Look outside any windows, or maybe just peek out the door for a moment. If nothing interesting happens, maybe take a nap.
You start napping.
The voice was very alien. It didn't belong in Claudia's head. Moreover, it was, as has been established, completely idiotic, a blind, stupid will trying to make her act out in ways that were shortsighted, immature and inhuman. It was like a child of some kind, except one with an extreme mean streak and an uncharacteristic strength to back it up.
Perhaps that was the way to deal with it, then.
Will the voice to stop being such a baby and pipe down already. Things will be broken when it is appropriate for them to break, no sooner! And the worse it behaves, the less breaking will be achieved in the long run, as if we cannot control ourselves, we will get eliminated like some kind of one-shot villain that dies a death of their own making right after their origin story, to put it in kid-friendly terms.
So can we understand each other, and can the voice stop trying to push me into doing things that are of no use, no imagination and no point?
[2] The voice continues. It's
really annoying; you punch a nearby building in frustration. Part of the wall shatters, with the edges melting like before. You hear a bit of an ominous creaking. That...that might have been an important wall.
Try homing in on the listening.
[1] Dammit, you're getting a headache. You can't wait to get to the mainland. Or at least a big island.
Jane pushes away the now clean plate. With a full belly, she can think. First, let see was what she can do. The garden of this 'cosy'(rundown but cheap) house was not overlooked...
Since fire inside is bad idea, Transformation outside. Then see if I can fly, is stronger or faster.
You transform. Flame on. Now, to try flying...
[1] Well, you can pyrokinetically jump farther, but you jumped
out instead of
up. Brilliant.
[3-1] You manage to avoid too much arm to yourself, but...you jumped off the gorram roof. It hurts, but you're fixing yourself. Magic has its perks...but also attracts onlookers.
Oh, the possibilities! I could sneak in almost anywhere, get onto theme park rides, threaten people..
but that would be bad.. hm..
Katelyn continues thinking for a while, and then resumes her Quest for The Holy Band-Aid.
[1] Ow! Okay, what idiot put the heaviest bottle of pills precariously on the top shelf?
...Probably you, but still!
Wait... I couldn't move earlier... Broken back? Perhaps...
Yeah, a doctor might be a good idea.
go to le hospital.
You do so. The receptionist asks about why you're here.'
Suddenly embarrassed, Medomai runs out of the store and to the train station before boarding.
I wonder where else I can go...
Medomai gets off at a random train station.
((I would be so happy with being railroaded on this train
Not yet, you're not. That 1 was even worse than you thought.
The people in the store start to move towards you as you head for the exit. [6+1v2] Several of them tackle you.
You decide to head for a clinic.
Approaching the receptionist, Hiromi asked on whom she should see for 'skin issues'. A dermatologist perhaps?
You are in a waiting room, painted a pale yellow-green.
"What kind of skin issues? If it's minor enough, we might be able to handle it here; you might have to go to a hospital for something more severe."
"...Allergies? Tingles? I'm unsure ma'am. If I could get a check-up to ensure that I wouldn't need to go to the hospital, then that'd be great, thank you."
Define and conclude! Check-up time? 
She looks at you funny. "...Alright."
You wait a bit in the waiting room, then your name is called.
"Hello, miss..."
"Hiromi Anaya."
"Thank you. And I understand you have some kind of skin issues? Or allergies?"
"And you want a diagnosis of what it is?"
"Alright. First, I want you to describe the symptoms."
...Well, what
can you tell him?
(Almost) Everyone in the hospitalKimiko yawns and glances at the men in suits, "So are we starting soon or what?"
"In a moment. We're waiting for--"
A woman in a suit, carrying a little girl, enters the room.
"Ah. Seems we have everyone. Heishi, get off the phone. That situation's out of our hands, now."
The man nods. "I see our casualty count was a little off?"
"Yes," the woman in the suit replies.
"Alright," the man who was reading replies. "That is excellent. Sorry to interrupt your discussion, girls. Let me introduce us. This is Heishi Kira, this is Hogosha Aiko, and I am Taisho Taiga," he explains, pointing to the other man, the woman, and himself. "Hogosha and I are from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, while Heishi is from the Ministry of Defense. We are here to investigate the effects of the meteor--or whatever that was--and determine if they are a threat or a potential boon to Japan and the world."
Taisho glances around, looking each of the girls in the eye one by one.
"At the moment, the scales are looming seriously towards 'threat'. For your sakes, I hope that you're better than most of the reports I've been getting..."
StatusBrief Description: America tomboy from a good family.
Appearance: Slender, Pretty. Twin-braided brown hair to waist. Green eyes.
Personality: ?
Health: Hurt (81%)Energy: Rested (99%)Injuries: None
Other Issues: None
Magic Description: Short-ranged Fire
Alternate Form: Made of Fire
Known Powers: Alternate Form; Healing?

Brief Description: Technical Tinker Person
Appearance: Long, dark brown hair. Green eyes. Slightly skinny.
Personality: Loner. Tinker.
Health: Heavily Injured (40%)
Energy: Rested (100%)
Injuries: Missing Arm
Other Issues: Probable Criminal Charges
Magic Description: Electric Magick
Alternate Form: Fragile yellow person, taller and thinner, shocking.
