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Author Topic: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)  (Read 47867 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #315 on: May 20, 2013, 01:55:30 am »

Max walks into the makeshift prison, only to be stopped by one of the guards, Swift Quiver. “Sorry Max, no civilian allowed down here. Convalescence’s orders.” The pony told him. Max sneered at the inconvenience.  “Swift, I‘m not a mere civilian, I’m here to be Lighting’s attorney. As every accused pony is allowed to receive by law.”

“You’re a defense attorney? “ Swift balked.

“Closest one this town’s got.” Max retorted. 

Quiver shifts around, uneasy. “I - I guess that’s an acceptable reason ... Alright make it quick.”

“I’m going to need you to leave the room, too. For confidentiality reasons.”

Quiver cocked his head, his gullibility stretched to near breaking point. “I’m not leaving more than twenty feet. Sorry.” He retorted.

“That’s good enough.” Max eased back. He had a feeling he could haggle no more than that out of him, and left it at that. He walked  to Lightning's cell. “Hey Lightning.” Max grumbled. "How’s your week been?”

Lightning opened his eyes to see Max standing by the bars of his cell “What? Oh Amug... Max what do you need?”

“Okay, first off, how did you get in this jail, and second, what story did you tell them?” Max asked. “It’s not what I want, Light, it’s about how I can help you, now.”

“Well if you want that let me go over the whole ordeal!” Lightning said, rolling his eyes “Some griffon got killed with those bolts I stole, they suspect me. I told them that and when they asked me who I gave them to, I just said it was somepony out of town. Now, let me ask you,” he took a breath “,Why do you think you can help me? I’ve been convicted of murder, no matter how hard I try afterwards, this is what I’ll be remembered for.”

Max exhaled with a contrite but impatient tone. “I never intended you to get caught. I thought you were a professional and had your end handled, and for that i’m sorry. You're probably running light on reasons to not turn me in, probably with justification. Let me give you some. I intend to be the leader Duskfields needs. Mayors and Barons can pardon convicted murderers. With some time I can and will pardon you of this. It’s the least I owe you.” His sympathetic tone hardened up.

“As to why there’s a dead griffon with a bolt in his throat in the hospital? For that, we’re gonna  need a primer on Revolutions.”Max gestures as if he was lecturing. “There has been no revolution in history that’s been waged peacefully. Find me one, if you can. Make no mistake, I am at war with Flamberge, and this war will not go on without it’s fair share of martyrs. With the whole animosity toward the dragon skull on the gate, I knew the was a powder keg forming, and my window of opportunity was coming. I just ... Lit it.”

“First off, most of my thievery was done in my foalhood, I bestowed myself with professional for... ego reasons. Second, they knew I stole the bolts apparently, Temperance confronted me just as I left the hospital room. Third, you plan on being Mayor? That is interesting. I imagined you just being content to disemboweling your enemies and running.... also thanks, if succeeds and I’m not killed instead of..” He took an angrier tone “, Wait, you killed that griffon? I'm in jail due to your doings! You're lucky I'm not calling the guard to turn you in”

Max raises his arms in a ‘come at me’ gesture. “Go ahead. Do it, foal. Desperate pleas of a convict in denial. I have just as small a reason to end that griffon spy ” Max puts a heavy emphasis on the spy part. “ -As you did. If not less. Crosshair is content on letting you take the fall; It means less work for her. You may be in prison because of my doings, but trust me when I say, I'm the only friend you have invested in getting you out.”

“Fine, but the minute you do not achieve your promises. I will be the bringer of your imprisonment the next time they decide to speak to me” Lightning said seeing no point in angering him any further.

“Duly noted.” Max acknowledged. “Well, I got in here on the promise I’d give you legal advice, so I’ll bestow some. I do keep my promises. This somepony you alluded to, twist it into ‘some creature’. Diamond Dog would be a good one. The ponies love to hate Diamond dogs. It simply fits the narrative.”

“What narra- Nevermind, sure, couldn’t hurt. Now I couldn’t help but overhear you said something about being my attorney? Is that going to be kept as well?”

“Sure. I can’t think of anypony else who’s qualified to do it or read through nine volumes of Equestrian Law recently. And, I’d like to keep up on your case without arousing suspicion.” Max continued to say in a hushed tone, knowing Quiver was still around.

Lightning nodded “Alright then.”

A gray pegasus trotted hastily within a few feet of the griffon. Clearing her throat, she questioned the hybrid, “Excuse me, but how did you get back here? We’re under orders not to allow any visitors. I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave, Max.”

Max waved her away dismissively. “I’ll be gone soon ... Yari, right? I’m his Legal guidance at this time and -”

The mare cut him off mid-sentence, “I’m sorry, but I have strict rules to go by. If you need permission to speak with Lightning, then you should seek to acquire some from Temperance. Until you can provide such proof, you’re going to need to go.” Yari remained unemotional but firm in her stance as she pointed towards the exit.

Max growled with contempt. He put up his claws defensively. “Fine, have it your way. I’m going.” He turned to Lightning. “Stay strong, Lightning. Remember always, you are innocent. Don't ever forget that no matter what they tell you.” Max backed up and headed towards the prison exit.

Quiver walked up to Yari. “He - he wasn't supposed to be in here?” He asked.

She twisted her mouth in disappointment, “You do remember what we were told, don’t you? Nopony may come down here unless they have proof of authorization. Please try to be a little more discerning next time.”

His eyes shifted around, conflicted. “Sorry, Yari. It’s just - between Crosshair’s bolts at the crime scene, picking up this random pony ... interrogating him day in and out,  I don't know who to really let in anymore. “

The red-eyed female sighed, “Well from now on, unless it’s Temperance or another one of the guards, you should ask to see some documentation before allowing them to pass. Try not to forget that. We don't need any kind of compromising situations when murder is on the table.”

“If you ask me, this murder is getting more and more shady every day.” Quiver said with a bit of cynicism. “But I’ll be tighter on the security next time, I promise.”

“It may be, but I'm trying to reserve my judgements until all of the evidence is in...and yes, you do that...”
« Last Edit: May 20, 2013, 02:18:48 am by DVNO »
Al mondo mal non e senza rimedio

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #316 on: May 20, 2013, 02:57:03 am »

Red was just sitting at her room's only desk. It wouldn't be long before she set out into the wilds, and this was her last night in the fort. It was the latter parts of the night, and early hours of the morning were creeping by. No matter how hard she tried, it seemed returning to slumber was impossible... and now she just waited there in her chair, siting at he desk after spending an hour in her bed. She felt chilled to her core, and the only thing was giving her much solace now was the lamp she'd lit after getting out of bed. She thought of waking bonnet, but wolf needed it's sleep. So she just sat there, thinking over what she had dreamed. "This world truly is rotting..."

That was something she never doubted. The land around her was proof of it, not that she needed any. Experience and travel had given her all she needed when it came to the topic of salvation, corruption and decay, but still, ever time Red was forced to meet the idea head on, is left her solemn, and in a state of disdain and indifference to the world around her. She thought- no she knew, this world was on it's last legs. This place she lived every day, and could never escape was on it's way to corruption. All things come to and end, and what is between creation and destruction is decay.

Her dream tonight, forced her again relive her parable. "The world is rotting" she kept saying, each time growing more solemn as the red light of the lamp glazed the room over. Below her was a book, an atlas, to be more exact, of her old homeland. The old leather cover was decayed, and had a few spots and stains on it, and beside it was another book, her journal. It was a much less tattered book. It was a book she had been writing in on and off sense she first came here, to this dusty town in the middle of nowhere.

"Nothing is beyond corruption, and corruption is inevitable." Red leaned back in her chair, before opening the diary. She slowly pulled a quill out from one of the larch wood desk's many compartments. She then finally began to wright in her diary.

"I stood there in the snow. It was as cold as the harshest winter I had ever experienced in my years. The rolling mountains in the far were as clear and flawless as when I was a younger pony. I would had been able to take it all in, and just enjoy the long lost scenery of my past, but the cold... I kept wondering why I wasn't dead, hypothermia surely would have claimed any mortal who would go out into open for even a moment if they had worn nothing but they're fur as I was then. Not even my evening wear was on. It was sickening, freezing and revolting how cold it was, yet I still stood there, not shivering or shaking in the slightest. I kept walking for miles in the cold. I was practically begging for my mortality back, so maybe it would end, but instead I kept plowing though the snow. I was indestructible. When I finally saw something, it was a small manor, surrounded by a wall.

I kept walking, but no mater how close, it seemed just in the distance. I began to think if it was a mirage. I could never get there, but it was my birth right, my land, my family estate. My homeland was always cold during the winters, the ice and snow made the winters unbearable to the weak. It made our people hard. The land was only good for growing the hardiest of crops, and those crops built a nation. It was built on a land nopony wanted, and was littered with villages towns, rarely a city, and huts, and even the occasional manor. That was my manor off in the distance, taunting me. It was close, yet out of reach.

I eventually just stopped walking. I could have used my wings, come to think of it, I don't know why I didn't. I was grounded I suppose. The land was still freezing, and my soul chilled. It just stood there, then I finally felt a shudder. Finally, I could the fatigued of a thousand miles, yet never getting any closer to anything. I hadn't gained anything, just experiencing the same cold. In the end, I was thankful I could give in. It was all over. The cold soaked me to the bone, and frostbite was spreading like a wildfire. I couldn't move, it was pure agony, it filled my body with defeat and pain. My soul was burning in pure cold. I finally stopped. It was over. I could swear the green of my fur, was colored white in the pure cold of an endless march are the way to the impossible. At least it ended then.

When I awoke in a cold sweat, I felt exhausted. I felt alive, and the warmness of my bed, as well as the warmth of bonnet sleeping on top of the covers against me. I was still alive. I'm still here, thinking it all over. I'm not sure what was worse, the march or the inevitable. I tried to go back to bed and block it all out, but I couldn't. To make things worse, the entire time I lived that hell, I felt like I was being watched.Why wasn't bonnet there? Why the hell couldn't it end sooner?Why couldn't I fly off into the bloody sun?What was the point to it all?Who the hell was watching me?!?Why wasn't it over sooner?WHO WAS WATCHING MEI need to stop this..."

