Shake: Target will shift with suspicion. I'm not going to lay into someone just because I did it the day before. I'm not very good at it (TUNNEL TUNNEL CHUNNEL TUNNEL), but I'm trying to work on it.
Well, I was kind of more referring to your abilities. Like ... if you think someone is scummy, do you keep attacking just that person at night to get thier hp down, or "spread the love around" to see if anything interesting pops up.
Also, why are you throwing around blue without making it look like you've a reason to?
Alsoalso: Yes, I'd claim. Why the hell not?
He isn't my scumbuddy, but if he was, I'd be totally willing to bus him should the need arise.
Why are you rolefishing?
Seriously? *eyebrow raise* How is that even rolefishing, and how would you even effectively rolefish in a game like this anyway?
Anyway, upgrading my
Toaster vote. I'm getting flashbacks to the whole "Bookthras and early massclaim" thing. While you're not calling for an early one, you're bringing it up early, and I'm feeling this is a set-up for your future fakeclaim plans.
Also: Orangebottle has a good point about the mafiakill. Why give everyone damaging abilities and HP, if the scumteam has an insta-kill?
Dariush: If, for example, I attacked someone at night for three damage, my target used an ability to negate one point of damage, and my target was also targeted by a 1pt protection ability, would I get any info mentioning this?
zu: Clarify your Toaster vote.
I would improve my hunting tactics and try to nail scum and build a case that causes everyone to vote for them and not me.
Gee, you make it sound so simple. It's a wonder that anyone who's town gets lynched at LYLO with strategy like that floating around.
Shakerag: Which would you rather have: more damage or more HP?
That'd largely depend on what kind of numbers we're talking about. Just trying to think generally, I'd go with more damage, so I could be more vig-like. I don't think I've gotten that role yet.