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Author Topic: gateivory, all is silence (CLOSED!)  (Read 87503 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #855 on: June 08, 2013, 02:02:15 am »

Brodich woke in the infirmery. "what happen?" he managed to  say between loose teeth. "lie back lord overseer, we havent  quiet fixed your teeth yet. just hold still." the doctor, if  you could call him that, reached into brodichs mouth, there  was a quick jolt of pain, and then the "doctor" withdrew the  hand. "much better if I do say so myself, your lucky dwarf  teeth are so easy to put back in!" Brodich slid off the table,  and it was a table, "where is BP? he must be stopped." the  doctor grinned, "ah master BP was in to see you. seemed  nervous about something or other. he asked that I leave the  room, but I didnt see any reason to do so. last I heard of him  he was working on the new kings chambers." Brodich rubbed the  place where BP had hit him, the damage wasnt bad. "have you  gone daft? the king isnt coming to this shit hole." the doctor  looked offended, "shit hole eh? nice talk from someone who  helped design it. anyways, BP says the king is coming and now  everyone is working on the chambers." brodich had to see what  this was about... "another damn thing..."

deeper under the fort, the feral tombs were having trouble. another of the serpentine forgotten beasts had found its way  to the fortress. the battle was fierce, and in the end the  dwarves won, but not before the beast had torn off the arm of  tosid siloddom, a promising axelord. the resulting mess was  considerable.

The arm, cleanly removed at the shoulder sprayed  blood in a jet. the dwarves may have been the pinical of their  kind, but they still bled and died when you removed their  limbs. as one by one they succumb to disease, or fell  creatures, the fighting dwarves of gateivory began to feel  something. they believed that it was called worry. it had been  so long since they had felt anything, and they began to  remember the atrocities of BP's danger room. they realized  too late, that they would most likely die down here. "might as  well do it in style eh lads?" spoke up one. they hadnt  actually said anything, but they had been in the danger room  together and had fought goblins and the undead together. they  didnt need to say anything. they simply filed down the stairs  of the fortress, and went to see what was there.

Brodich stumbled down the hall. He thought that he would have  recovered by now, but he had not. as he reached the dining  hall, he reeled and was caught up by freindly hands. "oopsy  daisy, overseer. you took a hard knock you did. sit on down  and Ill get ya something to drink." he sat down, with the aid  of the unknown dwarf. Brodichs head immidiatly came to rest on  the cool stone of the table. "so, what are you going to do  about it." caveogres voice again. Brodich didnt need to look  at the apparition to know who it was. "go away, your dead  caveogre. the dead should not meddle in the affairs of the  living." he waved his hand in the air, as if shooing away some  pest. "Brodich, look at me." Brodich wouldent, he didnt feel  up to it. "Brodich, I said look at me." His head came up  inexorably, as if being lifted on invisable wires. "what do  you want caveogre? why dont you just go rest in your tomb..."  Drunkencaveogre looked impatiant and cross. "youve done a fine  job Brodich." the sarcasm was obvious. "the military is half  dead, a few dwarves are afflicted with a strange disease, and  the mentioned military is off on a last ditch attempt at some  kind of quest that will have consiquences they do not  understand. in short Brodich, you are the captain of a dying  ship. death circles this place like a vulture on a corpse.  pick the maggots off of the corpse and bury it mac." Brodich  was holding his own head up now, "what do you mean caveogre?  abandon gateivory? is that what you mean?" the ghost of  drunkencaveogre said nothing, he simply faded from veiw. "no"  brodich said to the spirit that was not there. "no what sir?  is this not to your liking?" Brodich looked up in surprise, it  was celestialjeu back with the revitalizing liquer. "no no,"  brodich replied, "this is fine. what do you need lord  bookkeeper?" celestialjeu was startled at being called "lord  bookkeeper." he had never been called lord before. "I wanted  to talk to you before your little scuffle with BP." scuffle?  Brodich snorted. scuffle, sure. let them think it was a little  fight. a "scuffle" if they wanted. what it had been was an  utter ass beating. one that Brodich would be careful not to  repeat. "forget that for now. celestialjeu, tell me why BP is  spreading the rumor of the kings arrival?"

