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Author Topic: Mantling of the Gods [Turn 10: Symbiosis]  (Read 23981 times)


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Re: Mantling of the Gods [Recruiting!]
« Reply #45 on: May 02, 2015, 04:28:06 pm »

I was gonna save questions for updates but I've been busy and things ate the sprouting beginnings of an update so let's just handle this now.

Mmm, so then what about Flow? Where is it located? Is it even getting enough heat from the stars to support conventional life? (I'm guessing yes since it has liquid water, and Micelus described it as being warm, or is this some sort of innate warmth it possesses which has nothing to do with the stars?) If it is getting heat from the stars, and is not specified as being particularly close to either of the stars, could it be that it is located at a point betwixt the two, so that it's getting moderate amounts of heat and light from both? (Additional question, what sort of life exactly does Flow contain? I believe it is currently vague)

Also, you did not like the name Sundancer? Husk is fine too, I just found it odd that you changed it.  Or perhaps that was me not being clear about it being the cicada's name.

((TL;DR: Sapient Termite Hiveminds.

Is Intelligence a good sphere to take? I'm a bit vague on how the whole sphere things work. If it isn't, I'd probably want to take Organization as a sphere.

Last question, is it possible to "depower" creations by removing size and/or power from them, probably at the cost of xp expenditure?))
Flow's located in an ambiguous place away from anything else. It's warm and bright because of its inherent nature as a desert. Flow wasn't initially described with any life at all, but generic plant and I guess animal life is fine. As a quick acid test for this, assume if it matters it's not there.

Your action was so long and I was so used to coming up with names for things that I indeed missed that you were naming it Sundancer. I'll rename it with the next turn.

Spheres are vaguely described, yes. They're non-Unmantling things you're allowed to spend XP on. Intelligence is an alright Sphere for this action because the hivemind thing is explicitly intelligence-related. In similar terms, having said Sphere would let you spend XP on creating highly intelligent things, improving existing things' intelligence, and so on.

Interesting question on depowering. Most likely you'd have to inflict specific curses or negative alterations on something rather than "depower" it as such. This would likely make affecting entire planets difficult, unless you, say, Unmantle to create a nasty nebula and then Remantle to push a world into it.

((Ol'kuur briefly assumes the form of a bumpling, but drops it before anyone can gather what a bumpling actually looks like.

And to make this less of a shameless bump, is there any position on the power ladder where a "power source type" (arcane magic, psionics, etc) fit in?))
((Something like that, yeah. A power source, the concept of a power source, a magic system different from other existing magic systems. I think there's an encompassing word that I'm blanking on right now. Something more involved than a magic style/school/sphere, at any rate.))
"Magic type," maybe? It's a somewhat odd concept, because it's more like the underlying mechanics of most common words for magic stuff.

Not as far as I've considered, but there's a few good candidates. Powerful celestial bodies are excellent sources of magical effects, potentially including effects mortals can channel. You can also implicitly sort of create such things by teaching mortals about them, assuming it's plausibly an innate feature of the universe.
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A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Mantling of the Gods [Recruiting!]
« Reply #46 on: May 02, 2015, 04:36:42 pm »

I was gonna save questions for updates but I've been busy and things ate the sprouting beginnings of an update so let's just handle this now.

Flow's located in an ambiguous place away from anything else. It's warm and bright because of its inherent nature as a desert. Flow wasn't initially described with any life at all, but generic plant and I guess animal life is fine. As a quick acid test for this, assume if it matters it's not there.

Your action was so long and I was so used to coming up with names for things that I indeed missed that you were naming it Sundancer. I'll rename it with the next turn.

Spheres are vaguely described, yes. They're non-Unmantling things you're allowed to spend XP on. Intelligence is an alright Sphere for this action because the hivemind thing is explicitly intelligence-related. In similar terms, having said Sphere would let you spend XP on creating highly intelligent things, improving existing things' intelligence, and so on.

Interesting question on depowering. Most likely you'd have to inflict specific curses or negative alterations on something rather than "depower" it as such. This would likely make affecting entire planets difficult, unless you, say, Unmantle to create a nasty nebula and then Remantle to push a world into it.
Okay, that clears up some things, thanks! IIRC Micelus mentioned that Flow's floodplains were "rich in life" or something along those lines (he even claimed the Life sphere), so was curious what the life actually was. Yeah, long action was long, my muse seems to be running wild in this game for some reason.

