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Author Topic: Brass and casinos: A detective game.  (Read 9100 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #30 on: October 11, 2014, 04:57:14 pm »

The crossbowman will be a problem. One of us who isn't carrying a massive bomb should solve it. Other wise if we can climb down into the courtyard area when the groups of guards are away we can probably set up right near the target.


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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #31 on: October 11, 2014, 06:31:46 pm »

Yah, that map is shit. Howabout saying what things mean?
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #32 on: October 12, 2014, 10:07:32 am »

The crossbowman will be a problem. One of us who isn't carrying a massive bomb should solve it. Other wise if we can climb down into the courtyard area when the groups of guards are away we can probably set up right near the target.
+1 If the distance is too far for Meridinia to throw a knife at the crossbowman, have her jump back to the roof with the dead guard and grab his crossbow. Whoever has more experience can fire a bolt at the tower thug.
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Kitten Snot

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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #33 on: October 12, 2014, 02:26:04 pm »

Do you think you get that crossbowman?
I can kick his ass, yeah. Looks scrawny.
From here with a throwing knife, jackass. Meridinia slaps you to remind you of the "no nicknames" rule. It stings, but you give no reaction. She quickly wipes of some gunk from her hand.
No, I can't, you gunkfaced asshole. Even if I manage to get the arc right, It won't do enough damage.
Then go get that crossbow from the roof guard. I'll wait here.
Why do I-Carrying a large box and barely managed to even get here. Move it!

She returns a short while later with the crossbow. The thing's a downright monster, both in size and design. The wood looks gnarled, and the sides have been sharpened. Didn't do the owner much good, though.
Right, you go through a wondow and drop that thing at the entrence. It'll kill most of the people in the courtyard if they don't take cover, so be quick.. Then, we move in and finish their boss.
That wasn't part of the damn deal! This is a delivery, not an assassination.
Yeah, sure. But I wanna get that guy. And without me, you won't get your money. So you are going to watch my back, got it?
This bitch is crazy.
Fine. But where am I going to take cover from the blast?
Climb back in this building? I'll give it a decent timer.
Just tell me how to set o-HEY!
She's already opened the box and is fiddling with it. You hear ticking coming from it.
Ten minutes, move it Gunk!

You sprint down the stairs, after bashing the rooftop door in. Again, the people here don't care about the man sprinting by. The one guy that did was run through by your claymore. You end up leaving the sword there, it's stuck too deep.
You reach the ground floor window without any further trouble, and push out your large box. The thunk of the box landing causes a few "huhs" from the local group, but before they can check it out, a scream comes from the tower.
Meridinia took the shot. You jump out the window and dump the crate close to the door. Before you get back inside the building however, a few notice you and give chase.(roll=3)
Without your sword, you're in trouble. You run through the hallways and reach the corpse of the guy you ran through. You grab the hilt of the sword and kick away the body. It makes for a downright mess. The thugs have caught up with you in the meantime. You turn and stand ready.
The hall does not grant a lot of room, meaning they can't sneak up on you. You can likely stand your ground with a strategy.
The first guy that comes close has piercings, tattoos and a nasty looking chain. He starts swinging it aroundn hitting the wall and causing scrapes to appear on it.
What to do?

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I make stories and sometimes people like them.
Well, they did that once.
I think.


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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #34 on: October 12, 2014, 02:28:09 pm »

Stab at all his things, wish we had a buckler.
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Kitten Snot

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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #35 on: October 13, 2014, 02:19:17 pm »

You decide to go for a proper stabbing on him, tactics be damned.  He swings out his chain at you, which you dodge by stepping back and you follow up with an upward stab. The thug attempts to catch the blade with his chain, and mostly succeeds, making your attack hit his thigh rather then his chest. It causes a deep wound, either way, putting him less certain of step. He grits his teeth and remains standing however. You go for an overhead smash next, which he manages to block handily, and during the snapback from the block one of his friends attempts to get by him to try and help. You make it clear how bad of an idea it is by kicking him in the face, breaking his nose and making his head fly against the arm of the chain thug. You make use of the momentary hole in his defences to stab him in the chest, going through his ribs and perforating his lungs.
He falls to the ground, gasping for air.