Rovod Unibdodok Zugosazir suddenly buckled under the assualt  of the undead creatures all around him. the tight quarters of  the battle made it impossable for his fellows to help. his  sheild flew from him, his axe came down again and again on the  shell of the armadillo man thing, not finding purchase in its  shell. he should have turned to an easier target, but the  thing had angered him by being impenetrable. the horde began  to pile in behind him, and soon the others couldent even see  him. all they could see was the mindless wall of rotting flesh  jammed so tightly into the hallway that even an enraged titan  could not pull or push them free. "how are we going to get  through?!" shouted one of the hammer lords. "we cut a path  through like a miner cuts through the stone! you forget Aban,  in gateivory we mine flesh and bone!!" at that, the axelords  dove towards the wall of flesh and began hacking a grizzly  tunnel through it.

Soon, they were in a large chamber, teaming  with undead of all variaties. hundreds of dead faces stared at  them as they paused to take in the scene.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
"Itll be winter  above," said the last of the hammer lords. "season of the  goblin." the axelord Fikod spoke up, "screw the greenskins. we  have our own slaughter down here." with that, he bashed his  sheild witht he blunt edge of his axe and cried, "CMON THEN!  TO THE GRINDER!!" They didnt remember much of the past few  months. they remembered blood, and the terror of the danger  room. they remembered who had put them there, and they knew  who had likely sentenced them to this hell. BP, they knew that  if they escaped this, he would pay dearly.

The military got split up when I resealed the underground, so a few soldier remain upstairs. the remaining ones in the underground are doing surprisingly well, but the battle is very telling. if your wondering what the upright weapon is, its a rapier.
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #856 on: June 08, 2013, 02:20:38 pm »

It is not often that such a forbidden place gets displayed in screenshot for everyone.
GateIvory is truly the one fortress!


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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #857 on: June 11, 2013, 12:59:22 am »

You know, if i hadnt spend that time going through and making the military really powerful, you wouldnt have gotten this far :)

And im trying to write a narrative in my... spare... time (the small fraction of it that i have), that basically describes my descent into madness, from a slightly... ruthless overseer into an utterly INSANE prophet of doom.
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #858 on: June 11, 2013, 12:17:25 pm »

You know, if i hadnt spend that time going through and making the military really powerful, you wouldnt have gotten this far :)

And im trying to write a narrative in my... spare... time (the small fraction of it that i have), that basically describes my descent into madness, from a slightly... ruthless overseer into an utterly INSANE prophet of doom.

aya, ive never seen danger room troops at work before. its utterly impressive, but sheer numbers seem to be their downfall. im getting ready to boot up DF atm and see how it goes. I hope my writing is entertaining.

holy crap they did it, even at half force. Ill have an update ready in a little while. prolly a couple hours.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 12:31:16 pm by saltmummy626 »
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #859 on: June 11, 2013, 02:48:05 pm »

BP sat in his sanctum, buried in the walls of gateivory.  around him were listening tubes, leading to all the most  important parts of the fortress. the one he sat with his ear  to now, was one of the dining room listening ports. "well  overseer, we have an excess of... lets be honest, trash, that  needs to be sold off or thrown away. also, we have a great  deal of stolen goods the traders wont take, it needs to be  thrown out or processed." BP smirked, the fools were still  trying to trade? through all this? BP remembered the rotting  husk that had stumbled into the lower levels the week before.  micemicemice had saved a great number of dwarves with his  insolent destruction of the wall blocking up the passage to  the lower levels, releasing BP's sacrifice to the forgotten  gods. whats more, he had a feeling that his danger room  trained soldiers had done something he hadnt expected. he was  turned away by the doctors who rushed about in the hospital,  he could not get in to speak with, and punish, micemicemice.  "alright take care of it then," said a rather groggy voice  through the tube. "even if it is garbage, the mountain homes  will take anything. burn the stolen crap in magma, likely its  elven goods anyway and no one cares for that propaganda." this  small detail caught BP off guard. he hadn't thought of that way  of spreading his message before. "propaganda sir?" said the  other voice. "of course propaganda! shouted the other, "sorry  bout that, of course propaganda. the elves pass off their anti  tree cutting message through the junk they bring. they just  make cheap imitations of dwarven crafts, with elven images.  they arent even good enough to use as fire lighters. might as  well get rid of them." BP thought that it was a brilliant  tactic, but his enemy was right, the elves were fools. BP  would start on a little project to get his message outside the  fort with the elven propaganda.