Wait, so Sundancer does nothing to Flow? Kind of disappointing, since it being a desert planet, should be particularly vulnerable to "suddenly no sun", since deserts quickly get freezing without the sun's heat. Also leaves me with the conclusion that the stars were kind of pointless since the planets can just have their own innate warmth.

I may re-mantle to Abomination sometime (if I get the xp) and "fix" Flow by moving it around.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2015, 05:22:04 pm by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Mantling of the Gods [Turn 1: Crazy Eights]
« Reply #47 on: May 02, 2015, 05:07:39 pm »

I have to admit, I misread this title hilariously when browsing the forum. PTW
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Demonic Spoon

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Re: Mantling of the Gods [Turn 1: Crazy Eights]
« Reply #48 on: May 02, 2015, 05:08:39 pm »

I have to admit, I misread this title hilariously when browsing the forum. PTW
Mantis Gods?  :D


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Re: Mantling of the Gods [Turn 1: Crazy Eights]
« Reply #49 on: May 03, 2015, 10:18:06 pm »

Turn 2: Ambition

"Tch. Filthy star. How dare you disobey me?"

(EDIT: I think I was doing it wrong.)

Unmantle and create the Glorious, beings of pure light.

The cogs rumbled and turned within Dominus. Further he expended his power, if only for greater glory. To counteract the lackluster star he created, he demanded the existence of the Glorious. Shining with dazzling light, none could shy away from their magnificence. The Glorious he put on his Dark Star, to circle and sing and praise around it. To outshine everything in creation.

Each Glorious lives for a century, less if disconnected with a star. Some can travel down into the Flow or the Ark, sometimes as a side-effect of their creator's persona they try to pose as gods, other times they go out of mere curiosity.

To the Lumen, some Glorious will assist in using their light to heal and protect. Some Glorious will shine their divine light for the Verna, to aid in their photosynthesis.
((Did you want to rename Beacon? I assumed you wanted to rename Beacon.))

[10, Poor] Being created on a star appears to have a noticeable effect on their makeup, and the Glorious turn out beings of heat as well as light. More importantly, they are fairly bland otherwise, lacking special abilities or methods of transportation.

Glorious created on Dark Star
Now Spirit of [Physical Power][Light]
Beacon renamed Dark Star

Planner fluttered closer to Ark, sensing potential among it's uncomplicated forests. Feathery antennae twitched, sniffing the hidden scents of the trees. Ideas, plans flashed through his mind, most of them eventually discarded after some consideration. Planner spent a long time like this, simply moving above the surface of Ark, sampling and considering. Carnivores of any sort were infeasible currently of course, the life below consisting solely of plants. Perhaps gigantic giraffes? No, while that idea had a certain appeal, it was ultimately impractical, and it'd be hard to do anything useful with them later on. Living Blimps that foraged on the canopy? Intriguing but ultimately it didn't align well with his goals. Some sort of intelligent tree? He feared the Maker would create those anyway, so there was no need for duplicates. Finally, the decision is made.

Between one flap and the next of his crystal wings, they were suddenly filled with a tracery of fine, crisscrossing cracks. Another flap, and there was a loud ringing sound, the wings shattering into numerous shards. The shards shoot outwards, arcing down to the surface of the planet. There the shards shattered again, each of them transforming into millions of miniscule crystal motes. The motes shimmered, and became termites.

Immediately the myriad swarms of termites set to work, building immense temperature controlled termite mounds, housing their queens deep within. Workers scurried to nearby trees, chewing up and digesting wood for their great fungus gardens.

Meanwhile, Planner was slowly floating down, nearing Ark. As he descended, his body was contracting, shrinking to a mere fraction of his former largeness, until finally a still sizable grasshopper delicately balanced on the canopy of a particularly large tree, body haloed by the setting sun.

Planner unmantles, forming termites on Ark, with such an advanced ability for self-organization that each individual termite is essentially a neuron in an emergent mind. This "hivemind", while capable of higher thought, is primarily concerned with the optimization, expansion and improvement of the hive, and exploitation of nearby resources. The termites possess the three basic castes, Breeder, Worker and Warrior, as well as a few further specialized castes that be produced as needed, such as Warrior variants for dealing with specific threats, Silk-Producers and Flyers. Use 1 xp to improve their power.