Just then the red light of a new sun shone though the window. Red sighed heavily and dropped her quill. Another night without rest had slipped by. "I need to stop this..." This wasn't the only time a foul dream had stolen her night away. The Countess pulled away from her desk and just tried to relax a little in her seat. She oddly didn't feel the slightest bit tired. At least soon, if max kept his end of the deal, she'd have her salvation, her birthright, her father's sins wiped from her slate. All she had to do, was end a stallion she already hated, and she could leave this town. Five years payment and deal with devil was all she needed, and she'd be free... She could leave, take Prodd with her, and live the rest of her life. She'd have her county, and her life back.

You always, regret a deal with the devil.

« Last Edit: May 20, 2013, 03:06:01 am by jaxler »
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #317 on: May 20, 2013, 11:21:08 pm »


Red was currently sitting outside Prodd’s door. The pony was starting to have some second thoughts about all this. The more and more he stood there waiting for Prodd to show, the more he was beginning to regret dragging him into this. He knew full well the countryside wasn’t safe. He finally knocked on the door, after stalling for quite some time.

Prodd heard the knock on his door, he was lazily beginning to carve out a wax figurine in his spare time. He put down what he was doing and opened the door. “Oh... what do you need, Red?” He said, he cracked a weak smile, but his eye showed little emotion.

“You and me are being sent on a mission. We need to head out before noon and make our way to Canyontalon.”

“Flam’s orders?” Prodd sighed.

“Yes. We have the right away to take any supplies we need.”

“Alright...” Prodd nodded slowly. “It’ll beat sitting around here... I’ll go grab some equipment I think might just save our lives... well at least mine...” His tone was strictly business.

“Okay then...?” something was off with Prodd... “Well, you're the survivalist, what do you think we’ll need?”

Prodd looks up at the sky. “It’ll rain soon. You should note that, if you’ll be flying overhead...” He looks back at Red. “We’ll need some food and water, in case the game is scarce or there’s no fresh water in sight. The path to Canyontalon is crawling with bandits right?”

“Well, yes, and I’ve heard stories about how twisted the countryside is from the griffins.”

Prodd thought that over. “Alright... yeah I’ll need that and that...” He mentally prepared a list. “You as a pegasus can sleep on clouds right?”

“Well yes.... but I wouldn’t dare touch those red clouds... they’re unnatural”

“Hmm...” Prodd said. He thought over his preparations. After a considerable pause he spoke up again. “Alright... Red, if the grass and other plants are green we should be fine... could you please go get rations for the trip and anything else you need while I go make something?”

“Very well then... I’ll also go get some stuff so we could make a tent.”

“Alright then, just make sure we could hide it...” Prodd said. “Stealth would probably be the best plan for this journey.”

“Okay, I’ll get some green dye or something.”

Prodd nodded and went off to prepare for the journey after locking up his house.

Redhat then walked off, and went over to go sift through the storage buildings.

Prodd met up with Red at the main gate. “So... you got what you need as we walk into certain death?”

“Depends.” Red was clad in full armor, and had the supplies on his back. “You ready to head out?”

“As I’ll ever be...” He replied, unlike Red the only armor he had was a wooden shield painted multiple shades of green and some lightweight leather armor reinforced with a breastplate dulled with excessive amounts of mud and dirt. He wore a cloak made of netting with different plants stuck between the threads, appearing as though he was a walking bush. The same netting was applied to his crossbow and sparsely on his shield. He has a quiver filled with as many bolts as possible on his back and two satchels at his hips. A few extra bolts were strapped to the curve of his weapon as well.

“Um... why are you dressed in such attire?” The pony had never seen a markspony dressed up like this.

“So I can hide in a bush and take my time aiming?” Prodd looked at Red. “Camouflage...?”

“Okay... I guess that makes sense...”

“I got some spare mesh I could make into another cape... if you ever need one...” Prodd stated. He took a deep breath and checked the sky again. It would rain soon and it was midday, could be worse...

“Well, if you could that’d be wonderful.” Red was just about as sure of the rain coming. Pegasi had a natural gift when it came to such things. The pony figured they should head out before it starts though, maybe they could outrun it...

“Alright... that’d be something to do during the night...” Prodd muttered the last part. He checked that his crossbow was ready to fire. “So shall we be off?”

“Very well then.” Red finally walked through the door, and waved him over.

Prodd followed after the pegasus and got his map ready. “So how long is this going to take?”

“I don’t know, it probably depends...” The pony stopped for a moment. “How good are you with maps?”

“Decent...” Prodd examined his map. “We could probably reach Blackfeather Roost by nightfall, which would set us what looks like around... about two hundred miles off of Canyontalon.” He pauses. “By hoof we could make it within five days with little to no interruptions... then there’s the return trip...”

“Very well then... I guess you should lead the way then.” The pony waited there for Prodd to take the lead.

Prodd shrugged and led the way with his crossbow on his shoulder and his hood down. “So Bonnet’s staying home I take it?” He asked, making small talk, though his tone was somewhat empty.

Something about Prodd was definitely off... “I left her with max. I just hope she doesn’t get too lonely without me. The poor pup can hardly go an hour without me.”

“Yeah that’s a shame...” Prodd whispered. He checked the map one more time before stowing it away. They could easily make Blackfeather by sundown.

“If we run into anything that’s too nasty, like... a band of badgers... I think we should let them pass unless they’re marks ponies.”

“Yeah my plan was to hide in the brush on the side of the road...” Prodd explained. “The trick with these types of camouflage is to alter your profile enough to lower suspicion... in other words look like a bush amongst grass or something...”

“Ah, I can see how that would work. You really do look like you’d blend in... Still though, if it’s marks ponies want to be up close and personal. Unlike melee ponies, they won't have to give as much of a heads up if they’re looking for a fight.”

“Yeah... if I back away and move alongside the road in the bushes, don’t freak out or anything...” He said. “Also if we hear a patrol, we hide. I could distract them from an unseen position with some crossbow fire while you could flank them...”

“Very well then... though if they try to run can we let them go?” The pony sighed loudly. “Unless it’s discordants. I always try to let badgers and diamond dogs get away.”

“Yeah they can run all they want...” Prodd agreed with a nod. He was tempted to check the map again to see how far they got, but he knew deep down that they still had more to go. He would feel discouraged if he wasn’t feeling so apathetic.

“Prodd... are you alright?” The pony was acting off, and Red was starting to worry.

“I’m fine.” Prodd said sternly. He picked up the pace a little. “Hurry up, the sooner we make camp at Blackfeather the better...”

“Don’t.Give.Me.Orders. I’m still the one leading this mission, and I’m still captain.” The pony still picked up his pace...

Prodd looked dead ahead and rolled his eye at the remark. He walked on in silence.

Red sighed, and just kept walking... It didn’t take much to get the spear pony annoyed, and sooner or later Red was going to snap if Prodd didn’t clean up his attitude. They kept walking for a while, until suddenly Red heard a small “tink” from drop of water hitting the spear pony’s armor. “Um I think it’s about to-” before he could finish it started to pour down. “I do say, that’s quite a bit of precipitation...”

Prodd sighed. They just met the halfway mark to Blackfeather. “...Do you want to make camp and call it a day?”

“I think that’s for the best...”



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #318 on: May 25, 2013, 12:57:22 am »

Lightning lay down in the-now indented-corner of the prison, his routine now adapted to being in one room all day unless Crosshair let him out to eat, but even then he was watched by the many guardsponies on duty-or at least he thought-while doing so. This night however was going to be one of those nights where he couldn’t fall asleep, no matter how he slept. Even using his wings as a pillow-painful but comfy until sleep is obtained and the natural pegasus reaction of retracting the wings-wouldn’t help. He kept tossing and turning in the corner, at one point he got up, paced around the small cell and went back, this helped him somewhat and he finally achieved sleep. This was a mistake.

In the moments before sleep, thoughts of the griffon that died just down the hall from him kept coming back.  Then Temperance confronting him and ultimately him being shot out of the sky by Crosshair only to be hauled down to this jail cell.  As he drifts off to sleep, he can’t help but shake a feeling that someone or something was whispering to him, but he can’t make out quite what it is.

After an indeterminate time, he found himself drifting back to being awake.  It sounded like somepony was moving around in the barracks above him, but as best he can tell it’s still the dead of night.

He got up, still half asleep and approached the jail door. “Anypony there?” He says into the darkness. Hearing no reply after a few minutes he began back to where he had been previously been sleeping and lay back down ready to fall asleep again.

There was no response, and he feels fatigue begin to overtake him again.  Just as he’s about to drift off to sleep, he hears the scuffing and dragging sounds above him again, followed by the hatch leading down to the jail clattering and creaking open.

He ignores the sound, passing it off as Crosshair switching off with somepony else for the night ~Who’s gets the pleasure of watching me sleep tonight? Prodd,no he’s buggered off somewhere with his love... Yari? No a pony like her would never watch me~ he played with the thought of it being Flamberge, coming to kill him in the night, forgetting any trial and just getting rid of him due to his supposed actions against the town and all that BS.

The hatch finishes groaning open, and something thumped against the top step of the stairs.  In the darkness, he can’t make out who it was.  They seemed to be moving very slowly.

He couldn’t shake the feeling of dispair ~Its Flamberge, he’s sneaking in... he wants to kill me... I... no it can’t he’s a monster, but honorable... no it’s him~ he looked around his cell, the figure slowly gaining ground towards him. He made a mental note that there was enough room for him to dodge a battle axe swing. He got up and readied himself for a fight, however his sleepy state would leave him much less prepared for a fight then he assumed.

Whoever it was, they continued to all but stumble down the steps.  As they get further down the stairs and into better lighting, Lightning can see that it was a pony, but none of the guards.  He sees wings hanging lazily at the pony’s sides, and a brown coat.  Oddly, the pony appears to be dragging itself down the steps.

“Oh dear Amug! Are you okay!” He shouted to it. He stared at it, before realizing who this pony was “Sweetie! No! Are you alright... please be alright!” He yelled to the figure, his hooves at the bars of his cell “Please...”

The pony tumbles off of the steps onto the floor.  In the brief moment it was in the light, Lightning believed he saw crossbow bolts sticking from the pony.  “No...” she gasped.  “I’m not...”

Lightning flinched when he saw the protrusions “Who shot you! I want their head I am not having my wife killed by somepony here, I do not give a shit if they are Convalescence they will not hurt my Sweetie!” He banged his hoof on the bars, testing the strength. Not strong enough, yet sturdy... he could take it out with a few consecutive kicks, but it would tire him out to the point of exhaustion... he had to do it, his wife was dying and he isn’t going to let her  die in front of his own two eyes while he stood there. He steadied himself on his front legs and hit the bars once... twice... thrice, the bars had a noticeable dent in them now, his kicks had done nothing but dent the metal. His spirits crushed he looked out again. Hoping to at least see his wife before her death... embrace her.

