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Author Topic: Roll to Priest: The End.  (Read 68443 times)


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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Seven: Juth me teeth.
« Reply #60 on: August 16, 2012, 08:43:59 pm »

Nothing says inspiring like a truck in a brick wall.

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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Seven: Juth me teeth.
« Reply #61 on: August 16, 2012, 09:03:13 pm »

Thank you, good sir, for giving this thread the meme it deserves!
Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!


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Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Eight: Burnim!
« Reply #62 on: August 20, 2012, 06:26:23 am »

Episode One, Turn Eight: Burnim!

The Village of Termonfeckin...

Quote from: Father Teal
Revive thyself through copious amounts of internal praying and continue the Litugory of the Eucharist.
...”Benedictus es, Dòmine,” starts Father Teal, praying as hard as he can whilst he performs Mass, oblivious to the priest sitting on his head and the duct tape on his face.

“Deus univèrsi, quia de tua largitàte.”

Suddenly Father Purple jumps off his head, slings him over his shoulder, and throws Father Teal into the nearest cupboard! He walks back to his seat at the front.

“Et òperis mànuum hòminum!” comes the desperate muffled cry from inside the cupboard, which is soon accompanied by a loud banging.

“Oh feck,” realises Father Purple. “Didn’t tie the feckin’ gobshite up! What an eejit!”
Quote from: Father Purple
Seeing as the Bishop should be arriving soon enough, I shall tie the old fecker up and hide him somewhere. Then, I shall daintily return to my seat from the beginning. Silly old Bastard...
...Father Purple quickly opens the cupboard, delivers a few subduing kicks to the groin and, whilst Father Teal is busy shouting Mass, duct tapes his fellow priest’s arms to his sides. He kicks him once again to make sure and then slams the door shut.

“Mànuum hòminum!”

As he walks once more back to his seat, he’s suddenly knocked to the floor by a wave of villagers who rush the cupboard to bend down and put an ear to the miraculous preaching furniture!

“Totiùs que Ecclèsiae suae sanctae!” rings out the now clear and triumphant voice of Father Teal.

“Oh feck,” realises Father Purple, prone and trampled on the ground behind the crowd of churchgoers. The power of prayer has clearly blasted the duct tape clean from Father Teal’s mouth!

Father Teal has completed the Liturgy of the Eucharist! (3/5)

Father Teal has a -1 taped up in a cupboard penalty next turn!

The Village of Knockcloghrim...

Quote from: Father Red
Motion the organist to put on something powerful. Queen or something. Tap the foot to get into the beat. Then attempt to combine the Communion Rite, defending against Father Beige's inevitable assault and rocking out.
Dun dunnnnnnnnnn
Dun da-dunnnnnnnnnn!
blasts the organ.

“Beàti qui ad cenam Agni,” mutters the priest.

Dun dunnnnnnnnnn
Dun da-da-dunnnnnnnnnn!

A steady tap emanates from behind Father Red’s altar.

Dun dunnnnnnn,
Dun dunnnnnnnnnn
Dun da-da da-da-dunnnnnnnnnn!!

“Sub tectum meum, sed tantum dic,” continues Father Red, somewhat melodiously.

“Is this that ‘pop music' stuff?” asks one elderly member of the congregation of another. “Or Psalm 42?”

“I’m not sure, Glennis. It’s a bloody racket whatever it bloody well is. I’ve had enough of this new age youth shite, I’m off. Ooh, hang on! This bit looks good!”

Quote from: Father Beige
Pull out a blessed flamethrower loaded with holy napalm from under my cloak, and burn the feck out of that bastard Red and his chapel. And sing "I Don't Want to Set The World On Fire."
..."You know what? I may be bleeding, on fire, and currently down a liver and an eye, but one thing is for sure,” shouts Father Beige as he pulls a blessed flamethrower out of his cassock and approaches the altar. ”You'll complete Mass over my dead, burning body, Red, you big turgid gobshite! Mwahahahahahahahaha!"

Father Beige sprays the altar in holy napalm!

Father Red ducks behind the altar!

The holy napalm rebounds off the altar, splashing the congregation and burning off Father Beige’s pants!

