I embarked on a cave for shits'n'giggles, sent a dwarf down to explore it, and when I get to the cavern at the bottom...
I'm jealous.
I embarked on a Kobold Cave, they were friendly, but the Kobold Caves, at the bottom regions, always seem to get split in half by the map.
There weren't that many, so I am jealous, and they actually did quite well against an FB that showed up right inside their region (and by that, I mean their lowest section, where they keep the goodies)
Usually, they end up friendly. If they aren't, and are armed, Kobolds end up being pretty dangerous.
My recent fort had the problem, because despite orders to take the dagger away from a prisoner kobold thief, they wouldn't, which resulted in my lead lasher, being counter-attack killed, with the silver dagger.
I have ordered it to be dumped, ordered it to be melted, nothing.
That happens occasionally. Just be thankful they are friendly. There have been reports in the past that these guys will willingly fight to the death for you, even if it means fighting other kobolds.
Dang, it would be cool to have kobold allies!
They aren't allies, so much as cute little guys just pacing back and forth.
They rarely move.
They don't trade with you.
They just sit there, and are alright if you build stuff near them, or kill a couple of them, or take their stuff.
However, with the FB, they will fight it, and I've had Kobolds in my forts (I modded them so that they can be embarked with), they will attack intruders.
I like to make apartment-like ghettos for my kobolds.
I also modded them to dive-hunt for vermin, like the falcons.
I think the idea of them diving to grab a cockroach for food is funny, don't you?