Okay, added (does your new Osa have the same name, TempAcc?). Now it's time to add a brief blurb about builds/gear for anyone uninformed.
Gear in Wakfu is... a little odd. It doesn't add defense in the traditional sense (there's not even a defense stat! How about that.), although you might get HP/initiative/dodge/lock etc to help you out a bit. But what you're usually going for is the damage boosts. Ya see, most gear has elemental damage boosts on them. Most character builds will be based around X element. So I'm going for earth feca, for instance. So I want gear that boosts earth.
However, you may have seen some non mono element builds floating around. They're indeed very common and not a bad idea in the slightest! In those cases you're generally using one element for your primary offense. So for instance a fire/earth feca would be using fire for offense and earth to tank up. In those cases you want a set that boosts your primary offensive element, because outside of corner cases (Like the fire/earth feca, actually, I'll go over that some other time), armor doesn't boost effects on spells, only damage.
Incidentally, for stats, the offensive/defensive stats, str, int, chance, and agility, are actually more for defense then offense, and are generally not considered super good. Some super focused builds will just max those stats, but you're giving up a lot for that. And to be fair, some builds can make that work, for instance, air Iops are super focused on getting in something's face and smashing it up in a single turn, so going full agility for as much air damage as they can possibly get might be a good idea for them. But the vast majority of builds will prefer range/AP/MP points, as expensive as they are, instead. Initiative is required for PvP, at least 1v1 PvP (IE the kind of PvP for losers who plays 1v1 in a TBS seriously), so keep that in mind, and tanks (IE earth fecas), do quite like lock to keep any enemy that's stupid enough to try to kill you committed to the idea.
It's pretty simple and I'd be willing to bet most of you would figure it out fine on your own, but I figured I'd get it out there. Builds are actually very forgiving, so don't stress out about builds too much. There are optimals, but it really seems like, besides AP/MP/Range points, it's minmaxing. Passives are another story, but you can generally tell what will be good for what you're shooting for, there.
Incidentally, while I'm here, some good early sets are the gobball set, for earth/fire damage, and the tofu set, for water/wind damage. They all drop from those monsters, they're fairly low level, or can be crafted by armorers/weapon makers (while I'm here I'll just say most melee weapons are really powerful, especially early on, and due to how spell exp works it'll barely stunt your growth at all, so don't be afraid to swipe at an enemy with that weapon of yours if you end up in melee) out of the parts you get. Even earlier sets include varying colors of the piwi sets, but I generally find it less of a pain to just go straight to gobball/tofu. Adventurer set from bow meows doesn't give elemental damage, but is only three pieces and will give you a nice bit of wisdom, which will raise the amount of exp you get. Also some stats.