Cheap, reliable, Extra punch
1. Improve the 120mm gun (medium)
2. 15mm machine-gun (small?)
4. Improve infantry rifle(small)
5. LMG (small)
6. Improve truck engine (medium?)
A. Trucks factory
B. Expand docks\salvage destroyer
C. Academy
Beta: Sell half of produced trucks
Gamma: Buy aircrafts
Improvements are made on the Naval Cannon. It's barrel and structure are reinforced, and partly redesigned. New test fires are more successful than the last, and the gun is now significantly more accurate than it used to be. It's tendency to explode has also been resolved, and the added improvements have made it remarkably durable.
Similar improvements have been made to the Revolutionary Rifle. While still somewhat fragile compared to the Mosin Nagant, it should function a lot better.
Work on the Heavy machine progresses fast. It's portable, but still fairly heavy despite it's air-cooled systems. It's heavy caliber give it a very good range and accuracy, making it ideal for mounting on vehicles or other fortified positions. The fairly heavy round can reliably puncture light armor (5-10 mm) on a direct hit at short range, and occasionally penetrate even thicker armor. It remains deadly even at long range. It's incapable of sustained firing.
Gas operated Heavy Machine gun
Caliber: 15x25mm (250 rounds belt)
Total length: 1760mm
Barrel length: 900 mm
Rate of fire: 400 Rounds per minute ( Air cooling limits effective firing speed)
Weight: 30 kg
Firing crew: 3
Cost: 3
Round: 15x25
250 round Belts
Lightweight: Reduces weight to 20 kg
Rapid fire: Doubles RPM
High Accuracy: Increases effective range to 1.5 km
Armor Penetration: Increases the effectiveness against sloped armor.
Our engineers also deliver a simple, man portable Light machine gun. It's has a deployable tripod, and it's slightly more compact, but lacks the range and armor penetration of it's larger cousin.
Gas operated Light Machine gun
Caliber: 8x20mm (250 rounds belt)
Total length: 1600mm
Barrel length: 700 mm
Rate of fire: 300 Rounds per minute ( Air cooling limits effective firing speed)
Weight: 15 kg
Firing crew: 2
Cost: 2
Other engineers spent the entirety of their time to improve our truck's engine. It used to run on an older petrol fed model, which has now been reengineered for increased fuel efficiency, reliability and power. The result is a fairly powerful and remarkably efficient engine, which will likely serve us for quite a few years to come. It's power to weight ratio is also quite high.
Weight: 320 kg
Power: 200 Kw
Note: Reliable, Fuel efficient.
A new truck factory has been constructed, which will be producing our new trucks. Roughly half the amount of produced trucks will be given to the people, in order to increase domestic production.
The Destroyer suck in our harbor has been removed and refitted. It's now a valuable asset to our fleet. The clearing of this obstruction allowed us to repair the dry-dock, and expand our dockyard to 1000 tons. Without uses for them, the government is however unwilling to invest further.
An academy has been constructed, allowing us to specialize teams. That team will be unavailable for an entire year, however.
Tensions between [Insert Motherland name here] and [Insert country name here] have risen. The country has decided to harbor our displaced oppressors, and covets our riches.
While our mainland shares no land border with them, we do have sovereignty over a few island for their coast. Local troops have been reinforced. The government fears they're planning an attack on Crow's Isle, threatening our nations Gold supply. It's expected that [Yet another name here] will remain neutral, due to tensions between the two countries. Therefore, we don't have to fear a major land invasion yet. Most likely, the attack will come over sea.
We have acquired a few scout planes from [Insert other nation's name here], which are now scouting our naval waters. A few [First nation here] ships have been detected probing the waters, but they left immediately upon sighting our craft. No further incursions have been detected.
Amidst these tensions, a new engineering team has been assigned to our Bureau.
-Design team Alpha [Large projects]
-1 veteran engineer, 9 engineers
-Design team Beta, Gamma, Delta[Medium and Small Projects]
-1 veteran engineer, 4 Novice engineers
-Design teams Epsilon, Eta [Medium and Small projects]
-5 novice engineers
-100 Workmen
A new single floor brick building
A small academy
A small, flat field that could serve as an airstrip.
A wharf
-1 1000 ton dockyard
-1 2500 ton drydock (Half production speed, allows refits)
A small factory [Up to 400 Production Points]
A test range (Former ammunition store. Or what's left of it)
Some more destroyed buildings
Arms Complex factory [400 production points]
-0.5 Mosin Nagants [0.1] 2000/ year
-0.25 Revolutionary rifles [0.2] 500 / year
-0.25 Valiyze pistols [0.025] 4000/ year
Truck Factory [400 production points]
-1 Truck [4] 100/year
40,000 Infanty:
Standard issue equipment:
Armor: woolen winter long coat + open steel helmet.
Primary Weapon: Mosin Nagant
Secondary weapon: bayonet
29 40 mm cannons
Naval forces:
2 Glory Class Cruisers
4 Revolutionary Destroyers
Air forces:
50 recon balloons
10 scout planes [Old and outdated. Not likely to survive a storm, let alone a dogfight]
Our weapon reserves:
-2000 Mosin Nagants
-500 Revolutionary Rifles
-4000 Valizye Pistols
((If you want to vote for your own design, you have to mention it explicitly
Note: Accidentally deleted entire turn. Thank whoever invented it for Control+z))