She dragged herself into the full light, just in front of the jail cell.  “It was Max...” she choked out.  A bolt was protruding from her neck, spilling profuse amounts of blood.  She looked at him with a pained and remorseful expression and coughed, spattering more blood on the floor.

“No... That bastard! I will kill him!” adrenaline filled his veins and he kicked the bars twice more, the dent getting more and more noticeable “When did he do this! Why isn’t he dead! WHY!” His mind raced everywhere, some thoughts spoken others hidden in his mind, many things he ignored trying to get out. As if by a miracle the bars broke, a pony sized hole formed. He let out a smile before jumping through and embracing his lover “Sweetie... I will kill him... he will not live to see another day!” He buried his face into her blood stained mane, tears wetting the blood once more.

She shuddered in pain as he touched her and let out a moan.  Blood was running from the corner of her mouth and the wound on her neck.  She weakly reached up and put her forelegs around him in an embrace.  “It’s okay...” she wheezed, then coughed.  “...I don't blame you...”

“I know but.... if I hadn’t helped Max you wouldn’t be like this... this is my fault... Blame me... There is no alternatives, I was the one who allowed him to do this... I will kill him for you... he will die if that’s what it takes for my guilt to subside” Lightning said, his words getting slower and slower, realizing his words “No He promised... he’s bad... he good.... bad... good... OH AMUG TELL ME!” He raised his hooves to the ceiling, his anger, guilt, sadness among many emotions taking their toll on his sanity.

Tears began to well up in her eyes, and she coughed several times more, spraying flecks of blood onto Lightning Runner.  “You... you didn’t know...”  She wheezed and convulsed in agony.  “...but... sometimes... good intentions... go... wrong...”

“I... Just don’t want to lose you... I’ve spent most of my life in the dirt... you are what brought me out and made me truly happy... I can’t... I won’t lose you... please... you can’t die” Tears began to puddle on the ground near the two, blood being rewetted by it and contaminating the relatively clean water. He held the embrace as long as he could, regardless of how bad his coat was stained... he wasn't letting his lover die without him nearby... he won’t

She writhed in his grip for a few seconds more, then went limp with a pained sigh.  Blood covered every inch of her coat around her face and neck.  Oddly, Lightning Runner noticed a second, new bolt sticking from her skull.

He fell silent, and dug his face into the now dead mare’s ,mane and just began to sob, he continued this for about an hour to him... He finally noticed a new bolt. He was filled with anger and sadness and now adding confusion to the boiling pot of emotions. He figured out where the bolt came from and saw a very familiar griffon standing there...holding a crossbow... pointed at his Sweetie’s head. “Fuck... you...” Was all he could say before charging at the griffon, rage empowering him with adrenaline

Max simply smiled and stood his ground.  The two collided and tumbled together for a moment, but in the struggle Lightning suddenly found his grasp empty.  Max had disappeared altogether, leaving behind nothing but a faint chuckle.  The chuckle of a mare.  Sweet Potato’s voice.

“Sw-Sweetie?” He ignored the spectacle, his mind only focusing on the current event “Sweetie!”He almost jumped up and down at the miracle “You’re alive, I can’t believe it, Come lets go before Max gets back” He said blissfully unaware of anything around him at the moment

When Lightning scooped his broken wife from the floor, she chuckled again.  “I... forgive you... for killing me...”  Lightning felt something grab his hoof, and when he looked down he saw that it was a griffon’s claw.  “But I don’t...” a male voice growls.  He was no longer holding Sweet Potato.  He was holding a griffon.

He jumped... or would have if he was able to move an inch from being paralyzed with fear “What do you want from me!” He yelled at the griffon “I’ve already lost my wife! THAT YOU KILLED! YOU MONSTER!” His anger multiplied tenfold “Give me 5 reasons not to kill you when I get free” He said, trying to bluff his way out

The griffon coughed and looked up at him with a grin.  The crossbow bolts were protruding from him in the same places they’d pierced Sweet Potato.  Blood covered his feathers and coat.  But more than that, the griffon looked like he’d been dead for days.  “What’s the matter?” it continued in a raspy voice.  “Don’t remember me?”  He extended a claw and dragged his broken body forward.  “Private Sergi.”

“Pr-Private S-Sergi... The griffon... Oh Amug... I’m sorry... I... Oh Amug...” He said, pacing back and forth again... and again... and again “Please let me help you... I its my fault... all my fault... oh Amug” he said, trying to get the griffon up off of the floor “Come on... I can’t lo- Oh Amug... you look like you’ve been dead for... oh Amug no...”

The griffon sneered at him.  “Help me?  Do you intend to bring back the dead?”  He dragged himself a pace closer.  “It’s too late, Lightning Runner.  Far too late.”

“I will bring the dead back if it can stop the deaths of two things today... I don’t care if I’m late, I am going to help...” A tear rolled off of his face “I have to... its my duty... I will prevent... no I have to... Help ponies....”

Sergi reached out and grabbed him by the foreleg.  He tightened his grip and pulled Lightning toward him.  “You and all of your kind make me sick,” he said.  “Killing innocents and destroying everything you touch.”  His eyes flared red and a scowl formed on his face.  “You.. all of you are alike.  Stabbing each other in the back to get ahead.  How much have you stolen to get this far?  How many have suffered at your hooves?  How many have you killed!?”

His face grew pale at this statement. “H-how do you kn-know that... I... I only told that thing because we were talking about our foalhoods and... it slipped. I... agree I stole... but... I... I” Another tear rolled down his face before he collapsed to the ground “I ruined lives... I got families destroyed when I stole... I... I never admitted it.... Amug... forgive me” he said in a monotone voice, as if instructed by an unforeseen force to say it. He continued crying into his hooves “Amug forgive me! Please bring mercy to the souls I stole from!” He begged fruitlessly

“Amug can’t hear you,” he taunted, latching on with another claw.  “You’ve ruined many lives, Lightning, but now because of your foolishness you’re going to ruin many more.”  The griffon tore the bolt protruding from his neck free and held it up to Lightning’s face.  “You killed me when you gave this to Max.  And your precious Sweet Potato is next.  Then your daughter.”  He pressed the bolt’s head against Lightning’s skin.  “When they come, this town will have torn itself apart, and there will be nothing to stop them.”

He lost his will to continue arguing “D-Do.... it... I-I’m a terrible pony...” He surrendered his body, letting the bolt pierce his skin. He awoke with a scream, finding himself back inside his cell.

“It’s too late... you can’t run now...” a voice whispered to him.  From the corner of his eye, he sees something lying on the floor just outside his cell.  Something a bit larger than a pony and covered in feathers.

“GET AWAY FROM ME!” He batted his hooves in the air, hoping to hit whatever was there “Leave me alone!”

His hooves struck the door to his cell and jostling the form, which rolled onto its side to reveal that it was the corpse of Sergi.  Still and lifeless, but with the bolts reinserted into the wounds and blood everywhere.  The thunderous rapping of galloping hooves sounds from above him.

“Nirmek’s mane!” a stallion shouted.  “What happened!?”  A unicorn all but galloped down the stairs, skidding once on something unseen.  “What in the names of the gods,” he said, staring at the body outside of Lightning’s cell.  “Wh-what?”

Fleeting Quiver circled the body, wide-eyed.  “Wh-what?  Who... how did this get here?”  He sidestepped the corpse up to Lightning’s cell.  “Lightning, who did this?  Why?”

“I don’t know... maybe... maybe” He chuckled to himself “MAYBE THIS IS ALL ONE BIG FUCKING DREAM!” He rolled onto his back, laughing, obviously broken by that night’s events. After regaining his composure, he got into a sitting position “I don’t know... I DON'T KNOW Why doesn’t that sink into you’re damn minds! I don’t know why, I don’t know WHO but I what I do know is this big unforeseen force is coming and they are gonna kill us all because everything wants to kill us... nothing is nice... hehe maybe... we killed the nice things in an attempt to make our lives better... maybe they ran when we tried to make friends and just ki-” He was cut off by Fleeting Quiver

“Lightning!  Get a grip!  Tell me what happened!  Did you see who dragged this here?”

He calmed down, still a bit off beat but back to sane levels of off beatedness “I... don’t know who dragged Him here.... all I know is... he... they want us dead”

Fleeting Quiver looked back and forth between the pegasus and the griffon corpse.  “Hang on... I... I need to go get one of the doctors.  We need to get him back...”  He spun in a small circle.  “Uh... I’ll go get Crosshair.  Don’t... don’t go anywhere,” he said, oblivious to the fact that Lightning couldn’t.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 12:16:45 pm by Iceblaster »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #319 on: May 25, 2013, 12:59:04 am »


Max is once again sitting in Temperance’s chair. He’s reading a historical text on the various revolutions that shook the the very roots of the Equestrian Kingdoms in their forming. He seems quite engrossed.

The door swings open as he reads, revealing a very tired looking Temperance.  The stallion starts for his desk when he realizes that there was a griffon occupying his seat.  He pauses, then shuts the door behind him.  “Max?  Reading up on law again?”

“Yes, been very interested these days. Hello, Temp, how’ve the kids been?” He asked, moving again.

“They’re all doing well, thanks,” Temperance replies, accepting his seat.  “How have you been?” he asks, mostly out of an attempt to be polite more than expecting an honest answer that he was doing well.

“Very Intrigued.” Max answered with a grin, a flare in his eye. “Very intrigued. A murder mystery in Duskfields. At a risk at sounding  macabre, i’m sort of  ... Well, let’s see how ta’ put this. I can put all this law I’ve been studying into practice, Defending Lightning. It’s always good to put something learned to practice.”

At the mention of the murder, Temperance looks twice as tired.  He props his chin on his hooves and says, “I hope you have better luck than I have.  Lightning won’t tell me anything.  Nothing to acquit or condemn him.”  He shrugs.  “Though I guess it’s none of my business anyway.  Maybe if you’re going to go through the trouble and formality of being his legal defense, he might open up to you.”

He mulls over Lightning’s predicament. “He may.” Max shuts the book and sets it aside. “How are you holding up over all this, Temperance? Honestly?” Max asked his friend in a concerned tone.

“Honestly?”  Temperance sighs and shuts his eyes.  “Not well.  At all.  I kept clinging to the hope that Duskfields would yet turn out to be a decent, safe place.”  He blows out his breath again.  “But now?  I’ve pretty much given up on that.  It’s not my job to investigate the crime, or do anything about it really.  Not anymore.  Despite that, I can’t help but worry about it constantly.”

