You return to this group of the most insane people that ever lived in ashvale, turning to the armored man, you decide he's the best one to ask.
"Um, where exactly are we?"
"You mean you don't know? What's with all of you people? You're in the kingdom of Vallia, currently in the realm of lord Baltun."
You flick out your tongue yet again, dragging it slowly across the old blind woman's nose.
"John, is that you? You know I cant see." Quickly you head to her wood stove and put some logs in, lighting them with matches that were next to the stove. you figure boiling them will do, because you really have no clue how food works. you just get that water in and wait. the woman begins speaking.
"You know john, I've been worrying recently. Do you think the wind will ever come back? It's been about 3 passings of the moon already."
O'l Jimmy Pete
you grab the man's attention yet again.
"Aside from my car being missing, did I mention how I don't know these people? The weather really is perfect here."
"Are you ok?"
"Oh yes, fine, just busy trying to figure out what's going on, and who these people are."
"I'm trying to find out the same thing sir."
"Really? That's pretty cool. We should stick together you and I, we have a lot in common, we don't know these people, and we don't know what's going on. Did I mention I've never met these people before in my life?"
You continue frothing as one of the men further back walks up to you and places his hand on your shoulder.
"Please sir, calm down."
You begin to start hooting about like a bonobo ape in heat, really using your guttural voice to bring up deep sounds that resound throughout your general vicinity. You still have no clue where these ideas of black magic come from, being that you've never seen anyone use black magic, and have never been told by anyone that black magic exists. Really the entire idea is inane.