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Author Topic: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...  (Read 85895 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #795 on: March 19, 2013, 12:49:23 pm »

'Perhaps I can. I have never had cause to try.'
Attempt to sense a life rich planet nearby, and if I succeed direct the catalyst there.
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #796 on: March 19, 2013, 01:59:41 pm »

Finally, after years, maybe decennia of work, his greatest work had been completed. As he watched, the Cosmic machinery shurned on like it always had, but unlike before, created a small stream of useful power. The closing of the grand rift had been problematic, but for reasons unknown to him, a smaller, yet still powerfull rift had formed nearby. Tuning the machinery had been hard, but not impossible. Hard as his work has been, he had the feeling that this was only the beginning.

"Magnus!, lord of the arcane, it is I, Lo, lord of improvements. You have been quiet for all this time, have you not? I do have a proposition with you and wish an audience."

The peace and tranquility of his isolated base between the stars was rougly interrupted by an unexpected message. At first, he feared for an attack. Possibly others had found him, jealous of his achievments, and intended to kill him and steal his possesions. When he was certain that the message wasn't followed by anything, he send back a short reply, attempting to arange for a meeting on neutral ground.

Ukrainian Ranger

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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #797 on: March 19, 2013, 02:14:27 pm »

Vanida spent her time in the halls of her husbands, spending her time with the White Sisters in preparations for an eventual childbirth and yet she knew that she has one old grudge that she need to solve to make the world safer for her child... She called to the God of Light

Aldemas, I ask you for a little favor. Az-Sho has a daughter that is hidden from by Corvus, and yet I need to talk with her. Should you find her, please deliver her that message

'Aur-Sha, daughter of my enemy, I seek peace and I forgive your family for everything bad you did for me, and I ask for forgiveness for all things I did as any war has two sides. I want to say you the truth. The crow is lying to you, you father was killed by cruel Thaneos, Father of Giants, I never attacked Az-Sho directly. Neither my husband did

And Thaneos is not entirely dead, his bloodthirsty sons are gearing up  for war against all gods of the universe, me, you, whatever, they are blind killers who hate us all and seek to take the place of divine beings. Surely they hate you most, as you are a continuation of Az-Sho, mighty being who killed their damned father. You may know that I tried to wage war with them, but my servants, your brothers were mercilessly killed by that bloodthirsty giants. Sons of Thaneos are your true enemies, as I, Goddess of Love, seek no war with you And by wary of Corvus, hypocrite, coward and lair.'  "
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #798 on: March 19, 2013, 02:23:54 pm »

After getting a reply, Lo sent yet another message back to meet on one of the many barren rocks in the galaxy. It was a small thing, barely a mortal's day travel to travel its circumference. Lo eagerly made the journey to it herself; she did not want to make any mistakes with this Magnus.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #799 on: March 19, 2013, 03:30:43 pm »

I am known to some as the Catalyst.  My goal is to bring change both to the world and the universe as a whole.  Hopefully this change will be for the better although the term better is admittedly quite subjective.  To achieve this task I have been looking to find like minded and worthy individuals.  You are one such being I have taken an interest in...

Truth be told I am not so much a spirit, a god or any other form of divine.  I am a living being like you in some ways but different in many others.  Most mortals are not able to communicate with me from a distance like this without first receiving my gift but you are different.  I suspect it has something to do with the illness inside you.  Something that makes us alike... almost like kin.  I am unaware of your goals and desires but whatever they are, I have the ability to help you achieve them.  My gifts will affect you both directly in visible ways and in other methods more abstract.  Great strength can be yours and legions of my children at your disposal.  Unfortunately my gifts must come at a price.  The power I may bestow comes from my flesh and if you partake, you will be bonded to me.  Your mind will be linked to my own and although you will retain full free will, you will not be the same.

I may not be able to continue contacting you in this manner again for as I said before, I am not a divine and this communication is a mystery to me as much as it is to you.  If you wish to talk further come near the ocean and I will emerge to speak in person.

Gren held many reservations regarding the Catalyst's promises.  He held off a meeting until he had returned from his journeys to Spireright and selected an isolated bay to make his audience with the creature.  He kept his distance from the being that emerged from the water and spoke to it, voice to voice.

"Your nature is strange to me, and I make no secret that I fear the unity you promise.  Neither I nor mine are like to partake in your union, for we cleave our own path in this world.  Even so, I will not turn you away from any hospitality.  If one of you - part of you? - may walk upon the land, I invite it freely to remain in Spireright as an ambassador for the rest.  It is my hope that together we may provide aid to one another in a less direct way than you propose, but aid and assistance nonetheless.  Mutual protection, in particular, comes to mind."

