Writing this straight from the first alpha release (ie Vector's post) [...And via the .exe that McFry released]
The game, in itself, is amazing. Music, gameplay, and other effects. I'd argue on the repetitiveness on some events but that'd not be a good basis for quite anything in regard to how the dungeon layout is set: the intro and the many,
many references--subtle or not--to authors, quotations, sayings and...probably historical data (I've seen a few but am unsure) add a nice touch to it.
Now here are tiny notes I saw.
> In a character death, 50 stress is gained, to a maximum of 99 stress, in which the remaining living characters freak out and get a quirk.
> The flask raises ATK by 1 and lowers DEF/SPD by 1 until combat is finished (unsure if this lasts for a set # of turns, but I've passed ~5 rounds and the status effect was still in place)
> Healing on the world-view requires a Campfire and Food...In options of 0/2/4/8 food per campfire lit. Unsure how much each option heals, but the second (2) seems most efficient, healing ~10 hp, if you can spare the food.
> You may attempt any area that can give a 'prize' (non-negative item) as many times as you can (watch for the negative effects of failure), until you get the prize.
You have two set-ups. The world-view and the battle-view. In both, you may manipulate your characters/party formation as you will.
Other than copy what is said in this nice guide here, it is to be noted that you may edit your party
any time in game--more apparent in the battle-view, but in world-view, just press "x" to begin selecting any of the six icons to edit your party, and "z" to return.
(I find the controls similar to...well, Mardek, of all games I remember. The z and x buttons, specifically.
Note that there is a highlighted area in the world-view, denoted by a lighter shade of white around an icon. Movement occurs when the map is highlighted.
...Unless an instruction list was added later on?
...Also is there any way to unequip items from a character? I have no idea how to switch the...viewpoint in the world-view on the character in question (or how to unequip them :x)
What do those blank...squares below each character's health bar denote?
Why can
Also I find it extremely funny that you could taunt a skeleton to death. xD