Father Beige falls to the floor and rolls to extinguish the flames, but forgets to stop pulling the trigger and showers the church and congregation with holy napalm! They’re about to flee screaming when suddenly Father Red raises the altar above his head with his bare hands, uses it to shield himself from the blessed fire, and then dashes forward to smack Father Beige in the face with it until the flamethrowering fiend drops his weapon and submits once again.

Father Red remembers to stop banging his head and his altar long enough to reach the end of the Communion Rite.

“Adiutòrium nostrum in nòmine Dòmini.”

”Yer big feckin’ gobshite,” replies Father Beige, spitting out several teeth.

!!Father Red!! has completed the Communion Rite! (4/5)

!!Father Beige!! has accrued a non-authorised swear word warning!

The Village of Cloonsherevagh...

Quote from: Father Green
While Father Pink is a little incapacitated, grab some random syringes and liquids and inject him with them. Pink needs some medical attention, after all.  Also state to the congregation that Pink botched the communion rite so badly that it needs to be done again.
...Seeing Father Pink incapacitated – accidentally, it has to be admitted – by his own hand stirs something of the good Samaritan in Father Green’s soul. Not only does he need to be removed from beneath the ambulance, Father Pink also urgently needs medical attention! Father Green rushes to the ambulance, grabs as many syringes and colourful liquids as he can see, and injects them straight into the only part of Father Pink that he can spy protruding from beneath the suddenly smoking vehicle!

“There you go Father! You know, your fecking Communion Rite was so feckin’ shite I think we should start all over again and have a nice sing along. What do you say about that then, you big eejit?”

Quote from: Father Pink
Dislodge self from ambulance, steal that gobshite Green's robe, and deliver unto the masses a feckin' inspiring Communion!
...”Arrg! Me feckin’ arse!” shouts Father Pink as he feels a sudden stabbing sensation in his left buttock. “What feckin’ eejit just stabbed me right in me feckin’ arse?!” Immediately feeling as if miraculously filled with the strength of God, or possibly just an elephant’s worth of adrenaline, the stricken priest raises the ambulance above his head and tosses it through the nearby wall!

The wall collapses to the ground in a huge pile of bricks! At the bottom Father Pink’s naked legs and feet can be seen, poking out at a strange angle.

The ceiling of the church begins to take on a slightly lopsided appearance.

“Blimey! A creaking church roof! I’ve always wanted to see one of those!” squeals Father Green in delight. ”It must be a feckin’ sign from the Lord!”

Father Pink has completed the Liturgy of the Eucharist! (3/5)

The Village of Ardglass...

Quote from: Father Veridian
Get up, rush to the altar and begin telling everyone what a wonderful dream I experienced when in close proximity to Father Cyan!

Hug him closer like a drinking buddy, and preach with him in my sonorous drone!

...“I,” begins Father Veridian, ominously and standing behind the altar. “Had a dream. A wonderful feckin’ dream it was. I had a dream that one day this congregation will rise up, and join me in rubbing my face all over Father Cyan’s face! That one day we will discuss, as one joyous flock, the merits of Grade A and Grade B loft insulation! That-“

Quote from: Father Cyan
Say the fecking Communion Rite!
...Father Cyan gets up and takes his rightful place at the head of his flock, pushing Father Veridian to the floor to make space.

Although now horizontal, Father Veridian doesn’t stop.

“But also I dreamt about that time when, in Priest School, I had to work part time to fund my studies, and I worked tidying the shelves at Safeway, but I got the feckin’ sack because I was too feckin’ slow, they said I didn’t need to measure the distance over every single-“

“Jesus Christ. Forgive me Father, I just cannae take any more! Praecèptis salutàribus mòniti,” shouts Father Cyan, drowning out the droning monstrosity. “Et divìna institutiòne formàti…”

The congregation sighs with relief.

Father Cyan has completed the Communion Rite! (4/5)

The Village of Creggenbaun...