As the next thug comes closer, you suddenly get flashed before a deafening roar echoes through the building. The explosives hae gone off, and chaos erupts.
The collection of thugs starts running back towards the explosion, while all the people inside the rooms finally decided to check out what's disturbing nap time. You rush upstairs in the confusion. When you reach the top of the building, you see Meridinia is looking at the destroyed area with a twisted grin. You take a peek over and see that Meridinia was right about the explosion killing everyone still in the couryard.
Fucking awesome! Now we just clean up inside!
Don't you think that whatever was inside is likely dead now?
Hah! This was to blow the place open, we knew that the bomb wasn't going to even hurt the boss inside. He cowers inside his bunker all the time. But nothing will stand in our way now, so let's g-*THUNK*
The door smashes open, releasing the thugs from earlier. They look mad.
You've got an open area now, so you can swing your sword properly. Also, you're on a roof. Let's try not to fall. There's a staircase on the sde of the building where the ourtyard is, but it looks damn rickety and you never know who might still be down there.
The mooks are all visible. You take note.
One combat knife, Two sledgehammer guys and three unarmed. You yell out to Meridinia.
Need some sort of strategy for this, you've got no advantage now.

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I make stories and sometimes people like them.
Well, they did that once.
I think.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #36 on: October 13, 2014, 02:34:10 pm »

Indicate to our psychotic friend that she should get the two sledge guys from a range. Make sure to keep her bits safe with our bits keeping away dangerous bits.


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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #37 on: October 13, 2014, 02:36:15 pm »

Highly Opinionated Fool
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Kitten Snot

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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #38 on: October 14, 2014, 03:37:32 pm »

Sledgehammer, now!
Meridinia throws a handful of knives in quick succession, two of the knives miss completely, but the last one hits the poor sap in the eye, making him fall to the ground screaming in pain. The last knife hits sledgehammer two in the chest, which doesn't seem to faze him much.(rolls:7,6,20, 16)
He pulls out the knife, giving a mocking laugh, and throws it on the floor. You jump closer to Meridinia, who has pulled out larger knives for melee combat. The five remaining thugs start to surround you. You go back to back with Meridinia, making sure you get the most amount of guys on you.

The three unarmed thugs charge at the same time, giving an intimidating bellow. They manage to bullrush you, knocking you over(your roll=2). You lose your sword along the way, leaving you with just your pocket knife.(roll=1). Meanwhile, Meridinia engages combat with sledgehammer guy who comes charging into the fray, giving a downwards smash that would have shattered the roof you were standing on, had the hammerhead not flown off at the start of his swing. Meridinia Goes apeshit on him while he's distracted, and he dies under a whirlwind of stabs.
You, on the other hand, are in trouble. The three thugs have started kicking you into a pulp, and you do all you can to stop them from kicking your skull in. One nasty stomp in your ribs smashes the air out, and you feel a sharp pain coming from your chest. Fortunately, Meridinia throws a knife into the back of one of the thugs. He doesn't fall, but he does start yelling. You use the momentary distraction to get back up and limp a small distance away. You attempt to catch your breath, while one of the thugs decides to go focus on Meridinia. The wounded one and one buddy still go for you.

You barely manage to block the first punch(roll=8), while the second one cracks you across the face(roll=6). The next attempt does not go over as well, as you shank him in the stomach.(roll=15) You repeat it twice, killing your target and give a downwards stab on the last guy, jamming the knife inside his chest.(rolls=11, 11, 20)
The fight left you winded, but there's still one left. Meridinia and Knife guy are still locked in battle, both are bleeding. Meridinia is still smiling like a jackel. The unarmed thug is attempting to crawl away, leaving a blood trail.
You limp over to your claymore, and manage to sneak up on the knife guy(roll=13 +5(heavy distraction)=18).
You lop off his head in a single swing, finishing the fight. You and Meridinia both buckle over a bit, tired. Meridinia starts laughing a little.
Y-you suck at fighting... hah. T-taken down by... the punchy a-holes!? Haha, hah...
You repress your tired panting, and mostly succeed. I got three down, and two with a damn pocket knife.
I didn't get myself halfway killed getting my guys.
Oh, big freakin' woop. Are we leaving now? I don't think we can kill the boss in our state.
Nope! We're still going.
For the love of...
Let's go. We can probably find some painkillers along the way.
The both of you get moving. The building is deserted now, making the journey easy. When you get to the building you placed the bomb at, there's still plenty of it left.