Max nods his head and sympathises with Temperance. “I know exactly how you feel, Temperance. We’ve both done more proper good than anypony can expect out here in the badlands. Given, more than any sane pony would. And yet, it feels as though the violence, and the paranoia, and the fear, slowly gripping every pony, it’s a tidal wave we can’t weather. A force that’ll crush you into the ground.” Max exhales heavily. “But fear is just pain leaving the body, in the end. We have to carry on through it. Because who else will? We’re not allowed to bend and break and buckle, you and I. I feel sometimes we have to stay the course solely to let other ponies know; good is not just an ideal. Otherwise, it’ll all slide into chaos.”

“A tidal wave, a force that’ll crush me into the ground.”  Temperance opens his eyes.  “That’s a good way to describe it, I guess.”  He slumps back into his chair.  “But I don’t run from a tough job.  It’s going to have to  get a bit worse before I break.”  Max seemed to be handling this surprisingly well, all things considered.  If he could be doing this well, maybe there was some hope after all.  “Setting a good example is the least we can do I guess.”

Max steeples his fingers together and loses himself in thought. “It’s all we can do sometimes, set a good example. Even when it’s a lie, even when in truth we’re all trapped in Amug’s gray shroud. The ponies need heroes, villains, and a narrative.” He smiles. “We’re constructing a quaint peaceful farming community.  That’s the narrative. That’s what we feed them, that’s what they believe. Is it true? Doesn't matter. That’s the lie that keeps it all falling down. It’s what they want.”

Temperance frowns.  “I’m not sure if I’m just too much of an optimist or an idiot, but I prefer there be no need for heroes and especially not villains.”  He shrugs.  “Then again, it’s like you said.  Doesn’t matter, does it?  What’s going to happen is going to happen.  And this time, it turned out like this.”

“A million stories, unfolding in the same curious structure ...” Max continues, as if mulling over something. “Every passing day, I wonder more and more which one I am.”

Temperance considers his next words carefully.  “I wonder the same for myself sometimes.  It really seems like there’s some malign force driving everything here down some dark story.  For some of us more than others, I guess.”

Max looks perturbed. “It’s funny I - I had a vision of th’ most vivid sort ...” He tailed off.

A deathly silence falls over the office as Temperance studies the griffon in the room with him.  “You... too?  What... did you see?”

the griffon looked at the mahogany office table with a thousand yard stare. “I saw Carnith, talked to him. He demanded blood. Retribution.” His head shook sullenly as his stare continued. “His skin sloughed off till there was nothing but bone. Then I buried those bones.” He looked up to him. “It was - I - feel - I don't know how to describe what it felt like. I don’t know if there are such words in your tongue for how it felt. I feel there should not, they would be too dour for such a colorful language....”

Temperance looks for all the world as if he’s seen a ghost.  That was too similar to what he’d seen.  “I... I don’t think there are words in any language to describe it.  Not for something like that.”  He considers apologizing to Max about Carn yet again, but what good would it do at this point?  Aside from looking patronizing?  Instead, he says, “That... that worries me though.  I saw something similar a few months back.  Except it was Maize, telling me to leave and take everypony with me.  I, uh, probably shouldn’t say this, but several ponies around have seen things like this.  That’s what Serenity told me.”  He sighs.  “I don’t know what to think.”

Max looks disturbed as well. He wasn’t the only one seeing visions? What could that possibly mean? He was under so much stress of late, he couldn't think of anything that could possibly cause mass hallucinations. A plant, A magic, there must be an example out in the wild somewhere, but whatever the cause he didn’t know it. “I don’t know what to think either. At a loss ...” He shrugs and grumbles. “Well, that’s not entirely true ...”

That got Temperance’s attention.  “What do you mean?  Do you know something about what’s happening?”

Max smirked. “Pfft,no. I have no idea what in tartarus is going on anymore.  But what I do know?” Max grabbed the book and fluttered behind Temperance’s chair and firmly put one of his claws on his shoulders as he opens the book cabinet. He starts massaging almost absent mindedly.  “ ... we both spend too much time on the big picture. It can drive you crazy.” Max said dismissively.

Temperance tenses and slips out of Max’s claws.  He didn’t take massages from anypony but Morning Dew, sorry.  “Uh... I... guess?”

Max sighs as he balls up his empty claws. He shouldn't have done that. Why would he do that? Habit, he dismissively thinks. Just wasn’t the same anyway. He finished putting the book away in the shelf behind Temperance.  “... Anyway...”

“Right...” Temperance says, hoping to move on past that.  “I guess you may have a point.  I don’t know what the big picture is anymore.  All I know, is that that griffon from Canyontalon was killed with Crosshair’s bolts, and Lightning Runner couldn’t look any more guilty than he does.”  He shakes his head.  “We’ve got to get past that before anything else.”

Max shakes his head dismissively. “Lightning isn’t guilty. I have a confession from Redhat the bolts were in Flamberge’s quarters a day before it happened. He’s innocent.”

Temperance raises an eyebrow.  “I don’t understand.”  He raises a hoof and makes a little motion with it.  “I can’t rightly see Flamberge killing him.  Whoever did it must have put the bolts there.  But... why?  Why?  I just want to know why this happened.”  He rests his chin in his hooves again.  “And if Lightning didn’t do it, I’m even more frightened because that means we have a murderer still trotting about in town.”

Max trains a blue eye on him. “Okay. Let’s put ourselves in Crosshair’s horseshoes. your husband makes a deal with an army you don’t trust. They leave a soldier behind. How many days could you stand, watching, knowing this soldier is knowingly or not gathering intel on you and everything about your settlement. Now Imagine, with a simple claim of missing bolts, and knowing you’re judge, jury and prosecutor of  whoever you pin, how easy it would be to walk away. When you really realize how little is stopping you from getting away with it, how many days would it take before you try and make sure that intel never gets home? It was never a question of why but when.”

“Which is yet another piece of this puzzle that makes no gods-forsaken sense,” Temperance mutters.  “I don’t understand why the griffons would be doing that.  We’re allies.”  He groans.  “And while I see your point, I really, really don’t think Crosshair did this.  Or Flamberge.  It... it just doesn’t fit.  Lightning insists it was for somepony outside the fort... though he could be lying.  Probably is.  Gods know why.”

“Well, as I’m defending him, I’m just not allowed to see eye to eye there, Temperance.” Max grimaces. “All I do see, is a pony who would secretly love to have another war to fight.”

“Flamberge?” Temperance asks with a hint of disbelief in his voice.  “I can’t see him trying to provoke the griffons.  Not like that... or did you mean trying to spark a civil war here?”

‘Here, there, doesn't matter. It’s free buy-in for him, as his wife did all the heavy lifting. If he convicts Lightning, they both get off. If he does not? Well, he can throw his wife under.” Max pantomimes moving a chess pawn across his table. “ ... leaving one less loose end on the board when he’s eventually married into nobility. Either way, win win. He gets to be the hero, gets his villains, and he gets the narrative that will fast track his career.”

Temperance chews over it for a moment.  This was starting to scare him more than a little bit.  “I-I still don’t believe that.  Flamberge... no, he wouldn’t do something like that.  He has too much to lose.”

Max scoffed. “What? The town he felt above the second he walked into it? Why did this quaint farm town just get shipment upon shipment from weapons from Canyontalon? What is Flamberge preparing for?”

“I don’t know,” Temperance answers honestly.  “I’m not part of the military chain of command, so they don’t tell me anything.  Whatever it is though, the griffons are in on it.  That doesn’t really mesh with Flamberge murdering one of them.”  He rolls his eyes.  “I don’t think anyway.  Who knows what the buck is going on anymore?”

“Well, I’m holding my ground. It’s all I got left. I can’t afford to be unwise anymore if griffons are being hunted down, for a reason or not.” Max said with a determined growl.

“Can’t say I blame you for that,” Temperance says with little emotion.   He looks at Max.  “I hate to even have to suggest this... but... do be careful, Max.  Nopony knows for sure why this happened or who did it.  If it wasn’t Lightning Runner...”

Max feels comforted by that. “ Temperance, I feel like I’ve already been in the crosshairs for a long, long time. Starting with the .... event about the gate. If something - something . . . look, we’re in something bigger now. Things are shifting. I would not even be the slightest of surprised if I get crushed in the gears.   But i’ll try to be a smart as I can.”

Temperance nods slowly.  “That’s all I can ask.”  Getting caught up in the gears sounded like a frighteningly likely possibility.  “I still hope to prevent anything else from going disastrously wrong, but I just don’t know if I can.”

“I know you can’t.” Max said in a rude, impatient and rather coarse tone.

Temperance stared down into his desk and sank almost imperceptibly into his chair.  He certainly had failed Max, hadn’t he?

“I know this isn’t ideal, but we tried it the ideal way didn’t we? If really loved you I should have listened.  All I’ proved was how much of a fool I was, You were right, of course .... you were always right, should have razed the place ...” Max continued sullenly, as if having an argument with somebody. Certainly not with Temperance, though.

The stallion simply sits and watches Max, in profound confusion.  After a moment, he hazards a simple, “Max?”

“I know Carn, I know!” max slams his fist on Temperance's table. “Of course I know what I’ve done. Of course I did, Carn. Who else would?” His feathers flared up and standing on on edge, his eyes are wild. He pants after his little episode, for a good three minutes, before his breathing eased and his posture melted back into something near the recognisable Max Temperance knew, or at least thought he knew. Max looked almost afraid as he slinked back from his aggressive posture. “ ...”

“Max?”  Temperance stands and takes a cautious step in his direction.  “Max?  Are you alright?”

“I .... “ Max wouldnt dare to use the word ‘fine’ in this context. “I ... need to go, I need to get out of here for a while...” Max muttered as a pathetic attempt to remove himself from the conversation . “I’m trying to take care, Temperance, I really am.”

“Um, alright.  Do, uh, take care,” he replies, walking Max to the door.  He wasn’t sure what he just witnessed, but it was certainly not a good thing.  Part of him wants to go run and grab Serenity right now and make sure Max wasn’t losing his mind.  Or maybe Flamberge and have him put under watch.  No... that would just make everything worse...

“That was uncalled for, Temp. I’m sorry for shouting.” Max continued to apologize as he got up.

“Don’t-don’t worry about it,” he assures him.  Now, if only he could stop worrying about it.  “Just... just take care.  I mean it.”