Quote from: Father Brown
Flush my eyes with communion wine, ignore Father Silver's un-Christian shenanigans and lead the congregation in the Communion Rites in the darkness. It was good enough for our feckin' ancestors, it'll be good enough for us.
...In the slightly less bright church, now shorn of one antique lamp but still illuminated by the sunlight flooding in through the stained windows, Father Brown stands behind the altar and pours wine over his face. Refreshed and unblinded, he launches right into the Communion Rite.

Quote from: Father Silver
While everyone is distracted make finely powdered aphrodisiac powder and throw it on everyone. Excluding me.
...Suddenly Father Silver stops strolling nonchalantly round the church waving his arms and runs up to Father Brown, throwing some kind of fine white powder in his face. The large quantity he doesn’t immediately swallow sticks to his wine-sodden features, lending him a ghastly and muddy ghostly complexion. He battles bravely on, trying his best to ignore the strange stirring in his loins and instead concentrate on the words of the Lord.

Father Brown has completed the Communion Rite! (4/5)

Father Brown has gained the everlasting wrath of a Bishop’s revenge!

Father Silver has gained the everlasting wrath of a Bishop’s revenge!

Father Brown has a -1 aphrodisiac penalty next turn!

The congregation has a -1 aphrodisiac penalty next turn!

The Village of Mullaghbrack...

Quote from: Father Orange
I think you know where I'm going with this.
..."You feckin' heartless gobshite! No true man o' the cloth would ignore the suffering of his flock like this!” shouts Father Orange to the busily preaching Father Blue. “You must be... A WITCH!"

The congregation seem immediately convinced.

Quote from: Father Blue
Father Blue shall give the best feckin' Communion Rite ever, raising his voice as necessary to drone out murmurs of discontent/screaming/sirens!
And he won't have any more feckin' interruptions! Any gobshites who distract him will get Father Orange thrown at 'em.
This has been the most stressful feckin' Mass Father Blue cares to remember and he bloody well wants to get it feckin' over with!

...”Burn him!” shouts Father Blue’s congregation, referring to Father Blue. “Burn him! He’s a witch! A witch! Wait. Has anyone got a duck?”

A slightly worried looking Father Blue ignores the shouted requests for a duck and launches right into what he hopes might well be the best feckin' Communion Rite ever, raising his voice louder and louder and, indeed, beginning to shout to drown out the multiplying requests for a duck.

“Here! I’ve got one! Use mine! Use mine! I’ve got a duck!”

The congregation are temporarily silent.

“Lìbera nos,” shouts Father Blue. ”Quaesumus, Dòmine!”

“Got any scales?” comes a cry from the villagers. “We could use the scales in the churchyard? The big ones?”

“Semper lìberi et ab omni!”

“Burn him! Burn him!”


“She’s a witch! A witch!”

“Oh for feck’s sake, yer big bunch of gobshites. I’m not a feckin’ witch!”

Fearing for his life and no longer able to ignore the vengeful crowd of locals, Father Blue takes a short run up behind his altar, sprints forward, leaps through the air over the witch hunters, and lands right in front of Father Orange. Without another word he bends down, picks up his rival priest by the ankles, and hurls him directly at the incoming congregation!


They are stunned into subjugation! And many are stunned into the floor!

Having parted the crowd, Father Blue strolls back to his altar and steps up to finish addressing his flock.


Father Blue has completed the Communion Rite! (4/5)

Please continue to PM your actions!

After the Liturgy of the Eucharist comes the Communion Rite (4/5)!
And then! The Concluding Rite! (5/5)


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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Eight: Burnim!
« Reply #63 on: August 20, 2012, 03:20:48 pm »


Does that mean the top massers and the top disruptors will both be going on to the next round?
Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!


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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Eight: Burnim!
« Reply #64 on: August 20, 2012, 03:43:42 pm »

As it stands, those six players would go through to the next round. And then I'd have a moment of weakness and put through another three players. Three teams of three.