"now that that is finalized celestial, do you have anything  else to report?" celestialjeu shuffled his papers and looked  at them a moment, "actually," he said with hesitancy, "I do.  it appears the dwarves that got trapped down in the caverns  have made their way up. thanks, in part, to a miner. you  probably know of him. micemicemice?"
"I do know of him," brodich said. "what has happened to him."  celestialjeus face turned ashen as he said, "he is sick. some kind of fluid from one of the creatures down there..."  Brodich straightened at that. "did he track any of it in?" he  remembered the rot plague of year 11 back in the mountain  homes. the blind dwarves with their faces half melted by the  strange plague. celestial jeu shook his head, "no overseer. he  claims the stuff only really sticks to loose objects, but when  it comes in contact with living skin, it is absorbed into the  body. according to his accounts, its a wasting sickness. he is  afraid he will rot away to nothing soon, but so far he has had  a great deal of success resisting the sickness." celestialjeu  looked down at his papers, frowning. "he has lost a lot of  blood."

micemicemice lay on his hospital bed, simmering with rot. "im  dying." he thought. "im really going out..." the room swam  with his nausia and the billowing cloud of miasma that seeped  from every pore. "dont die yet." said a voice nearby. it was a  dwarf he didnt recognize. the dwarf was clearly a ghost an  struggling to remain corporeal. "who are you?" croaked the  dying micemicemice. "I dont know you do I?" the spirit shook  its head, not yet you dont. you have an important role to  play, you have to speak with the overseer. after that, you may  go as you wish. for now though, stay alive." micemicemice  tried to sit up, it was hard to talk and he couldent seem to  get his breath. as he sat up, his muscles suddenly gave and he  collapsed. fresh blood oozed out of the newly torn ligaments.  the spirit looked disgusted. "dont try that again either, or  your pumps are gonna put out more fluid than they have to. I  can already tell your way past deaths doorstep. id say your  well into the living room eating bisuits and sipping brandy by  now, and death himself is offering to show you the guest  room." micemicemice tried to chuckle, but no sound came out.  "alright, ill... try... I guess." the spirit nodded, "good now listen. Brodich needs to know what happened down there, he  doesn't know that the operation was a success on the part of  the military." this was news to mice, he had no idea what this  old spook meant, "doesn't matter if you know it or not, just  tell him. it has to be sealed back up again. the axelords who  survived saw something down there, and they have no intention  of telling him about it. its a sword. none of them can use it,  but they each want it for themselves. BP knows about it, he  dreams. BP will try to take it, but he must not be allowed to  do so. taking it will unleash terrible evil upon the world. do  you understand?" micemicemice felt the tension of the spirits  words and understood true fear. could the legends of the dark  fortresses be true? could there really be a treasure at the  bottom of it? an ultimate weapon that could fight what it  sealed away, but once removed would spell the doom of life as  they knew it? the spirit was gone, but mice knew he had a  message to deliver. "doctor!? please fetch me the overseer."

Fikod looked about him, only one of his axelord brethren was left, and he lay unable to move on the floor. he had taken a  nasty hit to the foot. the other dwarf in the room was the  hammerlord bembul. "we did it." said Fikod. "now what?" Bembul  rested the head of his hammer on the floor. "we look about,  then report our success." Fikod agreed. no staircase did they  find, other than the one that went up, on this floor. on top  of that, it was huge. but in the middle they found something  wondrous. a plinth of purest adamantine was set up, and  embedded in a slot was the blade of a long thin sword. the  hilt was a fine piece of worked adamantine, workmanship not  matched by any dwarf ever. the stretch of blade they could see  was of a fine sky blue, and sharp as the eye of a hawk.  neither knew how to use it, but both coveted it on sight. "how  do you remove it do you think?" asked bembul. "I dont know,"  answered fikod, "but we might as well leave it for now, dont  you think?" bembul was immediately suspicious, but upon seeing  the obvious hurt of the thought of leaving the blade behind in the eyes of fikod, he reconsidered. only for a moment  though. "cmon, we got things to do and a crooked ex-overseer  to find.

