Just started playing it and so far: ITS AWESOME (with a few tiny nuriggles).
It's got a great tactical feel and I can imagine some really, really heated matches. It's super fulfilling when you pull off a great maneuver, with the appropriate amount of control so you really feel you're doing something (Nexus:TJI could sometimes feel a bit like you just plotted the course and waited). So far i'm enjoying the campaign - it seems varied with enough strategy built in. I think there's a lot of room for them to expand on stuff, and I can imagine it'll only get better with time.
A few issues though...
Firstly, I really wish you could zoom out further - I always feel a bit constrained and it'd be great to be able to plan from a more strategic vantage point.
Secondly, the skills/upgrades seem a bit wonky - there are clearly better and ones and worse. I guess with bigger ships and more points it might be a case of 'which of the less good ones would be best' but for there seems to be a lot of stuff I just wouldn't pick. I'd have much, MUCH preferred a proper module system (like Mechwarrior online or similar) where I could choose what I wanted limited to tonnage.
Overall, it's really, really good - I just hope they keep improving on it and adding more features. However, I just can't help feeling that this sits awkwardly between 'serious tactical gameplay' and 'RTS/MOBA arena' which is great, but I just sort of wish they'd expand more to the 'serious' players.
BTW: I managed to play this on a Z50 laptop with no problems at all (on high) - I might have to turn it down when I get to some seriously large battles, but so far it's managing fine.