Feca's Shield, AKA Fecas. The "never die" class of the game. They have various shields that prevent damage, and some semi weak attacks, along with landmines that can do a variety of things. Generally focused on making sure them and their allies don't die. A solo feca will win primarily through outlasting the opponent and chipping them down.
Osamados's whip, AKA Osas. The summoners. They have a little buddy named gobgob that can both attack and be used to tame enemies to use in combat. I think he also eats them. That may be the same thing there. Generally not bad damage, can summon allies, has one perma ally, a solid choice for any solo player, as having animal friends is sort've the same thing as having other people around.
Enutrof's Fingers, AKA Enus. As close to dwarves as you're going to get. Improve enemy drops, can make enemies drop items, has a friendly mole that digs holes that results in a variety of beneficial effects. Enutrofs are kind've technical, but they can hold their own. Generally it's not going to be simple, but the various skills do improve drops, so that's something!
Sram's Shadow, AKA Srams. They go invisible, they do a ton of damage, they die if you look at them funny. Srams! A well played sram is a force to be reckoned with, but if you are not aware of when your invisibility is going to run out and where your enemies are, you're likely to end up with your face in the dirt more then anything. Glass cannons.
Xelor's Sandglass, AKA Xelors. They manipulate the flow of time, typically by reducing AP from enemies/adding AP to friends, many skills' damage is effected by how much AP the enemy has lost/gained, again another fairly technical class, but very powerful in the right hands.
Ecaflip's Coin, AKA Ecas. They gamble. That's about the length of it. They either hit it big and wreck face or fumble and die. They have non chance based attacks, but that's kind've missing the point don't you think?
Eniripisa's hands, AKA Enis. Healers and buffers, plain and simple. Like most classes they have weak-ish attacks, but generally you're in this to heal other people and make sure they do their job as well as possible, annnnd maybe take a few pot shots while you're at it. They can also debuff enemies with marks.
Iop's heart, AKA Iops. Fighters! Big men doing big damage. Heavy damage, slow moving, no slouch in defense either. An Iop will either mess something up or get circles run around them. Range tends to be low, mobility low as well, this happens a lot. Iops are here to smash things, and if they can get something in their grip long enough, they totally will.
Cra's range, AKA Cras. Archers, large range, a cra will generally not have any issues hitting anyone on the field at any time. Their damage is not amazing, but they can also plink away at basically anything anywhere near them, so that's not a huge deal.
Sadida's shoes, AKA Sadis. A bit more meaty summoners, druidic in theme. THey tend to have summons meant to die to inflict some negative effect, and they have pretty great damage too. Their summons also require less maint to get and keep up with then Osas.
Sacrier's blood, AKA Sacs. Berserkers. THey take a ton of damage, they get in melee, and they smash things up better the more their HP lowers. Pretty straight forward.
Pandawa's Pint, AKA Pandas. Fighters based entirely off how drunk they are. I know little about these, but I've heard good things.
And the final three, Rogue, Masqueraider, and Foggernaut I know little about. Once again, if you'd like a more detailed look at the classes, go