ok, im not going to put this quest information into spoilers, cause its broken shit quest design if there ever was broken shit quest design. 11/10 retarded:
If the player destroys any of Virgil's turret defenses, spotlight, or Protectron prior to returning to complete the quest "The Glowing Sea" you will immediately fail the quest upon re-entering Rocky Cave with the serum.
If upon getting the serum the player waits before bringing it to Virgil for around a week, he (Virgil) is then found completely turned, hostile and quest "The Glowing Sea" will immediately fail upon re-entering Rocky Cave.
If the player or any of their companions is wearing Power Armor when entering Rocky Cave, the misc quest to give him the serum will fail and Virgil will become hostile along with his Protectron and turrets.
that failing if waiting to long, ok, no problem here.
but failing the quest possibly 50h after you -maybe accidently- destroyed a lamp - without any effect at the time you break the blub-, thats already VERY retarded.
but then the last one - wearing the power armor - IN THE BLOODY GLOWING SEA WHAT ELSE WILL I WEAR FOR FUCKS SAKE - fails the quest, thats to over the top shit, i dont even.
anyway, if you havnt been there, you now have been warned. quest doesnt like you to wear fancy stuff. cause, reasons.