sorry about the strange double spaces between some words. I dont know whats causing it... anyways, the operation into the fort was a success, im now trying to clean off the undead from the edges so that all the dead can be collected and buried. for now, the forgotten beasts seem to be staying back, but I have no doubt we can handle it unless its something really awful. the extract seems to absorb into the skin/evaporate rapidly. Ive checked around and I cant find any trace of the stuff on any walls or anything. just equipment that the military was using at the time and a few boulders. dwarves themselves dont seem to be coated in the stuff either. weve got a couple of geese running around rotting, but I hate geese so who cares.

also, valrandir, what kind of dwarf do you want? Ill dorf you right now, since you should have one...
« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 02:56:07 pm by saltmummy626 »
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #860 on: June 12, 2013, 12:03:01 pm »

Ahh another huge update  8)

Dwarf me as
Alias: Valrandir
Profession: The Architech
Jobs: Cooking, Brewing and Architecture.

May I also request this initial training schedule:
- Disable the architecture job on everyone, except Valrandir
- Make him architect 100 metalsmith forge, or wells, or bridge or something, to train the Architecture skill.
Bridges with macro should be the easiest.


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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #861 on: June 14, 2013, 08:55:08 am »

Valrandir must study architecture  8)

Any updates?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #862 on: June 14, 2013, 10:45:47 am »

yeah, Ill have one up in a few hours. 30FPS is bearable, and (imho) pretty good, but I hadn't thought it would actually take that long.
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #863 on: June 14, 2013, 11:14:52 am »

By the way how many dwarves does gateivory have at this time?


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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #864 on: June 15, 2013, 01:41:24 am »

a few hours was an understatement. got distracted. as for the number of dorfs currently in the fort, they number 82.

Any dwarf could roll along at quiet a pace when taxed to do so. Brodich was not taxed to do so, but he rolled along anyway. the loud footsteps echoed up and down the already loud halls like thunder compared to the rest, and occasionally the boom of his voice could be heard even in the depths. "WHERE IS BP!?" no one seemed to know. "WHERE THE H-" Brodich was cut off by a man in chefs whites. "Are you the overseer here?" Brodich frowned. the sudden stop irritated him, but this dwarf, who he clearly recognized, didnt seem to recognize him. "I am Brodich," he said "but whats wrong with you Valrandir? you know who I am." It was Valrandirs turn to frown and be confused. "what? I am new here, im not sure..." Brodich waved it away, "forget it, forget it. what do you want Valrandir?" the strange misunderstanding forgotten for the moment, Valrandir perked up. "I would like a room in which to practice my craft." Brodich looked him up and down. "we have kitchens, they ar-" Valrandir cut him off, "No! I want to be an architect! I want you to construct for me a room to build bridges and other contraptions to practice my craft." dig out more space in other words. "fine, fine, Valrandir. as you wish, but in exchange I want you to keep an eye out for a dwarf called BP. can you do this for me?" Valrandir agreed to the deal. not too hard, he thought. keeping an eye out for one dwarf wouldn't be hard.

sorry for the shortness of this update, but things are very slow. winter is about over, and no goblins so far. I think I will finish off BPs turn, then I will take my regular year if thats alright. hopefully things will speed up a bit by then.

« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 02:13:05 am by saltmummy626 »
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #865 on: June 15, 2013, 12:46:12 pm »

Great Updates  :D

Valrandir the Architech has arrived!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #866 on: June 18, 2013, 12:38:25 am »

