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Author Topic: Brass and casinos: A detective game.  (Read 9078 times)

Kitten Snot

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Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« on: October 01, 2014, 01:34:12 pm »

Your name is Alvin Brohm.
And you are, officially, a mess.
The abandoned house you just broke into happened to have a mirror, and taking a look at yourself you came to that rather painful conclusion. Clothes you've been wearing for entire weeks, patched up with whatever wire you could find give you the look of a bum. The ugly black trenchcoat (which was brown when you found it) you use make you look wider than you are doesn't help. Neither does the beard. And the eyes...
Well, you can't see them at all. Black gunk covers them up, and the area around them. Not a big mutation as far as Druk mutations go, but when it's permanent? quite a pain in the ass. If only your mother wasn't magic-addicted, maybe you'd have had a better life. No point dwelling on hypotheticals, though. You have a case to work on. Typical "my husband keeps going away somewhere, check it out for me" stuff, it'll put food on the table.
Or a box, depending on whether or not your house is gone.

Who knows, maybe you'll be able to stay in this house. The old house you've been squatting in is close to getting removed, and this looks new enough. People that want to hire you know you move around a bunch, anyway.
You start sneaking when you hear sounds. Grunting and stifled laughter. Looks like it's an affair. Looking at the source of the case, you can't really blame the man. You hold in a laugh as you go deeper in the house. The sounds are mixed with some chains, as well. Not kinky enough, maybe? Bah, no need to look into exactly why the man is doing the nasty with someone other than the wife. Just confirm that he's cheating, and you can be on your way. The temperature is starting to rise, which makes you excited. Plenty of space, new, AND it has functioning heating? You're going to be sitting pretty when you start living here. Maybe you'll even buy i-oops.
You barely catch a vase before it hits the ground. Stupid gunk-eyes. Keep making it hard to see in the dark.
The room up ahead has a light on. Orange mood light, with a small splash of red on it. Definitely kinky stuff.

You move closer, and open up the door by a few inches. No creaking, even. This house was well-cared for. You look through and see the a sweaty, hairy back. The source of the grunting and laughing. You take a closer look, and see a lady under it, clear as day. Well, the legs at least. Fine legs, you have to admit.
You are about to leave when a new sound mixes with the chains, grunting and laughing.
Crying. Soft, hiccupping crying, coming from the left side of the room, a blindspot. You get a bad feeling about this, and peek your head in a bit farther to make a good check. When you see the rest of the room, your jaw drops. Bodies. Hanging from meathooks, one of them still alive, with cuts all over her.
This just got a bit more complicated than just an affair. Taking a closer look at Legs from earlier shows she's very little but that. The guy is just cutting up what's left of the corpse, putting small remains in paper. You make a happy note that you never had the money to go to the butcher. This sick asshole is a serial killer.
The bounty on Butcher Pete might just get cached in.He's still happily chopping away at the poor victim, and the crying woman is still hanging there. You need to pick on whether you use your two-handed sword, or try your luck with your pocket-knife. That guy is holding a rather intimidating cleaver and isn't wearing anything except an apron.

What do you do?

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Author notes: Welcome to my new game. To give a short version of this world (which will really help giving you an idea) it's the 1920 without guns, but with magic and steampunky stuff that'll be explored later. Anything that needs some elaborating will be elaborated upon when questioned.
Let's hope this doesn't die off before the second page, and also that you people enjoy.
I'll take any critique you have with a smile.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 01:51:12 pm by Kitten Snot »
I make stories and sometimes people like them.
Well, they did that once.
I think.

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2014, 07:06:19 pm »

Consider magical abilities.

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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2014, 12:05:58 am »

Use the two hander, attempt to begin the fight by cutting through the tendons on his legs, effectively putting him on the ground, and out of the fight in a single blow.
I for one support our child snatching overlords.
there is a difference between droping red numbers representing magma on Es representing elves, and finding it hot when a girl moans like a retarded seal


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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2014, 12:21:02 am »

Hamstring him with the knife and then slit his throat. If he notices us throw the knife at him as a distraction and draw the claymore.

