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Author Topic: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread  (Read 20542 times)


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You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« on: March 09, 2013, 05:04:09 pm »

Welcome, foolish mortal, to You are King: Chronicles of Nocte!

You Are King is, and I quote, "A surprisingly deep game of politics, intrigue and feudal rule.  Play a noble, advisor or simply a minion of the King and seek royal favour - or risk the role of a rebel or independent and seek fortune at the risk of the King's wrath".

That basically describes it. It's a roleplay heavy affair, with simple mechanics to keep things balanced, and emphasis on player interaction and the use of 1d6s to the best tradition of RtD.

Updates are handled by the following GMs:
- Azthor
- Filiusenox

And to a lesser extent, the following King:
- Ghazkull

OOC Thread

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A year has 4 seasons, taxes are received and soldiers paid every 2 seasons.

[d] stands for ducat, the unit for a large sum of money in YaK involved in the likes of army recruitment, royal ransoms, the building of castles and the largest of bribes.

The Kingdom of Nocte

Royal Demesne and unassigned lands:
- Capital city of Finster(size 3 -> 3d/2 seasons)
- 15 parcels (19d/2 seasons)

Duchy of Ceadan:
- City of Ceadan (size 1 -> 1d/2 seasons)
- 5 parcels (5d/2 seasons)

Duchy of Blackberry:
- City of Blackberry (size 1 -> 1d/2 seasons)
- 5 parcels (5d/2 seasons)

IRC channel: #YaK4 on

Wait for Ghazkull to post before posting in this thread.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 01:09:39 am by Azthor »


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2013, 05:04:34 pm »



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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2013, 05:05:07 pm »



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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2013, 05:05:28 pm »



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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2013, 05:05:51 pm »



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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2013, 06:27:04 pm »

It was a feast in the proper Old Style. Like the Forefathers had. Not some weird southern banquet as it was fashion with many of the lords nowadays. And Logan liked it that way. The Throneroom had been rebuilt into a large Dining Hall, benches and tables stretching from the dais down to the great doors of the hall. Amidst the enclosement, several animals were spitted and grilled over open fires. Most of them were already half eaten, the feast having gone on for a few hours now. On the benches closest to the dais sat a number of less important Dukes and Counts, the rest of the tables filled almost to the Doors with the Named Men who had fought alongside Logan in the Civil War.
There were some great names among them, but they are of no further concern.

Closest to the doors sat some veteran Carls and finally a Wizard by the name of Talasam aswell as a southern Chronicler. The first was there to show tricks for amusement, the second had been invited following the old laws of hospitality. A bit closer to the dais seated between the Carls and the Named Men sat Valerian. Although not invited, he was allowed under the same laws of hospitality.

Among the Minor Lords also a Holy Knight of the Third was seated, so far up as to not insult him but as far away from the dais as possible.
Finally on the dais Logan himself, atop his unkempt hair a golden circlet. To the right of him Duchess Logherhain, her placement so close to the king causing the one or other chuckle and leer among the Named Men and well veiled ironic comments from the Minor Lords. On the outer left was the Duke of Ceadan, between him and the King three other Named Men.

Although Logan hadn't kept back at drinking, he was still stonesober after his fifth filling of mead. Thoughtfully he stroked a red dent in the Oaken Throne, remniscing about the victory over his brother and going through his speech again. Finally satisfied, he waved for the servant used to announce things, apparently a chamberlain as the Duchess had told him, and whispered to him.

The meek man, with his ornate wooden staff ,stood in front of the Dais and hit the ground with a resounding echo several times. The Sound of the Feasting Guests continued unabated. "!" The chamberlain could barely be heard about the chatter of the guests. His second try wasn't much better.

Sighing Logan stood up, revealing new clothes befitting of a nobleman but somehow not fitting to him.


His shout sounded like the roar of a warrior charging into battle and carried well over even to the men in the last benches. Immediately the hall went silent, several of the Minor Lords looking rather shocked. Logan glared into the Feasting Hall for a moment, his piercing gaze looking at no one in particular but giving him the undivided attention of everybody in the large Hall.