Brodich looked at the pile of bones, liquified flesh, and wasted organs lying on the hospital bed. No one seemed to know why Micemicemice hadnt died yet. "Braaa... diiiiissshhh...." the skeleton seemed to hiss. Brodich was repulsed. this thing that had once been micemicemice seemed to be able to form words without having lips. "by the gods, whats happened to you?" the skeleton on the bed did not move. how could it? the forgotten beast fluid had killed him. only his spirit seemed to remain. just strong enough to make his voice come from his dead throat. "dooownn... theeer... in theee deptttthhhhssss..." force seemed to gather in the room, Brodich could feel his beard straightening. a chill went through the others who had gathered, the doctor, his nurse and the few friends mice had to him. the strange feeling culminated with more words, still low and hissing, but not drawn out, and easier to hear. "there were beasts down there. they sprayed... a fluid all over everything... it rotted all it touched. i saw... a soldier turned to liquid in... his armor..." another gathering, more words, "legions... of hungry dead... BP has sealed himself away... He thinks the horde will soon come... but he is mistaken... he thinks the beasts will come... he is mistaken... death hangs over gateivory." the bones shifted and Brodich saw that Mice's eyes were still in tact they rolled up until Brodich could see the color of the eyes, and the fires of the afterlife reflected in them. "you must... do something." Brodich backed away. "they wont tell you about... it... the bluemetal holds back BP's true masters... the sword... they are powerful fighters, but they have... the spark of themselves again... convince them to tell you... what they found down there. beffforre its..." the skeleton suddenly fell apart. the heart within what had been a noble breast beat no more. "gods," exclaimed Brodich, " how horrible. clean off all the surfaces, all of them. I want everyone who is free on clean up duty." as Brodich left the room, he turned back to veiw the body of micemicemice. "cremate whats left of him in his hospital bed, and put the ashes in his tomb. same goes for the others."
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #867 on: June 18, 2013, 12:51:25 am »

woops, it seems I cut that last update a bit short, something is happening.

above the fort, all was quiet. not a soul stirred, and the only sound was the occasional cluck of a chicken or other assorted avian sound. the cry of a raven sounded in the southeastern fields, and wind made a low moan over the unused parapets of gateivories upper walls and through the skulls of greenskins left strewn over the fields. gateivory above ground is a lonely, near abandoned place. but soon it will not be so. the low drumming of booted feet charging across the prairies and hills towards the dwarf fortress will grow into a deafening roar of shouts and clashing metal. the remainin fighters of gateivory muster, for they see the signs and they feel the anguish of the land around them. who will win the coming battle?
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #868 on: June 18, 2013, 08:36:47 am »



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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #869 on: June 20, 2013, 03:43:15 am »

I have decided that because of the slowness of my updates (caused by spiritual malaise, also known as the "long dark teatime of the soul") I will be uploading the save now. worry not, I have completed the half year given to me. aka, BPs turn. either way, I had a lot of fun writing it out, even if it did have plot holes and wasnt as amazing as I thought it would be in my head. without further ado, the final update of my turn.

The goblins crested the hill, the beat of war drums and the  thunder of their feet drowning out all other sound. had the  falls of gateivory still flowed, one would not be able to hear  even that tumult. "KILL THEM ALL!" shouted a goblin  pikemaster, "KILL THEM ALL! EXTRA PAY TO EVERY GOBLIN WHO  TAKES AN OVERSEER SKULL!" the goblins went forth. inside  gateivory, Brodich looked over the few soldiers left. "only 5  of you?" Aban, the axelord shook his head. we are all that is  left. but we are all youll need." Brodich smiled, "I know. I  have heard of your exploits in the caverns. I also know what  is down there." the soldiers looked nervous and Brodich did  not mistake the jealous greed in the eyes of each. "throw away  the idea of obtaining it. to take it would unleash horrors  beyond even your power. I want you to position yourselves near  the depot. anything that tries to come up that hall will have  to pass you, and anything that gets by will be shredded by  traps. do not allow anything to happen to the merchants." the  soldiers looked to each other, and turning back to Brodich,  Aban said "would be a pleasure overseer."

