list the downsides of being female.
I can think of lots of things. Here are a few of the top of my head:
* Growing up constantly feeling overprotected. Wanting to go out with friends but being told to check in, not stay out late, call in, carry a cellphone at all times...while you watch your brother go out and and all the things you want to do, but can't.
* Dealing with the mixed message of being expected to be sexy, while simultaneously being expected to avoid sex.
* Feeling bad if you're fat or have small boobs.
* Not always being in control of your own life, and being expected to not always be in control of your own life.
* Having a very limited window during which you're capable of having children.
* Bleeding for several days every month.
* Never having any "real" friends, because other women are treacherous and out to get you, and guys all want to sleep with you.
Ladies...I acknowledge that you have to deal with some things that may be unpleasant simply by virtue of being a woman in human society. But ultimately, a woman who is willing to...
1) Spend 3-4 hours working out every week
2) Wear a padded bra
3) Not get pregnant until married
4) Consent to sex
...can be extremely successful in life. Do those four things, and you can get away with pretty much anything else you want.
women get thought of negatively more than men when they ask for pay raises.
Ladies...if you're asking for pay raises...
you're doing it wrong. You don't need to make money to be successful in life. All you need to do is make a man happy. Why spend 40 hours a week working for less money when you can have a man do all the working for you?
Yes, I realize I'm playing both sides of this argument rather than making a unified point. My goal here is to promote insight, not assert a particular worldview. I simply suggest that if you think you have it bad, try to see things from the other side. I would propose that to both sides of this discussion.
Most of the things that one gender is unhappy about are things that would never occur to the other gender to care about.