Max nodded, got up and walked out of the room wordlessly. He did not even want to try and take a chance to rectify his outburst, for fear of his beak causing a bigger mess to fix. 
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #320 on: May 25, 2013, 11:13:50 pm »


Prodd focused on the new campsite and its surroundings. It was a dying forest covering a wasteland with a single road stabbing into the horizon. There were a few hills nearby, and the clouds were blood red yet raining standard precipitation.

Red was currently unpacking some of the supplies that used to be mounted on the pony’s back. “Since it’s just us, do you mind if I take off my hat?” Red said, before laying down the pack full of goods on a patch of land under a dead tree that looked half dry.

Prodd shrugged and used the spare camouflaged mesh to construct a makeshift shelter over the supply pile. “Don’t make a fire, it could draw in some unwanted attention...”

“Okay then...” Red sighed removed her hat before starting to try and help him set up the shelter. “I think it’s for the best if we try and avoid staying in this rain... anything falling from that red cloud probably is dangerous.”

Prodd nodded and double-timed the creation of his tent at the base of the dead tree, next to the supplies. “Don’t worry... the fabric in this is rain-proof...” He gestured to the now completed tent.

“Thank goodness... I’d rather stay dry for the night...” The pony then just rested up against the side of the tree, before hearing a loud crack come from behind her, followed by some decayed bark, particles of dead wood, and a few termites getting all over the back plate of her armor and even inside of it. “Well that isn’t pleasant...”

Prodd magically took off the backplate of her armor and removed most of the termites out of her coat. He remained quiet throughout the ordeal.

The mare cringed slightly moved away from the tree, “This place is disgusting...”

“It could be a lot worse... that should be most of the bugs...”  Prodd muttered. He looked back at her. “Go get some sleep...”

“What about you?” Red had started to take off most of her armor. She figured if she was going to rest, armor would only get in the way of that.

Prodd shrugged. “I’ll probably keep watch for awhile...” He raised his hood. “The cloaks also rainproof... kind of...”

“Very well I suppose...” Red moved over to him and smiled a little. “Do you mind if I have somepony to rest on?”

“Fine... just watch my front legs...” Prodd said, scanning the horizon with his crossbow.

Red frowned, “Why the hell are you acting so cold all of a sudden?”

Prodd ignored her and looked emptily into the distant hills with a raised crossbow..

She got up and looked angrily at him. “Answer.Me.Soldier.”

Prodd didn’t respond and thought he saw something move.

“Prodd...” She was about to hit him upside the head. “I’ll inquire again. Now, if you’d be so kind to explain to me, why the bloody hell, are you being an apathetic jackass today?”

Prodd finally spoke. “Ooh please don’t hit me!” He said sarcastically. “It’s not like I’ve been hit before in my life...” He looked back at Red, showing the bad side of his face. “If you don’t mind.. I think I saw something move out there...”

Red’s bad mood seemed to subside for the moment. “Wait... what did you see?”

“I saw a distant shrub shake... that could either be some rodent or some assailant trying to sneak up on us...” Prodd sneered the last phrase. He aimed his crossbow on the target, if he pulls the trigger, whatever was moving would soon be dead.

Red picked up her spear, “Can you kill it from here?” she then rose her shield. She looked almost like a hoplite. 

Prodd ignored her getting up. “Do you want it dead?” He asked, holding his aim steady.

“Wait and see what it is.”

“Let’s hope it isn’t an archer with a bead on our position, ready to fire at any moment...”

“We’d be shot at by now if it was.”

“Maybe he needs to get a bit closer to line up a shot...”

“Very well... put my back plate back on...”

Prodd ignored her and fired his weapon, whatever was moving just caught a bolt.

“Prodd... why didn’t you listen to me?” She had planned on getting a closer look, and wanted her armor back on so if it was hostile it wouldn’t stab her.

Prodd, still facing the target, rolled his eye. “Because my way is safer... whatever’s out there is now dead... go to sleep.”

“We should see what it is first, what if it was a badger or something? I’d prefer to know if they were in the area.”

Prodd thought about it for a second. “...Fine.” He reattached her back plate. “I’ll cover you from here... don’t get killed...” He started to reload his crossbow.

Red nodded and walked slowly over to the dead bush. The rain was growing torrential by now, not that it would help the dead pine trees that made up this forest. The closer she got, the more clear it was. “Well look at that...” What was behind the bush, was just an average Turkey Buzzard, with a large bolt sticking out of it’s chest, with the end of it poking out it’s back.

Prodd beckoned her to come back. He scanned his surroundings incase anything else was moving around...

Red nodded and walked back, her spear lowered this time. “It was just a buzzard.”

Prodd nods. “Good... now get some sleep...”

“Fine...” She got under the shelter, and tried to keep dry. “Night... wake me if you need anything.”

“Yeah yeah yeah...” Prodd responded. He kept his watchful eye trained on the horizon, scanning the dead wasteland from the campsite.

“Bucking menace...” She then got down on the ground, not even taking the time remove her armor. “Night...”

Prodd ignored her and continued his guarding.

Red sighed, and finally started to nap on the dead grass.

Prodd made sure Red was fast asleep. He left his guard post to lay his cloak over the sleeping mare as a blanket. Without making a sound, he resumed his post. This was going to be a long night.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #321 on: May 26, 2013, 12:32:14 am »


Temperance sits quietly in his office, face in his hooves.  The past three days had been much worse than he could have expected.  After Lightning Runner was locked up, he’d hoped they would quickly get to the bottom of things.  Instead, Max had spoken with him about defending the pony, and in the process convinced him that he might be losing touch with reality.  Then somepony dragged the still unburied corpse of private Sergi down into the jails to terrify the stallion, which convinced him that Lightning hadn’t acted alone and whoever really killed him was rubbing it in their faces.

He shakes his head and sighs.  None of this was making sense, and it was only getting more and more strange and frightening.  What could possibly happen next? As he trouble himself over in his mind, there’s knockings on the door. Not hard, urgent and furious ones, so Flamberge’s out of the question.

That was something at least.  He takes a moment to collect himself before opening the door.  “Yes?”  When he sees who it is, he steps aside.  “Oh, come in, Crosshair.  What’s up?”

The small mare looks visibly stressed. Her mane’s a slight mess, and with her.. current condition, it might be worrying to the foal inside her if this goes on. “Temperance, we need to talk. It’s about Lightning Runner.” she said, walking inside.

“I... figured as much.”  She looked like she wasn’t faring much better on the whole disaster than he was.  “Take a seat,” he offers, pointing at the empty chair.  When he finds his own seat, he asks, “What’s on your mind?”

“I’m Thinking of giving Convalescence the case and pass the judgement on Lightning Runner. There haven’t been any leads at all and we can’t find other suspects, It’s just him now. So unless something changed his mind to tell us who it was he gave the bolts to, He’s going to be in big trouble. We can’t go on working on a case that’s not moving anymore and wasting pony times in some wild goose hunt while they could be better saving those energy to keep the town safe.” Said Crosshair as she carefully sit down.

“I don’t know what to do either,” Temperance admits.  “We don’t have a proper judge, so Convalescence is probably the only one who’s permitted to make such a call.  The only alternative is to send Lightning Runner to Coupledye to be judged, but that would take  along time and would waste a lot of effort and resources.”

He exhales slowly.  “There’s no doubt he’s guilty of stealing your bolts.  He admitted that.  But after what happened yesterday, I don’t think he’s the one who shot the griffon.  It doesn’t add up.”

Crosshair nodded. “Whoever shot the griffin isn’t very skilled in their execution, I’d say that. And as little as I think about Lightning, he’s still an acceptable shot. And would’ve had made a better execution than that.” observed the small mare. “And who could drag a corpse all the way into the jail, through the guards and stays undetected? a griffin corpse’s pretty big.. do you think anypony could’ve done that?”

He shakes his head.  “No, I don’t.  Anypony could have done it with enough time, but how they got past the guards I haven’t the foggiest idea.  I spoke with Fleeting Quiver this morning, since he’s the one who found it, and nothing makes sense.  He said he was standing guard the whole night.  One moment there was nothing, then he saw blood trailing down to the jail cell and found the body there.

“None of this makes sense.  At all.  I mean, at this point it could be anypony.  For all I know the griffons could have set this up for some reason.  He said he gave the bolts to somepony out of town.”  He raises a hoof to his forehead.  “At this point, I think you may be right though.  We have nothing concrete to go on aside from Lightning being in jail.  We may have to just go ahead and prosecute him.”

Crosshair let out a little sigh and nod. “So we have a murderer walking around. But there’s nothing we can do about it, not unless Lightning decides that he suddenly remember something very important then?”

“That seems to be about the size of it,” Temperance agrees.  “We may never find out who did it at this rate, given the lack of evidence.  Maybe being put on trial will loosen his lips a bit.”  He frowns and gives Crosshair a grave look.  “You know the law.  For committing murder, execution isn’t off the table.”

“I know.. unless something changes, we’re looking at exile or execution at worst. As much as I’d like to have everypony safe and unharmed, we can’t just turn a blind eye when one of us assisted a murder.” the small mare mused as she ponders.

“I don’t think he killed Sergi, but he’s at least an accessory to it.  If we don’t execute or exile him, I don’t know what will happen.  Years in prison seems most likely, but at this point I think I’m just being optimistic.”  He glances off in the direction of the hospital.  “I don’t envy Convalescence.  She’s going to have a very tough decision on her hooves regarding this.”

Crosshair nodded at that “Yeah.. she will. I’d spare her the trouble, but I think that wouldn’t really look so good on any of us. I mean, I’ve already shot him!”

Temperance wasn’t feeling up to too much dark humor at the moment, but he gives her a nervous half-smile.  “Right... I, uh, would rather avoid anypony else getting hurt right now.  If the law says we have to do that, we will.  But not before.”  He mutters, “Maybe the threat will get something out of him...”

“I certainly hope so.. Truth and cooperation is the only two thing that can save him from the law now.” 

That would help anyway.  He nods.  “Yes, so it seems.”  Everything sounded and felt pretty hollow by this point.

“Well, that’s about what I wanted to talk to you right now, I hope things will get better faster than it gets worse.” Crosshair said as she carefully got up to leave.

“So do I.  So do I,” Temperance agrees.  He walks her to the door, and says, “Take care.  I hope things work out.”  For all their sakes.  As for him, right now he was heading home.  He needed a rest.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #322 on: May 28, 2013, 03:23:41 pm »


I have yet to talk to anyone about what really hurts me now.

