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Author Topic: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread  (Read 20727 times)


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #195 on: March 29, 2013, 11:32:32 pm »

Araline scowled, staying down and acting more wounded then she was...but was already palming a handful of crowns...

Action: Throw a handful of coins into his face when I get the chance-wait till Jarod opens up one of his wounds.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 11:34:04 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #196 on: March 30, 2013, 07:21:09 am »

Kill it!


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #197 on: March 30, 2013, 09:53:40 am »

After wiping his mace off on the dirt, Hrosskel approached his employer. "Lord, we've found their place of nest. I was unable to obtain an accurate assessment of their quantity on account of most of them being in said nest. But I can describe to your their quality. They are Ghouls, sire. I would have engaged, but I was unaware of their numbers and would not so risk your men on such a gamble. It's about a few roests the way I came."

He held up his mace to show the bits of gore still on it, smirking when he got to his little joke. "They aren't very tough, but they are capable of dealing significant damage and their breath leaves much to be desired. The one I encountered had the drop on me, and while I was able to avoid, my man over there," gesturing towards the mutilated scout "was not quite as fortunate as I. Shall I bury him?"



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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #198 on: March 31, 2013, 02:52:28 pm »

"Yes, do the honours and bury the man. Lets make sure that this mission was not in vain."

It was time to end this little expedition. After the performance in the village, Valerian was sure that he would be able to tackle the ghouls with ease. besides, the fear was gone. he saw hi enemy and knew what to do.

Move out towards the barrow and encircle it. Once surrounded, see if the entrance can bl blocked with a stone and if not, stoke up a big fire at the entrance to the barrow to flush them out with heat and smoke to cut them down in the open.


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #199 on: April 01, 2013, 01:21:01 pm »

"Oh fuck off. I don't have time for this, go bugger off before I have to send the wargs in."

Say the above, then ride on!
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #200 on: April 01, 2013, 02:30:08 pm »

Araline scowled, staying down and acting more wounded then she was...but was already palming a handful of crowns...

Action: Throw a handful of coins into his face when I get the chance-wait till Jarod opens up one of his wounds.
Kill it!
[~] The battle is hard, and long, the Were-beast taking three blows for every one from Jarod, blades clashing with the scream of metal, flesh being rent by cold steel and hard iron. The thrown coins doing not much but angering the beast, before melting and dripping upon the floor.
 In the end, Jarod retreated towards his baggage train, taking a grievous blow to retrieve a golden bar. One of his men fell afterwards, saving him from a ghastly blow that would have killed him, and, with a sudden burst of energy, Jarod killed the beast, smashing it's already broken face in with the bar of gold, catching the creature's very blood-stream aflame.
[1]The screaming, burning hulk of blackened flesh, scrambles away from the golden bar, just in time for it to melt in Jarod's hand, the white hot metal catching the flesh of his hand aflame. He's barely saved by one of his men pouring water over it, the pain making him black out. When he comes to a few days later, he notices bits of glimmering gold under the anti-infection salve and bandages, before passing out once more from the overwhelming pain of his wounds.

[3+1] vs [2]
The creature, now a raging inferno of golden fire, takes slow, pained steps towards Araline, the iron sword dropping with the ashes of a hand. He tries to grab her in a fiery, burning embrace, but she swiftly dodges out of the way. She brings her needle-like sword around in a swift arc, parting the warg's head from its neck, and dropping the creature to its knees. The head screams something in a foreign tongue, its wolf-like eyes on Araline, before reverting to a broken, hissing, tongue, but one that she can understand, the one spoken from her home.
"Die. Alone."

In the more calmer part of Nocte...
"Oh fuck off. I don't have time for this, go bugger off before I have to send the wargs in."

Say the above, then ride on!
[3]The bandit takes a moment, but eventually seems to figure out robbing a nobleman isn't worth it. He turns to head off, slipping into the forest's edge with a slight frown, and, just in earshot, you hear him tell another the same as he told you. There's a moment of silence, before you hear the sound of fighting.

[1] Another bandit waylays you.

[~]Amius, isn't a very big nation, more of a city-state around a copper-mine and indeed, you have to skirt the edge of the Dru border to reach it. But, in the end, after a series of misadventures, you find yourself at the greenish hued malachite main gate. A number of people attempt to sell you cheap copper worked bracelets with stone beads, but you hurry by.
At the gate to the palace, which is just across from the mine, you're halted by one of the four guards, all of which are dressed with heavily polished, spiky, copper pauldrons, bangles, and whatnot over their iron armor. "Halt, who goes there? Identify yourself, stranger!"

