Hi Tiruin! What third party role would you like to see in this Paranormal?
I know this was directed towards Tir, but I'm really hoping we see a Zoologist. They seem really interesting.
I get the fun questions :v
Yeah...no, on the Zoologist part. In considering what I'd like to see--it'd be...err, it'd also take in the player aspect instead of just the role aspect for me.
Because I like analyzing stuff. Oh look a pretty moth.
Hold on while I entertain the other questions.
Tiruin: As survivor, would you side with town or scum?
Town. Because yay difficulty. And no: arguing 'best way to achieve wincon' doesn't work for me here--primarily due that I'm still alive in taking a stance.
I'll leave the revelation of Choice some space here, for thought.
...Yes, the one word answer is my full answer.
Not in brevity at all.
Same as if I was an SK--and not for wincon reasons (ok, technically parallel to wincon reasons but y'know. I just ♥ the town. Even as Mafia :v)
Scripten, Tiruin, Toastaaaar: Arrr, ye be thinkin' somebody be up to no good, but the cop, who now lay at the bottom o' Davy Jone's Locker, had been sayin' that very same somebody be innocent, 'fore he died.
How does this influence yer views?
I'm a pirate
Well...not much, really. Maybe in the middle-process (as detailed below for posterity), but not in the initial or concluding points.
See, here's a general overview of how I think:
> Observation
> Analysis
> Recall
> Consideration
> Consolidation
> [Insert_Words_Describing_Abstracted_Thought]
> 1x Concrete Thought
> Consider making this in the format of cooking recipe
> Conclusion
.Meaning: It influences my views in regard to...regarding the situation, but does not act as a significant influence unless I have nothing else to go on.And generally (99.99%), I think about...many things.
>_> <_< Had a personality test, out of curiosity, and me and our guidance counselor noted my thinking process is of duality, in short. Being able to see a lot of things from different viewpoints. The only negative point from it is...the time, or the danger of paralysis in action wherein one can make a quicker and more efficient decision in the time taken.
Like now.
...So yeah, it won't affect my decision as a whole, but I'll first inquire because of-
And matching my curiosity about myself too...They were pretty much right o_o I do put a lot of depth into general questions. Woo!
Tiruin, which role is the biggest threat?
...To whom? I am aware of how you ask stuff at D1 [Not Meta]
And in this game, brevity pokes me as it does in any other game.
Err..anyway. Spore Spreader of either variety. Because of the...
playstyle one could do with it. It's like a happy-go-lucky jester. Emphasis on the emotion.
Though the latter (Bloomer) needs to live until later in game...to make it a better case of 'certainty', though still may adopt the same attitude.
On that note:
Mephansteras (posterity query): Did you do a bit of reference-flavor back in one of your Paranormal games to the SporeSpreaderBloomer, where people had a room of alien plants (I do recall Shakerag was there and interacting with the plants) and...err, I think it was where the humans had to escape an alien ship, as the flavor setting.
Shakerag: Do you want the honest answer or the nice answer?
Both, naturally. After you answer that, tell me why you're so willing to lie to me this early in the game as well.
Honest Answer: I don't know you well enough to tell you.
Nice Answer: No, you're not an asshole, why would you even think I'd think you were?
To spare your feelings of course (insert heart emoticon here).
But seriously, ask stupid question, get stupid answer. Monkey see, monkey do.
How is that a stupid question >:I
Shakerag is inquiring as from his self-awareness and previous connotations about him! That is a very crucial question as to his self-image and self-efficacy!
*Tiruin pulls up a pipe and tea and attaches a fake beard on her chin.