Time for another post to check up on sheets. I expect to get the game rolling later tonight.
I think it's actually going to pretty well balanced. You'll have an easy start in terms of corrupting the local settlement, but I think that will trade off later with difficulties protecting your rat servants.
There won't be more than six characters to start, though I may add more later. Your character's big advantage right now is that the gameplay would be quite different from most of the others, since you seem more focused on the nightborn community than on its enemies. A little more backstory, and a physical description, would really buff up this sheet.
Looks good to me. A little sparse on detail, but there isn't much to be said about a giant bat I suppose.
Reminds me of Cordyceps, my favorite genus of fungus.
Unless you have any objections, you'd be starting out without a host. It'll probably mean a slow start for you, and a careful one, but your character has so much space for progression as it moves from host to host that it only seems fair that the start is a bit rough.
Looks good. I like the fact that the rapier has a clear origin.
I rolled a weight of 110 pounds for you, which is an incredibly hefty set of armor (full plate would be about 50, but that's below your weight class). No need to include your armor in your inventory, since it is you. I you find a way to occupy a new suit of armor, or are modified by some other character, it will simply alter your description. Other than that, all is good.
Also, bad news. Maybe. :p
I have to drop out of this game. Sorry. I'm playing way too many forum games atm right now, is all, to start another. Should be no problem, you have plenty of applicants.
This saddens me deeply. But I understand, and I'd rather you make this decision now than after the game starts. Do you mind if your race becomes an accepted race anyway? There may be one or two running around a settlement if that's the case.