Move out towards the barrow and encircle it. Once surrounded, see if the entrance can bl blocked with a stone and if not, stoke up a big fire at the entrance to the barrow to flush them out with heat and smoke to cut them down in the open.

((This will be done over IRC, in the #Ghouls&Barrows channel, in order to be done quickly and speedily. Adwarf, Urist_McDrowner and Ardas are requested to join.))
« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 05:18:38 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #201 on: April 01, 2013, 02:38:55 pm »

"Duke Raoul Sercynian of Ceadan. I am here to request an audience with your leader, if you would be so kind to arrange such a thing."
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #202 on: April 01, 2013, 03:07:51 pm »

----- Before the Battle at the Barrows -----

Ramus made his way up to Valerian as the troops began to move out, taking the last of his wine skins of ale in hand he downs it all before tossing the pouch off to the side. Turning his head slightly he spoke,

"Well I'd like to say this has been fun, but I'd be lying. Whatever these things are they sure as hell aren't normal, but its not my place to question your actions though I do have to say I like to see another gambler like myself. Just remember once you start the dice rolling you can't stop it, whatever comes up is what ya get."

With that he turned away drawing one sword from it sheath and holding it up high, his men give off a ragged cheer as he approaches and the captains quickly form up around him as the battle draws near ...


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #203 on: April 01, 2013, 03:50:03 pm »

Araline had not heard those sorts of words for a long time...Ar Aréille...

Ar Aréille-the Witching Words. A black rumor that has scarcely been known outside of the suspicious and secretive folk which inhabit Noctes hill lands.

So the old stories went-long ago, before Araline Logerhains longest descendants had even found the hills of Nocte as their home, they had lived  and slaved under a terrible fear...a nameless fear, that could slay, enthrall, transform or curse a man or woman by merely speaking and wishing it so-this was the Ar Aréille, believed to be an malicious magickal ancient term that roughly translated to a 'spear thrown from the mouth' or more precisely-throwing ones soul away to curse another soul.

The Fear they escaped (if they truly ever did), so long ago, only remains among them in the few words of this language still remembered. They are not written down-only the Monkish sect of the Blackrock Divide far to Noctes Northern border are allowed to keep them in memory, in case they should ever have to be used.

The Men and Women of the Hills of Nocte do not use them in idle curses and threats-for it was said they still had power, even for the most minor of utterances. It is the most grievous crime to utter them, even on ones deathbed-in the tribes, ritual slaying of speaker, his kin and mate is not uncommon to ward away the evil released-so do the wise men say, by evil uttered, by evil returned-misfortune falls on the wielder as much as the victim. Thus, few seek to learn them-and fewer still are allowed to learn them in any depth. Only a few words and phrases are known by every commoner-'May this one die on a night with no stars' and 'All that you love will be carried away' being the most common, and hated.

The Noble families of Blackberry often taught only enough for their sons and daughters to defend themselves-there are other words, and other powers. Araline Logerhain knew enough of the language to spit hellfire and brimstone, but had never truly believed it. She was like some others, who questioned how much power was truly in them-if it was merely ones belief that made the curse prove true. But yet, she was never entirely brave or foolish enough to try out her theory...

And now, despite her misgivings, Araline utters a quick set of her own words using the enlightened and makes a spiraling sigil motion across her chest. A poor defense if there ever was one.

Followed by a more mundane curse.

"...oh, bugger me."


There was plenty to do afterward, anyway.

Action: Get needed medical attention first for the duchesse, than Jarod. :P

Aralines forces gather up any pelts remaining in good condition for sale.

2 ducats are set to rebuilding, aid and medical efforts for the people. Araline stays and oversees this, reminding her people of all the hard word on their behalf. A per-head bounty is set for hunters eager to slay any remaining wargs in the land.

Her scouts and archer unit is left to defend the Blackberry lands once she leaves-Scouts in particular are ordered to keep a close watch on the land in the future. She marches the rest back of the army to the capital-peasant levies are released back to their lands.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #204 on: April 01, 2013, 04:23:09 pm »

Jarod woke up in a tent, remembering flame, shadow, and fear - again. This time, however, it had been a longer sleep. He tried to move, but something hurt like hell, and he fell back down. He had tried to grab at a nearby chest to use it to get up, but his hand hurt. He checked, confused and disoriented, but he had not used the left hand; he had tried to grasp with the good one - or the one which had been good. Now it was a burned thing, half gold, half flesh. That scar would not be pretty, but it would tell many tales.

To his left, he saw his sword - or what was left of it. The beast had nearly shattered it; there were a few cracks visible on the blade, and it was completely blunted. He would need to have a new one made - one, he thought, which included gold and silver, amongst other things.