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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Eight: Burnim!
« Reply #65 on: August 20, 2012, 04:08:24 pm »

So those not in the list won't be in Turn 9 then?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Eight: Burnim!
« Reply #66 on: August 20, 2012, 04:11:09 pm »

Mlargle blargle. Happy greetings from the other side of the atlantic that I'm used to being on, and thanks for doing meh turns. I'll be back in a couple of days, so should be able to do my turns from now on in.
Oh, and this RTD is feckin' fantastic.  :D
« Last Edit: August 20, 2012, 04:23:53 pm by Spaghetti7 »
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Eight: Burnim!
« Reply #67 on: August 20, 2012, 04:15:14 pm »

Oh, now we know who Spaghetti is...  ::)



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Eight: Burnim!
« Reply #68 on: August 20, 2012, 04:20:07 pm »

Oh, now we know who Spaghetti is...  ::)

What? Whit what? How? I'm pretty sure I didn't give anything away...
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Eight: Burnim!
« Reply #69 on: August 20, 2012, 05:05:16 pm »

So those not in the list won't be in Turn 9 then?

Yes, they will. I just didn't feel like working out the bottom three of each list. No one is selected or otherwise until then end of Turn Ten!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Eight: Burnim!
« Reply #70 on: August 20, 2012, 10:00:45 pm »

Having thought it over, I'm really not sure what I'd be doing were I a congregation member in any of these churches. Apart from finding a duck at the appropriate Mass, however.


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Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Nine: Weewee!
« Reply #71 on: August 21, 2012, 07:31:06 am »

Episode One, Turn Nine: Weewee.

The Village of Termonfeckin...

Quote from: Father Teal
Use my holy strength to break out of this duct tape in a cupboard.
...In the village church of Termonfeckin, the watching members of the congregation fall silent as from deep within the Preaching Cupboard comes the rustling sound of deep concentration as Father Teal mummifies himself with roll after roll of the duct tape he brings to every Mass in his cassock pockets.

Quote from: Father Purple




...Father Purple, alone on the front row of pews, grins to himself contentedly as the aforementioned Preaching Cupboard miraculously bursts into flames.

“Much like the bush of yore!” he thinks to himself. “Oh feck. What the feckin’ feck.”

As the congregation frantically undress themselves to use their clothes to beat out the flames enveloping the Holy Burning Cupboard, Father Purple hears a strange banging noise. Suddenly the church doors are smashed open and an angry looking Irish SWAT team burst through, machine guns aimed directly at Father Purple!

“That’s him! That’s the fecker with the feckin’ bomb and all the feckin’ hostages and all that shite! Take him down! Oh sweet Jesus! Look what he’s making all the feckin’ hostages do! Oh for the love of God!”

“Oh shite.”

Just then the Irish SWAT team turn round, following the terrified gaze of Father Purple.

“Oh shite. It’s only that feckin’ Bishop! He’s gonna kick us all right in the feckin’ bollocks!”

Father Teal has completed the Liturgy of the Eucharist! (3/5)

The Village of Knockcloghrim...

Quote from: Father Red
Concluding rite, here I come! Hold it in high spirits and with high volume. Have the organist accompany that with some Bach. But first place the altar directly on top of Father Beige to ensure his cooperation.
...”Sit nomen Dòmini benedìctum!” shouts Father Red, advancing upon Father Beige with the altar held high above him.

As Father Beige scrabbles backwards on the floor, he desperately fiddles with his blessed flamethrower’s knob before finally pointing it towards Father Red.

“Haha!” he shouts back. “I’ve got you now, you great feckin’ eejit!”

Father Beige aims the nozzle at Father Red’s face and pulls the trigger.

Quote from: Father Beige
Pick up flamethrower, jam nozzle down Red's throat, and fill him with the holiness of blessed napalm. If he tries to complete the rites, spray him in the face with napalm before he can finish.
...But just then Father Red rams the altar down upon Father Beige’s head, blocking the holy napalm and deflecting it right into the congregation!

Father Beige collapses to the floor with a dull thud and the sound of screaming burning churchgoers threatens to drown out the sound of Father Red’s increasingly raucous recital of the Concluding Rite.

“Ite, missa est!” shouts Father Red as scores of villagers start fleeing towards the main exit and clambering over the ruined corner wall.

“Deo gràtias!” answer the congregation.

“Feck arse!” concludes Father Beige on the floor, staring bloodthirstily up at Father Red as flames suddenly shoot up the curtains to engulf one side of the church.

