Granted you gain the powers of telepathy and electrokinesis.
You are forced to listen in on thoughts of people within 5m to 10m from you (depends on the person) and can Mind Read a specific person or Mind Talk to a specific person within up to 10 km (Mental resistance can reduce Mind Read range to 5km.)
Mind Talk does not allow the target to respond, you have to Mind Read them to get their answer.
You can cause any 2 points within 10m of you to have a difference in electric potential (causing electric tension) of up to 1000V.
In order to allow the Mind Read, your Mental resistance had to be lowered drastically. You can communicate with any other telepath (and they with you), including Mind Read, whether the target wants to or not on the entire Earth. If someone near you is thinking something annoying, you are forced to listen. Also if you are near many people, you get headaches from the chatter.
While you can cause Electric Tension, you are also weak to electromagnetic induction. So weak in fact, that you get terrible headaches and can die from prolonged exposure to the magnetic field generated by regular power grid. Exposure means being less than 10m from a 220V/50Hz live cable. Also, microwaves, used by phones are even worse for you, being able to cook your new psychic brain within 20s.
I wish to live forever as 20year old man with perfect immunity and perfect regeneration.