I don't know what day it is.
A vile force of dark'ness has arrived, led by their champion Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #323 on: May 28, 2013, 08:22:35 pm »

Takes place after Max promises to defend Lightning in court.


Shortly after Crosshair was informed of the mix up allowing Max to speak with Lightning Runner, she questioned him, again, extensively, but getting no new information, she passes the torch to Flamberge, who reluctantly agrees.

The door to Lightning’s cell creaks open and imposing figure of Flamberge makes his way inside, the guard outside closes the door behind him, locking the two stallions in together.

Lightning looked up and was startled by the sudden entrance of the stallion. “What do you want?” He asks, not caring about his attitude anymore/

Flamberge sits by the wall, opposite the prisoner.

“I want to ask you a few questions, and you are going to answer them,” he explains coldly.

“Fine, what are they... not like I have much to do anyway” Lightning got up from his lying position and sat up opposite of the soldier “If its about what I think it is, I already told you last time one of your guys came in here”

“Alright, so we’re going to take this from the top Lightning. You stole the bolts from a hiding place, in my home. Then you claim you gave them to something outside of town. Is that correct?” Flamberge stoically repeats.

Lightning nodded with much boredom. The same routine of questions was awaiting him, he was just waiting for the trial so Max could get him out of this mess.

“So you met with something, outside of town, and then stole under it’s instructions? Why?” Flamberge begins with the usual questions.

“Yes a Diamond Dog. And I did stole them. I did it for the dog in an attempt to get them to stop attacking here. It seems it didn’t help” He lied, hoping it would at least trick him into believing what Max had vaugely told him to say.

“A Diamond Dog? I was told you said you didn’t know who it was. Your story is changing Lightning Runner,” replies Flamberge.

“Well I thought it would get me out faster so might as well tell you what I know.” Lightning said, tapped his hoof on the ground.  “Can we hurry up, I have a bit of the grumblies and would love to get some food real soon”

“You will eat when I say we are done, and not a moment sooner,” Flamberge replies, “If that is true, then how did the diamond dog sneak into our fort and kill the griffin, and more importantly why? Nothing other than the bolts was reported stolen that day. A dog would have only come to rob us, and yet they murdered a bird and left.”

“I will ignore the ‘Bird’ comment and continue with the rest. The diamond dog didn’t give its reasons. Maybe it had a bone to pick with him and settled it that way, I was just told to get them and drop them off in an alcove somewhere in the wild” Lightning said, interest slowly getting lower and lower “Please, not every ‘thief species’ we have here just want to steal our things”

“What did he offer you to do this?” Flamberge asks, though he clearly doesn’t believe the tall tale.

“Gold, but I refused. I do not take money for anything I do...” Lightning replied

Flamberge places a hoof to his forehead lets out an exasperated sigh, then says, "So, for no promised reward, you stole from your superior officer, by sneaking into their home, then gave weapons bearing their name to a known enemy combatant? Who then snuck into town to kill a foreign soldier that we were treating, without committing any other crimes, in such a way as to deviate greatly from their usual MO. That's seriously the story you are going with?"

“Yes and no. The dog mentioned they were valuable therefore it wanted them. What I didn’t know it that it would kill somepony.” He said, hoping Flam would continue to believe his lie, regardless of what it would lead to afterwards

Flamberge resists rolling his eyes and asks, “And how would it know about those old bolts specifically? If it wanted weapons, why steal from my home instead of from the armory? Clearly you wanted bolts with my Crosshair’s name on them, you were trying to frame her for something.”

“Why do you insist I was involved, when I was hospitalized!” Lightning said, not realizing his shift in tone. “I did not murder anypony! Sure I provided the means but I had no idea M- The diamond dog would do that! I don’t know... I don’t know why it didn’t take from the armory” He calmed down, hoping that would suffice for a day or two

“Yes, you were hospitalized, you were just down the hall from the victim, twenty feet away, behind two doors at most, when he was murdered, and you won’t tell us who was involved!” Flamberge seaths with anger, “I don’t believe you pulled the trigger, but you are still responsible for his death, WHO ARE YOU PROTECTING?” Flamberge strikes him across the face with a hoof.

Lightning flinched, surprised Flamberge had even struck him in the first place, let alone during an interrogation “At-Atleast you don’t... think I killed him... I am not protecting anypony... I told you all I know, why do you insist I know more” He asked

Flamberge strikes the prisoner again, and picks him up slamming him into the wall, "You are lying! What are they going to do next? Who is the next target? What is their goal?"

Lightning let out a small yelp as the sudden rush and pain of his actions shocked him “I don’t know what they are doing next... I... They’re next target is... somepony in power here. Their goal is unknown to me” He coughed, a small amount of blood coming out

Flamberge smiles though keeping Lightning held upright and pinned to the wall, "See, you can be helpful, now please, let me help you. You are facing execution in the next few days, and you don't stand a snowballs chance in hell at the trial, unless you rat out who the pony you really stole the bolts for is, right now. You do that, and I give you my word you will live."

“That pony is a friend of mine, I don’t rat out friends” Lightning said, not noticing the change in his story “Execution? Don’t I get a fair trial? This place is as corrupt as Fruitholds”

Flamberge drops Lightning Runner and steps back, "Corrupt? No. You will be given your trial soon. And it will be fair, you have just admitted you know the identity of the murderer, and are protecting your friend. On Top of theft that is more than enough to hang you, but it isn't too late to save yourself, and by extension your family? What will Sweet Potato do without you? Or Mist without a father? Is your friend worth more than them to you?"

Lightning shook his head, and decided to stay silent just to keep this from going on any longer.

Flamberge sighs and moves towards the door, having the guard open it for him.

“I’ll let you think it over for tonight Lightning, I’ll return in a few days, and I hope you will see to reason,” Flamberge says as he takes his leave.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2013, 09:03:19 pm by Iceblaster »


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #324 on: May 31, 2013, 09:00:23 pm »


Lightning Runner laid in his cell, counting the bugs that scittered past his sleeping area, bored out of his mind. He hadn’t eaten and while he wanted to fall asleep but, he wasn’t able to due to the constant sound of hooves, stone being laid down, and ponies talking above. He laid there on his belly, just watching the ants march up and down the floor, looking for crumbs that may have fallen out of his wings after he preened them, heck he didn’t even know why crumbs got in his wings some days, maybe the drunkards got some of their biscuit crumbs in his wings as a joke.

He got up and looked at the metal door. His reflection showing the weeks in prison have no done him good. His fancy manedo now all dirtied up, and not even resembling his normal style. He sighed, knowing that it would take hours for Sweet Potato to help get it back to normal.... and with how she is now, it might not even be fixed for a few months due to her... condition. One of his main concerns was Mist if Sweetie ever... snapped, and he was... dead or still here. He played around with Prodd and Redhat taking care of her as they looked like they wanted a foal of their own and... even if Mist didn’t take kindly to it, she might need a home if neither of them were able to take care of her.

He sighed in frustration and kicked the ground, kicking up a decent sized cloud of dust. He sighed once more and laid down, and just thought about his younger days...

I lay in bed, staring into the window of the attic, and yawned. I knew a day of... ‘school’ was ahead of me so I went to the small box where I kept my things and began digging out my foal sized saddlebags and other ‘school supplies’ I had. After gathering my things I trotted downstairs to see the normal sight, my mother and father still in that double bed, I left a note that I had left for ‘school’ and galloped outside.

I stayed clear of the groups of colts and fillies... though I did stay for one filly, she didn’t pay much attention to some of the colts hitting on her, how I longed for their position. I shook my head before continuing on. ~I can’t watch her, I don’t even have parents with that much money for a ring...~I quickly  galloped to the nearby woods of Fruitholds and began to unload my saddlebags. A lock picking kit, a small knife for self defense, and some biscuits for lunch.

I snuck around in the alleys, making note of any guards nearby. I heard the clop clop clop of a guard coming close to me, I jumped and quickly galloped into another alley close by and jumped into a stationary hay cart, keeping a hoof over my nose to make sure I didn’t sneeze. Just as I was sure it was safe, it had begun moving again. ~Greeeat, a day of sitting around instead of getting pawnable goods to keep the family afloat~ I just relaxed, making sure not to alarm anypony of my presence. It stopped after a while and after I was sure nopony was near, I jumped out and found I was in the inner city, home of the damned rich. I panicked, if I was caught here I would be sent to jail for simply being here without any escort by some royal guard or some other pony like that.

 I scanned the area, finding an alleyway with relative ease and fled into it, making sure nopony saw me as, like I stated before, I would be sent to jail. Many guards patrolled the area, poking their halberds in the hay bales-probably checking for hiding ponies-and just generally made it so where I couldn’t get out. I spent at least 10 minutes in the alley before getting bright idea of throwing a few discarded whiskey bottles from the trash bins to distract the guards so I can move between alleys. I then thought of flying out as I had learned-in comparison to mother-how to fly quicker than the others. I stretched my wings, hoping I would be able to hold myself up if I was able to lift myself.

I flapped my wings, lifting myself a foot off the ground before falling with a soft thud. I cursed under my breath before picking myself up and regaining my composure. I looked for some whiskey bottles as there was a pub looking sign over a back door. I saw a box with a bunch of bottles. “Great” I said before putting a hoof over my mouth, hoping nopony heard me. It was then I noticed that these were filled bottles, no empty ones in sight. I cursed again. I finally got the bright idea of emptying a bottle and throwing it. I grabbed a few bottles and used my knife to uncork them and dumped them... after taking a sip of one of them experimentally as father never let me into his stash. I nearly gagged at the taste.

After I had emptied the three bottles I had stuffed two into my bag and looked for an alley I could gallop towards once the guards were distracted. CRASH. The bottles shattered ten feet from where I was, all my stength was put into that throw. Guards rushed to where it shattered and began searching for the pony who threw it. I galloped towards the alley, it was across the street from my original location.

I tripped over a rock as I entered the alley, knocking my saddlebags off of me and spilling the contents onto the ground. Luckily nopony heard it. I heard a bell and that meant school has been let out for the day. I only had a few hours to get home before mum and dad noticed I was gone. I started to panic as I was at least an hour from home and I was in no... wait who is that... the filly from earlier? No it can’t be she wouldn’t go to school with pea- She’s approaching me... as if she saw me. I back up until I felt a bump and my back was against a wall. She giggled as if she thought I was... funny?