Gain Sphere: Intelligence

((TL;DR: Sapient Termite Hiveminds.))
[2, Malus] Your termites emerge much as you envisioned them, though infinitely more neurotic. The rather... malleable nature of their intellect makes them paranoid and particular about where and what their components are, leading to constant pruning and review of their current set and all manner of panic and discord when individuals become isolated or come into contact with those of another hive.

On the bright side, that extra bit of power grants them a pleasant diversity of castes and abilities, which their superior intellect is typically able to wield rather proficiently.

The Shard created on Ark
-1 XP
Now Spirit of [Arthropods][Intelligence]

"WRong! wrONg! wronG! Too weak! Too deep! Too much! Too little!" Ol'kuur screeches from his thousand mouths as he surveys the Kuron. He had overdone the caverns in the moon, perhaps sized them for a planet. But the damage was done.

On Kuron - Create a tiny region of crystalline caves, ideally with crystalline lifeforms in it.
[18, Bonus] You create a series of brilliant white crystal caves, complete with brilliant white crystal plants. The whole thing acts as a bit of a strainer... but straining out a variety of things, from the spirits of the dead to magical energies. The structure is fairly benign on its own, however, so clever creatures could probably figure out how to direct this effect.

Whispering Caves created on Kuron
+1 XP

Shevel smiled at her prized creation, the world Flow. Many plants and aquatic creatures called it home, even a few land organisms that had only recently developed. It was in all senses pristine. Much of the land had yet to see a living organism and only the shallows waters held any great amount of life. It was thus, a waste. Yes, its great beauties were many and its processes wonderful, but it was still but a block from which the true masterpiece would be chiseled.

And so, with nary a hesitation, Shevel spun off yet more of her innate energies, casting them into the rivers of the world. That which she had offered would become something more.

And so, with the patience of an elder not of reality, she waited. One day, they emerged.

They were children to her; soft-skinned humanoids with hues of green, blue and yellow. They varied from the length of a crocodile to that of a cheetah. They were her children, the Djinn. She watched them from a distance for a time, wondering what they would do with the world. She watched them grow and age and was half-surprised at what she had seen. She had noticed that the Djinn stayed near the water, either the sources themselves or within the confines of the mist. When they had reached a venerable age however, they changed. Their skin became hard, cracking and twisting seemingly by chance. They in the end of their transformation, appeared to be stone humanoids. These Elder-Djinn were creatures of the desert, hermits in contrast to their younger brethren. Somehow, which surprised Shevel, they could also manipulate their surroundings with their mental senses alone; this impressed her greatly.

She eventually took the form of a veiled Djinn of middling age; all the better to watch her children.

Unmantle, creating the Djinn on Flow. They are an amphibious species that require moisture to breathe and water to breed. They gather in large groups around rivers and oases. When they reach an old age (~100) they become Elder-Djinn, stone-skinned creatures that prefer isolation to community. They can brave the desert without moisture. These hermits can also weakly manipulate their surroundings, this force often being called magic.. Use 1 XP to improve power.

Gain Sphere: Magic

[2, Malus] Your Djinn turn out wonderful... in most ways. There's a teensy, tiny problem with their elder form, though- they become more physically powerful and acquire... a certain hunger. Combined with their magical prowess and unimpeachable resistance to sun and heat, this tends to make them terrifying hunters that emerge from the wastes without warning, feast on their quarry with impunity, and vanish back into the sands without trace. This eventual fate for their elders has somewhat predictable side effects on their culture as well.

Djinn created on Flow
-1 XP
Now Spirit of [Life][Magic]

Unmantle and create the Lumen, a race of strong, four-armed humanoids. They usually live in groups of 10 and go wherever their help is needed. They are able to use light to heal and shield others. They live on both the Ark and Flow

Gain the sphere of Protection
((You can only create something in one area at a time. I'll assume you'd prefer Ark, since it was listed first, orbits your star, and is more connected to things in general.))
[5, Poor] You create the Lumen, a fairly uncommon race of muscular, four-armed humanoids with innate defensive light powers and a propensity to protect the weak.

Lumen created on Ark
Now Spirit of [Light][Protection]

Unmantle and create a race of plant creatures, the Verna. Place them on the Ark and the Flow.

The Maker watched as a flow of molten God's Metal poured into his mold. Freezing the metal, he cast away the mold and gazed upon the statue. He chipped away at it, creating minute details, before moving onto another and creating a variation on the first. Creating molds from these, he copied many and turned the God's Metal into organic matter.

