And they're off!
Dariush jumps out ahead of the pack to Tile 8. He pulls out a pouch and dumps sticky goo all over the tile! Anyone landing here will be slowed down.
ragnarok97071 encounters a dwarf on Tile 7! The dwarf, reeking of booze, beckons him closer. "Listen, man, can you do me a huge favor?" "What?" "This bridge needs to be built, but the architect has been 'taking a break' " - emphasized with air quotes - "for about a week now. Can you just tell me you're an architect and this bridge is designed?" "Uh... I, Ragnarok the Architect, decree this bridge built?" "Great, thanks!" The dwarf, in a flurry of activity, builds the bridge. It doesn't seem to go anywhere, but it looks dangerous. The dwarf scurries down a hole.
La walks into Tile 6 just soon enough to catch a whiff of the reeking dwarf. Ugh! He vomits all over the tile! It looks terribly slippery!
JackOSpades strolls into Tile 5 and with a wave of his hand, makes a stellar downward staircase! Too bad the stair are awfully small- anyone who stops here will likely just fall down it, with hilarious effects.
Freeformschooler saunters into Tile 4. He sets a trap that will send anyone who lands here right back to the start! What a jerk.
RangeCado wanders into Tile 3. This tile looks mobile- it clearly wants to move forward! Anyone riding it will be subjected to wherever it ends up.
GreatWyrmGold sneaks to Tile 2. He creates a portal that switches whoever comes here with a random player- and it switches their clothes, too!
javierpwn, off to a slow start, mopes to Tile 1. He just rips off GWG's tile, except minus the clothes change part.
Turn 2 has begun!
Getcher numbers!
1 2 2 3 4 5 7 8 has decreed a boring number set!
javierpwn 14
Dariush 13
GreatWyrmGold 9
lawastooshort 9
freeformschooler 6
RangerCado 3
JackOSpades 2
ragnarok97071 1
Initiative ties are broken by first come, first serve!
Check the second post for board status. [Give me a minute to update it if you're ninja fast]