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Author Topic: gateivory, all is silence (CLOSED!)  (Read 87540 times)


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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #840 on: June 01, 2013, 07:49:15 pm »

Yeah, i wouldnt be overtly concerned with the millitary. I kinda picked most of them because they had a rather insanely high regeneration.

I never did get those wash troughs finished, did i...
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #841 on: June 01, 2013, 08:38:16 pm »

yeah it still works. but we have bigger problems. REALLY BIG PROBLEMS.

you ever read about those forts that run into forgotten beasts with syndrome so bad that they liquify afflicted dorfs near instantly? you ever read about how half of the fort is down fuckin around in the area of the fight and end up spreading the shit around before they die? I wonder if I should roll back the save, or keep this bitch going... I wouldn't lose much if I rolled back. lets put it to the community.

just to be clear though, the fort "might" not be at risk. I "might" have gotten a wall up in time to stop the dwarves from tracking the crap into the fort. BUT a good portion of the fort (say, 10-15 misc dwarves) and our entire military are down there. about half of them are afflicted with the horrible wasting disease.

Its risky to continue that way, and rolling back a month or two has no real impact although its "cleaner" to avoid doing that.

I'm fine with either way.

I lean toward going with it, and if the fortress dies finish your turn right there and I'll do the reclaim :)


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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #842 on: June 02, 2013, 02:39:49 am »

a reclaim you say? alright. let what happens, happen. heres my write up for that section of the turn then.

Brodich thought the dreams were the worst. every night since BP had taken control of the fort,  the dwarves of gateivory had nightmares of strange crawling things in dark places, and a great grey fortress deep in the earth. most of the dwarves living in gateivory hadent been around when IT was discovered in the depths. Brodich had been there. he remembered the slaughter that insued when the cavern was breached. he remembered the horde of undead. he had even seen the walls themselves, and even to this day, the memory of it haunted him. he moaned in his sleep and rolled over, pulling the covers up over him as he did so.

the next day, was the first day of autumn. "back in the mountain homes, they will be picking apples and pig tails." Brodich thought as he tucked into another drink. the call came up that an artifact had been made, but Brodich didnt hear it. his thoughts of drunkencaveogre had brought on thoughts of other friends lost. that and the stink of the rotting reindeer corpse wafting up the stairs from the level below was enough to make him almost melancholic." could someone take care of that armok damnit!?" he shouted. he was incensed to find that though the corpse was quickly hauled away, the smell lingered. He ordered another drink, and pulled at his beard. these weren't the only things bothering him. on top of everything, his 96th birthday was coming up. "I think its time for some better rooms..." he thought, lifting the mug to his lips.

"hows it going mac?" said a familiar voice to Brodich. He had been in the process of preparing some paper work to eliminate the danger room when this voice came to him. he spun about and was shocked to see the apparition of his old friend drunkencaveogre grinning at him. "you still got more work to do Brodich. that colossus stuff was a bad idea. you could have used that! oh well, its already gone. but hey, theres something else that needs dealing with." Brodich sat down, "and whats that old friend?" the smile left caveogres face. "that place under the fort. I wasnt alive when it was found, but mac, you gotta take care of it. there is no way the dead around here can stay rested forever with that down there. dont you remember what came out when they dug it up?" Brodich did, he also remembered the bodies that lay down there, probably nothing but shreds of clothing and metal wrapped around dusty bones by now. "and theres another thing, you seem to have a snake infestation mac." brodichs arched his eyebrows, "what? have you gone soft? maybe I have, im seeing hallucinations now... and even asking them if they've gone soft in the head!" caveogre shook his clearly spectral head. "no, you have gone soft in the head. and before you ask, yeah I do rest quietly. a couple years ago, something from another world touched you. it made you sensitive to the presence of the dead." Brodich rubbed his chin thoughtfully. thinking of the odd sensations he had when he was last overseer. "so what do I do about that place then?" he said. "and the snakes?" caveogre tapped his foot, "gateivory has a military doesnt it? I shouldent have to lead you by the hand." Brodich was instantly irritated, "I dont need you to lead me by the hand!" he shouted at the apparition. caveogre was gone though, and had been replaced by a plank faced sergeant. "I would gladly lead you by the hand sir, all the way to battle if necessary." Brodichs cheek went a bright red. "how much of that did you hear?" he asked. the sergeant did not frown or smile, simply said "all of it. gateivory will taste the blood of the dead within the month." his face changed, and Brodich wasnt sure the smile that replaced this dwarfs previously impassive face was one that he liked.

