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Author Topic: Sparkgear XIII: Its back  (Read 24940 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sparkgear XIII: Its back
« Reply #120 on: July 14, 2013, 03:17:57 pm »

I think there is a good supply of steel. The embark appears to have flux and hematite at least. Mirthril is good, but you can get more by melting down some of the breastplates or mail shirts that are in an armor bin somewhere rather than by seeking out more deposits.

Edit: Just a little reminder, if you can please get some screenshots up at least, unless you are taken the Silent Youtube Video challenge. We don't expect to have the detailed reports with multiple verses and the screenshots of chaos breaking loose, but at least something would be good.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 03:48:02 pm by CaptainArchmage »
Given current events, I've altered my profile pic and I'm sorry it took so long to fix. If you find the old one on any of my accounts elsewhere on the internet, let me know by message (along with the specific site) and I'll fix. Can't link the revised avatar for some reason.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sparkgear XIII: Its back
« Reply #121 on: July 14, 2013, 03:49:09 pm »

Well as far as war-metals go right now, I say best is to use the adamantine we have. There is plenty of mithril smelted to bars right now, and apparently it will do just fine as both armor and weapons, about as light as adamantine is as well.

I'm currently TRYING to upload the god damn savegame, but it's taking it's sweet ass time. DFFD didn't want to co-operate for some reason, so I'm currently trying to upload it on Mediafire, but my Internet is being slow as all FUCK right now.

Uhhhh, I might be the devil's advocate here, but I'm hitting the hay right now, since the upload is just so fucking slow and I got work in 8 hours. I'll post or edit this one when I wake up about where the save is at, but you might have to skip me because my Internet apparently runs as fast as my brains, slow as fuck and possibly retarded.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sparkgear XIII: Its back
« Reply #122 on: July 14, 2013, 03:52:09 pm »

Well as far as war-metals go right now, I say best is to use the adamantine we have. There is plenty of mithril smelted to bars right now, and apparently it will do just fine as both armor and weapons, about as light as adamantine is as well.

I'm currently TRYING to upload the god damn savegame, but it's taking it's sweet ass time. DFFD didn't want to co-operate for some reason, so I'm currently trying to upload it on Mediafire, but my Internet is being slow as all FUCK right now.

Uhhhh, I might be the devil's advocate here, but I'm hitting the hay right now, since the upload is just so fucking slow and I got work in 8 hours. I'll post or edit this one when I wake up about where the save is at, but you might have to skip me because my Internet apparently runs as fast as my brains, slow as fuck and possibly retarded.

We understand. Would Mouseshy will be OK with waiting until 6AM or so forum time to start? Does that even work? I'd rather not skip a turn since it sounds like it went very well.
Given current events, I've altered my profile pic and I'm sorry it took so long to fix. If you find the old one on any of my accounts elsewhere on the internet, let me know by message (along with the specific site) and I'll fix. Can't link the revised avatar for some reason.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sparkgear XIII: Its back
« Reply #123 on: July 14, 2013, 03:55:22 pm »

If by very well you mean boring, then yes. In any case, I'll be up in 6 hours or so, so wish me luck with this god damn potato-modem.


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Re: Sparkgear XIII: Its back
« Reply #124 on: July 14, 2013, 06:09:52 pm »

If by very well you mean boring, then yes. In any case, I'll be up in 6 hours or so, so wish me luck with this god damn potato-modem.

If you live in a part of the world where WiFi is available in various places, we can wait for you to find one after you get up. I don't know how good that will be though, the save is pretty large for Dwarf Fortress.
Given current events, I've altered my profile pic and I'm sorry it took so long to fix. If you find the old one on any of my accounts elsewhere on the internet, let me know by message (along with the specific site) and I'll fix. Can't link the revised avatar for some reason.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sparkgear XIII: Its back
« Reply #125 on: July 14, 2013, 11:24:02 pm »

Well that hopefully will not be necessary, the upload finally went through at some point!

Here's the DL link, I just hope there's no actual problems with the rar despite it uploading, gonna test that the file is good and works properly before I go(tested and should be working without issues, at least on my comp it loaded fine).

Anyway... Here's the log about the session WITH SCREENSHOTS TOO BOY HOWDY HUH!?

Sparkgear XIII: Stories Of Boredom and Stagnation. Today's episode:
What A Lot Of Rot.

Lebo's log:

It is 1st of Limestone now. After a fort-shaking announcement that we had breached into a place a dwarf was not meant to see,  there has been minor... restructuring in the fortress. Mainly, it was decided that a new leader should be selected among us, maybe one who doesn't endanger us against unspeakable horrors. Well it seems I was the best choice for that job.

