Anyone playing without the HUD at all? And no fast travel?
I never used fast travel in Skyrim, Fallout 3 or New Vegas...not my thing lol.
Its actually possible compared to other games though.
Low health? Game shows you by a subtle effect on the sides of the screen (might need that vignette thing on though)
And the game at least gives you a good in-game quest guide of sorts (unlike a certain other game I mentioned above)...still need to explore, but its definitely possible (at least in the 1st area, haven't gone past it yet as I've still been tweaking settings, but I'm done with that now I think). You can use your witcher sense and that helps a lot. You can still use the map (not the minimap) anyway.
The minimap thing was way too annoying for me. Too many icons, and it felt like I was back in WoW following the minimap for all the annoying icons like I was in a themepark following a guide. And not looking at the game world. With it off, I've actually learned enough of where places are (in 1st area anyway) that I barely ever open the map now. Plus the minimap was huge, even if I tried making the interface looked exactly like I was playing WoW with it on lol as far as interface goes. But maybe thats just me.
Then again, I didn't like the compass in FO3, NV or Skyrim either
Too easy to know where enemies were, no paying attention to the surroundings. FO3 and NV both got way scarier with it off lol.
Actually, compass would work. Except, I'd have liked it more if it was an actual compass you had to take out and look at...not part of the interface. Now an actual compass you take out, that would be epic...maybe a mod can do that if witcher 3 ever gets good modding support.
But most people probably don't want to play with that much immersion or hardcore experience