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Author Topic: gateivory, all is silence (CLOSED!)  (Read 87355 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Grand Lich of Gulgatha
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gateivory, all is silence (CLOSED!)
« on: July 13, 2012, 01:06:05 am »

Ive tried before and failed. I have always wondered why. what do those other games have, that the one or two ive tried do not have? what garners interest? lots of things I guess. so here is what im going to throw at you. if anyone is interested, please by all means, raise your hands. I will host this game, this fort of GATEIVORY.

Here is the catch, gateivory has NO ORE. gateivory is also accessible to all the races, and the world in which it exists has been altered to contain horrendous numbers of megabeasts/semi-megabeasts/titans.

the promised intro.
Brodich tugged at his beard and ran his hand through his thick, greasy hair. the time had come. he would be brought before the king, and his sentence would be passed down. a hammering for sure this time, really truly. he had gone too far. little things were usually all he got into, being sober on the job, conducting construction in a reasonable and safe fashion, and wearing pants. little offenses like that. this time though, this time... He had been out on the bridge over the magma moat outside the capital. the military was about its regular business of chasing furry animals around the country side when Brodich came upon something that the dwarves had been warned of. a kobold. the wretched little dog like creature tried to sneak by him, but brodich noticed. he panicked. what was it he was supposed to do in case of attack again? "oh good lord." he whispered as he thought of the indecent. he had run inside and pulled all the levers. all of them. simultaneously opening up the dam, turning off the waterfalls, releasing the prisoners in the arena, raising and lowering all the bridges in the damned place EXCEPT the one at the main entrance, and pouring out millions of gallons of precious magma out into the surrounding countryside. he nearly fainted at the thought. Soon, an armed guard came and escorted him from his chambers, which had recently been emptied of all his belongings, and taken to the grand hall. as he entered he noticed that the water damage was almost unnoticeable now, and most of the obsidian had been scraped off the floor. the king smiled at him. "brodich." he said, "how are you? good? been drinking enough?" that was it, "N-no! my lord. ive been skimping on my booze rations again, im sorry. I just... with work... and... stuff I-" the king cut off his babbling with a gesture, "regardless, I am to pass down sentence on you. youve destroyed a lot of work you know? art defacement is a terrible crime indeed." Brodich wanted to fall to his knees, to beg his king for mercy, but he did not. to do so would be a show of weakness and brodich was far from weak. he did not relish pain though, and wanted only for his hammering to be quick and easy. "so..." here it came brodich thought, "I sentence you to overseership of a new settlement!" Brodichs eyes shot up to meet the kings. "w-what?" he asked, he was clearly flabbergasted. "yes, that's right," responded the king, leaning forward in his throne with a wide smile stretched across his face. "the location has been picked out and everything, you are to replace the artwork you have destroyed." leaning back into his jewel encrusted artifact throne, and with another gesture, brodich was shown out the door and to his wagon and crew who would accompany him on his journey.

1. saltmummy626 -finished- groundwork laid
2. Valrandir -finished- drowning tower started
3. Gulf -finished- first goblin siege
4. misko27 -finished- !!FUN!! on large scale
5. micemicemice -finished- goblins exploit forts weakness, gateivory stands strong still
6. Valrandir -finished- overseer flips out, buries the dead, and lures denizens.
7. tahujdt -finished- the humans siege us, and waterfalls are harnessed.
8. +!!scientist!!+ -partial turn- work on waterworks started
9. Saltmummy626 -finished- water tower fixed then broken again, great library built.
10. Gulf -finished- gateivory is converted into monument to death
11. tahujdt -skipped
12. scruffy -finished- redirected the river, did you catch the plates of the truck that hit gateivory?
13. bp920091 -partial turn- cleaned up a bit
14. notquitethere -skipped
15. flameboy99 -skipped
16. *!!troll fur sock!!* -skipped
17. celestialjeu -finished- "an absurdly peaceful year"
18. micemicemice -finished- another absurdly peaceful year
19. Will_Tuna -skipped
20. domomaster -skipped
21. bp920091 -partial turn- ZE IRON FIST OF GATEIVORY HAS COME!!
22. tahujdt -skipped
23. saltmummy626 -finished, half turn- much blood is spilled, melting dwarves, dead forgotten beasts, and a clean demon fortress.
24. valrandir -finished- not many details, quick turn.
25. bp920091 -partial turn- technology is brought to gate ivory and there was much rejoicing. 
26. Valrandir -complete- he looked and saw, and valrandir said that it was good.
??. sign up now!

this is the current turn order, im going to set a time limit of one week from the players first update, as long as they make an update within 3 days of the last player posting the save. exceptions can be made for certain circumstances.