later that day, Brodich was putting the finished touches on the river bed, blocking up all the holes in it. he'd had all but one wide trench plugged so that the river might flow again. or at least fill the reservoir that it had become. deep below though, the military was ready. as the walls fell down, the rank cavern air rushed into the room. they waited patiently for the undead to rush in, but it didnt happen. "alright maggots, move up." the sight that greeted them, even they had not prepared for. none of those present had been around when this structure was discovered, and they hadn't known what to expect. what stood before them was a huge nonsensical structure of black stone covered in glowing blue images in a strange dialect. some of the runes weren't letters at all but images of huge creatures burning things, or other huge things whipping dwarves, men, elves, and goblins. "move up men, we have orders to take this thing under our control. the feral tombs will take to the fort and map it out. the shattered knees will patrol the perimeter and see whats what."

no sooner had the feral tombs entered the fort, when they were set on by ranks of undead.

one level up, the shattered knees found themselves sorely taxed by a pair of huge winged worm creatures. these two were finished off quickly, but at what cost? while the military goes unharmed, many others are coated in disgusting forgotten beast extract.

a farmer who had traveled down to the caves to collect some of the thins left down there slammed his fists against the newly constructed wall. "BRODICH YOU BASTARD SON OF A BITCH!!" he shouted. he had seen what happened to those caught in the blasts of ichor, and he didnt want any of that on him. "GODDAMNIT BRODICH, GET US THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" something threw itself against his back, he smashed his face into the wall, and he felt the warmth of the blood running down his face from his newly broken nose. he turned and what he saw shocked him. it looked like a dwarf, and at first he thought it had been a zombie from inside the evil fortress. but it gurgled and the farmer suddenly realized it was sayin something. it crumpled to the floor, still gurgling. "kill me... please kill meeeee." the farmer looked at the backs of his arms where the dwarf has touched him. he saw deep bruises flowering there, and they itched and stung. he spun about an renewed his pounding "GOD DAMN YOUR EYES BRODICH BRIDGECAVERN! YOU BASTARD!!!"
« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 02:42:34 am by saltmummy626 »
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #843 on: June 02, 2013, 03:25:14 am »

I just love the fact that ive basically become a completely insane evil genius in the fort. Ill try and work up a narrative for the reason why i didnt continue (say in a forgotten journal that someone found).
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #844 on: June 02, 2013, 07:08:06 pm »

Cleaning up the underground I see  :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #845 on: June 02, 2013, 07:54:25 pm »

yeah, I was trying to get the bodies and loot left down there from the first expedition into the depths. I hadnt counted on the sheer number of forgotten beasts down there. fun fact, a majority of the forgotten beasts are serpentine in shape. from worms, to snakes they are all long objects with terrible poison bites, excretions, and extracts.
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Voxcel
Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #846 on: June 02, 2013, 08:02:02 pm »

yeah, I was trying to get the bodies and loot left down there from the first expedition into the depths. I hadnt counted on the sheer number of forgotten beasts down there. fun fact, a majority of the forgotten beasts are serpentine in shape. from worms, to snakes they are all long objects with terrible poison bites, excretions, and extracts.

Get em all!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #847 on: June 04, 2013, 02:00:53 am »

whatever it was, they were covered in it. it seemed to be come boiling out of the huge serpents skin. a strange cloud of reeking white liquid that clung to everything it touched in a sticky disgusting film. at first the places where the fluid touched only itched. but that itch quickly grew from a mild itch to a more fierce gnawing sensation on ones skin. as if the body had been struck with a light hammer blow. the skin grew bruised, and as the bruises grew deeper inward, the afflicted grew nauseous. all this micemicemice observed first hand as he himself began to succumb to whatever it was that serpentine thing had sprayed all over the room. the feral tombs had put the thin down quick enough, but not quiet fast enough.the rough rooms and corridors of this chamber didnt seem to be coated in the stuff though. any of it that didn't touch a living thing seemed to have just evaporated. or clung to loose stones and equipment. micemicemice had more sense of mind than the others, he knew better than to go charging up the stairs back into the fort. he knew the risk it entailed. he wondered though why he still heard so much shouting. he went upstairs.

