About armour, it is covered in the Red Bull logo and colours and ingredient list and stuff because it was made from the giant can, right? Unless of course it was a generic giant energy drink can, or it was turned inside out or the colours scrubbed off during crafting. Not that that helps at all, just an interesting pattern to have on armour.
By the way does the armour have a helmet?
Very very quietly: "...don't make a sound if you want to live"
Oh shit why the hell didn't I hide properly how do I get out of this?
Calm down you've been through way worse.
Tsar the commwire properly and hopefully quietly. It's my best trump card.
It is indeed just made out of can material, with some colour scratched/removed due to processing. You rolled well when creating it, so you can assume whatever small stylistic choices you would like. Like, for example, putting the logo on the shield, like a sort-of heraldry. The symbols knights and soldiers had on their shields and flags are called heraldry, right?
Yes, it does have a helmet. You had enough material and rolled well, so I said "why not"? I assumed that since it is light armour, you would go with a simple helmet, just something that covers the top and sides of your head and the back of your neck while not obstructing your hearing and vision very much. But if you want to go for something heavier, just say so before it becomes relevant and its quantum state collapses.
You very quietly speak to the scout while lamenting not doing something to better hide, like covering your armour with dirt or your cloth bag or using a branch to obscure your tracks, or hell, even trying to stab the scout before he had a chance to act (although with your luck, that would had probably ended with you somehow stabbing yourself). At the same time you try to tsar your comm-wire with no effect.
"...don't make a sound if you want to live" you warn the scout, but even before you start speaking, his hand has started moving towards his sword.
"Here! They're here!" he shouts as he draws his sword and gets in a defensive stance.
Well. That doesn't sound good.
"...want some Red Bull?"
Alan vacantly grins.
Add straw to camel's back
Also summon a large amount of donuts to induce happiness in the nearby individuals
Xan, sensing that someone who is not him has just experienced a huge stroke of bad luck and fail, fears for his throne. In an effort to deter his would be usurper, he attempts to bring fun to his current situation.
You summon a perfectly good doughnut that falls into the boy's hands. He takes a bite out of it. He seems to like it. In fact, he looks a bit calmer now. The woman looks confused for half a second before looking away from you and hmph-ing in contempt.
An action you intended to make things better
actually made things better? What is this madness?
Damn it! Nikolai stole your luck! You bet that's why he run away. He just wants to steal your spotlight.