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Author Topic: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Back to the Action  (Read 52216 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Western Crusade
« Reply #195 on: August 11, 2014, 11:47:35 pm »

Actually, I'd like to wait for 2 Deaths before Execute/Dumbo.exe comes in, to balance the number of players to a nice, even number. Unfortunately for the players, but fortunately, for you Execute, it seems like you won't wait long.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Bondage Battle
« Reply #196 on: August 12, 2014, 01:11:27 am »

Slide knife to Shadow. "My knife *Cough* and me... are one, take it, and... kill things... *Cough*" continue trying not to die while grinning.

Fire on The Shadow!
"Don't talk like that! As soon as I'm done here I'll git cha back ta town and you'll be fine!"
Fire on the bandit once more!

Stamping Feet presses the bag onto his wound further, trying not to die as the bag's color quickly morphs from sandy brown to dark crimson. [4] The wound is getting worse, and the bag isn't doing much as the amount of blood increases. Stamping coughs and watches blood fly out from his mouth. Uh oh. He takes his special custom knife, The Wolf Killer, and throws it at The Shadow in a way so that it bounces off the ground. [2] That would be what would happen if Stamping made a good throw. Instead, it hits the side of the wagon and falls about a foot away.

The Shadow and Starn Gundar get their guns up, their eyes wide and their fingers flexing.
The Shadow - 5
Starn Gundar - 4]

The Shadow is a hair faster on the trigger. [7 VS. 2] Starn doesn't even get a chance to shoot back, as his Rifle flies out of his hand when he is hit with a wall of buckshot and goes flying a few feet away, landing in some shrubbery on the side of the road. He is still alive, and even more miraculously, not bleeding. However, when the horrible pain hits him he is quickly aware that he is not bleeding because the pellets slammed into the left-side of his ribcage, breaking all of the rub in that area. [1] Starn is hit with one wave of pain before he blacks out instantaneously. The Shadow propels his target away, and it's a good thing he hit since now his Shotgun is empty. Now he is left on the middle of the road, Stamping Feet bleeding, the bandit lying in the sand, and now, an older man yelling from the Stagecoach. "What in God's name is going on? Let us out!"

"Hm...things continue ta be interestin'."
Go stand on the fringe of the mob to see what happens.

Out of curiosity, Micheal Shawns stands at the very fringes of the mob. Unlike others, he chooses not to try and stop or instigate the angry townsfolk. He doesn't interact at all, rather, he opts to observe...
[Micheal Shawns will witness everything in the vicinity of the mob and the Brothel.]

"What's this? A riot brewing?"
Move toward the mob, ascertain what's happening, then work on calming down the mob. Reinforce the Lord's message of living and letting live, of casting aside judgment of sinners, and of letting God do His work without the overzealous intervention of His followers.
Deal. Why don't we take this outside and finish it right now, seeing as I have nothing to lose either way, no? That is, if our friend the Sheriff's apprentice will allow it.
Keld walks outside (with Tuypo and Jim if they come) and attempts to calm the mob, but does not begin the 'duel' yet.
To Sister Marjorie: Back in my homeland, we had many Kreuzzug, Crusades you call them, to fight against the unrighteous. This is the same, no? We are trying to stop the unpious from keeping us from doing our Christian duties, in this case keeping this a good Christian town. I assure you if I get my way, no one will be harmed this day.
Allow the mob to be calmed, but do not let them disperse under any circumstances.
Jonah finishes his drink and gets up, heading for the door and the sounds of trouble without.
Probably something to do with that brothel he'd heard about. Should be entertaining to watch.
Finish my drink and go wander down the street to see what this whole riot thing's about.
Join the crowd, occasionally shouting choice things to rile people up further, and watch the show.
Tug open my shirt so I can grab my knives in a hurry if need be.

Carter goes to the Brothel and sees that it might be a little difficult for him to take ownership of it at this time. But he gets an idea about how he can make some money in the meantime.
Carter organizes a betting pool on the outcome of the bondage duel.
Blood Opal watches the scene calmly, only the slightest hint of glee in her eyes. Perfect. The only thing better than trouble was trouble that wouldn't get her in trouble. Then she heard the Nun, using her alien ideology to turn the alien crowd away from violence, and promptly decided to play a bit of devils advocate to stir things up.
"You talk of Christian Virtues? What about Vespuccian virtues? Must those be locked up and ignored as well? I came to this country because the men bleed red! A true Vespuccian man would never drop his pants, bend over, and allow an establishment such as this to have its way with the town!" In reality, Blood Opal had no issues with the nature of the brothel, or the sort of people who might frequent it, but she wasn't going to allow a perfectly good riot to go to waste either.
Work the crowd so as to counteract the good works of the nun.
Jim listens carefully, trying to figure out who is whipping up the crowd. After all, inciting a riot is a crime, is it not?

