Oak)
*1 large anchor chain (steel) (No anchor)
*2 Large Soaked Sails *(slight rips and tears)
*300 Units of Excellent Cotton Fabric
*1 Goat (Male)
This appears to be what has been salvaged from the wreckage at this point. There are some other crates the humans have not gotten to yet, but this appears to be the bulk of what you’re going to get.
Other Information:
You have 12 wounded left that the doctor is attending to with various ailments. They are all dwarves with various levels of injury
What do you do tomorrow?:
I.) Pick or Suggest OneA.) Stay in Starting Area and build up your infrastructure
B.) Explore the immediately surrounding area generally
C.) Stay in Starting Area and Fish
D.) Stay in Starting Area and Craft (With what materials, results desired etc).
E.) Other
II.) How would you suggest Vaubv and Quivan mine/construct buildings (Pick Two ranked more and less important):A.) Focus on Defense first
B.) Focus on establishing a hospital or other safe interior space to place the wounded first.
C.) Focus on Religious and Burial accommodations for the dead, etc.
D.) Focus on establishing industry and infrastructure
E.) Focus on expanding space that is flexible and not specialized at present.
F.) Focus on Mercantile and trading with commerce
G.) Focus on creating transportation (Stables, docks, etc)
H.) Focus on justice and administration areas
I.) Focus on long term growth and infrastructure (Hallways, with areas to mine out/build later).
III.) Other Ideas and suggestions