Kitten Snot

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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2014, 02:13:43 pm »

Reflecting briefly on your magical abilities, you realise smudging his face with some eye-gung may not be the most strategically sound solution. You're not a wizard!
You need to move fast, though, he's finishing up on the corpse. You move in, silent as you can, and pull out your pocket knife. It's more for stabbing, but it should do well enough. Time to teach Piggie here that he should wear shoes. As you enter the room, the woman on the hook breathes in and stops hiccupping for a moment. You clench your teeth in fear of Pete turning around. Thankfully, he doesn't. You crouch down and make a quick stab towards his Achilles' tendon. Butcher Pete screams in pain and turns around. He trips over you and puts pressure on his recently cut foot. He screams again as he falls to the ground. Your pocket knife clatters to the floor as you pull out the claymore from its scabbard. The heavy blade crashes down, crushing his chest and causing a grievous wound. He gurgles a bit before his eyes lose focus.

Good riddance, murderous bastard.
You go to the lady strung up on the hook. Fortunately, it's just by some rope, so your pocket knife cuts her free in an instant. The second the lady lands on her feet she falls on you. Part of the reason for that is the fact that she can't stand on her legs anymore, the second is a thankful hug. She's crying again, and you pick her up to the best of your ability. You may not look the part, but you don't use a claymore without some upper body strength. You're going to need it, the casino is a kilometer from here. The large, glowing tower is a bastion of light in this city. Nasty, headache-inducing red light, sure, but hey.
Crime syndicates aren't subtle around here.

When you finally arrive, you are tired. The guard at the entrance decides to be the first person to help you carry the wounded woman in your arms. He mumbles something you can't quite understand, and takes the highest floor. Straight to the point, then. Worrying.
The bouncer carries the lady to a side room, presumably a makeshift medical place. You awkwardly remain inside the elevator until the girl on the other side of the room tells you to come closer. She is seated behind a large desk. The secretary, and main legbreaker. You really hate her.
Go on, Boss wants to know why you're carrying one of our missing whores.
You sigh and go to the Bosses door.
Ut tut tut, Brohm. Back straight, and put that coat on the rack.
Gods, you hate her. You put the trenchcoat on the rack and adjust your green sweater a bit.

The large room, with glass walls, is as beautiful as ever. A large armchair is facing away from you. She always did have a flair for the dramatic.
So, Brohm. Care to explain what you were doing to my property?
I was saving it from a crazed killer.
...Tell me the whole story, Brohm. You know I love a good story.
somebody's wife was suspicious on husband going away hours on end and not telling her. I tail the guy, find out he's Butcher Pete and murder the bastard. Then I brought the lady here to-Stop. The whores will confirm the corpse, when we get to it. Tell me where the house is.
231 Bobble street.
Excellent. Loki and Thor will come with you.
The room is filled in awkward silence as you repress a sigh.
Yes, Lady.

So, let me guess. You got Norsed?
How'd you guess, Spread?
A dagger thunks in the wall beside you. You don't even flinch anymore.
Don't. Call. me. That.
I'm sure someday, pauses will become scary. But for now, I need to deal with a rat and a moron.

Predictably, Loki and Thor ended up harassing you all the way there. You learned to tune that out though. Loki keeps on insulting you and Thor to see the reactions and Thor ends up angry at Loki, with you as collateral.
When you get there, however, the police is already here. You sigh, deeply.
This is going to be a long, looooong night. The main inspector here has already noticed you and is striding towards you in his clean, leather trenchcoat. God, you'd kill for one of those.
So, ended up Norsed? You the one that offed Johnny Pines?

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I make stories and sometimes people like them.
Well, they did that once.
I think.

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2014, 06:29:07 pm »

"Maybe, but who wants to know?"

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Kitten Snot

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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2014, 03:24:38 pm »

Maybe, who wants to know?
Yeah yeah, cut the bullcrap, Gunk. I wanna know if it's crony or big shot I'm dealin' with 'ere.
He's a big shot. He killed the murderer, i think.
You and Loki simultaneously facepalm at Thor's typical bit of honesty. He would have made for an excellent policeman. The required extra chromosome is there al-fucking-right.
Trenchcoat guy smiles.
Good, you can tell the widow. You do that and we'll let you off easy.
Well, how about we... take a look at corpse. Wouldn't want to give inconsistencies to the wife.
I'm sure the guy that killed the sick bastard knows more about the body then even we do right now. So no, Loki, you 'ain't as smooth as you think you are.
I really don't want to talk to the fresh widower. That lady is going to be the death of me.