"the passage into the depths is blocked librarian." said a dwarf who walked into Brodichs office as he organized his paperwork and doodled pictures of trees and plump helmets. He looked up, confused. "I didnt order that. who ordered that? there are dwarves down there, most importantly our entire military is down there! They've been trapped!" the Dwarf drew pictures in the dust with his foot. "I dont know sir, it was BP that relayed the-" Brodich shot up out of his chair, sending it clattering noisily to the floor. his eyes blazed with fury and fright and the dwarf who had given him the message stepped back in fear. "BP! He is a maddwarf! Go now, unblock the passage before something truly horrendous happens!" the dwarf hesitated, and it rose the ire of Brodich Bridgecavern. he hefted his bronze pick, "GO NOW! DO AS I SAY OR NO ONE WILL FIND ENOUGH PARTS OF YOU TO FILL A GOLBINS SKULL!" the dwarf ran to do as he was told, and right quick. "as for BP," he whispered to his empty office," I will deal with him. at that moment, Brodich believed he knew where BP would be, and thought that it was an apt location for the meeting.

deep below, micemicemice headed upwards, he passed between the guarding hammer and axe dwarves. as he walked near to feb though, he noted that though he was as stony faced as ever, he looked not at all well. micemicemice suspicion of his condition was confirmed in that moment when feb suddenly ejected both the contents of his stomach, an the contents of his cardiovascular system. one through the usual route, and the other through the seams in his armor. the fluids mixed with the disgusting ichor built up in a puddle at his feet. the suit of armor and the bones that had once been feb collapsed a moment later. micemicemice was revolted. he staggered and wretched. in the end, it was not the reek of what feb had become or even the sight of it that made him lose the contents of his stomach. it was what one of febs fellow hammerlords said a moment later. "eh, what you think your doing? dont let the peasantry see you sleeping on the job." they were mad. mad and they didnt even know it. "what did BP do to them?" mice thought as he dashed up the stairs towards the most urgent problem.

Another of the meaty thwacks came to the ears of celestialjeu, the bookkeeper of gateivory. He could also hear the mad laughter that burst forth between each one. as well he was also in full veiw of the source, in the same room in fact. the room was the tomb of BP, where BP seemed to spend most of his time these days. the source, was BP's head meeting the lid of his sarcophagus, and the deliverer of the constant beating was the current overseer, grand librarian Brodich Bridgecavern. the bookkeeper had to go over records of what the fortress had on hand for the newly arrived traders. He had to wait though, as Brodich was currently having his own conversation with the aforementioned BP. "you idiot! why would you block off the only passage of return for the dwarves that went into the depths? son of a whore! do you know what you've done!?" thwack. thwack. thwack. the blood was beginning to pool about the sarcophagus, and the beating continued. BP was an experienced miner though, rippling with muscles. when he tired of what he saw as a paltry tantrum, he casually threw Brodich off. the overseer sailed across the room, sliding to a stop at the foot of the statue of Iteb Crushurns, holding up his magnum opus. BP laughed and rubbed at his forehead nonchalantly. "To late now, overseer." his face was full of madness, but not the good kind. if he had been simply insane, or melancholy, he wouldn't have been a problem. if he had been simply berserk, he would have been easy to deal with. instead, he was a fanatic. Brodich had seen fanatics back in the mountain homes. revolutionaries and zealots. "They have already come an begun the grim harvest! As it was foretold, 'When the gates of bone open, then shall the forgotten lords rise from the depths of the earth and take what they know to be theirs. One from the number of armoks chosen will step forth to welcome them into the world they once knew to be theirs." He had never heard of this prophecy, and believed that BP had made it up on the spot. still Brodich charged, BP was a true zealot and If he didnt try to stomp this out now, it would go too far an gateivory would be lost. BP was also fair at fighting, and swung his fist as Brodichs pick missed its mark. the last thing Brodich saw before BPs fist snowplowed its way through his face, was the mad smile splitting his face ear to ear.