oh! before I forget, ill be doing dorfings as well.

important world details.
this world is only 35 years old, to insure that the full amount of megabeasts survive world gen.
the number of megabeasts has been altered to be much much higher, along with the number of semi-megabeasts and titans.
this world contains no man or giant versions of creatures introduced in 34.01. the ones from 31.25 still exist though.

quotes! cuz everyone loves quotes!
Otherwise, not much has changed. Still dragging bodies, still filling coffins.
"we mine not just stone but flesh and bone"
Lots of cleaning occured.
Notes for the next overseer:
- There are no stockpiles
- There are nearly no workshops
- Beware the forgotten beasts
This was truly a successful turn.
bah, gateivory has become like a box of trinkets and small animals that some little kid decided to pick up, shake the shit out of, then vomit on.
"Haha! That's it! Tombs for everyone!"
Trying to organize or make sense of the cursed hole in the ground that is "gateivory" is a task that has driven many dorfs stark raving mad. Being an organizer (+5) might be the worst possible job in the fort sanity wise.  ;D It is like being an architect trapped in R'lyeh, a city full of non-euclidean geometry and eldrich abominations.
As CoC players would say, Roll a SAN check.
check out this neat engraving of an artifact door!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
A Note for future overseers.
^^most recent save as of 9/2/2013^^
will only work on windows OS.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2013, 05:00:07 pm by saltmummy626 »
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, potential succession game
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2012, 07:22:25 am »

My turn at MurderFarmed is long in coming, so I'll hop on!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, potential succession game
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2012, 08:17:06 am »

Sounds like a challenge, I'll take a turn.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, potential succession game
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2012, 08:28:15 am »

I'll give a go at it if you will hae me. Expect many many rock instruments.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, potential succession game
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2012, 06:14:23 pm »

Could I get a turn too? Also, I think decreasing the minimum requirement for invaders would add to the challenge


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, potential succession game
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2012, 12:38:24 am »

I'd like to join if thats not a problem. Sounds interesting. What about melting stuff from merchants? that allowed? I presume so.
The Age of Man is over. It is the Fire's turn now


  • Bay Watcher
  • Grand Lich of Gulgatha
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Re: gateivory, potential succession game
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2012, 03:16:25 am »

of course, any means of metal gathering is okay, its just that the map itself has no ore on it. ill line everyone up and start tomorrow.

okay, intro up, and current player list up.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2012, 03:36:22 am by saltmummy626 »
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, potential succession game
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2012, 09:49:15 am »

I call the carpenter


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, potential succession game
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2012, 12:19:37 pm »

I call mechanic. I shall be frontestro the mad trapper and my first order of business traps traps everywhere.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Grand Lich of Gulgatha
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Re: gateivory, potential succession game
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2012, 01:33:14 pm »

I have some bad news for you frontestro but first, how do you like longnose gar and waterfalls?

Brodich, and his crew of 6 arrived just before dawn at their new place. “kinda pleasant isn’t it?” said Brodich, standing aboard the cart with his hands on his hips. Inside the cart, were ten stones. Brodich was not sure of the purpose of these, but the rest seemed pretty straight foreward. Two picks, an axe, and a lot of food and booze. Brodich’s good mood was well founded, but it irritated the others. He was still riding the sudden respite of overseership instead of a firm hammering. The other dwarves in his crew were other “criminals” as well. “looks pretty plain to me.” Huffed a dour dwarf, a miner by the look of him. “yeah,” said the other miner, stretching his arms, “lets get to work and get out from under this god awful sky.

“god aweful? Its wonderful! Wonderful to be-” brodich made no sound as he tipped just over the brink, the carpenter “drunkencaveogre” lept foreward and grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him back up onto the ledge. “good lord, thanks ogre, could have suffered a nasty-” he was cut off again as he turned and saw that the ledge he had nearly fallen over was many many feet up.

High above a raging stream below. Brodich quailed. The one thing he could not stand was hights. He had not noticed the roar of the nearby waterfall. Brodich slowly inched back over to the edge and looked down, the image of another dwarf suddenly pushing him over the edge came to him and he sprinted back to the wagon. “y-yes.” He stuttered, “lets uh… get underground.”

Brodich used up some time as the miners struck the earth by engraving a stone. An image of a dwarf plummeting to the earth. His knees shook. “hey, glorious leader.” Called one of the miners. “we need you to build a bridge.” A bridge? Oh no… more hights. And as for “glorious leader” Brodich knew when he was being made fun of. Grabbing one of the stones from the cart, he trudged off to where the bridge would be.

