"Birds of a feather do stupid shit together", or something like that... Unhappy with his failing career as a vampire hunter, Simmura (recently revived from yet another ill-fated venture) decided that it was time to get some other people to die along with him. Because, hey, misery loves company.
Miraculously organizing into a team, all 5 of the kingdom's rangers ventured out to attack a newly uncovered colony of vampires. ...or, rather, they wandered around for a bit and got attacked by some vamps. This time, much to Simmura's glee, they were victorious! Well, except for the two guys who died, but that's acceptable... Unfortunately, the rest of the band didn't take this as a particularly strong argument for this path of employment, and the gang dissolved after their own successful venture (seriously, all 5 rangers decided at roughly the same time to go explore the same spot on the map... It was pretty funny, sad I didn't get a snap of it).
Meanwhile, Sonlirain has been busy capitalizing on his own undead-hunting attempts, and seems to be doing slightly better for himself. We're still not entirely sure whether or not he's aware of just how much cash he's making by doing this job, as he seems to mostly just be doing it for the fun of it... At least, that's what the kingdom's sages theorize. After all, he's neither spent nor saved any of the fortune he's amassed, so we can only assume he doesn't even know what it's supposed to be used for.
Is there a Haspen still alive there? v:
Indeed there is! Sir Haspen Sharpedge is alive, well, and currently the lowest-leveled of the three knights in our realm. Mostly, this is due to his overly discretionary nature.
Also, Delta just died again. Apparently, he's just as bright as ol' Simmura over there.