You can see a red cross sign above one of the doors, and at the end of the hall is a large trap door.Checking inside the cross room you find...
What are the freaking odds?
Looks like very strong stuff, though, better be careful.

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Unarmed works by letting the person being attacked make a roll, because you can't block a counter with your fists either way. So either the counter works, injuring the unarmed user, or it fails, giving the attacker the upper hand.
I make stories and sometimes people like them.
Well, they did that once.
I think.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #39 on: October 14, 2014, 03:45:47 pm »

Read the instructions.

Kitten Snot

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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #40 on: October 15, 2014, 12:49:49 pm »

You yank the needle out out Meridinia's hand before she can apply it, and decide to read the label. It's a bit difficult to make out, but eventually you read aloud:
Morfinius, keep out of reach from children, do not use if you suffer from: a weak heart, history of addiction, lack of nearby hospital, Druk mutations! Shit. Not to be used by pregnant women, breastfeeding women, transsexuals? What the heck even are those?
Some rich guys can get their gender switched by the wizards in the Grounder. Causes some weird magical backlash, so they gotta add those warning..
Right... The important thing is, I can't use this stuff.
It's just some medical mumbo-jumbo for "just in case". Besides, they probably mean repeated use, so one time shouldn't be bad.
I'll just keep a dose of it around, you get to keep the needle.
You remove the needle, and keep the plunger around.

Meridinia jabs the syringe in her neck and injects the Morfinius. She instantly gets a large dopey smile, making her look a bit silly.
OOooggh. This stuff is awesome. Holy shit, I can't anything except good. How d- how do you even feel that. Hah!
Probably best one of us remained clean, looks like. Can you even walk?
Of course, I-I can walk n' kill fine! Can't hurt me.
The stutter truly fills me with confidence. Let's just go.
You go to the trap door, carefully. It looks heavy, being made of metal, but when you try to lift it, it turns out it's easy to open. A little pulling is required, and your chest makes it displeasure clear by giving you a very special burning sensation.
You grit your teeth, but once it's open you start climbing down. Surprisingly, Meridinia is the same in agility, so yes, she can fight as well as before. Weird-ass magical drugs.
What's that even doing inside a place like this?

When you get all the way down, you end up in a long, loooong hallway, filled with doors. Many lights flicker on as you enter.
T-the fuck? This l-looks bigger than... than uh, the... the poop rivers. And those are superlarge!
Mental gymnastics are a bit beyond you right now, eh? Let's just start checking.
You open the closest door, which is strangely made of wood in an otherwise metal bunker. When you look through you see another hallway.
Oh god, it's a maze?
Not enti-entirely. F-found a room.
She's right, this looks like a sleeping place. Dozens of bunk-beds are inside. There are lockers in front of every bed, but most are empty or filled with minor junk, like bottle caps or the occasional dead rat.
You can try to find a way through the maze, or you could try something interesting. Meridinia is a bit out of it, so she'll be more willing to comply.

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SPECIAL EDIT:Next update has been delayed by a day. I got sneak-attacked by some work for my dad and I have to go to school tomorrow.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2014, 02:37:43 pm by Kitten Snot »
I make stories and sometimes people like them.
Well, they did that once.
I think.


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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #41 on: October 15, 2014, 01:16:02 pm »

Loot all the things, clean our claymore, and fill our pockets with bottlecaps for marking our path.
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #42 on: October 15, 2014, 01:18:34 pm »

Loot all the things, clean our claymore, and fill our pockets with bottlecaps for marking our path.
Also grab an alternative marking method. Don't want to get Hansel and Greteled.


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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #43 on: October 15, 2014, 01:25:33 pm »

Hows rat blood symbols on the walls grip you?
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #44 on: October 15, 2014, 01:29:19 pm »

I hope they keep their filthy mits off me. I rather like this shirt.  :P

But it's better than nothing. And it'll give us a good reputation if we always do that after killing someone important!
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