As others have said, not letting yourself get peer pressured into drinking is the smart thing.
However, enjoying alcohol responsibly is also extremely possible. Drink in moderation, and know your limits. You'll have a better time overall if you do.
For specific types of drinks, a few of the following should give you a decent starting point.
Try alcoholic apple ciders. Go for ones with lower alcohol content, around 4-5% mark. They usually taste like fizzy apple juice, and the alcohol content is minimally noticeable.
For enjoying beer, a local variant for the younger crowd here is to take half a glass of bitter, lager, draft or IPA style beer and add half a glass of lemonade. These are most commonly known as Shandies.
For mixing spirits, be cautious. Vodka is likely to be your best choice of base alcohol for lack of taste, but this also reduces your ability to determine when you've had enough (or too much). My younger days saw me spend many an evening on my knees praying at the altar of the porcelain god for my sins in overindulgence. Get a standard shot measure so you know how much you're adding to your glass. Then mix with soft drink or other diluents to taste. Lemonade or orange juice are classics.
Check the alcohol content in your drinks before you start, and aim for no more than one alcoholic beverage per hour to avoid nasty effects. Exceeding this amount will likely impair your judgement and coordination and if you plan to drink more, make sure you're with friends you can trust to get you safely home. Another good tip is to pace yourself by drinking a non-alcoholic drink between each alcoholic one. Try not to drink on an empty stomach, and no more than five drinks total in one evening to be safe.