I remove my commwire, and put it in a pocket.
I then return to curling up in a corner, holding one of my tails, and resting and waiting.
You prevent further SAN losses.
But that image of Alan making a little boy happy will haunt you forever.
Alan takes this mental assault as a challenge. He can pose much more provocatively than that!
Attempt to flood the psychic net or whatever's assaulting me with a large number of memories of the one time I broke into a Playboy studio and made the photographers take explicit pictures of me.
Hmm... Everyone around you except for Zechariah have removed their comm wires... Would DAF do the same if he could post, I wonder? Nah, why would he want to miss such an opportunity? So I guess you'll be educating Zechariah on the beauty of the
human Alan body by showing him how you posed for a guy and made him photo you like one of his french girls.
"Ha! There's more where that comes from!"
The commwire can transmit sounds and sights, maybe it can transmit other senses? Pain's a sense. Try to broadcast PURE EXCRUCIATING AGONY! And if that doesn't seem to be working switch to very painful sounding sounds and very painful looking images. Sorry to any friends in the area.
Meanwhile get up, or at least get in a more defensive position. Shield up, sword up, defensive stance.
If no one's immediately attacking me and I have a moment quickly lower my scarf and chug some energy potion Red Bull for energy.
((Look at this product placement you should get them to sponsor this game.))
((Estimated Time of campaign ending and new missions starting = NEVER.
((It's almost like we're playing an entirely different game in the same thread. Still a very good game.))
((Every mission is more or less its own game. That was the point of making missions so versatile. Almost anything goes. But hey, if it's boring you, I guess we could abstract some things. We'll be doing that anyway, if you get on the road again. And, you know, stop dying.))
Product placement? What product placement? This is Redd Bull, the fabled coffee created by Chief Redd Bull of the Sodari tribe, a traditional drink that was in that proud native Americans' history for generations. Its symbol is two crimson bulls over a cyan background. It's a completely original product, like Moka Cola or Dr. Piper. It says so right there on your left gauntlet, under the nutritional facts. I don't see what you're basing these unfounded allegations on.
You hum the Popeye theme and chug as much Redd Bull as you feel safe to do.
Nothing happens. You have no idea why you expected it to act as a sort of potion. Predictably, there is no immediate effect, beyond the placebo one.
You try to keep defending yourself via mental assault. This time you try switching tactics, but it appears that your opponents are getting used to this now that the initial shock has passed, for they seem mostly unaffected. Even the ones that had fallen down or were otherwise disabled have started getting back up again and making their way towards you. Only the scout closest to you appears to continue to be suffering from your mental attack, moaning in pain.
As you do that, you also try to find the strength to get up. You push and struggle, trying to get off the earth. But as you try to do that, something strikes you from behind, your armour making a loud *bonk* as it is hit and bent. At first you think it might have been a rock, because of the way it hit you. But then it starts to push against your armor, bending it and making it more and more cold. It's becoming heavier, not heavy enough to put you off balance, not yet, but still noticeable. Nevertheless, you manage to get up and start trying to get away as fat as you can.
Here's what the group of enemies closest to you rolled...
Yeah, good thing you also rolled well and are getting bonuses.
Campaign, Ike!
How sad to lose such a wonderful lunch so early in the day.
Steel myself for horror and try to make sense of who I'm supposed to stab. Probably those villagers running after Nikolai.
In any case, stay down and recover for a moment. Get myself back into top form.
You take a moment to lament the loss of your lunch and recover from it. The assault on your mind continues, this time with feelings of pain, but you manage to ignore them, for now.
As for who to stab... Well, assuming you want to help, then yeah, you should probably start running towards them and try to stab them. The wizard especially, since he just hit Nikolai with something.
((UGH, sorry for disappearance.
Stuffs happened that may explain my disappearance from the 17th to the 23rd in the subtext of this link. {ie Breakdown}))
((S/he's a good sport that way. Anyone would be for putting up with my constant fuckery, much less going along with it.))
((Everyone is putting up with Alan's silliness
He's a cool dude that way in that we're all showing more of ourselves with him. He isn't intentionally doing things to harm others, too.))
An action you intended to make things better actually made things better? What is this madness?
((This made me d'aww!))
Listening to Alan's philosophized backstory and Irine's responses (along with everything else in between), Theri had a familiar and distinct feeling that she could help with Alan's thinking, having a bit of experience herself in thinking about those situations and understanding several of the feelings he spoke about.
She noticed Irine's movements and decided to mimic her, putting away the commwire safely. She gave Alan a pat on the shoulder before he tried anything, and sat adjacent to Irine. She smiled at her, before sitting with her knees tucked up and looked at her feet.
"Hey. Thoughts there?"
((Don't worry. I've also not been making as many turns as I'd like. I wish you the best.))
You protect yourself from harmful mental influences, relocate close to Irine and try to start a conversation with her.
OOCI know I haven't been posting much here even though I've been online and I'm really sorry. It's mostly due to psychological reasons, feeling really bad right now because some people are being blind irrational idiots and are not letting me relax and work. Combined with said work, it hasn't left me in a state conductive to making turns, can't get in the right state of mind and I don't want to let my problems or my bad mood affect the game. So I've mostly been trying to use my internet time to make jokes, read stuff and generally try to have some easy fun. Hopefully things will improve soon without me having to fight too much. But I'll keep trying to make turns. I like this game and I like the people playing it. Just thought you deserved an explanation.