Thank you. He continued, far lower in volume although his deep, grating voice could still be heard by every guest.

Now that all of you have eaten and most of you had the one or other drink, i think it is time for a few words. Don't worry i will keep it short. We are here today not only to celebrate the end of the War, the Death of my Brothers and that i have made a dent in the throne, no, we are also here today to divide the Spoils of War and to welcome a New Era.

Many of you have done great and terrible deeds in this war, some of you were my greatest allies, some of you my enemies and a good bunch of you both.
roaring laughter from the benches of the Named Men. It was true, many had changed sides after seeing in Logan a more worthy Leader then his brothers.

All those of you who have stood at my side, who have fought with me and for me, who have supported me through this war...all your sacrifices and all your efforts shall now be rewarded.  Cheers from many people from the benches.

To my greatest allies first. Lady Araline. My Packmaster. Laughter from the Named Men, grins and chuckles from the Lords.

My dear Araline, you will of course keep your Old Family Seat, the Duchy of Blackberry, with it's City and the surrounding lands of three parcels. Additionally you will be rewarded two more parcels of land and a seat in my Council. cheers from Aralines vassals.

Furthermore, The Family of Sercynian and Franz, who sadly is ill it seems, will be granted ,along with their Ancestral Seat, also 2 Parcels of Land. a glaringly obvious side blow to Raoul, showing Logan's obvious disdain that Raoul hadn't fought in the Civil War himself.

But not to forget my loyal men. As i had promised each Named Man will be granted 3 Marks of Land! The Hall erupted in loud cheering. 3 Marks of Land while not much for a Count or Duke, was a fortune for a Named Man. The distribution of so much land to his Loyal Men had proven no problem, the protracted Civil War had taken the Lives of many a Landowner and large swathes of land were either without anyone tending to it or were lacking administration.

Finally, while i will talk with anyone wishing an audience this evening, i have prepared some entertainment for the rest of you: From the northernmost Reaches here to entertain you: TALASAM, The Mage!

with that Logan slumped into his chair and emptied a whole horn of mead before turning to Araline.

How was i?

Lady Araline is granted 2 more parcels of land as is Raoul
Fluff Action: each Named Man is granted 3 Marks of Land

« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 07:41:57 pm by Ghazkull »


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2013, 07:22:21 am »

Araline leaned back in her chair, smiling slightly. She ate heartily, and drank more than a little. Cienna Spiced Mead, her usual favorite-and supplied by her own fief, no less, a regional favorite as the King had requested. No fancy Rancora Wines for him, she thought with a wider smile.

It was over. The war was over. It's orderly consumption of life and property had momentarily abated, to her pleasure. Had she not been the veins of it's black heart, after all? She was the one who brought the soldiers to the front, with their weapons, armor and supplies. She brought them back, in coffins or merely shattered husks of who they once were. Back and forth, back and forth. It was all just business, and Araline had never cared not one whit for either side.

Her only true loyalty, she believed, was to Logan himself-the man, personally-and it was a thin one at that. Things changed. People changed. She did not have faith in anything being truly permanent.

Maybe tomorrow her loyalty would shift. Maybe tomorrow Logan would have a change of heart and execute her in the city square. Maybe the massed dead of the war would rise in unholy communion to feast on the flesh of the ungrateful living...

That was all tomorrow, though. Tonight she allowed herself to celebrate...and enjoy her new Kings company.


That Logan had seated her so close to him...well, it was good to be somewhere, for once. She took every veiled comment and forced smile from the gathered with a nod and a quip-tonights pleasure was entirely hers. They would not even have noticed her before-the sole daughter of a nearly destitute duke, deigned useful insofar much as her child bearing hips might make a good political token for some arranged marriage. A sad fate, to be sure.

But, her Father had the decency to die before that could happen, and everything had changed. Now they had to stand at attention, and she decided to show grace and mercy, charm and poise. At least in public.

