Oh man, my clan Umiman4 is having the time of their lives.
Basically my leader managed to form a tribe in a long game. She also became queen. Unfortunately, she died a few months later and we lost the Queenship to some rat bastard ally. I shook my fists and from that day on my clan pledged to reclaim our Queenship regardless of the cost! The strategy was simple:
1. Make a council with only super young people so that they can survive their time on the throne.
2. Make this super young people super talented at everything.
3. Bribe everyone and slaughter the current king.
So for part 1. There's no real way to hire new nobles other than to kill off existing nobles and let the game fill the void for you. So what I did was send off all my superfluous nobles to the troll queen I found in the far north. See, the first time I ran into her, I promised not to return as it was an accident that we found her. She let us go on the condition we never return. I sent my excess nobles to meet her. They never returned. Some say she burnt them alive. Either way, lots of fresh, new 20 somethings joined my stable of nobles. I selected my new council from these guys and girls.
Part 2 was tough. All my existing councilmembers were extremely experienced superhumans. All the fresh newbies were kinda useless. I basically just gambled on quests and events and crazy risky raids to improve everyone's stats. The raiding was quite easy as I managed to breed an army of triceratops-mounted knights. Nobody can last against my triceratops-mounted knights.
Part 3 was a total fluke. A few years into the new rule, the King decided he couldn't handle being king any more and retired. Bam! Bribed everyone more silver than they had ever seen in their lives and paraded my triceratops-mounted knights around to show them I meant business. Now my slightly-older-than-teenage class of awesome will probably hold the throne for 30+ years since they're so young.