hmm now im curious, say i am at war with somebody on the rift. And i conquer one of his Worlds...what then? apparently i can't have do i have to obliterate the planet?
since this had been forgotten. I am curious as to what i am supposed to do with worlds i conquered from an Archon in another Sector.
and another Question:
Would it be possible to create Imperial Offices with Worlds attached? Similiar to the Imperial Demesne? For example:
Imperial Spymaster: 2 Intelligence Hub Worlds in the Rift, 1 Propaganda Center in the Core...
Worlds conquered from another sector must be added to Imperial Demesne (if that ID world is not taken) or else given to an Archon as a reward. There is a hard limit of one Imperial Demesne world per Quadrant, plus the capital, per Empire. However, you could attach a world from the Imperial Demesne to an Imperial Office at your discretion.
Wait, how does Hyssis have engineering specialists, but were able to give me Labour specialists?
Shouldn't I have Engineering, if they have engineering?
Yep, my bad. Fixed.
No, I mean the OP implies that the regeneralized world would then produce 1 per quarter.
Creating, say, a Forgeworld, costs 5 Labour and 5 Engineers. You then break down the forgeworld for parts, turning it back into a General World. You get 3 Labour specialists from this process (a net loss of 5 Engineers and 2 Labour). The General World produces 1 random specialist per quarter.
You then spend 5 of each specialist type (5 Labour, 5 Military, 5 Engineers, 5 Psi) to build an Academy. The Academy produces 2 specalists/turn
of your choosing, or can be devoted to being a Research World (no production, consumes specialists each quarter with a % chance of a new discovery). You then break down the Academy, getting back 1 of each Specialist type (1 Labour, 1 Mil, 1 eng, 1 Psi), and returning it to General World status (1 random spec/quarter). Net loss is 4 of each specialist type.
Specialist worlds may be re-generalised, returning 3 of that world's particular specialist type.
General worlds may also be converted into Academies at a cost of 5 of each specialist type. Academies produce no resources but generate 2 specialists per quarter of the owning Archon's choice. Re-generalised academies return 1 of each specialist type.
I think what it's saying is that the refund on regeneralized Academies is particularly bad. While a regular Specialist world costs 10 Specialists and returns 3 (30% efficiency,) an Academy costs 20 and returns 5 (25% efficiency.) A general world still just produces 1 random specialist of each type per turn.
Though as long as I'm here, QUESTION! Does the construction of a Colony ship require a Shipyard in addition to the specialist cost, or is it just slapped together out of whatever since it's a one-shot deal?
Colony ships use conventional hyperdrives and engineering rather than the intensely specialised industry needed to produce Motherships and are indeed a one-shot deal (the ship is converted into the colony dome on landing). They can be produced by any Archon, so there's no dependence on Shipyard worlds.