Has the crazy stuff the church has done in the past (at least allegedly) in regard to the pedophilia stuff made you question how good of an idea it is to go to church? (Note: I am not questioning the religion itself. I'm essentially asking if the actions of the church influence your decision on whether or not you actually go to church, or if it's something you've decided you're just going to do regardless or the like. Also note I am not suggesting that if you do go to church you support pedophilia.)
Since I used to be a Christian I guess I can answer this.
No, none of the pedophilia stuff had any impact on my decision to attend church. So far as I was concerned at the time, it was a purely Catholic problem. I'm sure that's not really true and I'm sure Protestants have had similar things happen in their churches, but that was how I thought as a kid.
Aside from pedophilia, yes, things that my church does impact my desire to go there. In particular, painfully bigoted things are preached as gospel truth sometimes. I know full well that some of this is just the people involved and not the fault of the church. For example, there's a woman who believes that another half-black woman shouldn't be allowed to sing in our church. That's not church doctrine. She's just a bigot. There is a subtle overtone of racism in some of the sermons too. But it's just the people. They're not getting that stuff from the Bible.
On the other hand, the Protestant churches as a whole also believe things that make me not want to go to church. The anti-homosexual doctrine is probably the best example. That does not combine well with the people in my local church. I'll leave examples up to the imagination rather than derail.
So to get back to the original question: I've basically decided for now that I'll keep going regardless of what is said or done at church. I'm not going because I'm a Christian anyway. I'm only going because I'm too scared to tell my family that I don't want to.