The King began to speak-and handing out the tokens of victory, and she listened raptly-echoing his call for attention with a sharp rap of her eagle headed cane upon the cobblestone floor-the one with the hidden compartments for storing many useful things. Funny old thing. It was her fathers, once. Now it was hers...

She echoed the cheer of the others as the King rewarded those who had supported him.

There was no surprise in her mind as Logan kept his promise to her-expanding and reaffirming her own rule. Araline was rarely surprised by anything. She had already been drawing up plans for the expanded plots, already made the right connections to the minor and impotent family that owned it, already had many contractors and supplies in place. At his very declaration, she subtly motioned for her steward at the back of the room-to go and spread the news, starting the chain of construction and industry.

Then she drained her glass, and thought no more that night upon mechanics and efficiency.


That he turned to her first seemed significant.

How was i? Logan asked hesitantly-or perhaps tactfully. His true mind was something of a mystery.

His words, only slightly slurred. She supposed he was like anyone who bore great responsibility with a degree of humility, needing subtle affirmation. And, Araline was uniquely provided by her virtues to give that to him.

"...I think these hounds will give you at least a week before plotting the next civil war, My good King Logan." She responded non-nonchalantly (her voice was loud enough that those around her heard, and laughed-if somewhat bitterly at the black humor of it), before turning her shaded grey eyes to him. For once, regarding him as a woman does a man. A a subject does as a King. He would have to get used to it, after all.

She smiled then, but it was slightly crooked. Why not? Araline was in a playful mood, and her claws were out.


Spoiler: The Nation of Rancora (click to show/hide)
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2013, 11:37:42 am »

HAH! Let's hope so, Aral without noticing he had given her a nickname instead of using her full name with Title.

But on a more serious note, say, you aren't interested in a position in my Council? I don't really want to fill it with all those eyesores my brothers or even my father took in. I could always need you as my Marshal or if you have enough of moving soldiers, there is always the position of Steward...of course only if you want. Of course i would sweeten the deal with another parcel of land.

He gave her one of his broad white grins, which thanks to his many scars and the broken nose was somewhere between a leer and a hideous snarl that usually send most women packing who talked to Logan.

Besides Aral, you know that i have no idea how all this court stuff works, it would be nice to have someone around with a better understanding of all of it.



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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2013, 11:44:16 am »

The young knight was dressed like a young knight would at a feast; fresh clean set of clothes, a brand new belt and a used, but well kept sword. But the face wasn't fresh or the look on it, although his hair was clean and neatly tied behind.
Valerian ate little, drank even less, keeping in mind the thing he was looking to accomplish. A young boy waited outside of the hall with his hammer, since Valerian knew that the king was a man that sought ot test everyone and everything that would serve him. This would be no different.

As soon as the "grand speech" ended and people started talking again and looking forward to seeing the mage. Valerian seized the moment while everyone was waiting and stood up to talk to the king, his blue eyes concentrated on the king who seemed happy to chat privately to Duchess Blackberry.

He walked up and while standing tall, he gave a small bow before he begun.
"You Majesty, allow me to be so bold and request to speak with you. My name is Valerian Vingarde and I have served as one of many men in your hosts, carrying my sword and hammer for you and in your name. My service was steady and I never retreated, sustained an injury greater than some concussion and always sought to avoid unnecessary blood of innocents from being spilled.
I have nothing to my name apart form right to bear arms as a noble and my ability to fight, thats why I wish to request to be your personal defender and armsman, my king.
You are no weakling and have proved to be a valiant fighter, but now that the burden of rule is upon you, allow me to carry arms for you in your stead while you manage our nation. "

He gave a small bow again and resumed to stand there like a trooper on a parade, his chest puffed up and eyes looking in to the distance, awaiting a reply. He was as much soldier as he was a proper knight now, but most of Logan's men were men of the old custom, sworn carls and Named Men, as opposed to the chevaliers and knights of the south from where Vingarde name originated. He did not mind it though, as he was born in Nocte and was raised in most of its customs.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2013, 12:37:00 pm by Ardas »


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2013, 12:05:49 pm »

Logan just wanted to quipt a joke about the Position of Queen being vacant when the Knight barged into the talk.