Udil-Volondor with great interest saw Gren and his actions, playing against him and his consort. He also saw the attempt to steal his people on the pathetic boats to take them to Eversummer.
What angered him the most was his arrogance and his lack of gratitude in face of those who were mightier thna him.

He decided to speak to him, as he called out to gods.
"Gren, my most unfaithful son. I see you are working against me, and against your kinsmen, scoffing at the gifts I bestowed upon the world. What right do you have to do this, in face of your sovereign?
How do you hope to prevail against the lord of the skies and lord of the rock? Lord of the craft and Wrath incarnate? Do you think I will stand idly by the side while you undermine me? I will curse you and all you do, turning your work to naught. You shall know no peace and live in ruin, only to see my glory that you rejected so foolishly.

Return to my fold, become my personal agent and many things can be mended and the mortals improved. You can see clearly which path will bear prosperity and which one will bear ruin"

Minor act: Using Udil's power over the skies, he summons storms that sink any boats that try to set out from Desolate outside of Udil's jurisdiction.

No sooner had Gren finished his conversation with the entity than he bowled over and clutched his head as the god shouted into it.  When the echoes had cleared, Gren wiped the blood from his nose and spoke back to the skies.

"Your dwarves, great grandfather?  No matter how many you fathered, no matter how many you sheltered, you are not our Father.  Only the first Creator of legend holds that sway over us.  I do not seek to tempt those who have cast their lot with you, merely offer another path to those who have already chosen to stand apart.  I work not against you, but merely to protect those who stand free."

Gren caught himself and reined in his anger.  He had no intention of treading the path of Wrath as Udil had.  Vengeance never healed.

"The goddess Vanidia struck out against those who took me in, the children of the dead god Thaneos.  She swore to eradicate all their kind, a war of annihilation against the giants, against the karas, against anything not born of the Creator.  She sent minions to destroy us, terrible beasts.  I seek no vengeance for this.  In their hearts of hearts, the giants seek no vengeance for this.  All we desire is peace, but a free peace.  I ask you to attend, or to send an emissary to a council of peace.  There is no need for us to war; we simply wish to negotiate.  I would have Vanidia come also, if you can speak to her."

One day, Corvus answered the call of Gren. He was considering what to do with Aldemas, and how he could counter such a threat...but in the meantime....
"I see you call me again. I have pressing matters, but I have time to listen."

Gren spoke to Corvus once Udil was done.

"Thank you, my benefactor, for your aid and aid again.  I grow closer to the completion of your quest; once a peace can be brokered between the Children and the gods, I may stand a chance of persuading them to employ the Halls and the Homunculi both against the true threat beyond the sky.

I intend to hold a council of peace, to offer Vanidia terms - we simply ask that she renounce her vendetta and allow Eversummer to the mortals that choose to live there, untroubled by the designs of those gods they do not invite.  I would be honoured if you would attend."

Few cared for Corvus, saviour of the world, so Gren contented himself with a small, personal shrine in his abode in Spireright.  He called upon any with knowledge of the making and sailing of ships to build a craft and send it back to Desolate that it might bring those few adventurous dwarves to Eversummer - that they might witness the coming Council for themselves.  Gren also ensured that spacious apartments were made available in the city and the Halls for the visiting fire giants, that they might be received in the luxury accorded their status.

Finally he presented his plan to the Council of Three; a Council of peace, to determine terms with the gods.  Gren invited karas and fire giant representatives into the council while he made his argument for the wisdom of it:

"Consider what we have done in these last three centuries, brothers.  Vanidia set great wyrms against us, time and time again.  Through the strength and courage of the Children, we drove back that threat.  Through the power of the Dragon Homunculi we exterminated it.  Now we possess not one, but a dozen great machines at our command.  The giants have shown their strength to the gods, and with the return of the karas Thaneos' children are united once more.

"Many would cry, then, that we should strike back at Vanidia while our irons are hot.  That vengeance should be swift and without mercy.  I say that vengeance was the path that led Udil to where he is today.  Udil the destroyer.  Udil, slayer of Thaneos.  Would the Father wish his Children to make the same mistakes as his murderer, to become a monster as he?  I say no.  I say he would ask this instead: What is important?

"What is important to the Children of Thaneos?  What would he want for us?  Not bloody, violent war, not unless it was needed.  He would want his children to live well, to raise strong sons and daughters, to build high and raise great memorials to his name.  He would want peace, a glorious peace, untroubled by the interference of the gods.  Do the legends not say that it was for this reason the Father's Halls were built?  That he declared Eversummer a sanctuary from the interference of the divine?

"I say we see no more blood shed of the children, unless they force us to do so.  I say we hold a Council of peace, we stand proud and equal to the gods there attendant, and we find a solution, a treaty that binds them.  All we want is to be left alone, to build and live as Thaneos wanted.  If they grant us this, there is no need for war."

Gren's jaw set slightly.