The crowd outside the Brothel only grows larger as more newcomers arrive to the scene, each with something to say.

Sister Marjorie Swift arrives quickly, and realizing the nature of the violent mob, decides to invoke words of holiness. [5+2] She quotes the Bible in attempt to show these people the err of their ways, especially passages of the savior Jesus Christ, who advocates for "peace and tolerance" in her readings. The mob stands firm, though they quiet down a little bit and lower their weapons. Keld Cenek also tries calming them down before his duel, [4] but his words are not heard through the commotion, and he cuts his talk short to prepare for his duel.
On the opposite spectrum, Jonah Clay and Blood Opal begin to rile the crowd up. [9] Jonah's homophobic slurs and various chants really get the blood of the mob pumping, soon they are back to yelling and holding their weapons high. Swift raises her voice, but she is drowned out. [3+2] Opal tries to invigorate them as well, but her voice is also lost among the cries and screams. It's alright for her though, Jonah has already said enough nasty things to get the crowd calling for blood, lots and lots of blood.
Carter Duffield doesn't take sides and goes for a pragmatist business route of starting up a betting pool. [9+1] The crowd pays him a nice sum of $50! Now he just has to figure out how to pay the winners back after this duel is done...
Jim Henson listens closely to the mob for any signs of people trying to make the situation worse. The ugliest man of the bunch has managed to really get the crowd going, and Jim Henson is able to locate him quickly, with him screaming and hollering. There's also a Quian woman trying to get people excited, but it seems like no one is paying much mind to her.

"Si, Padre, a godsend indeed it is."
Thinking about the price and location of the land I cough nervously.
"But the land lays in the Badlands. It is where the Natives live too... We will need laborers and protection."
I think a little longer about this whole deal.
"We can make it work Padre. We will need a translator best if he is a Native himself. We will buy the land first and try to negotiate lowest price we can get complaining on it's location. Then we will negotiate with natives - for a part of our profits they will work the field and protect it."
I smile, happy of the solution I came up with.
"What do you think Padre?"
Go on with the plan - negotiate lower price and buy the land first. Later try to find a translator upon a pretense of starting a farm together with the Natives, lie about what will be farmed if I must.
"Then we shall do so. Let us part ways for now; I shall negotiate a better price for our garden. I pray you luck in your task in finding a translator. I believe a nun who can speak the language is in town."

If we get bonuses when we negotiate together, bargain for a better price together. If it doesn't stack, I bargain for a better price while Josse finds a translator.

Elsewhere, where riots and gun battles weren't taking place, GregorRojillovarón INC. came to the conclusion that it would be best to purchase the homestead land, though both men agree to work out a better deal. Consulting the advertisement, they find the home of the seller in town, who has one of the nicer homes, and greet him on his patio. After introductions, Father Gregor and Josse try and negotiate a better price. [4+1+1] The relator considers their offer. "Fine, I'll lower it to $125.60. That's my final offer though, you boys can take it or leave it." He sounds serious about it being his last offering to them.

Go with them. Ask them if anyone in their tribe is injured or sick.

Doctor Drew Whiteford follows the Hontato, and asks them if anyone is injured or sick. "Yes, we have injury. Come," says the musket-wielder. Whiteford is taken through the grass for a good long while, until he and his guides reach a clearing where dozens of houses stand, composed of mud, dirt, and rock. There are more Hontato people milling about than Drew had ever seen in his life total beforehand, they stare back. Before he can take a good look around at the layout and the people, he is pulled into one house, where he witnesses a man lying beneath a blanket, softly groaning. The musketman lifts the blanket to reveal a pool of dried blood. "He was hurt hunting, attacked by boar. Bleeding stopped, but he is still very hurt. Can not get up."

"I already have an alternate profession."

Since it seems I cannot find a job, I'll let it come to me.

