Persus: I didn't say either of you was scummy for accusing eachother or voting or not voting. I said the amount of conversation was slightly suspicious this early on, like you were trying to make it clear you two weren't on the same team. Which may or may not be true.
As to objecting to your first question of the game; I thought it had already been answered by the time I saw it, not realizing that the person who it was asked to hadn't posted yet either.
And I've explained my logic for why I think a green vote can be used to pressure during RVS twice already. If you still don't understand, then I can't help you.
Vivalas I wasn't asking if you would hide or lookout, I was asking if you'd like to be voted for the lookout, to be able to hide or lookout. However, from your answer I can extend this to no you wouldn't want to be voted lookout because you'd only use it to hide.
Do you mean the one at the beginning of the game? I think it was rather eck for Scripten to attack Perseus for attacking Mastacheese.
That's called a chainsaw defense when that happens. However, I don't think that Scripten was Chainsawing; I think he was trying to distance himself from Persus, and vice versa, and the attack on Cheese was a convenient point to use.
Dues Asmoth Thank you for your reply.
No, my reason for voting an inactive play is just pressure to get them to answer, and to catch them off guard. Obviously an inactive lookout would be bad for the town, so if they're unable to answer the question and they get voted to lookout, then I'm pretty sure the scum would remove them from the equation for us.
However, the goal is not to vote an inactive person to lookout, it's to make them not inactive.
TheDarkStar Why are you answering Dues's question to Vivalas for him?
Mastahcheese I think I know why you chose to vote for No Watch, but do you care to explain?