Defensive much? Voting someone who is ignoring your questions is standard practice, as far as I'm concerned. It certainly got you to answer them. And I'm not sure what you're going on about with the one post between nonsense- yes, you had one post between, which is plenty enough to respond to me. What's your point?
I missed your fucking questions, that's my point. Another point is that you immediatly started dancing the victory jig by getting a foothold against someone. See, now you're spinning an entire case against me out of thin fucking air. Because I didn't respond to your questions immediatly after you asked them. Not something town should do at what can very well be LYLO.
Fine on missing questions, but that doesn't change anything else I said.
And I call bullshit on "literally cannot be a dopp." Like I said earlier, BMC could have been attempting to kill and been blocked
Lolwat. He was sitting in his room. Since when did dopps begin to kill by mentally harassing their victims?
Like I said, you're the dopp- what happened to the kill? I'm just guessing... and it really doesn't matter where your team's kill went; doesn't change your alignment.
Oh, so you're basing your ideas on WIFOM and probability?
Yes, probability. Probablity of something that is extremely likely versus something that is extremely unlikely. 'Dopps not killing to generate WIFOM' is an example of the latter probability.
You betrayed your motives with your "OMG MUST KILL EXT NOW" attitude. You're a Doppelganger, through and through.
You betrayed your motives with your "OMG MUST KILL DOPP NOW" attitude. You're the Exty, through and through. Oh, except my case actually makes sense because Exty is indeed more dangerous due to having techs.
Dopp team no-killing has happened before, so it'd be silly to rule it out.
And oh cute, you're using my words against me. Guess that means they're worthy of use. I have no issue with finding the exty, but I'm sure you're the dopp and unsure on who the exty is, so why not use my vote on the known scum till I have a better target for it?
Exty stun orb you?
...Wow, you've just outdone yourself in idiocy. So, you think that Exty both attacked/assbotted AND stun-orbed me in the same night?
It's possible. In a
previous game, I was nightkilled, blocked, and vote-stolen by the entire scum team in one single night.
So what happened to you being so sure that Mr. D was the dopp?
Tiruin: Are your inquiries into the night kills/lack thereof going anywhere? Usually that's a waste of time.
Hapah: Do you have anything? You're just sitting there so far.