He tried to get up again - he was stubborn - and this time he nearly managed, before falling back down, groaning in pain. If that sound was what pushed the guard to look inside the tent, the series of curses and insults were what caused him to go get somebody who could do something about the wounded priest.


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #205 on: April 01, 2013, 04:42:38 pm »

Araline entered the tent not long after, walking slowly but not showing any real sign of her injuries-which had been mostly superficial, aside from the cracked ribs. She was now accustomed to actually using her cane for the moment.

She entered and sat down beside him, crossing her legs and studying her nails for a second. Pleasantly surprised to see they had not broken.

"...You can quit your cursing, Jarod. You nearly gave the young man defending the tent a burst heart-he thought you were turning into a warg-man..." She commented idly, before turning a bit. She reached for a jug of cold water nearby, shaking her head and smiling a bit.

"Looks like the Gods have a sense of humor, yes? Here you are again, lying wounded in bed-and here I am again, smiling politely and offering you a cup of water. The mercy killing is still on the table, if the pain is too much." Araline said, tapping the hilt of the long pearl-handled dagger notched on her belt jauntily.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #206 on: April 01, 2013, 04:56:24 pm »

Jarod tried to lean up when she entered, and failed again. Instead, he found himself sighing and awkwardly trying to look at her, while facing the top of the tent.

"I hope you will forgive me... If I miss the aspects' joke, my lady."

He nearly smiled when he remembered their last meeting outside of the battlefield, but his smile fell as soon as it had appeared. This time, he was thirsty - and this time...

The priest's eye fell down as he avoided her gaze for a few seconds, mumbling something. He realized the words had not come through completely - perhaps because he was wounded, perhaps because he had not truly tried to be heard. He attempted again, and this time what he said was clear.

"I would like some water, my lady, but... Ah, I cannot..."

He shrugged, embarrassed, and lifted his two hands to demonstrate his point. The left one was barely starting to heal, and he seemed to have trouble flexing it - he could not grasp objects with it. The right one seemed to be able to move correctly, and hopefully he would be able to use it to take things within a day or two, but for not the pain was too great for him to touch anything.


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #207 on: April 01, 2013, 05:02:36 pm »

This is going to take some worming around...

Korolle approached the camp cautiously and greeted the diplomat.

"It seems you were not bluffing about visiting Dru, son of Amius. Do not be surprised by my presence here, I am but a Chronicler and I do have my mission of information to keep me moving."

Greet the Amius Diplomat.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #208 on: April 01, 2013, 05:22:34 pm »

Arline wrinkled her nose a moment, as if she had sniffed something gone foul. She didn't like broken things-broken men-and she had no doubt Jarod would be seeing the same look on womens face for the rest of his life.

A look of pity-which to some, hurt worse than scorn. Especially coming from a female.

In a time, she turned her entire body slightly, nose slightly upturned, with a small snort-her short locks of tawny yellow hair bouncing in unison, among other things. It was her version of a shrug, and a gesture of having to do something annoying.

"Well, a man saved my life, the least I can do is help to quench his thirst." She said with a careful tone, honestly meaning that. It would be close as she ever got to admitting it in the open, and her eyes warned Jarod not to push it.

She reached over and lightly held his chin in her ungloved left hand, helping tip a draught of cold spring water into his parched throat, tsk tsking all the time. Her emotions remained carefully neutral despite her the closeness, and she poured slowly so he wouldn't cough it back up.

"...I hope you need not feel the urge to spin tales of how Duchesse Araline became your water serving girl. For she would have to mention how a man with no use of his hands had begged for a womans help, yes?" She commented once, amused and serious at the same time.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 05:24:09 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #209 on: April 01, 2013, 06:26:53 pm »

Jarod waited, motionless. He was tired, and ashamed, too. When it was over he looked slightly melancholic, but he managed to smile at the lady's joke, despite the serious implications.

"I shan't whisper a word of what happened here, my lady."

He looked around the tent, thoughtful. His eyes fell on his sword, battered and damaged, and that time when he looked back at her he met her gaze. Some of the steel had returned into him as he remembered important things.

"There is a favor I must ask of you, my lady. You should be able to make a small fortune out of the warg pelts collected tonight, my lady, but it is not a part of the loot I want. The gold bar I used to kill that monster was worth half a ducat. I must admit that I would appreciate if you could return it - although the people who invested in the inquisition are a patient bunch, I do not think they will be satisfied if I burn away half a ducat of their money during every battle I join. Besides, I have to get myself a new sword, and that one will be expensive, if all I want it to have is done correctly."
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