"Go, mine children, and remember always that you were forged of the purest god's metal, and bathed in the darkest liquid of the void."

Settling on a tree on the Ark, as one of the creatures he had created, he watched, still, as his creatures and the Planner's Termites crawled into the likes of sentience.

The Verna are adaptable creatures which use photosynthesis to generate energy. As such they generally settle near rivers and occasionally absorb nutrients from the soil. They catch insects flying about the forest to supplement their diet of minerals from the soil, sun, and water. They have bark as skin, covering muscle-like plant material. They sleep near power plants ((see below)) to regain energy.

They are set in a strict hierarchy, with the most important individuals several members of plants in a council, their stems intertwined. These command the rest to do whatever they deem best.

Reproduction is strictly controlled by the 'Cultivator' sub-group. It is their job to ensure that all plant sub-species are specialized to the best of their ability and able to do their job. Seeds are planted in large swathes upon the ground, power plants ((see below)) spaced in between to provide energy for the seedlings.

Energy is produced by huge power plants ((get it :P)), massive organic structures that spiral towards the sky, many snapping traps along it's length and huge leaves absorbing the sun efficiently. The energy is pumped into the ground surrounding it and other plants root into the ground to access the energy stores.

Warrior Verna are larger then most, and have more vines.

Not many Verna can use magic, but those little who can set it to great use, helping the Cultivators grow seedling at an exponential rate, and the power plants twice as powerful as normal, enriching the earth with their power.

Most Verna have leaf legs, which roots shoot out of when 'sleeping', with vine tendrils being used for grasping.

Gain Sphere of Intelligence.
[17, Bonus] You get a little... uh... "overambitious" might be the word you're looking for. Overambitious.

See you start by forging plantfolk, and that goes pretty good. Then you start diversifying them into warriors and elders and Cultivators and that starts straining things, but you're on a roll so... erm... you start trying to make infrastructure symbiotes for them to get food from, and, well...

Your ravening shapechanging plantfolk end up pretty cool, but they're not really as you envisioned them- too hulking, for one thing. They're also a lot less social than you intended, and while technically they could form elder councils, the results of multiple individuals merging is... not pretty, even by their standards.

On the bright side, they can root in and act like plants when sunlight is available (it never is, this being Ark and all) and are rather proficient at getting sustenance from other plant life, usually by sucking out sap or scraping away bark.

Oh, and as the final nail in the coffin of your plans- turns out neither your original visions nor your current flock are intelligent enough to acquire such a Sphere through their creation. You end up, somewhat embarrassingly, with that of Adaptation instead.

Weald created on Ark
Now Spirit of [Life][Adaptation]
+1 XP

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Let it never be said that I pass on an opportunity to let a player's hubris spiral out of control. :3

Wait, so Sundancer does nothing to Flow? Kind of disappointing, since it being a desert planet, should be particularly vulnerable to "suddenly no sun", since deserts quickly get freezing without the sun's heat. Also leaves me with the conclusion that the stars were kind of pointless since the planets can just have their own innate warmth.

I may re-mantle to Abomination sometime (if I get the xp) and "fix" Flow by moving it around.
It'd also be accustomed to that, though; unless it was tidally locked, it wouldn't be a scorching desert world followed by suddenly a glacier, it'd be a scorching desert world that went icebox earlier and longer than scheduled.

Stars are indeed optional, though they're nice for tacking on additional effects. Flow has no day/night cycle, for instance, while Ark has those long, slow temperature/brightness swings.

I have to admit, I misread this title hilariously when browsing the forum. PTW
Mantis Gods?  :D
Mangling of the Gods would be best wrestling game.
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A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Mantling of the Gods [Turn 2: Ambition]
« Reply #50 on: May 03, 2015, 10:46:07 pm »

None obey me. They will rue their folly.

Change the aspects of the Glorious, making them whole and magnificent. He also grants them the ability to travel between worlds and stars.
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


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Re: Mantling of the Gods [Turn 2: Ambition]
« Reply #51 on: May 03, 2015, 11:09:20 pm »

((I see no downsides to that malus Irony :P))

...Ah. Vampires. Diablerie. Of course.