The goblins found no resistance as they approached the entry  into the earth. the hole in the cliff face was rough, but the  handy work of dwarves could still be seen under the caked mud  of time. A goblin pike master grabbed a troll by the ear and  slapped on a wall, "Tear these gate down behind us foolish  creature." then smacking the troll across the face with his  guantlet for good measure, he took his men and pressed on. the  lashers would come in behind him, along with another troop of  pike goblins. over one, then two bridges they walked, not  hearing the loud crack as two of the floodgates gave way  behind them, not hearing the grinding of gears as the other  three simply lifted up, sweeping the trolls off the cliff and  blocking any escape. as the war party passed by a wide open  passage, a volley of crossbow bolts suddenly erupted into  their left flank, stopping breath and piercing eyes or hearts.  the lashers had held back, but hearing the screams of pain and  surprise they dashed to aid their greenskin brethren. a pair  of shining hammers and a trio of flashing axe blade split the  ranks like the splitting maul cuts a cord of soft wood. limbs  flew an goblins fell. Aban began to sing, words that none  could hear or understand in the din. his hammer swept and  dove, every blow finding a mark. any attack that did not kill,  horribly maimed. the two conscripted hunters of gateivory were  in shock at the ferocity of their own brave soldiers. soon,  these two ran out of bolts. lashers either dove into the fray,  killing merchant soldiers or being themselves killed. it was  one of these who kill the grand master huntsman of gateivory.  seeing this, Aban's rage grew and he sundered the goblin  lashers armor so vicious was his blow. the merchants chose  this moment to depart from gateivory. "we are leaving now."  said the dealer on deaf ears. "thats not a good idea sir!"  cried one of the caravan guards, firing another bolt into the  sheild of a lasher. the dealer stood up from the barrel he had  sat on during the dickering. "nonsense! this is the perfect  time to go, come come, we are all packed up." with that the  caravan lead and some of the merchants began to leave, some  though stayed behind. for the half of the caravan that left,  things did not go so well. they fought for every inch, and in  the end only a handfull of dwarves made it back to the  mountain homes. gateivories small, but by no means weak, army  rushed out to the fort entrance to complete the rout they had  started. it was here that they found the few remaining trolls  wallowing in the deep rushing waters. seeing the damage done,  Aban grabbed a hold of the only remaining huntsman, "Go, tell  the others of the damage the resevior has taken! get them to  close the floodgates!" with that, the huntsman descended back  into the fortress, and the others descended upon the trolls  and sated their bloodlust. the fighting was feirce, and while  the water flowed from the sundered flood gates, it was a  struggle to keep their footing. three of their number were  washed away into the river below, though they did not drown as  the water levels were too low. Bembul himself, who had fallen  into the river while grappling with his foe, broke the surface  atop a troll. it thrashed at him but bembul simply leaned away  from the clumsy blows, then dove foreward, wrapping his  muscular hands around the throat of the troll. he couldent  fathom how the troll stayed alive for so long, but when it  finally passed out he held the things head beneath the water  to make sure it would not wake. the dwarves had won the  battle. Aban grabbed bembul by the shoulder, "its dead  brother. not to worry now." Bembul shot a look over his  shoulder, his eyes wide and alert. another dwarf would have  backed away in fear of him, but Aban was not another dwarf.  "come on brother, lets go celebrate!" Bembul released the  cooling throat of the troll. "aye Aban, lets go tell the  others.

repairs had taken very little time, and in the end it wasnt  such of a much. "clean up will take forever..." said  celestialjeu. Brodich didnt look up from his paper work, "yes  but thats for the next overseer to take care of." celestialjeu  looked to brodich, "your not taking your term as overseer?  what about BP?" Brodich rubbed his jaw where BP had hit him.  it still hurt. word around the fort was that BP had emerged  again, but Brodich wasnt worried. "no, and as for BP, its up  to the next overseer what to do about him. let him roam free,  or lock him up. oh well, I just took over to clean things up."  he looked up from his paper work and grimaced. celestialjeu  took it to be a foul look at his person, but he didnt see the  apparition frowning at Brodich. he also did not hear the words  that Brodich spoke, though he did see his lips move. "the dead  shouldent meddle with the living..." Brodich seemed to  remember that celestialjeu was in the room and he  straightened. "I will leave the details of the caverns and  what happened down there to the next in line. who is that by  the way?" celestialjeu had his own paperwork at hand,  "valrandir. the chef with architectural aspirations." Brodich  leaned back in his chair. "good good, I look forward to what  he has in mind. he has done a lot for this fort you know, even  if he doesnt remember it." celestialjeu shrugged inwardly.  things were strange enough in gateivory without getting into  arguements like that.

deep beneath the earth, a blade gleamed, its blade embedded in  a pedestal of purest blue metal. its length enticing any who  happened to veiw it. this weapon does not come into it just  yet, but someday it may have its own chapter in the bloody  pages of gateivories history.

and so ends the third reign of the great librarian over  gateivory.

so, valrandir. your turn. dont worry about goblins, they have been driven off. we caught a grand total of 1 troll. somehow. anyways, take care of it. ive managed with my last couple days to stem the flow of water from the reservoir. FPS may fluctuate between 20 and 30. it dropped to 8 at the start of the seige, but that should be no trouble now.
here is the save.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 03:46:58 am by saltmummy626 »
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.
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