My first order of business of course was to begin appointing a defense force. It didn't take long to rally our military commander and our militia, because it turns out only three people were tasked to act as our militia. I'm sure there have been others, but - You know. It's sort of been hard to keep track of what has been going on here in the past. I'm writing this log solely to remind myself of all the faces that seem so new to me, and to what fate may I end up sealing them with.

Luckily for us, we have a large number of able hunters, so our military commander will be able to get a full squad of ready-to-fight dwarves by their side. We can get by with fishing and trading for meat anyway, no reason to risk these to-be soldiers out there in the wilds hunting!

After all that military preparation, we have 19 men and women ready to defend the fort with their lives, the Realms of Oiling and Deaths of Bronze stand ready for all against us! Of course, there should be some up-and-close fighters too, but right now we seem to lack the actual materials to arm our troops.

Titus Drake seems most adamant about preparing our forces, always going on and on about the demons and the evil which must be purged, so I decided that he is our best option to act as the fortress' Captain of the Guard. Which will be prepared the moment we actually have armor and weapons.

While the military issue is well underway to "being taken care of", I'm assured by our commander Saint, the civilian side has brought up the issue of a dangerous short quantity of alcohol. Only 47 drinks left, they tell me. Quite sharp of them to keep track to such degree how many more sips our 164 strong fortress can take before we all have to bend over and drink water like elves.

Truly there is much work to be done here in this place. But once I'm finished, Sparkgear's gears will truly be sparking! Ha! Get it, that's a joke? I need a drink. Wish we had any.

2nd of Limestone:
I couldn't find the brewers shop anywhere. I don't even know if one exists. How have we survived all this time!?

3rd of Limestone:

The still was hidden from my sight by the horde of children in our dining room, which is becoming uncomfortably small for a fort of this size. I'm thinking we should relocate it, maybe make a better one as well.

4th of Limestone:

With the change in command, the civilians keep coming to me with complaints. Did you know that this fortress has 37 beds to be divided among 164 inhabitants? Many of these children have never even slept on a proper bed, their parents claim. This is unacceptable, even I must agree. With assurance, I told them that proper steps are being taken to rectify the situation, and to give everyone among us a place to sleep. The lavish rooms prepared so far however will not be handed out.

While at it, I noticed a large number of people just walking about, hauling things. A horrible suspicion crept over me as I wondered if I ever had seen these people do anything more than carry something from one place to another. After a brief interview with many of them, the peasants and children growing up have been placed on my to-do list as people to re-employ.

5th of Limestone:

Oh Armok, I never realized how big of a mess this place is. We had a few more workshops hidden in the corners of our dining hall, those will have to go for now. New rooms are being prepared for the farmers, as well as preparing our farms to grow pig tails for some new clothes.

11th of Sandstone:

We have been busy with a lot of things, but at least we're doing something. Migrants arrived, as well as word that Eral, who had been last seen stalking around the fortress, secreting away this and that to a forge she had taken all for herself, had made a really nice looking figurine. She doesn't seem any better at work though, so it must have been a gift from the gods. Or maybe from what lurk below? Only time will tell.

17th of Sandstone:

I have been informed that we have very few bituminous coal left to turn into coke for our smiths. This is more unsettling. We will have to search for more sources of fuel in the future, it seems, but for now, there is expansion to be done.

9th of Timber:

I have no idea where the lever for sealing the fortress is at. I will just have to build a new one. Maybe in my own room. ...once it is finished, that is. I'm sure there's no hurry.

10th of Timber:

Spoiler: EVERY FUCKING TIME (click to show/hide)

11th of Timber:

Crisis averted, and we even located both the levers that work the bridges.
Now we just need to figure out which one was which, since we have a bunch of dwarves outside.

9th of Moonstone:

I recently took time on our population roster, and found out that there are 75 children here. They make quite a majority of our fort. As an announcement, I would like for everyone to stop referring to that one part of the fortress as "a spider's dick" or anything of the sort, and refer to it as the Burial Grounds, as it has now been designed to.

27th of Opal:

Many bedrooms have been mined, but we're out of wood to make more beds. I could relocate the "hospital" beds, but who knows, we might need them. I also heard that now with our Guard active in spirit, but not in gear, a bowyer got beaten up by one of the guardsmen for some failed mandate or another. Oh well.

To make our future a bit brighter, I've given orders to start searching for magma, or fuel in general. They say that the things we accidentally nearly released live below the great seas of magma, so it has to be close, right? Right?

10th of Obsidian:

One of the many kids in the fort finished a pet project of theirs today. Got to say, it is the nicest looking cage I've seen in a while. Since the mining so far hasn't brought up any sign of magma, I gave the order to give up on that for the time being, and focus on searching the caverns we have knowledge of for any signs of coal.