 Before he could get their though, one of the miners stopped him. “hey mac, im gonna take over as expedition leader.” Brodich was a little irritated, someone trying to usurp his authority? “you’ve got enough to deal with being overseer. Don’t want you to stress out with all the other stuff that needs to be done.” The miner continued. “oh,” said brodich, clearly relieved. “that other miner, he doesn’t like me much does he?” the miner standing in front of him pulled at his beard and tapped his foot. The little cave they had dug out was completely silent, except for the moaning sound of wind passing the bridge outside. “no. he doesn’t.” said the miner. Brodich and the miner shook hands and parted ways.

Brodich was working on the bridge, he had gotten used to the sense of vertigo and didn’t much mind the sudden bursts of strong wind, when sudden he thought he saw Frontestro the mechanic plummet past the bridge on Brodichs left. Along with the mechanic, a massive fish with sharp teeth and hard prehistoric scales. frontestro and the fish were locked into heated life or death combat, even as they fell. Brodich watched in horror as the fish and dwarf battle royal hit the water far below. “oh god.” Thought brodich. He watched for a long time. “maybe he lived?” he said aloud, seeing the blood that floated down the river away from the floating body of frontestro before the poor dwarf sank beneath the tumult.

A week later, Frontestro had been declared missing. No one had seen what brodich had seen, and no one believed him when he told them. They all figured Frontestro had just wandered off. After the meeting, Brodich checked on how ogre was doing on walling the fortress up. He had a definite design in mind, centering around the pond at the base of the waterfall. “itll be great.” He told ogre as the carpenter hauled heavy logs to the places Brodich had marked.

“Clay crafts.” Brodich thought. “clay crafts.” It all they would have. An aquifer blocked the path through the stone, and it would be awhile until the miners could find a way through it. Brodich thought of the plug method he was taught in belbons school of masonry. That method would ruin the esthetics of the fort though… what to do, what to do. As Brodich was pondering long thoughts, his friend approached him. “got through the ground water mac.” Brodich raised his eyebrows, “how did you do that?” he asked, more a demand for an answer than a question. “we just dug a little off to the side. Its all dry a few feet away from were we were digging.”

Soon though, spring came to an end. The spring rains stopped, and the flowers of summer began to come out, though the only dwarves to see them were Brodich and ogre.

All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, potential succession game
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2012, 02:55:58 pm »

Well... that was fast... Did I kill it or did the crash at the bottom? Anyways just re-dwarf me as the next fisherman or mechanic to show up. IC wise it'll be his distant relative or something. Little disappointed I died so soon but these things happen. Good to see you went around the aquifer it'll give us early stone access. Also what did we bring for livestock? Sheep? Chickens? or did you just bring cats and dogs?
« Last Edit: July 14, 2012, 02:58:10 pm by Frontestro »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Grand Lich of Gulgatha
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Re: gateivory, potential succession game
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2012, 03:16:30 pm »

oh you killed it, you killed it so hard it died to death. punched it in the head. then when you hit the ground you broke both your arms and you survived the 6 or 7 z level drop.
as for animals, cats, dogs, and the pack animals. I didnt think to bring anything else. was gonna request some birds once the caravan showed up.
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, potential succession game
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2012, 03:25:38 pm »

Dorf me as the next mechanic that comes along and I'll take a turn.
Henry Freeman no get out of here fast as you can...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, potential succession game
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2012, 03:32:46 pm »

Well at least he got a kill before passing on. Too bad he couldn't make it out. Make sure to place down a memorial slab for me somewhere near the bridge. Don't want to wind up haunting you guys. Also if we have a floor next to the waterfall we can place grates there to catch any fish stupid enough to get swept over. The downside being invaders can get swept in too, a not complex hatch system can lead to a sort of "tunnel through the falls" effect where we can have a fish drowning system and completely seal ourselves off from invaders. If its not done by the time my turn comes I'll do it.

On an unrelated note. Could you order some sheep, alpacas, or llamas for me. I like them as once you get a steady supply up, they require very little land as opposed to most grazers 4x4 and 5x5 per animal, and provide leather, meat, and shoes socks wool.

edit: I'm watching you aussieevil, the mechanics are mine! Mine you hear! But don't worry on my turn we will be becoming trap happy so if a second mechanic doesn't show up by then during my turn one will become ready for you.

In addition what other dangerous animals are around here? the gar is gone but are there carp!? or lions? what seems to be the species around here?
« Last Edit: July 14, 2012, 03:40:59 pm by Frontestro »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, potential succession game
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2012, 03:45:49 pm »

oo I would loved to be dwarfed as a farmer who loves to plant all day and demands her/his bed to be beside the farm! hehe never been dwarfed before thank you :D!
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