!!Father Red!! has completed the Concluding Rite! (5/5)

!!Father Beige!! has accrued a non-authorised swear word warning!

The Village of Cloonsherevagh...

Quote from: Father Green
Seems that Father Pink has been gifted with the strength of Samson himself. Tell the congregation its time to start runnin' out the church before Pinkie here goes and topples it.
...”Yea, for lo, even though yon Father feckin’ Pink be under a pile of bricks, he is as if gifted with the strength of Samson himself, and you all know just what the feck happened next! Yea, for the accursed but lovely Father is going to topple the church upon yer feckin’ heads! Let us flee!”

Quote from: Father Pink
Trust in the Lord for strength, and just deliver Communion as I am, where I am.  Praise be to God.
...”Oh, come on now,” answers the pile of bricks, a lone hand poking through the top and directing its attention to the congregation. “That’s a big bag of shitin’ bollocks. If I had the strength of Samson himself, what the feck would I still be doing under a pile of feckin’ bricks? Eh? Now answer me that yer great feckin’ gobshite. Now, my children, listen the feck up. I trust only in the Lord for strength, and so if He saw fit to crumble the wall and rock the roof, so be it! Praise be to God!”

The congregation murmur in agreement.

“Now, where were we? Sed tantum dic verbo et sanàbitur ànima mea.…”


Father Pink has completed the Communion Rite! (4/5)

The Village of Ardglass...

Quote from: Father Cyan
Give Veridian the mighty boot of the Lord in the feckin' testicles and continue to do so, using his bollocks as punctuation for the Concluding Rite.
...Realising that, even prone on the ground, Father Veridian threatens to disrupt his triumphant chanting of the Concluding Rite, Father Cyan kicks himself right in the feckin’ testicles!

"That'll show him!" he groans.

Then he doubles up in pain, rolling like a holy ball down the steps away from the altar and coming to a stop against the first row of pews.

The uncontrollable pain keeps his hands glued to his groin as he lies groaning and grimacing on the floor in front of Mrs Dineen. She glowers down disapprovingly.

Quote from: Father Veridian
A'right, that's fecking it! I'm tired of everyone staring glassy eyed at my speeches like they were bored out of heck itself!

S'cuse Father Cyan out of the altar and begin issuing my OWN version of the concluding rite.

...”Oh dear,” announces Father Veridian. “It looks like poor Father Cyan is indisposed! I’ll carry on myself. You know, I’m quite an expert in the Concluding Rite, you see. One day, I mean, I calculated and measured every single part of the Conclusion to the minutest details, there are actually several instances in which...”

The front row of the church collapses forward into a snoring heap!

Mrs Dineen collapses forward into a snoring heap! Onto Father Cyan! Father Cyan is disturbed from his groaning grimaces and looks up, only to find Mrs Dineen collapsed on top of him in a compromising position, and with no memory of how she got there! His piercing scream awakens Mrs Dineen, who looks down only to find herself lying all over Father Cyan in a compromising position!

“Oh, you dirty feckin’ priest, you!” she shouts, jumping to her feet and drawing her handback. “Take this, you great big pervert!”

Mrs Dineen smacks Father Cyan in the groin with her masterwork handbag half a dozen times before storming out of the broken church door.

“Come on, Mrs Connelly,” she says over her shoulder as she leaves. “I’ve had enough of this shite.”

Father Cyan has completed the Communion Rite! (4/5)

Father Cyan has a -1 Testicular Pain penalty next turn!

The Village of Creggenbaun...

Quote from: Father Silver
You know what. Just as Brown starts to preform his last rite, throw the lower half of his dog at him and make him incensed. Then produce dirty magazines (for both guys and girls) from nowhere and throw them in the air.
...Momentarily bewitched by the strange sight of Father Brown’s face covered in wine and powered aphrodisiac, Father Silver suddenly comes to his senses. He stands before the altar, stripping to his glorious Sunday Speedo and briefly running around in an enticing fashion before realising he’s left his trousers round his ankles.

He smashes forward into the ground, landing face first in the lower half of Jane the Dachshund. A handful of compromising photographs of Father Silver with some unidentifiable parishioners tumbles out of his cassock pocket.