"But if they do not.  If Vanidia will not retract her vendetta.  If Udil will not accept the freedom of dwarves to choose.  If any others stand in the way of the freedom and harmony that is the birthright of the Children, we will war.  Vanidia has sworn to kill all who sprang from Thaneos' loins.  Fjortun, Njoltun, Karas and Eldtursar alike she would annihilate, obliterate to the last man.  Udil once warred with all the gods to bring the dwarves within his clutches; he burned the world to make Udilsbor a reality.  He would burn any dwarf who stood apart from him, even if he did not stand against.  If these gods will not accept a reasoned peace, then the Children will indeed go to war.

"Not with one homunculus, but with a dozen.  Not with ten thousand soldiers, but with eighty.  If need be, we will stand against the gods and they will break upon us.

"But first, let us try for peace."

Gren attempts to send one ship to collect any adventurous dwarves or others from Desolate to visit Eversummer and attend the council.

Gren proposes a Council of Peace to the giants, karas and fire giant ambassadors, as well as to Vanidia and Udil (inviting Corvus and other gods along).  If at least the giants and Vanidia agree to attend, Gren seeks to negotiate a peace between the giants and the gods.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #800 on: March 19, 2013, 03:35:23 pm »

A wayward planetoid floaten around a weak star. An interesting point for a meeting, but not one he had expected. However, it was unlikely for anything to survive, let alone be able to ambush him.

He arrived in a burst of glowing light and other fancyness.

So what is it you wanted from me? You said you had something to discuss.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #801 on: March 19, 2013, 03:37:17 pm »

"You have not seen the hatred she bears for me. She is plotting to kill me as we speak. I will not return to Despair to council with her. I have attempted to and she decried me as a bastard and a hypocrite, before threatening to kill me. Also, an old enemy of mine has returned to the world, Aldemas. I am unwilling to return, not while my enemies control the ground, and I was there at the last Godsmeet. That was the day when Udil murdered Neyravah, and so I am unwilling to have a repeat of such an occurrence.

I must warn you of one thing. Vanida is hateful and vengeful.  She will not easily let go a grudge, as I found out, and as Az-Sho knew.

If we could meet on neutral ground...controlled by a higher power, then I would be willing to go.

If not....let it be known that the Scholar Crow, unwilling to fight he may be, will provide his knowledge to you if it comes to a battle. The Giants may not be my friend, but I will help them if it means eliminating a threat and being able to return home again."

Corvus sounded pensive and somewhat saddened by the last part of that sentence.

« Last Edit: March 19, 2013, 03:42:24 pm by IamanElfCollaborator »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #802 on: March 19, 2013, 03:53:06 pm »

Feros adressed Gren:
'So you would hold a council with the gods? Very well then. I shall attend this meet, and hope that some peace can be brokered. After all, peace has only just been restored here'

He then turned to Corvus:
'If you will not attend in person, allow me to speak on your behalf - you are integral to this council. Tell me your mind, and I will attempt to recite it to those who gather'
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #803 on: March 19, 2013, 03:57:18 pm »

"I thank you, Feros. I would come in person, but I have been reduced to a refugee from my own land.

Yes, peace is needed. I wish to finally set foot safely on the planet again, without fear of Vanida or her husband killing me, or Aldemas destroying me."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #804 on: March 19, 2013, 03:59:31 pm »

'I'm sure it will not be so easy however. Although you do have an ally in Gren. On the subject of that mortal, do you mind if I correct him on a few misconceptions he may have on the subject of my actions and yours?'
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #805 on: March 19, 2013, 04:01:11 pm »

"Go ahead. I do not speak for Gren, nor will I support your arguments though; what grievances between you are yours alone; unless it will affect the pantheon as a whole."

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #806 on: March 19, 2013, 04:03:29 pm »

Kar'lan hears the call of Gren, and fades to the location of the meeting.  "Greetings, Gren Gransson.  I sincerely hope that this does not turn into the event that marked the meeting of the Gods, and there is able to be peace this time."
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #807 on: March 19, 2013, 04:05:08 pm »

"Udil will attempt to pull all gods into a great pantheon again, and Vanida will decry me as a lying hypocrite bastard murderer, only this time with Aldemas to back her up.

I can only say it will go well for anyone."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #808 on: March 19, 2013, 04:12:50 pm »

"Go ahead. I do not speak for Gren, nor will I support your arguments though; what grievances between you are yours alone; unless it will affect the pantheon as a whole."
'Then it will be so, I suppose. Although do not think you can take credit for my actions purely through nonaction. It will not help your reputation to say the least.'
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pantheon Play Thread: In the beginning there was...
« Reply #809 on: March 19, 2013, 04:14:30 pm »

"I take no credit for anything, save things I have a major stake in. What has this come about from?"
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