12th of Obsidian:

Oh look, the goblins are attacking. And they have a big shot with them too. I'm almost tempted to send in our shooters to make pincushions out of all of them. Although we have so few bolts to go around, that I think we have to give up on that plan for the time being.

1st of Granite:

Well the goblins are still there, and we're still without our smiths having a good industry. I've ordered the excavation of a tree farm to help produce charcoal in the future, can't rely on traders all the time, you know?

10th of Granite:
Today one of the smiths brought up a surprisingly good notion, since we have a surprisingly good idea about where not to mine deep in the mines lest we release horrors upon us and our families, we might as well start a deep-mining operation and clad our militia in adamantine in the future.

Now why didn't I think of that? Well we still need charcoal, coke or magma to get all that adamantine worked to armor and weapons, so the miners will be at that adamantine digging later.

16th of Granite:
I gave the order for our expedition to enter the caverns, to see if there is anything for us to exploit down there. I hope there is. And that there won't be any surprises we wouldn't like to hear about.

18th of Granite:
Praise be the expedition, they return sooner than expected and inform us that there is a magma pool down in the caverns! Now we just need to breach it, and we will have our smiths working in no time!

8th of Slate:
Finally, I am a mother. Again. Now that I think about it, I have a lot of kids, huh?

7th of  Felsite:
We started to excavate all of that adamantine that is proven to be safe to retrieve. However, a freak accident occurred when one of the many Dumb Kids, who were employed as Miners to make their parents shut up about the unemployment rates around here, struck through a wall and right into the magma sea. Caligula was there too during the time of the accident, but with their much faster mining, they were able to save themselves from the horrible fate that some of our previous freeloaders were suddenly awash with.

A small memorial will be constructed around there somewhere, to remind us all of the price of industrial advancement.

I'm sure SOMEONE will miss them.

13th of Felsite:

Ahh, it is nice to finally see good old fashioned dwarven metalworking. The youngsters seem into it too, now that they've come of age and are actually expected to do something more with their lives than stand around in the dining hall and drink.

Spoiler: Finally, a forge area. (click to show/hide)

2nd of Hematite:
I ordered the gate to be lowered. I can't remember which one it wa- AN AMBUSH! CURSE THEM! One of our fishermen runs right into a squad of goblin lashers, who make short work out of him before our militia shows up to make short work out of the goblins. During the scuffle however, a marksdwarf is struck down, but all the goblins at least were killed.

3rd of Malachite:
One of the Dumb Kids replaced Argembarger as the mayor, taking all their responsibilities for themselves. Argembarger did not look happy, but finally moved to a new room and swore that they would have their mayor's seat back sooner than later.

3rd of Galena:
Migrants. They ran right into a goblin ambush however, and two of them got killed before a ranger in the bunch shot a few of the goblins dead and the rest fled, leaving the survivors alone.

16th of Galena:
One of these damn kids made another project of their own. If we weren't up to our knees in adamantine, I'd have him flogged. For now though, I will merely scoff and say "I've seen better" whenever they bring the damn earring  up.

18th of Galena:
Humans on the horizon to trade, and orcs on the other, to wage war. This might be interesting. A kobold thief got spotted by them too, stealing a mithril shield from the goblins left before, and the maceman chased the thing straight into the orcs. It wasn't pretty, I'll tell you that.

Seeing that maceman get horribly murdered however, made me realize, that being an overseer is really dangerous work! Or, it would be if I ever walked aboveground, but you never know when I might have to make myself do something up there! The best solution to that as far as I know, is for me to quit while I'm ahead! I'm sure someone else will take over this job, that Dumb Kid we have as mayor doesn't look like they could make a decision even if their life depended on it.


Annnd that's all that happened during my 24 hours. To summarize:

- Changed the locations of some work-areas because MUH OCD.
- Made a huge-ass new dining hall.
- Made real squads out of all our soldiers, I think there are 20 crossbow-users and 14 melee soldiers in the fort now, if someone wants to make a larger militia, the current melee squads will need to be split apart to teach the raw recruits some skills.
- Found magma, made forge area, iron used for iron bolts right now because we got SO MUCH ADAMANTINE JESUS CHRIST
- No silver hammers or maces done yet. Our best weaponsmith is Skilled and Armorer is Adequate.
- River has run dry of fish, so fishermen were re-employed as strand extractors.
- I think that there's a forge spitting out gold crafts on repeat for trade goods.
- Made a few aboveground farms, because we got the seeds.
- Made bedrooms for MOST of the fort. Still need to dig rooms for the rest of 'em at some point, whenever anyone bothers to that is.
- Orcs are currently sieging the fort, but they seem content just hanging around at the edge of the site.
- Made a sniper tower at the entrance, unfortunately the engravers are SO FUCKING BUSY that they never did bother to carve those fortifications, and I figured they wouldn't be THAT busy so I just built the place with walls instead. Stupid me.
- There's a rising-bridge sealed tunnel that leads to the 2nd cavern, in case anyone wants to fuck around there.
- Added some zoom-spots around the place. Hopefully they make sense.