He scowled at the newcomer for a moment before answering.

That is a bold request you have made here young Vingarde. Indeed i have never heard your name, nor did any of my men. cheers of approval from the nearby lords and some derisive comments about the Young Knight.

And certainly i won't allow anyone to carry my axe nor fight my wars for me, while i sit in a comfy chair. So tell me young Knight, how should i find out if you are worthy of being the Captain of my Guard if you have no name? Even more so how would i do this without insulting my fellow Named Men here, each as good a warrior as i am and sporting names which are used to scare little children?



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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2013, 12:16:36 pm »

Valerian ignored the laughs and jeering, still standing stalwartly, but spoke without any hardiness. He tried to remain composed but forward.

"My king, many men go through war with their deeds unseen and unrewarded, for this is expected of them, to carry the burdens of their betters even if they don't admit it. I meant no insult to you my liege, but it is unwise to turn a man away if one knows nothing of him. You might have not heard of me or seen my talent, but I am ready to challenge anyone you would see fit for me to best. even here and now, if you see it fit to give your men some entertainment."

Valerian waited. His gaze or emotionless face were as before, awaiting a reply.


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2013, 12:27:30 pm »

Logan thoughtfully stroked the dent in the Throne for a moment. Then he looked up and grinned.

Fine. Because it is a Victory Feast today and i'm in a good mood, i should work out some entertainment for my people. You will fight me Young Knight. If you win you will be the Captain of my Guard.

Logan accepts Valerians challenge.


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2013, 12:33:52 pm »

He was slightly taken aback, his blue eyes widening ever so, but the face remained unmoved. He gave a small bow again.

"As you wish, my king. Artis, boy, bring me my hammer!"

The young squire entered the hall and swiftly approached his knight, handing him over his weapon. Valerian always felt a great deal more confident with his weapon than without it, no matter the court etiquette or the boisterous confidence that is expected of the carls.

Valerian obliges the king and prepares himself.


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2013, 12:45:15 pm »

Araline was about to accept-graciously-the position and make some tender suggestions when the brazen Knight came forth.

She knew enough of the Vingarde Family to believe they were little threat to anyone. Just more meat for the Dragon, really. At least he was passingly handsome. He might serve some entertainment after all...that said, she had heard the man was a devil with a hammer or a polearm, and quick as a Helmet snake in a house fire. Still, she had to show confidence for the King.

"Do be quick and thrash him, Logan. Send this impertinent pup back to his betters until he grows some more hair on his nethers." She commented dryly as the King rose from his dented throne-with just the right amount of sauce and swagger to make a mockery an insult, to a chorus of jeers. In the moment, she had forgotten to address the King by his title, as well.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King: Chronicles of Nocte - IC Thread
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2013, 12:51:16 pm »

Talasam looked around nervously at first, numerous people had turned to stare at him and most bore looks of dislike or outright hatred, running a hand through his hair and giving a short shake of his head Talasam pushes himself up from the table. He worked his way past the named men, carls, and the like to the firepits where flames still licked at the bellies of full beasts being roasted over a fire.

Bowing he spoke,
"Your Majesty, if it is your wish then it shall be done."

Turning towards the firepit Talasam thought, 'Whatever gods are out there let this work ....' then focused all his might on the flames before him. He focused on his memory of watching King Logan duel his third brother, and with that he began to try and shape the flames into two likenesses, one of Logan himself and the other of his third brother both at half the size they would have been in real life.

He willed them to exist, and he willed them to reenact that great duel, to recount one of the King's greatest acts, 'Magic don't fail me now, I like my head where it is ....'

Try to create two likenesses, one of Logan and one of his third brother, from the flames of the firepit and have them reenact his great duel.
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