Nail a "Gunslinger-for-hire" note on the notice board. Check if there's something new on it too. If there isn't anything worthy of my attention, I'll chill in the saloon.

John Ashwood decides to advertise his skills and nails a flyer to the notice board, advertising him as a competent, experienced and deadly "Gunslinger-for-hire". He rubs his hands after he is finished, that should do the trick, now just to wait for clients. Looking around, it seems as if not much is going on, besides the giant mob rioting down by the brothel. Besides that, it is quite quiet.

"Personally, I don't like presiding over a...duel, I guess, but I am willing to do so."

Jim looks a little uneasy about this, but is willing to preside over it.

have the deputy finish untieing me and judge the duel

Jim goes up to Tuypo and unties the ropes binding his wrists, freeing them; the crowd going wild as they realize that the Duel is finally commencing. The cheers and jeers directed at Tuypo only grow louder. Jim thrusts a long length of thick rope into each man's hands, Keld looking like a bit surprised. "I never said-" Keld voices his concern, but after looking at the mob who may just start killing everyone if they don't get there way, he decides to get this Duel over with, even if its just for their sake.
"Alright boys, you know the rules! First to tie his opponent to submission wins!" He urges both of them back, 5 paces away from each other. He puts his hand in the air, "3...2....1...GO!" He swings his hand down, signifying the start of the Duel.

Tuypo - 3
Keld Cenek - 8]

Keld reacts fastest and lunges at Tuypo just as the brothel owner gets his rope ready. [10 VS. 2] Keld wraps his length around Tuypo's wrists blindly fast, forcing them together, Tuypo drops his rope. Still in shock from the Seugdian's speed, Tuypo doesn't see Keld's hand, which shoves him hard in the shoulder, knocking him down to the floor. As Tuypo struggles, Keld grabs the other length of rope and uses it to quickly tie Tuypo's ankles together as well. Tuypo struggles fruitlessly for a few seconds, but gives up as he realizes his attempt is futile. And like that, it's over.
Keld Cenek has emerged Victorious!

The crowd chairs, hats thrown into the air and guns going off. A burly man pulls Keld onto his shoulders, parading him around in the mob, which was once violent, but now a party of celebration. While this goes on, Tuypo lays on the ground, bound and bitter.

The majority of betters had bet on Keld, and are now badgering Duffield for their payout.

Keld Cenek is hailed as a New Jamestown champion.

Spoiler: Characters (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Reserve (click to show/hide)

Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Bondage Battle
« Reply #197 on: August 12, 2014, 01:18:25 am »

Begin preparing to become Indian knife spirit that may or may not exist in order to aid shadow in ways that may or may not have actually been just coincidences. with the potential to manifest later in potentially disprovable ways.
You are now having excessive amounts of fun


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Bondage Battle
« Reply #198 on: August 12, 2014, 01:19:50 am »

Begin preparing to become Indian knife spirit that may or may not exist in order to aid shadow in ways that may or may not have actually been just coincidences. with the potential to manifest later in potentially disprovable ways.

This type of stuff makes me sad that Stamping Feet probably has a date with the Afterlife. Hopefully, his spirit can live on in your next character. Or not.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Bondage Battle
« Reply #199 on: August 12, 2014, 01:22:53 am »

uphold my end of the bargain rebuild the brothels façade to be less conspicuous, keep the homosexuality hidden behind closed doors out the back well away from everything else and keep quite about it, and give them there share of the profits then begin business also try and find somebody to untie me
important project progress

have some basic idea of whats going to go in it


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Bondage Battle
« Reply #200 on: August 12, 2014, 01:26:36 am »

should i go ahead and start a new character sheet for the waitlist?
You are now having excessive amounts of fun


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Bondage Battle
« Reply #201 on: August 12, 2014, 01:39:35 am »

((It would have been better if you hogtied him.  :P))

"Shame that was over so quickly. Still, that was a fine job of tyin'." Michaels comments before looking around for anything else interesting going on, although he doesn't leave the fringes of the celebration just yet. If there wasn't anything interesting, maybe he could see if the gun store had anything special in stock.

Look around for anything else interesting, or maybe go check the gun store to see if they have any special revolvers.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Bondage Battle
« Reply #202 on: August 12, 2014, 01:46:36 am »

should i go ahead and start a new character sheet for the waitlist?

