Analyze battle armor for weak points
Analyze Class Bs for vital organs
Find designs for anti-material rifles
Reverse engineer Type One
Reverse engineer Type Three
Start work on takeing appart UFO
Compile written language things
Generic orders are given out, which cause some logistical messups, but of no matter. The Council starts thinking about seriously limiting your resources to fix this in future.
Anyways. Autopsies are preformed on the Class As and Class Bs. Their basic genetic code is similar enough to assume they evolved in the same area, but there their simalarities end. Class As appear to have eveoled in an aquatic enviroment while Class B's appear to have evolved on land, Class B's appear to have multible sets of organs, and then there are the ovious diffrences with apperince, mussle mass, etc. Class Bs appear, like humans, to be most vulnerable in the joints, where veins and similar are close to the surface and, unlike humans, have a series of large bony plates on the skull. Most worryingly, these combatants seem able to heal remarkibly quickly, there is hardly any damage from the crash apparrent.
Work on the battle armor progressed aswell. Largly constructed of ceramic laced with a ferrous alloy yet unknown, this armor is stronger than anything we can construct and still be able to wear. It also appears to be weakist at the joints, although it is apparrent that massive ammounts of work was done to limit this weakness. The helmet is possibly one of the strongest pieces, and appears to have no visor, or even a screen.
Reverse enginering samples of their weaponry (Type Ones and Type Threes) hasnot gone well, and little has been learned except that they appear to be some sort of projectile weapon made out of ferrous alloy, with ceramic bits.
Meanwhile, workers have started takeing appart the UFO, yielding massive ammounts of ceramic, almost no metal, some crystal, and a pair of engines. The crafts computers have yet to be found, as have the flight instruments. Indeed, our designers are completly flumuxed on how the craft was piloted.
When the mention of anti-Material rifles for our troops was raised to the military and the weapons designers, one of them pointed out that we still had a few AT rifles bought at the end of the second world war from various areas, the solothurn S-18/100. A grand total of eight of these are in stock, and no troops are trained to use them. also, no safe stocks of 20x105mm rounds exist, and the guns themselves may be unsafe. Our engineers think that they can easily make more of both, and the military thinks training should go fairly well.
When we asked our engineers about Gyrojets they threw things.
During all these events (covering a week) all sips at sea where recalled and what submearines we had in dock where sent out to various nations to see what happened. They should be back in about... two weeks.
The aliens havent done much, they appear content to fly overhead where we cant do anything if we wanted to, and we have kept things stored away in the meantime.
Solothurn S-18/100 20 mm Anti-Tank Cannon
Weight unloaded: 45kg
Length: 1760mm
Barrel length: 925
Cartrige: 20x105mm
Action: Semi-auto
Feed system: 10rd box
Ammo is currently 2PP for 1000 rd
Gun costs .3pp each
Yah, I think I am gonna limit you guys a bit... Suggest things while I get it ready...