As a bonus too, here are some screenshots I took from random spots of the fort that I expanded upon, because you're worth it!

This sure was a nervewrecking update, but I got through it! Huzzah!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sparkgear XIII: Its back
« Reply #126 on: July 15, 2013, 01:50:24 am »

Woah, fort is looking actually pretty good. It would be a shame if something evil would happen to it...

Also, bad news. Since I can't acces my computer 16.-18. I can't play my turn (again). Damn IRL. Like asking to be able to play Dwarf Fortress infinitely is too much.


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Re: Sparkgear XIII: Its back
« Reply #127 on: July 15, 2013, 04:34:35 am »

Downloading the save now. Will start playing after I get some sleep.


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Re: Sparkgear XIII: Its back
« Reply #128 on: July 15, 2013, 05:10:11 am »

Tell me if there's something wrong with THAT upload afterwards, there shouldn't be but yeah. Apparently my upload decided to restart 3 times after I got on it, so there's 3 copies of the upload on my Mediafire account. Not that I find it likely that it wouldn't work but anyway... The only thing I can say, when extracting it to the save folder, just go with Extract Here since the whole folder is inside the rar. Probably didn't need to tell you that, but you know.


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Re: Sparkgear XIII: Its back
« Reply #129 on: July 15, 2013, 10:33:08 am »

Tell me if there's something wrong with THAT upload afterwards, there shouldn't be but yeah. Apparently my upload decided to restart 3 times after I got on it, so there's 3 copies of the upload on my Mediafire account. Not that I find it likely that it wouldn't work but anyway... The only thing I can say, when extracting it to the save folder, just go with Extract Here since the whole folder is inside the rar. Probably didn't need to tell you that, but you know.

It appears to be functional. :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sparkgear XIII: Its back
« Reply #130 on: July 15, 2013, 10:44:08 am »

Well then, enjoy. If I had to say something right now, well, I guess it's this:
We could use the adamantine for the melee soldiers, and give the mithril to our crossbowers, since it's so light and pretty good as armor.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sparkgear XIII: Its back
« Reply #131 on: July 15, 2013, 12:50:32 pm »

Well then, enjoy. If I had to say something right now, well, I guess it's this:
We could use the adamantine for the melee soldiers, and give the mithril to our crossbowers, since it's so light and pretty good as armor.

There's really no need for metal bolts. Metal bolts are a waste of metal. You can use wooden or bone bolts instead. We have enough bones and enough wood.
Given current events, I've altered my profile pic and I'm sorry it took so long to fix. If you find the old one on any of my accounts elsewhere on the internet, let me know by message (along with the specific site) and I'll fix. Can't link the revised avatar for some reason.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sparkgear XIII: Its back
« Reply #132 on: July 15, 2013, 12:53:49 pm »

Each their own I guess, I always graduate from bone and wood bolts when I get some crappier metal like copper, since they always seem to punch more against enemies in my opinion. Maybe it's just me.

EDIT: I blame for bad experiences with Forgotten Beasts and Titans made of metals who also spit dust all over the place, and ranged guys are the best way to even try fighting them without dorf traps.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 01:07:36 pm by Ieb »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sparkgear XIII: Its back
« Reply #133 on: July 15, 2013, 01:26:22 pm »

Each their own I guess, I always graduate from bone and wood bolts when I get some crappier metal like copper, since they always seem to punch more against enemies in my opinion. Maybe it's just me.

EDIT: I blame for bad experiences with Forgotten Beasts and Titans made of metals who also spit dust all over the place, and ranged guys are the best way to even try fighting them without dorf traps.

Some research suggested that masterwork wood bolts do about as much damage as copper or steel. Wood is a renewable resource.
Given current events, I've altered my profile pic and I'm sorry it took so long to fix. If you find the old one on any of my accounts elsewhere on the internet, let me know by message (along with the specific site) and I'll fix. Can't link the revised avatar for some reason.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sparkgear XIII: Its back
« Reply #134 on: July 15, 2013, 02:46:22 pm »

Sparkgear eh? Good to see that this thing is still going around, have been thinking to start playing again, and whats better way to start than good olī madness and confusion calld Sparkgear? Put me on the line.

ps. If not anything else will do it, i think im downfall of this fort :P
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