Dear lord, you wish she could just kill you quick. You can understand why Johnny went into the murdering business now.
-andoneotherthing,donotexpectanypaymentyoumurderoussonofabitchi'll I'll OOOOOH i'll getthefamiliesonyourassformurderingmyjohnnyI'llhaveyoukno-
Did you even take a damn breath the entire time I was here?
Her reddened face starts to go purple. it's amazing how she's old enough to barely have a visible face, yet the veins still reach. Honestly, she looks like gravity wants to make her a diamond.
The tirade continues for hours, and when you finally leave the front door, you hear a champagne bottle pop before you even get past the small yard.
The will gave everything to her, of course. She just likes screaming at people. The detective is leaning against his car with a smug smile.
Thanks for dealing with that, moron. That lady goes through husbands like popcorn. Let's hope that's the last fool, though. That yelling contest is legendary. Anyway, have fun explaining to your boss about the lack of proof.

He turns his back to you, and you realise that he's right. No proof, and a cut up worker? this guy may have indirectly killed you.
The sun is starting to come up when you walk back to the casino. When you arrive, the bouncer informs you that you aren't getting the bounty, but she's willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and let you keep on living.
She just didn't want to pay, of course, Norsing you made that clear enough. so you get to go hungry another night.
You go home, dejected. You don't even have the energy to cry when you see the bulldozer tearing up the last few walls.
Good thing that house you killed a man in should be fine. When you get there the police already left. You go inside again, through the broken window, and look upstairs for a bed of some sort.
You find a mattress and family of raccoons in one room. They seem to stay on their side of the room, so you can sleep.
Another night, another loss.
Let's just hope something interesting happens tomorrow.

When you wake up, the family of raccoons have decided to share the mattress you're laying on. nothing special.
It's almost night again. You don't have a feel for aimless wandering, so you decide to make up some plans for tonight.

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I make stories and sometimes people like them.
Well, they did that once.
I think.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2014, 05:04:21 pm »

Sigh and pet a raccoon while thinking of what we CAN do tonight.

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2014, 12:25:43 am »

But it could be wild! I think we should contemplate the kinds of evidence that may prove Butcher Pete guilty and absolve us. Also, no one said we actually care about perjury and falsified evidence.

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Kitten Snot

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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2014, 10:56:17 am »

Thank you for sticking with me this far, that last update did not, indeed, give you any options. I'm sorry.

You pet one of the raccoons while you consider what you could even go do. The raccoon allows you, strangely. Maybe Butcher Pete kept them as pets?
Pete. There's an idea. You got saddled up with morons so you couldn't get any evidence, and the room's been cleaned of all useful things by the police, probably. But if you get some stuff together, you can get the bounty. You get a toothy grin as think of the secretary's face when she has to give you the money. The raccoon jumps away from you because of it. Your eyes not being visible makes you look scary when you smile. Before you leave, you decide to check out the butchery room. The second you open that door you realise that they did not do a good job at cleaning.

A terrible sweet stench fills the air, you repress your gagging as you enter. The light switch has a strange feel to it, a bit rough. Taking a closer look at it, your suspicion ends up confirmed. It's made of fingernails.
well, more reinforced with fingernails, but the point still stands. It's disgusting. Disregarding the light switch, you take a look around the now barren room. The blood was caught by paper he placed over the floor, so there's only some mild discoloration in the wood. But the strange part is the smell.
It didn't stink when you killed the guy, so why does it do so now? On a hunch, you break open the floor, using your sword as a pryer. And sure enough, the flies come bursting out, along with the smell.

You dry-heave a while, before looking at whatever lies beneath. Looks like he liked storing his meat in here, the stuff he was packaging. He likely took it somewhere else after he was done here.
But why did he place them there? the bodies and paper would take longer to put away.
Something doesn't add up here.
You can investigate the room further, or just go somewhere for other types of evidence. The police station, the old lady's house or the morgue are all possible choices.
Where to?

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I make stories and sometimes people like them.
Well, they did that once.
I think.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2014, 11:08:48 am »

Investigate further, maybe move the meat?

