Turn 1B:Earning ProphetIn the starving wood, the Hunter and his Child, Narib, witnessed an act of a God, (10)
-7 power the boars were as plain as can be, the hunters could not believe their eyes; they brought their food back to their camp to be roasted over a mighty fire. The food gave them hearty strength from which kept away starvation.
Meanwhile, the young son of the Fisher, Tamin, awoke with a startle.(2)
-5 power Although the child now had his great extensive knowledge of fishing, it was a little too much for his frail memory to handle at
the moment, and he will not be able to recall much of the memory for 2 seasons. He however still retained great memory of his visit by the God, and now regularily dumps the waste of his catch back into the rivers, and streams from which he fishes.
The other dying, Bnarna, hunter fared not well, no matter how much he ventured out to hunt, no animals would venture on his path. But on a single, calm night;(15)
-3 power a mighty stag appeared in front of him, almost enchanted by a mystical sight, a tiny yet strange butterfly. He stabbed the stupified creature, and it fell. He returned from his hunt with a triumph. He owes his very life to that strange butterfly.
The young lady Ormra was starving, without anything in the world to aid her. The only thought on her mind was of food. She had not eaten in weeks, nothing was living in this part of the North. (9)
- 15 power But as she collapsed from hunger, the last thing she noticed was the head of a wolf. When she awoke, she lay at a mighty apple tree, a sight to behold in an almost featureless waste. She reached up and grabbed an apple, the taste sweet and light. She would not be dying tonight. She crawled into the roots of the tree, and slept; protected from the heavy frost.
Malama was in the middle of gathering her berries from a bush when she heard a commotion coming from the other villagers.(15)
-12 A mighty fruit tree was in the center of their village. The first to taste the fruit had their wrinkles vanish almost immediately; and the villagers praised Malama, as her tales of blessing must have been true. A voice even boomed over the village, and some of the maidens and housewives went onto their knees, to beg for a blessing.
Ledali went onto the seaside to watch some of the younger men fish, as it calmed her nerves and soothed her elderly pains. An Octopus, shifting in color appeared onto the shore, and morphed into a humanoid form. She dropped her woven basket and stared in awe at the creature before her, almost hysterical.
"What is it you desire from me creature?I am doing quite fine."The Thin Man was about to walk into the massive jungle when a Towering Cobra appeared above his head, entangling itself in the strong branches. When it spoke, it's promise seemed enchanting. He accepted, and headed into the jungle to continue his venture.(

Inside the jungle, he had caught the glimpse of a naked tribal man, before the man fled into the depths of the jungle.
The wandering Magician was walking on a dirt path through a calm wood, one he had walked many a time beforehand. He saw a spectacle, the stars in the sky had arranged themselves into the shape of an owl. When the owl asked him of the favor, he was almost paralyzed of the sight, but he had nodded his head. When he recovered from his paralysis, (3)
-14 power He had a glowing orb in his hand, and a bunch of knowledge that baffled his mind when he even thought about them. It might be a while before he realizes how to use the Orb and Knowledge.
Everyone gets a prophet except for GWG, who need to continue his RP-ing.Gnalgo:50(+10p per turn)
Ulfr:35(10p per turn)
S'ev Nape:47(10p per turn)
Makkur:43(10p per turn)
Ulam:38(14p per turn{prophet+4 worshippers})
Barrish:45(10p per turn)
Mepheltras:36(10p per turn)
Urh'Raboth:50(0p per turn(no prophet))