Shevel was...surprised...and conflicted. As a mother, she was horrified that her elder children would feed on their siblings. But as a being of Progress, she was awfully curious. Would not this factor aid in the progression of civilisation? A few generations of this experiment would be useful for future tasks. While she hated herself for the willful sacrifice of her progeny, she knew their sacrifice would not be in vain.

Modify a handful Djinn to become enlightened. Called the Mahdi, these beings are capable of the same magics as the Elders, although they require energy to make use of their 'spells'. As such, they constantly need power sources (only food for now) to cast spells. Their bloodlines tend to possess the same abilities as their progenitors.

Modify the Elder Djinn so that they only thirst for blood and that they are unable to feed on closely-related kin. They also gain a desire to protect their bloodline. Furthermore, they also gain the ability to Bond with younger djinn. This decreases their bloodlust as well as increasing their magical power;/they can draw energy from the those Bonded to power their spells. The bonded are termed Magisters and are gifted the ability to cast spells, although they feel weaker due to their blood being constantly drained by their Elder. Whilr each Magister makes the Elder stronger, it also makes them more lethargic. This eventually results in an Eldet stuck in a blood-induced coma. Magisterser can also make a lesser bond to an Apprentice which allows him to cast weaker spells in exchange for energy. Each Aaprentice weakens the magical strength of the bonded Magister. An elder-magister Bond results in slower aging for the Magister, lengthening their youth but inhibiting the metamorphosis to an Elder.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2015, 05:48:09 pm by micelus »
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Demonic Spoon

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Re: Mantling of the Gods [Turn 2: Ambition]
« Reply #52 on: May 04, 2015, 01:34:44 am »

((I see no downsides to that malus Irony :P))
((I'm rather the same, while this isn't what I was going for, paranoia is actually pretty neat, its a logical outgrowth of the nature of their intelligence, and it'll help prevent infiltrators. In fact I'm half-tempted to justify their paranoia by making a species of infiltrators (such exist in real life, but for ants iirc), but trying not be evil just for the sake of it))

It'd also be accustomed to that, though; unless it was tidally locked, it wouldn't be a scorching desert world followed by suddenly a glacier, it'd be a scorching desert world that went icebox earlier and longer than scheduled.

Stars are indeed optional, though they're nice for tacking on additional effects. Flow has no day/night cycle, for instance, while Ark has those long, slow temperature/brightness swings.
Thinking about it some more, Sundancer has the ability to actively absorb heat and light though. Could it hover really close to Flow and cool it down? Considering Flow is eternally warm day, a variation in both light and heat should be pretty devastating to it, since, borrowing your logic, the Flowians wouldn't be adapted to such variations (at least initially). If necessary I'll invest some xp into Sundancer if and when I get some, to up its power so it'd be easier for it to do that.


Planner considered the Shards. While not as he had envisioned them, they had turned out well enough. He would have to mould their paranoia slightly at some point if they were ever to form the grand societies he dreamed of in the future, but for now it would do quite nicely. He turned his attention to other matters.

Idly chewing up a tree with his large mandibles, he considered the all-encompassing forest of Ark. While impressive and atmospheric, in its current state it ultimately did not fit the requirements of the Planner. It needed some... variety?

The Planner's current form would do well for this plan actually. Flight and rapid jumping ability to escape any future predators, a thick and robust carapace, no overcomplexity in the bodyplan.

With a certain idle grace, the Planner laid the rare egg in his travel across the surface of the planet (gender was a fluid concept for a god), inspecting the Weald with some amusement. When the eggs hatched, they should help thin out the world-forest of Ark, perhaps even creating the rare clearing, where the sun touched the bare surface of the planet. You could even say he was helping the Wealdings!

Create the Godborn, on Ark, massive grashoppers with voracious appetites, each capable of devouring one of the large trees of Ark in minutes. Extreme herbivores, they feed on all forms of plant-matter, including the Wealdings. To make up for their tremondous power, the Godborn are rather rare. -2 Size +2 Power.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2015, 07:13:24 am by Demonic Spoon »

Knight Otu

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Re: Mantling of the Gods [Turn 0: Null Set]
« Reply #53 on: May 04, 2015, 04:42:47 am »

Ol'kuur's multitude of eyes gazes upon the Whispering Caves, enraptured by its beauty and power. "Worthy." he whispers, worthy at least for now. The Kuron was not truly complete, but it was time for Ol'kuur to widen its gaze. Seeing the relative neglect of Flow compared to Ark, he approaches the desert world and studies it. An interesting world, indeed, but what could not be improved by Ol'kuur's caress?