Kitten Snot

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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2014, 02:35:09 pm »

You decide to just deal with it, and push the meat out of the way. The second your hands touch the wet paper, you pull your hand back. It's actually squirming. How'd so much vermin get in there so fast? You decide to use the pried plank as a way to move the stuff. as you move more and more, you start seeing things scratched in the floor beneath. You can almost make out some words and pictures. The words are mainly ramblings, and you don't recognise the drawings. The ramblings are mainly talking about whispers, and a lot of "shut up". Butcher was probably dealing with ASP, Agressive Split Personality. Some people say it's caused by trace amounts of Druk in the air and others say it just doesn't exist, but ghosts are to blame instead. Some others say it's just wizards mind-controlling people.
The fact all of the theory-crafters, except the Druk-trace claimers, wear tin-foil hats makes them a bit doubtful.
You were just about to give up, when one of the meatbags falls into a hole of some kind. You can't see it, and the wet splash makes it so you don't want to see it, either.

Sighing, you pry away more plans to discover some sort of chute. You drop one of the planks down, and guessing from the scraping it is a bit like a slide. It doesn't look good, however, completely dark.
With your eyes being the way they are, you're going to need a light source of some kind. something more reliable than just a torch. a lantern, or even a flashlight.
Both are outside your price range. And with your hunger pangs, you'd prefer a nice bit of food before getting a lantern and likely losing your appetite for a week, based on whatever else might have been thrown down there.
So you still need to perform a break-in somewhere. Or scavenge something together. A good rope to get back out might be a good plan too.

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« Last Edit: October 05, 2014, 03:09:34 pm by Kitten Snot »
I make stories and sometimes people like them.
Well, they did that once.
I think.


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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2014, 02:38:30 pm »

Go get some breakfast, keep an eye out for anywhere that sells stuff to assist the break in.

Kitten Snot

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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2014, 12:01:47 pm »

You hit the road, in search of something to eat and something to light the way.
Problem is, you don't know where to get either of those things. Raccoon is too much bone for the work that goes into it, and you don't know what kind of grisly stuff they've been eating while they lived here.
So, you go to your favorite restaurant, Chez Filippe. The food's crap, but they aren't afraid to throw it out. If you're really lucky, one of the casino's guards is there, making sure only the people who do jobs for them get some trash.
Yep, only in this city can you end up beaten or killed over literal trash. Maybe it would be a good idea to try your luck in Blutsauger, the closest town. Then again, with a name like that...
A deep sigh mixes itself with the coppery smell of the streets. They put a magical binding with brass to make sure Druk doesn't end up converting a street when it spills. Everything acts like the original thing, but the smell remains.

You really, really hate that smell. For you, it's a smell that feels like it cuts up your nose on the inside. Some locals get used to it to the point don't even smell it at all. Some others, like you, never get used to it. Of course, the fact that it's a terrible plan to transport something with four magical bindings and capable of giving off infinite energy through a town that, by itself, made the tracks to be on the wrong side of them, never seemed to cross anybody's mind.
You can see your breath, and close your jacket to the best of your ability. Winter is going to be tough this year. Let's pray it doesn't end with cannibalism like in 1917.
Then again, there are around 2 gods that use cannibalism as a way of worship, so praying may not be the best option. You chortle a bit to yourself as you arrive at Filippe. With it being early in the night, there aren't any other people in need of food. No guard, either.
You move over the dumpster and lift the lid to find an honest to god unopened can of chili(roll=20). Score! The expiration date is today, but this stuff stays good for almost a week after that date.

After enjoying the best meal in months that you scrounged out of a dumpster, you get up to leave. Before you go, however, you take a look at the local dumpsters, in the hopes of finding anything that might help out.
Against all odds, you actually find a god-damn flashlight!(roll=20) The bulb for it is broken, however, and there are no batteries, but still. It's a pretty amazing find.
You need to find a replacement bulb and a pair of batteries.

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EDIT:Changed the thought. GOSH FUDGING BANANAS
EDIT2: Updated inventory.
This is getting very embarrassing
« Last Edit: October 07, 2014, 10:44:18 am by Kitten Snot »
I make stories and sometimes people like them.
Well, they did that once.
I think.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brass and casinos: A detective game.
« Reply #14 on: October 06, 2014, 12:29:41 pm »

Not our fault you have terrible luck. (In response to that thought.)
Any ways, let's walk around a bit. Maybe there's even a closed and poorly secured hardware store or something.
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