What did happen in Security after the command chain fight?
Let's see... How many security people did we have? The HoS and Bill (a security officer) were changlings, though Bill got in trouble with the Captain and had to transform into Cog (the miner) as a disguise. So those two were relatively fine, and definitively on our side. One officer got ganked by another Changling, I can't remember who, I wasn't there for it. I think it was Bill though, since he later showed up in the Bridge as that security officer. The Warden, on the other hand, tried to arrest Khan the CE while I was watching. Since Khan was a fellow changling I ganked the Warden with a couple of stings while he was distracted and then sucked out his DNA. Yummy.
Am I missing anybody else? Because that's all the people I can remember from security.
Also, was Medical really insane, or was that not even true?
Medical seemed... okay to me, though I didn't interact with them very much. The RD was running around in an Odysseus, so maybe everyone just assumed medical was insane due to him. That's my theory.
Also, I just realized that I never transformed as a changling. Not once, not even to test it out. Not sure how I exactly feel about that...
Cyborgs with working Law-Sync cable (all of them unless modified) automatically receive your law changes.
I know i played one round as a cyborg who had conflicting laws with my parent AI. It was my understanding that the changleing captain told the AI to not tell anyone about the law change. So the AI never synced them to me.
Huh. I thought it happened automatically. Though, truth be told, I've never played a round as a Borg/AI where somebody altered the laws (besides Malf, of course). For some reason it always happens to be me messing up the laws. Heh.