“I haven’t seen you at school? Who are you? You’re funny” She said, in a almost disconnected sentence style.

“I Um... I...” I said, unable to form a coherent thought “Don’t turn me in please I don’t want to go to jail it was an accident I won’t show up again” I pleaded as the words spilled out of my mouth

“Turn you in... You mustn’t be from here.. I would never do that..” She trotted closer to me. I finally caught a better view of her. Grey eyes, beautiful pink purple hair and a brown coat. She was beautiful in all definitions of the word.

“What are you doing...” I searched for my knife... I didn’t see it anywhere “Please don’t hurt me...” I shrunk smaller and smaller as she grew closer and closer. I felt her hooves fumble around with my mane, eventually backing away and giggling once more.

“There now you should be able to pass as a citizen here. What’s your name?” She asked, her voice removing all former thoughts of hate into thoughts of... love?

“L-Lightning...Runner” I hesitated to spit my family name out as... my family isn’t in best relations with the royalty or the high wealth ponies of Fruitholds

“Runner Clan? Hmm Well I am Sweet Potato... though I prefer Sweetie.” She said, bowing. The surname rung a bell in my head... one of the richer families in town? No that family wouldn’t be caught dead socializing with an urchin like me

“H-Hello S-S-Sweetie...” I said nervously. Stupid! Stupid! I’m talking to a rich pony and I’m ruining it. “G-Glad to meet you... I.. I should go” I gathered my things, but with my luck she caught a glimpse of my lockpicking set and gasped

“You’re a thief? I don’t know what to say” She gasped. I jumped as she nearly tackled me

“Don’tturnmeinpleasemotherandfatherwouldhatemeifIwenttojailagain” I said, not stopping to even take a breathe

“Turn you in? No a thief can change and all you need is some love and maybe some money... I think my mum can let you stay at my home for a week. I’ll get father to send your parents a letter about how you are going to be staying at a friend’s house” Sweetie said. I didn’t pay much attention. All I knew is that I was going to get some love some... money.

Lightning Runner awoke from his sleep. Startled by a door opening and Fleeting Quiver trotting in. “Runner, Lunch time, 20 minutes. Move it” Quiver commanded

“Yessir” Lightning said, quickly getting up and galloping towards the tavern... hoping to see his love again.

The revelling in nostalgia calmed him down, however he was still stressed because of the recent events and what these could culminate into.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #325 on: May 31, 2013, 10:29:45 pm »

Vambrace was inside his room. As usual, he was reading spell books to pass time.
Vambrace had many spell books, dedicating a whole section to spell books.
The book he was reading was the somewhat old "Research on the Elements" book. It was outdated, but it was filled with old knowledge.
The book contained pages on many of the elements, going into detail on them. Each element had a page of it's history, a list of spells, and famous users of the element.
Vambrace flipped the page, when he heard a voice.

“Reading as usual, I see, Vammy?”
“Just leave me alone.”
“Do I not deserve more respect? You should be honoured to share a body with me!”
“You think you deserve respect?”
“But of course, Vammy. I deserve much respect.”

Vambrace started to ignore the voice within his head, and went back to reading.
There was a large amount of text on the page. Some ponies would skip the boring parts, but those willing to become masters of magic would not do that, as they may skip important info.
Within a few minutes, Vambrace began to read Page 55.
Page 55 was about famous ice using ponies. Some names Vambrace had already heard before, such as Arkel Speyl, who was mentioned many times in the book.
Hours passed, and Vambrace was finished with the book.
However, he was unsure on what he should do.

“Kill the ponies.”
“Tell me. Why is it you hate all ponies, and wish to kill them?”
“Have you not seen what they do? They are low. The Outlaws, the Criminals!”
“All intelligent races have outlaws. The Griffons do. The Zebras do. And the Discordants sure do.”
“I know that. But, do you think I’m heartless for my desire to kill the ponies?”
“The reason I hate the ponies is not for simply existing. You do not know my past. I had something important taken away from me, by them. They stole it from me.”
“Stole what?”
“Tell me why, why I would tell you. It was important, and they will never be forgiven.”
“Just tell me.”
“Never, my dear.”
“Why not tell me?”
“Please, go back to talking like an intelligent pony.”


Vambrace felt no need to continue talking to his inner voice.
But what is so important about his inner voices secret?
Vambrace would think about this in the morning.
He tried to sleep, but his inner voice was still ranting.


Vambrace finally drifted off to sleep.


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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #326 on: June 01, 2013, 10:47:17 pm »


It had only been a few hours after Red had fallen asleep. Though, oddly she had began to shake a little, make a few whimpers.

Prodd heard a faint whimper from the sleeping form behind him. He checked once more to make sure nothing was near and went to investigate the noise. He crouched down next to Red to see her shake and whimper in fear. He could do a lot more to help, but he needed to keep watch. He stroked her mane to try and comfort her. Prodd then quietly spoke in soothing tones to the sleeping pegasus and hummed a little lullaby he learned when he was younger.

It seemed to help a little, though when he touched her mane, she felt cold. Her fur was standing on end, and she just kept quivering. When she gave off a stressed breath, he could see it, as if it was freezing.

Prodd figured Red shivering in her sleep and feeling extremely cold was a bad sign. He nudged her gently and tried to wake her up peacefully. “Come on Red... get up... get up...”

She just kept that way, not really waking from Prodd’s slight prodding.

Prodd nudged her more forcefully. “Come on Red... get up!” He was starting to get worried, but he kept nudging her.

She whimpered and struggled a little, before finally opening her eyes. “Wha-... Prodd?”

“Yeah, who else?” Prodd said. He pulled her into an embrace and whispered, “What happened?”

“Oh... heh...” She was still shaking a little. “Just a-a nightmare...” She rested her on his shoulder.

“Great... then why were you so cold?” Prodd asked, concerned about how a dream could change the temperature in the physical world.

“I just... I honestly haven’t the slightest clue why I w-would be cold in real world...”

Prodd pulled away from the hug and stood up. “Well... do you want to go back to sleep, or should we get a head start on our walking?”

She looked at him, being a little concerned. She didn’t want to let go of him just yet. “I... How about you take a nap I keep up guard?”

“No... I’m not tired...” Prodd said, he spoke slowly and with a slightly negative tone in his voice. “Do you want to go back to sleep, or should we start moving again?”

“Lets just get moving then...” she was still shaking a little...

Prodd levitates his cloak over to her. “Wear it. You’ll warm up faster... also maybe try trotting around or something...”

“Okay then.” She put on the cloak and got up, before starting to help him pack up.

Prodd finished packing his equipment. “Red... if you have difficulties with anything, let me know...” He pauses. “I don’t want to end up carrying your corpse back to Duskfields...”

“Okay then...” She went over to pick up some of the supplies. “I’ll most likely be fine though...”

Prodd nods and sets down the path. Dawn would arrive in a few hours or so.

She followed behind, wanting to get out of this rotting forest as soon as possible.

Eventually, the daylight started to cover the land again, and morning had come. The trail was lonely, and nobody else seemed to be moving down it. The two kept moving though, never running into anything exciting, until they saw some smoke off in the distance.

“Well that excites things a little...” Prodd responded. He checked his crossbow to make sure it was loaded. “Red, I’m going to need my cloak back...”

She nodded and gave it back to him, before  pulling out her spear. “Very well then...” She then started to strap on her armor, hoping she wouldn’t have to need it.

“Stay close to the left of the path, I’m going to sneak through the bushes over there-” He points to a line of shrubbery a few paces to the left of the road that extends past the smoke. “I’ll check what’s up ahead and make bird noises if it’s dangerous...” Prodd puts on his cloak.

“Fine then...” She was the one in charge... why the hell was he making order’s? “I’ll go ahead and do that then.” She kept walking towards the fire, ignoring Prodd. She honestly didn’t fear badgers and discordants.

Prodd rolls his eye. “It was a safe plan...” He walks diagonally of Red with his crossbow scanning the horizon for targets. He kept himself a step behind Red’s right.

Eventually the two found what was making the smoke. Over in the middle of a gully was the remains of an overturned wagon. The thing had been set alight, leaving the smell of burning wood in the air. It also had a few arrows stuck in it. There were no ponies in sight. Whoever the wagon had belonged to must of had to have been in quite a hurry to just leave it.

“Well that’s unfortunate...” Prodd mutters. “Think we can loot anything we could use?” He keeps his eye trained through the sights of the crossbow, wary of any bandit lurking in the shadows.

“I don’t know...” She flew down to it, and scanned it for anything of use. “It look’s like it’s been looted fairly well. All that I can seem to find are a few empty bins.”

“Fantastic...” Prodd sighed. “Shall we move on?” He could care less about an empty broken down wagon.

Red sighed and flew back over to Prodd. “Well, I suppose we should... We should stay on guard though, if this is still smoking, than we know that bandits are in general vicinity of this area.”

“Ain’t nothing new to me...” Prodd agreed. “Let’s go, the sooner we get to a town the better...”

“Yeah.” she nodded at that. “We should be on our way then.”



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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #327 on: June 01, 2013, 11:57:44 pm »

Max perches on his apartment bed, tucked in feathered ball and his head tucked under his wing. He snores quite loudly for a bird thing with such small nostrils.

It was the early morning right and the sun was still rising. Red had just left her house and was making a B-line for the bird’s house, with her pet wolf being right behind her. If she was going to have to head out in the wilds, she was going to need to find someone to take care of bonnet. Once he got to the bird house he knocked the front door.

Max lazily stirs as he hears a knock at his apartment door. He groans, and shifts himself out of bed. What could it possibly be now? He opened the door and hears the familiar Redhatted Stallion and his pet bonnet. “ Uh, hello, Redhat.” He shifts his groggy eyes up and down the apartment hall. “Do you know how early it is?” He yawned.

“Well, I’d like to apologize for this inconvenience but I need to leave the fort in a few hours and need someone to take care of my dog, and furthermore I need to talk to you about something...” The blue maned pony looked around a little. “and do so somewhere more private..”

Max looks a little perplexed but also more than willing to try and rectify whatever Red had on his mind. “Yes, of course, sure.” Max nodded. “Let me, uh, put on some pants.” He said while looking back into the apartment.

“Um... very well. carry on.” Red just nodded and waited for him to close the door.

Max closes the door and the a lull for a few minutes, until Max pushed the door wide again, this time clothed. He walks and talks with Redhat. “Alright, Shoot.”

Red nodded and came into the house. “Well, I know what happened to lightning...” He gave him a rather pissed look and closed the door behind him. “Now tell me... is that the second pawn in your grab for power who you’ve thrown away?”