He envisioned a mountain range that could catch some of the floating water mists, not a simple range, of course. A mountain range of paths twisting into places nowhere near, without a return path, unmappable.

He shares the idea with the creator of Flow, Shevel, and waits for her approval or rejection.

If Shevel approves, create a small, horseshoe-shaped mountain range on Flow infused with the ability to move travelers to other places on Flow, and just on Flow.

If Shevel disapproves, return to the Kuron and create a tiny mountain there consisting of colorful, strong chitin.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2015, 07:10:39 am by Knight Otu »
Direforged Original
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Re: Mantling of the Gods [Turn 2: Ambition]
« Reply #54 on: May 04, 2015, 05:02:33 am »

Your heart is in the right place deary, but I'd rather not let my Elders loose on the rest of the universe just quite yet. Vampires can be so troublesome. I'd gladly take it if it's inhibits travelers from leaving Flow, however.
You win Nakeen
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Knight Otu

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Re: Mantling of the Gods [Turn 0: Null Set]
« Reply #55 on: May 04, 2015, 07:26:19 am »

"Thus I shall aim to limit my creation." Ol'kuur consents, pondering this heart thing Shevel suspects him to have.

((Action edited to keep travelers on Flow, assuming the creation works as intended.

* Can two or more gods work together on a creation, and if so, to what effect? I'm assuming that only deities of the same tier could work together in that fashion.
* Could two or more gods of the same tier unmantle together into the same creation the same way?
* Do planes of existence fit into the power ladder somewhere? It seems small pocket planes could fit into the celestial object tier of abominations unmantling.
* Since realms as such, as opposed to regions, seem to be unable to be affected by titans or abominations directly, could a titan's unmantling affect a realm rather than creating a sapient race?
* Could the unmantling of a Patron create an object or building of power rather than an individual?))
Direforged Original
Random Raw Scripts - Randomly generated Beasts , Vermin, Hags, Vampires, and Civilizations
Castle Otu


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Re: Mantling of the Gods [Turn 2: Ambition]
« Reply #56 on: May 04, 2015, 07:42:52 am »

Dammit Irony. Turn incoming.

Unmantle to make the Verna more intelligent; Give them a language, and expanded neural center, and the ability to socialize better, but generally within castes. Also make the Elders not fuse together. Gain Sphere of Intelligence. +1 to Power with my XP.

"Not intelligent enough." The Maker mumbled, pondering his creations.

Perturbed, he materializes near the Flow, and watches the other gods working on it.

"Vampire Elders? Oh dear." He says finally.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2015, 08:51:18 pm by Pencil_Art »


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Re: Mantling of the Gods [Turn 2: Ambition]
« Reply #57 on: May 04, 2015, 10:54:53 am »

Create Sunlight Rocs on the Ark. Sunlight Rocs are humongous birds capable of flying at the speed of light. Even though they are alive, they aren't made of flesh and bones, but of light, twisted in such a way that it can be touched. They are easily tamed.

Observe several groups of Lumen.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2015, 10:56:33 am by Lord_lemonpie »


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Re: Mantling of the Gods [Turn 2: Ambition]
« Reply #58 on: May 04, 2015, 05:45:39 pm »

OK, I'm definitely done editing my action.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Mantling of the Gods [Turn 2: Ambition]
« Reply #59 on: May 05, 2015, 02:09:11 am »

OK, I'm definitely done editing my action.
Modify the Elder Djinn so that they only thirst for blood and that they are unable to feed on closely-related kin. They also gain a desire to protect their bloodline. Furthermore, they also gain the ability to Bond with younger djinn. This decreases their bloodlust as well as increasing their magical power;/they can draw energy from the those Bonded to power their spells. The bonded are termed Magisters and are gifted the ability to cast spells, although they feel weaker due to their blood being constantly drained by their Elder. Whilr each Magister makes the Elder stronger, it also makes them more lethargic. This eventually results in an Eldet stuck in a blood-induced coma. Magisterser can also make a lesser bond to an Apprentice which allows him to cast weaker spells in exchange for energy. Each Aaprentice weakens the magical strength of the bonded Magister. An elder-magister Bond results in slower aging for the Magister, lengthening their youth but inhibiting the metamorphosis to an Elder.
...I think you may have made it a bit too overcomplicated...
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