Quote from: Father Brown
Lunge forward and rub the powder in the eyes of Father Silver. Perform final part of mass if he's subdued.
...Father Brown in turn joins the mass of elderly women advancing upon Father Silver’s inert body, lunging forward to rub the powder and the face upon which it currently sits in the eyes of his rival.

Suddenly Mrs Killan tears him off Father Silver’s face and starts rubbing the lovely priest with her own overly made up cheeks!

Ignoring the elderly women now starting to finish undressing Father Silver beneath the altar, Father Brown blasts right on into the Concluding Rite, getting most of it out the way before Mrs O’Hanrahan starts tugging fervently at his cassock!

Just then Mrs O’Flairy spies the photographs of Father Silver and the parishioners on the floor. She swoons, crashing down directly upon Father Silver. Her lips meet his. They-

”Oh my God Mrs O’Flairy! You’re not feckin’ unconscious at all you big feckin’… you big feckin’… feck! Arse! Drink! Feck! Arse! Arse! Feck!”

Father Brown has completed the Communion Rite! (4/5)

Father Brown has gained the everlasting wrath of a Bishop’s revenge!

Father Silver has gained the everlasting wrath of a Bishop’s revenge!

Father Brown has a +1 Mass Momentum bonus next turn!

The congregation has a -1 Aphrodisiac Penalty next turn!

The Village of Mullaghbrack...

Quote from: Father Blue
>Shout congregation into submission, and then proceed to complete the concluding right in an similiarly loud voice.

>Anyone who approaches me on the lectern shall be grabbed and wielded as a weapon to fend off any others.

>Anyone attempting to escape the church will have the feckin' lectern thrown at 'em, the worthless shite!

>No matter what, I keep going on with my incredibly loud, incredibly angry recital, and woe betide anyone who tries to stop me!

..."Yer spineless feckin' gobshites! You'll stay right there 'til Mass is done, d'you feckin' hear me?! Do you?!"

Just as Father Blue is about to launched into a vitriolic recital of the Concluding Rite, an angry villager rushes up to him to remonstrate earnestly with his fists. Father Blue punches him to the ground and picks him up by the ankles, ready to swing him right back where he came form.

Quote from: Father Orange
As Father Blue turns his back on me I shall harden my heart, run up behind him and tickle him with neither mercy nor pity!
...But then Father Orange leaps into action, dashing right behind Father Blue and poking him in the side of the ribs, and then tickling behind his ears and under his armpits and right feckin’ all over the place, until Father Blue starts giggling to himself, and then Father Orange tickles him under the chin and in his secret tickly place and suddenly Father Blue starts laughing out loud, and he wets himself, and he lets go of the villager, who goes flying into the congregation, knocking several to the floor!

“Erm,” mumbles Father Blue standing in his pool of pee.

Father Orange gives him one more poke just under the ribs for luck; Father Blue contorts awkwardly and drops to the floor, flailing and giggling about in his own wee.

Father Blue has completed the Communion Rite! (4/5)

Please continue to PM your actions!

After the Liturgy of the Eucharist comes the Communion Rite (4/5)!
And then! The Concluding Rite! (5/5)
Spoiler: GM Notes (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 07:41:27 am by lawastooshort »


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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Nine: Weewee!
« Reply #72 on: August 21, 2012, 07:51:26 am »

Oh dear.


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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Nine: Weewee!
« Reply #73 on: August 21, 2012, 01:32:42 pm »

Ok, so, genuine GM question that I stupidly forgot to put in the genuine GM notes spoiler and then totally forgot about for a few hours.

I originally planned for Episode Two to feature six players (three teams of two).

I am considering putting nine players in it (three teams of three) as I am enjoying this so far.

These nine players would still be filtered down to four for Episode Three (winning team plus best loser).

Any preferences? Six? Or nine?

Feel free to post or PM.


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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Nine & A Question!
« Reply #74 on: August 21, 2012, 01:34:41 pm »

Whatever gives bishop lennan more screentime due to having to kick a priest up the fecking arse! :D
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll
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