micemicemice saw what had stopped everyone from going upstairs. he looked around and saw that many of the dwarves were not in fact afflicted with the strange disease. he looked at his own body and saw that he was no longer covered in the fluid. the bruises remained, an had even deepened to an ugly black. he still felt sick as well, but not so sick that he couldent do what needed to be done next. "stand aside." he said in a commanding voice. as a previous overseer, none could resist that tone. a wall had been erected across the path. a wall was nothing though to micemicemices mighty thews. his arms bulged, an his pick came down on the freshly laid masonry. even as he felt his own vital strength waxing, he felt the skin of his left arm slipping off. he heard the wet plop of it hittin the floor. he didnt have time to contemplate it. darkness overtook him, like the panicked feet of the dwarves behind him.

I hope im not overstepping by writing up your character as an insane zealot cultist BP. I also hope this update is ok, it was late when I wrote it, and I am questioning its quality. we will see.
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #848 on: June 04, 2013, 08:50:28 am »

BP was an experienced miner though

Huh, thought i was a mechanic

"They have already come an begun the grim harvest! As it was foretold, 'When the gates of bone open, then shall the forgotten lords rise from the depths of the earth and take what they know to be theirs. One from the number of armoks chosen will step forth to welcome them into the world they once knew to be theirs."

He had never heard of this prophecy, and believed that BP had made it up on the spot

Sounds like something i'd do.

Seriously though, good job. I needed a place to work to, from a slightly touched in the head overseer to a complete zealot.

Oh, and in character, id totally seal off the entire millitary, not because of the fact that they are to open hell, but because it's simple quarrantine procedure :)

Ill see what i can do to create a transition. Perhaps ill stumble upon the prophecy (maybe given by you (what a twist), without your memory) and go mad from the revelation.
I must make a note to buy some cats from traders at the next opportunity and see if I can chain up a breeding pair someplace clean. Having kittens wandering the hallways will be a good way of identifying patches of paralytic poison that still need to be taken care of.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #849 on: June 04, 2013, 03:13:59 pm »

BP was an experienced miner though

Huh, thought i was a mechanic

nope, your dwarf is a miner now. ill check him over when I boot gateivory up again.
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #850 on: June 04, 2013, 05:14:53 pm »

Aww, am I dead again? I like having "mighty thews" though, nice updates!
edit: wups forgot a 'y'
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 02:51:07 pm by MiceMiceMice »


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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #851 on: June 04, 2013, 10:50:07 pm »

Aww, am I dead again? I like having "might thews" though, nice updates!

like conan or solomon kane. those are the only places ive seen muscles refered to as "thews." same author though, so maybe it doesn't count as two sources.
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #852 on: June 06, 2013, 03:34:40 pm »

held back a bit, expect another update in the wee hours of the morning. pacific time.
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #853 on: June 07, 2013, 03:31:02 pm »

Is there's any dwarf nicknamed Valrandir?
Or at least a Valrandir in the list of the dead?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: gateivory, the land without ore (PLAYERS WANTED)
« Reply #854 on: June 08, 2013, 12:15:19 am »

in the list of the dead yes. the original valrandir is resting peacefully in his fancy tomb built for him by gulf. along with many other overseers and dorfed players. I also see that the original micemicemice is dead, he was (as mice himself said) a mechanic. someone redorfed him as a miner at some point. the same goes for misko and scientist, except the redorfed versions of them are also dead. we have a fairly long list of dead with a great many named dorfs in it. Ill have to check over the list, but my dwarf seems to be the only dwarf that has not died and been redorfed or just left to lie in a tomb yet. other than BP and celestialjeu. er, actaully now that I look again, it appears that there is no dwarf called valrandir in the fort. 0_0 not even a corpse. odd, because I could have sworn you were dwarfed.

the dead of gateivory (altogether, not just dwarves) is 1114.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2013, 12:20:46 am by saltmummy626 »
All is silence. The road is straight, without turning, in darkness. Now let there be an end to all things.
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