You can.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Bondage Battle
« Reply #203 on: August 12, 2014, 02:02:13 am »

You are now having excessive amounts of fun


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Bondage Battle
« Reply #204 on: August 12, 2014, 02:23:39 am »

Begin preparing to become Indian knife spirit that may or may not exist in order to aid shadow in ways that may or may not have actually been just coincidences. with the potential to manifest later in potentially disprovable ways.

This type of stuff makes me sad that Stamping Feet probably has a date with the Afterlife. Hopefully, his spirit can live on in your next character. Or not.
((Have you ever played cave story? He could be like the knife there.))

"One second sir!"
The Shadow goes over and double taps, then triple taps, the bandit before going back and grabbing the knife, checking on Stamping Feet and then going to help the person in the wagon.

Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Bondage Battle
« Reply #205 on: August 12, 2014, 03:32:11 am »

"What an utterly strange duel."

Enough of this. Get on my horse, then ride out of town to seek the local Hontato tribes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Bondage Battle
« Reply #206 on: August 12, 2014, 04:11:45 am »

Jonah was having entirely too much fun in his role as anonymous rabble-rouser.
He doesn't pay much attention to the strange spectacle of the duel, instead he cups his hands to his mouth, rocks back on his heels, and continues shouting, doing his best to inspire more chaos. He moves about in the crowd between salvos, not wanting to be elected the group's spokesperson, or recognized by the law for that matter.

"C'mon! Are we goin' ta let this go on? We gonna let these [REDACTED]ing [REDACTED]'s just [REDACTED] each other [REDACTED] in our town?! Are we? What sorta folk's that make you?! You jest gonna stand by and do nothin'? Burn the [REDACTED]in' place down!"

Shout some more, try to fire the crowd up enough that they cause further property damage and mayhem.
Subtly move around amongst the crowd in between sentences, alter my voice somewhat, and try not to be too obvious.
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Descan Pengwind
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Bondage Battle
« Reply #207 on: August 12, 2014, 10:05:17 am »

Carter Duffield speaks to his debtors.

"Gentlemen, I would be more than happy to pay out your bets right now, but that would mean the fun would have to stop and you would lose out on the opportunity to make so much more money.

"For tonight I shall host a poker tournament attended by the best poker players in town. There will both be a prizes for top-ranking players and the opportunity to bet on placement for spectators, so everyone has a chance to make it big! And you can even play and bet, to double your odds!

"And as for your debt, gentlemen, I've got your names and payouts all down here," he shows them their names on his notebook (Carter could either have retroactively started with a pencil and notebook or just bought one from the general store.) "and all of you winners who let me keep their money until after tonight's payout get either a ten percent discount on your tournament entry fee (that's tithe for you less-mathematically-inclined folks) or five percent added to your betting payout (that's half a tithe again for you folks).

"Now that's an 'either or' situation, so if I was you I'd choose the discount, since ten is a bigger number than five. Oh and for those of you taking the betting route, I recommending picking an underdog. Not only is the payout much bigger, but you get value added with the increased payout. Really go for someone who looks like they have business competing at all; you'll have a chance to make so much money."

Carter tries to organize an impromptu poker tournament for tonight, setting a modest entry fee and promising a large payout. He'll also organize a bet on the outcome of the tournament. He's promised his debtors can have either a 10% discount on their entrance fee or a 5% increase for their betting payout if they let him keep their money till the end of the night. Also, anyone can both play and bet, but debtors cannot receive both a discount and an increased payout.
What if the earth is just a knick in one of the infinite swords of the mighty fractal bear?
Glory to Arstotzka!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Bondage Battle
« Reply #208 on: August 12, 2014, 11:35:31 am »

Jim casually steps towards Tuypo and unties him, before quietly stepping into the crowd, looking for Jonah. If he finds him, he grabs the man, and shows him his badge.

"The duel's over, big fella. Stop trying to cause a riot or I'll have to throw you in jail."
A troll, most likely...But I hate not feeding the animals. Let the games begin.
Ya fuckin' wanker.   

My sigtext


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: \Legends/ - Simple Freeform Wild West RPG - Bondage Battle
« Reply #209 on: August 12, 2014, 11:40:07 am »

Bet someone $10 that I would beat them in a fistfight
Yep, the sig is here
Whoops. Well, shit. Typical salsacookies.
I don't need my cavities checked. I just went to the dentist! Ba-dum-tiss.
I am a Christian
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