“What happened to Lightning is Lightning’s own fault.” Max said in an agitated, hushed tone. “He offered his services as a thief by trade. He didn’t even allow himself ta’ take my money for the deed. I assure you I am doing everything I can to help him, he is a pawn that still has much tactical worth to me, even this late in the game.”

“... Whatever bird. I feel sorry that he’s being put up for the murder you committed for your own gain, but that’s not the issue at hand.” Red moved closer to Max being rather intimidating. “I’m not some pawn you can throw away. I know you’ve killed someone just for your selfish needs for revenge, and I fully expect you to do something equally horrible to anyone who get’s in your way, or becomes a liability and I just want you to know, that if you ever try to give me the short end of the stick, I’ll put my stick right through your spine.”

Max gives a long, low chuckle. “He he he, Well say good bye to your estate then. If you even get out of this alive after sticking that blade in me. Tell me, How long do you expect to survive under Flamberge’s wing, hmm? How many more assaults do you think your and your dog will weather?”

“I expect to leave this ship long before it sinks. And, I’m simply saying if you dare try to put a dagger in my back, I’ll put a spear in yours...” the pony backed off a little. “As for being under his wing... I’ll walk out of this all alive no matter what abomination I must fight.”
Max closed his eyes solemnly. “Brave words from a foolhardy Pegasus. Listen. I was not so different, I thought I was invincible once, too.” Max gained a smile.

“You see... I’ve already lost everything...” She frowned as at his creepy little grin. “But I like to think over the years, and all the discordants I’ve put down and all the experience I gained I’ve grown more adept at survival.”

“You can never survive without the proper tools.” Max takes out two bright, smooth stones from his pant pocket. “Here, I want you to take these.”

She looked down at them, but didn’t take them. “Max, I need to know something before take a favor from you...”

“I’ll try to answer best I can at this juncture.” Max responded.

“Okay then... do you plan to throw me into the fire the moment you think I’m a liability?”

“Rather ... direct. Of course I would.” Max told him simply. “ I have A diamond dog on call, who can deal with this Flamberge business for a lot cheaper than a hundred grand. That’s plan ‘B’.” Max continued casually walking. “I have thought of all angles to this, even the unlikely ones. Do you blame me?” Max asks. “I genuinely hope I don’t have to enact these ‘what if’ scenarios though.”

“... I’m not surprised... I honestly expected this much out of you... but again, I will put you down if you ever try to double cross me.”

Max gives an aggravated sigh.” I honestly can't understand how you suppose to to gain so much in so little time without a little risk. Come now. You’re intelligent. You know how this game is played.”

“If you make a deal with the devil, you should at least have a plan to fall back on if things go sour.”

Max looks her in the eye. “Glad we’re in agreement. Now, about the rocks?”

“what are they for?”

“You’ll see, in time. Just keep them on you and your friend at all times.”

“If I may ask, what do they do?”

“They’ll keep my investment safe.”

“... fine...” Red took the rocks, even though she had the slightest idea what they did.

“So, did you want me to take care of something else for you, or was this purely a temporary loss of nerves and your dog?”

“Well, so long as you know how to take care of bonnet and where to get her some meat, I’m quite finished here.”

Max looks at the aging dog. “ I did always have a soft spot for this dog. Does he need any medicines?”

“I usually try to talk to case about getting some pain medicine if we aren’t low on supplies... and remember she can hardly walk.”

Max looks back to the dog with a dry expression. “Riiight.”

“... I would never take a narcotic without a medical professional's consent. Ever sense that ogre mangled her, she’s had back problems, okay?”

Max whistles to Bonnet. “C’mere boy, you’re going to live with ol’ Max for awhile.”

“It’s a she.”

Max looked at Redhat incredulously. “As if the wolf knows the difference.”

“You do though, so treat Bonnet with dignity.”

Max laughs. “All right miss Bonnet, you’re staying with me for awhile.”
« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 12:09:57 am by DVNO »
Al mondo mal non e senza rimedio

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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #328 on: June 02, 2013, 12:01:27 am »

The Duskfields Chapel was a solemn place now. The pews were empty and had a light coat of dust. The stained glass windows depicting the equestrian gods cast an eerie sepia tone glow upon the place. The altar stands alone, silent. Max stands at the foot of the altar, his hands clasped together in prayer.

"Hi Amug. It's been awhile." Max muttered to the altar. "I know they ain’t no real reason to listen for my voice, when there are so many others crying out there; but if My life have ever been caught in a twilight, it would be now, Amug. Gods, it would be now."

Max sighed sighed and began his prayer.

"Amug, grant me the strength to fight through these dark times, to pierce the shade enshrouding me. Guide me to th’e sunrise again."

"Thebil ToastDumpling, I beg you to allow the ponies to see what have I seen. Feel as I feel. I beg you to favor me, and in doing so, let the will of Duskfields stand behind me. I ask you to put my actions in the history books favorably when all is said and done."

"Aval, the goddess of generosity, spare me any more ill luck!” Max drawled. “My plan hangs in the edge of a knife. Buck me over once? Fine. Twice? I doubt yer’ impartiality. Buck me over again? I will personally kick your throat in when I ascend from this good earth."

“Favos?” Max cocks a brow. “Favos, you were always an odd one. Mosquito god. I pray Duskfields doesn't get any droughts any time soon. That’s the one thing this town has going.”

 “Gasis,  goddess of love, I need not explain why i’m doing this to you, you know this has to be settled.”

“Nozkam, keep your valor. There’s nothing valorous about this, this is just good old fashion revenge. I  knew whose side you were playing for the - the second that medal was pinned on Flamberge’s chest I cursed your name. Sod you. If it weren’t for you, Carn would still be alive.”
At that, Max turned heel and walked away from the altar.

18th Galena

Max returns to the altar, this time backdropped by red banners, waving idly in the breeze. Max came up to the altar with the intention to say a few words.

He leered around at his audience sitting in the pews. “So, it’s come to this.” Max uttered. “A body found in the hospital. An assassination.  With no leads, Except for a family pony with no criminal history.”  He gives off an aggravated sigh. “Duskfileds, we’re better than this.”  He moans, letting  every pent up piece of frustration he had about Duskfields seethe through his voice. “ “I, for one, can’t stand it any longer.” He grips the sides of the podium. “For how much Flamberge has spent of defending Duskfileds, who here really feels safe?” He asks, an open question to all. “Have the discordant attacks lessened at all over the months?  Have any of you truly felt safe?” Max asks.  Max points to himself. “I for one, as’a griffon and a citizen, am not so certain of his ability to keep us safe. Neither should any of you.” He gives an aggravated sigh. “Are we truly going to ignore the fact Crossbow’s signature was on the bolts that pierced Private Sergi’s heart? Are we truly going to ignore the fact That the bolts were in Flamberge’s possession both before and after the crime, as both convalescence and  Redhat can attest?” Max slammed his fist. “Are we truly going to ignore the facts and pursue this obviously contrived witch hunt? This Farce? I am going to restore what was lost here, Duskfields; Sanity. You’ll all be pleased to know I’ve sent a letter to both talontranced and canyontalon offering to be temporarily titled baron, a mutual mutual diplomat for both parties until this is all sorted. Also, I’m asking politely, Flamberge,  let Lightning go. He has a wife. He is obviously not a killer. And lastly?” Max Smirked. “I’m offering five thousand bits to the pony who would hand Flamberge’s ‘badge of Valor’ into my claws. That is all.”
« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 12:07:47 am by DVNO »
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Re: Duskfields (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #329 on: June 02, 2013, 01:02:51 am »

Takes place in the same day the body is moved to the jail


A few days when Lightning’s trial would have happened some new catastrophe struck, postponing it for at least another week before it could be held. Said catastrophe? The griffon-Private Sergi-that was murdered body had shown up in the jail, no clear signs of whom had actually moved it down there, once more pinning the blame on Lightning. Later in the day when it had gotten less hectic around, Flamberge decided to stop by and question Lightning once more.

Flamberge arrives outside the cell, this time deciding not to go inside. He pulls over the chair from Crosshair’s desk and sits down, he asks the waiting guard to stand watch outside, they comply.

“So, Lightning Runner, have you given any thought to what we talked about last time?” he asks, as if unaware of the rotting carcass that was laying here just hours ago.

“Y-Yes... I... I have...” He looked over his shoulder, as if afraid something was watching him.

Flamberge nods, watching Lightning Runner intently, “And?"

“It was a griffon. A, uh, Griffon. . .” He said, keeping himself from mentioning names - regardless of the consequences, hoping Max’s plan would work and he would get him out.

Flamberge raises an eyebrow, “A griffin? And from our last talk, you said a friend. The only griffin in town is Max. It was Max wasn’t it? Max killed the griffin, with my mare’s weapons, bearing her name, to frame us, because of the incident with the skull. And now he’s letting you take the fall. Am I right?”

“Y-Yes... I... His plan isn’t working... it’s going to get me killed and... yes he is, and he has some weird plan ... I didn’t know when I stole the bolts... I was just told he wanted them for gold or something as they were valuable. And for the... skull... he didn’t say a word about it.” Lightning admitted, his lips flowing free despite what his mind was telling me and how he should shut up.

Flamberge nods, "Thank you Lightning. I'll inform Crosshair, she'll want to arrest him right away. You'll still be tried for the theft, of course, but I promise you, you won't be facing the headspony's axe. You did a good thing coming clean, Duskfields thanks you."

Flamberge stands up, "Is there anything you want to tell me before I go?"

“Yes...” He took in a breath “I had a dream... My wife was killed by Max... then Private Sergi took place of her... and I woke up... that is the short version.”

“A dream?” Flamberge looks curious, “You aren’t the only pony to be having bad dreams Runner,” he says remembering his own nightmares, “I wouldn’t worry about it, but... if you are worried about Max trying to target your wife or foal, I can make sure somepony looks after her, while we make the arrest.”

“Thanks... Please do not mention me... or say anything that would sound like I am involved... in our talks he mentioned a few things I am scared of...” Lightning said, substantially happier now, however he was still a bit melancholy due to the events in the dream “And I wasn’t worried.... it’s just that it worried me more than any of my other dreams I’ve had...”

Flamberge nods, “Yes, I understand, I’ll make sure Scimitar is with her during the arrest, though. You have nothing to worry about.” Flamberge moves to leave.

Lightning nodded.
Through pain, I find wisdom.
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