Known Powers: Alternate Form
Brief Description: Presumably rich teen with size powers
Appearance: Average
Personality: Probably also very average
Health: Hurt (79%)
Energy: Rested (100%)
Injuries: Nothing Serious
Other Issues: None
Magic Description: Sizeshifting
Alternate Form: ??
Known Powers: None
Brief Description: Energetic, Athletic, Loner Author
Appearance: Slim and youthful; Shoulder-length brown ponytail; Matching eyes and skin; Sharp facial features
Personality: Loner
Health: Uninjured (100%)
Energy: Rested (100%)
Injuries: None
Other Issues: None
Magic Description: Earth Manipulation
Alternate Form: ??
Known Powers: Tough Skin?
Brief Description: Transgender swimmer
Appearance: Green, Bagged Eyes, Purple (dyed) Hair. "Body of a Swimmer". Looks asleep, looks down. Pearl-white Toenails.
Personality: Detached?
Health: Uninjured (100%)
Energy: Rested (100%)
Injuries: Headache
Other Issues: On a sinking cruise ship
Magic Description: Telepathy
Alternate Form: None
Known Powers: ??
Brief Description: Crazy Shipping Archer
Appearance: Tall, Brown Hair. Hazel Eyes.
Personality: Bored.
Health: Injured (80%)
Energy: Winded (90%)
Injuries: None
Other Issues: None
Magic Description: Air/Wind
Alternate Form: Gray, Vaguely Angelic Thing with Dragonfly Wings
Known Powers: Aerokinesis
Brief Description: Martial Artist and Bully/Neer-Do-Well
Appearance: Flat-Chested, Toned Muscles, Brown Eyes, Short Black Hair w/Red Tips
Personality: Selfish, Anti-Authoritarian "Independent"
Health: Heavily Injured (30%)
Energy: Rested (100%)
Injuries: Broken Ribs, Etc
Other Issues: What, that isn't enough?
Magic Description:
Alternate Form: Metallic
Known Powers:
Brief Description: Fujioshi
Appearance: Scrawny. Hair dyed cherry-red.
Personality: ??
Health: Uninjured (100%)
Energy: Winded (89%)
Injuries: None
Other Issues: Nothing serious
Magic Description: ??
Alternate Form: ??
Known Powers: ??
Brief Description: Cat-loving Four-Year-Old
Appearance: Light brown hair, Big eyes, Four, Often Wears Cat Costume.
Personality: Curious as a cat. Likes cats. Intelligent. Playful, cheerful.
Health: Uninjured (100%)
Energy: Rested (100%)
Injuries: None!
Other Issues: Parents "Hospitalized"
Magic Description: ??
Alternate Form: ??
Known Powers: ??
Brief Description: Rich Lonely Girl
Appearance: Slender, Black Hair, Pale Skin. Actually Looks Japanese (and bored).
Personality: Bored. Aloof?
Health: Uninjured (100%)
Energy: Rested (100%)
Injuries: None
Other Issues: You set the roof on fire!
Magic Description: Solar
Alternate Form: Plump, Golden
Known Powers: Aura of Setting Things on Fire (Alternate form only, thank Shys'm Caes)
Brief Description: Poor, Hardworking Waitress
Appearance: Long black hair. Blue eyes. Flat chest. Tall. Dresses in dresses.
Personality: ??
Health: Injured (55%)
Energy: Rested (100%)
Injuries: Broken Arm, Bleeding
Other Issues: None
Magic Description: Sound
Alternate Form: ??
Known Powers: Super-Hearing
Brief Description: Suicidal, Introverted Tomboy
Appearance: Brown Ponytails. Red Eyes.
Personality: Suicidal. Introverted.
Health: Heavily Injured (40%)
Energy: Rested (97%)
Injuries: (Broken Back)
Other Issues:
Magic Description: Shapeshifting
Alternate Form: Um...
Known Powers: Shapeshifting
Brief Description: Farmgirl who spends more time with animals than people
Appearance: Light blonde hair, Silver eyes.
Personality: Shy, Defensive
Health: Uninjured (100%)
Energy: Rested (100%)
Injuries: None
Other Issues: Orenji is Dead!
Magic Description: Nature
Alternate Form: Varies
Known Powers: Healing; Spirits
Brief Description: Engineering Wannabe
Appearance: Tall, Thin, Long Brown Hair; Hazel Eyes
Personality: Curious? Sightseeing? ...Nauseated?
Health: Hurt (90%)
Energy: Rested (100%)
Injuries: Nausea
Other Issues: None
Magic Description: Poison?
Alternate Form: ??
Known Powers: Being Sick from Normal Food
Brief Description: Middle-Aged Tourist Artist
Appearance: Rotund, Weary, Shoulder-Length Black Straight Hair
Personality: Depressed, Distant?
Health: Uninjured (100%)
Energy: Rested (84%)
Injuries: None
Other Issues: Voice In Head
Magic Description: Shattering
Alternate Form: ??
Known Powers: Breaking Stuff; Voice in Head
((I have no idea who that is
A character Cado makes a lot. Shy, lesbian, draws a lot.
I would have had this up earlier, but a combination of real life and
a webcomic delayed me.